Selling an item new is a dealer’s option to send out demos or trial units. It would probably help sales, especially with a relatively new item from an unknown brand.
I have tried and bought many items that way.
And... if you buy or sell an item used it is typically at 50% off and there would be info available, so you take your chances.
We have been through this. Colin is not offering a trial/loaner etc.
You must pay for the item FIRST! If you don't like it then you go through whatever refund process that is offered.
It's not the same thing as a loaner!
Please get this straight!
Thanks, grannyring,
I also didn't mean to cast doubt on your integrity. You have been a good source of information.
The product itself confuses me.
Again, I see nothing in the products description that would/should warrant chancing so much money.
Also, these days I can't afford a high horse, but I do have a nice little dog.
I will bow out of this conversation.
Well, that’s not the way I read your comments. It sounded like after you auditioned the product then you bought it.
So, I ask you the same question: What made you decide to spend so much money to "try" the product?
Nothing on the website description or reviews makes me want to send so much money in the hope of getting a refund if I don’t like it. Even if the seller is a "great guy".
I dunno, perhaps because I am retired and value my money more that makes me wonder...
So, what is it that made you to decide to spend so much $$$ on an unproven / no name product from Japan?
grannyring, you and I have been around for a while and I do respect your opinion.
But how is it that a few have been able to audition the cables and rave about it. While others (like myself) have to pay for them.
And, I still have not been able to ascertain exactly why the power cables are over $5000! The web site says they are copper wire and the pictures shows Wattgate plugs.
Are you guys telling me that you each invested $5000-$10,000 based on the Japanese crappy website and/or the nonexistent website of the local supplier?
Sorry, I don’t believe it.
I don't know, it's starting to sound like there are some shrills...
How were you able to audition the cables? I thought you had to pay first to play?
Also, the posts about latik and grannyring and Colin being friends was deleted. Do we need a blue-ribbon congressional investigation to get to the truth? LOL
My hesitancy to shell out money is based on the idea that the power cords are made using nothing that really jumps out at me, as "high tech". construction is with copper wire and Wattgate plugs.
I really doubt whether either of the models would compare favorably to my current power cords. Collin may be the greatest guy in the world but that would not be my reason for trying the cables.
BTW, I have seen on Audioshark many of these cables for sale throughout the world.
Yeah, I had on trial from a dealer the newer version Shunyata Sigma V2 power cord, I thought it was a little subdued compared to my AudioQuest Dragon or the Synergistic Galileo SX power cords.
However, I did like the Shunyata Sigma V2 interconnect, and I bought it!
I have stated my beliefs and concerns. Each of us can decide on our own path.
Well, that’s a good comment. I appreciate it. But I disagree, IMHO the buyer has the most to risk when it comes to securing a refund once the transaction has been completed.
Again though, before the Pandemic there were demo units available.
Now don't get nasty. It is just business. Most dealers understand and appreciate it.
Question though:
If you received a refund, then why are praising the product?
Perhaps you are not at the level of being an Audiophile like me. Once I decide on an item that I may be interested in, I seek out potential dealers. You can do that without my assistance.
The first few questions I always ask is how much, is it in stock, and do you have demo units? Not hard to do, just try it.
They are not gonna be knocking on your door if that’s what you want. You have to be tenacious.
Sheesh, I was a Salesman and a Senior Purchasing Agent for a large corporation each side has its needs. It is not too much to ask these questions.
If they say no, then move on or try another dealer. Many, however, will work with you if you sound sincere.
In the case of Collin he appears to be a nice talker but a small-time operator with limited resources. I have never heard of him before and his website looks anemic. That throw’s up a caution flag to me before I would send him money and hope for a refund.
Have you ever received a refund from him? Has anyone? That would be good information also.
Surely you are not calling me a liar. Perhaps it’s my charm... If you read my posts properly, I did state that some dealers will take the CC info for security but not actually charge it until you decide.
If you are really interested and not just being sarcastic, send me a PM.
Surprisingly many big-time dealers representing major and sometimes minor manufactures will or did. Perhaps now with the pandemic stock is low which would prohibit trials.
grannyring, laltik,
The difference is that the power cord that I would like to try is > $5000. A lot more than a cost of a fuse! And I have had many instances of difficulty trying to get my money back after so called trial periods. I even had one company want to refund just 50% because of claimed shipping, handling, restocking costs etc.
I think the challenge on the cable’s merits against Synergistic Research SX Galieo, or the AudioQuest Dragon would have been a good one. And if it prevailed, I would have bought one, perhaps even more and sold my existing cables on the gon
But enough said on my part. Enjoy!
Someone mentioned experiences.
Just for reference purposes I was an Allied Radio Shack Manager at age 19. Previous to that I built many Heathkits. Anyone remember them? This hobby has always been in my blood, and I love it.
My actual experience has been through testing, trials, shows, friends and many, many so called, "Mad Scientist" experiments.
I have had dealers in the past who guaranteed refunds if not satisfied renege on that. Only after getting the CC company involvement along with proof of return was I able to recoup the cost.
I don’t know Collin and he doesn’t know me. I get it, both parties are weary. Providing a CC number in the case that I did not return the item should have been security enough.
I also will add I have never not paid for something that I received on loan. That would be terrible! Most times if the product tests out to be as good as the claims, I buy it and brag about it on Audiogon.
The power cords that I presently own were either previously loaners or was bought used on Audiogon.
So, what we have is boasts from seasoned Audiogonners (that I respect) but with no actual relative comparison. Meaning that they are not tested against cords in the same price range.
But I am sure some rag mag will review it for their benefits. Leaving again the average Audiogonner not sure how it would compare.
The cost of the power cord was greater than$5000.
Many dealers do have demos.
I don’t mind taking my credit info for security but to try and obtain a refund later is just too risky.
Btw it is in stock
Well, I tried to get a power cord to compare to my SR X Galileo, AudioQuest Dragon and my Zavfino Dart that I could have shared on this forum. But the requirement was to pay first, no demos. I guess dealers can get ripped off, but it is disappointing.
Just found out the prices of these cables. Yikes! They are in the price range of much more recognized very high-end cables.
Still, it would be interesting to test them against my SRX, AudioQuest Dragon, and Zavfino Dart power cords. And/or my Shunyata Sigma V2 interconnects.
Thank you. I may seek out to try them.
Interesting comments on this cable. How about the high frequencies?
Many times, cables that move the sound stage back also reduce the high frequency extension.
Can anyone comment?