High Fidelity Sound Speaker

Here is what I call High Fidelity Sound.
Sorry if you have issues making a  determination

**Ohh YT compression,,,ohh comp speakers can reveal the actual in room listening experience,,,, cheap cam micing...**
WEll I can.
This is probably the very finest sound I've ever herad froma  spaker.
Thing is, fouund this video while continuing my research on my next speaker build
Fostex Sigma 8 + Fostex Sigma 4 
The Sigma 4 is in this video.
No doubt,  and now i understand what you guys were getting at about **The whizzer thing** making unwanted resonances.
Got it
No whizzer.
Project should be up by may 2022.
Going to sell the DLVX8
TB2145 Good
DLVX8 Better
Fostex Sigma 8 The Best

I'd like to see any xover type design beat out this Fostex Sigma 106. 


I am sorry, but I have no idea what you are talking about, no matter how many times you post.  

You know Audiogon would be a nicer place w/o folks like you
There's a  art guy here in new orleans who makes signs that reads,,and sells well,
Be Nice or Leave.
I don't subscribe to that slogan,,but  here in  your case  its appropriate.

Well I only listen to you tube on my cell phone or my 4k speakers.....so I could never tell....lol
WEll I can get a  hint , Fostex FR has a bit of shouty-iness, some spikes in certain fq's. 
 I hear no such shouty in the DLVX8.

For me YT , if you hear enough videos , you can hint at how tonal a  speaker voices.
Fostex will not replace my DLVX8's. 

I guess you want me to list the things  I don't like about how the DLVX  voices,,as no speaker is perfect..
OK here's my list
and so on...
btw all my recent vids are with KT88's 4000++ hrs on them. 
So the DLVX8 is not being juiced with brand new EH KT88's, which could/might add even more on top end.

Just keep that in mind.
I pulled the paper tweet. 
Great for jazz, not for complex orchestra.
But then again,, the breakup in the paper tweet ,  just might be the KT88's breaking up in certain violin passages of the Schnittke/Kremer/Eschenbach/Teldec, also the Teldec recording might not  have some issues in the upper registers.

As we know classical recordings are not hifi quality.
So again, all factors need to be considered when reviewing any speaker.
Tube life?
Quality of recording?
small rm size/mid SPL/no room treatment?

All things considered the DLVX8 ain't too shabby a speaker.
Jazz fans delight.
FR for R&R,, highly not recommended. HT purposes, not recommended. 
FR is best for classical genre, almost a  must have
Jazz fans will be ~~utterly~ thrilled and delighted  with a  FR 's magic. 
Fostex has issues with some of its drivers in shouty-iness, peaky fq.s
HIgh Fidelity is nice highs ,mids,and Lows...

Tannoy ownes, Zu owners all same the same.
We need to be more specific..
Your statement sounds likea cliche from the 1970’s, 80.s..
Those old days are long gone,
We need more critical criterion,
WE live ina world of exact science.
Look at massive brideges, buildings that have been built, CP technology, space tech,,,I mean why is speaker tech so far behind.
Take cars, all sorts of complex gadgets inside.
TV’s that make the image look real life.
Amps/sounces all have kept up with the times. Speakers?
Tons of garbage out there. dated technology. 

So why have speakers not kept up with technology?
btw DaviDlouis VX8, invented, ~~2020~~,
Its the newest and latest FR technology.
Fostex’s last model is like 8++ yrs old.
Tang band , also has some aging.
The only FR Manufacturer that has a recent model is Davidlouis.
Tannoy, 50 yr old design,,, no thanks

Congrats mozartfan! Another dopey, rambling misspelled thread. New or old, good sound is good sound. The better Tannoy speakers could kick the pudding out of your dinky FR speakers.
I wonder what speakers priced between $5,000 to $10,000 sound better.

For that kind of cash,,I want  only the very best drivers from Seas and Scanspeak in the cabinet + all Mundorf high end caps.
Obviously my request would drive the price into mega G terrirtory.

The tax on your 5G speaker , is what i paid for the DLVX8
One up for FR tech.

Well I had a hard time believing it but the AER BD5 is one of the absolute best sounding things I have ever heard. Whizzer and everything. It really shattered my perceptin of what that genre of driver was capable of. The Sigma, which I have heard is NOTHING like the AER  except for it being a high eff driver.


Were you able to translate those prices into dollars? I'm not understanding the price list at all.

Post removed 

I have not heard the BD5, but, the lesser models in the line that I've heard were fantastic.  I can only wish to hear a properly designed speaker with that model of driver.  

Another good full-range driver, whizzer cone and all is the 10" driver in Cube Audio speakers.  I recently heard their Basis speaker system that utilizes this driver plus two active woofers in a bass cabinet sitting below the cabinet with the 10" driver.  This was a terrific sounding system.

There are quite a few examples of really good full and wide range drivers used in all sorts of systems, I don't understand why someone must insist that there is only one or two ways to go in this approach, and insist that this is the ONLY approach that delivers great sound.  




wow This was some of my 1st upgrdes,

New Jadis Line Stage, mods in the Cayin.


wow I’ve come a longgg way since then


Here is my latest system

But still not finished yet.

I have since taken out the paper tweeter and installed the Philips 162T8 tweeter from late 1970;s, pulled from a pair of Scott speakers also used in the famous Bang and Oulfsen speakers,

The 163T8 gives up some of the lifelike vocal ’s for more sheen on the higher fq.s + has a tad more db sens.

Will make a vid once the DLVX6 arrives and is installed ,

anyway. just came across this old video showing off the jadis Defy7, as I was searching for YT videos on the Jadis JA30. My guess is the JA30 has more bass kick~~~which I certainly do not need more of, the Defy with Mundorf SESGO .47 caps on each KT88 gives up more than enough bass slam...) , but I;m guessing my 12 tubes gives in more deeper soundstage.


Both excellent amps,

The Seas Thors are certainly no match for the DavidLouis VX8.

The Vishay res I am talking about were a complete total disaster which put me out $650, thanks Randy Cohen where ever you are at for that bag of advice.vishayvishayvishay,, those gadgets are for aero space industry, NOT meant for music...

anyway, Here is the Defy completed, DLP completed, and the DLVX8.

As I say added the Philips with a Mundorf 1st order cap of 6uf, really took the highs to a better voicing over the Kasun paper tweeter.

I think the Kasun here has a 2uf cap, which is too low a value to have the tweeter open up.

Purpose of the 2 videos is to reveal how far superior is a FR vs the Seas low sens speakers


The W4 is now gone . Good, but I;’m looking for more. The VX6 was ordered today, should be installed in 3 weeks.

DIYers are suggesting I am wasting my time of such a gimmick as dual FR’s, they say its already been attempted and it does not work out.

The sound field gets all muddled and mangled, like some thick gumbo soup.









. dht4me’s avatar dht4me46 posts 11-10-2021 2:41pm Well I had a hard time believing it but the AER BD5 is one of the absolute best sounding things I have ever heard. Whizzer and everything. It really shattered my perceptin of what that genre of driver was capable of. The Sigma, which I have heard is NOTHING like the AER except for it being a high eff driver.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Got it. AER and Voxativ wood cone, some of the very finest FR speakers, Got it.. Now the DLVX6 is on the way from HK as I type. If, now this is a big if,, we can pair up dual FR such as DLVX8 + DLVX6,,what do we have? 1st up, I ran this idea with my Ebay supplier,, he says **never even heard of such a gimmick over here in china, no one on our shores has even concocted such a weird idea as placing 2 FR in one speaker system,,just weird..** I told him over here we havea singer from NYC, Old Frankie, who sings a classic NYC ballad. **And I did it myyyy own wayyyy* If this pair matches up snd sings in harmony (DIYers like Dave said I am wasting my time and money,,he’s already tried that gimmick..** well there are only 2 outcomes,,either we will hear a big pile of poop, or we may just have a speaker system that no speaker can approach in terms of pure high fidelity midrange. I’ve done this experiement with various FR drivers,, only 1 pairing had successs. If the VX6 performs as i hope and expect it to sing,, well, look out. This will be a new FR design that may indeed take the speaker design to a whole nother level. Just saying,,, This ain’t no Line Array Point Source. PS LA does not equal a FR duo. Completely different system. 2 weeks should be Up N Running. Will keep everyone posted. I’m looking to annihilate any of AER/Voxativ’s designs.

Fostex Sigma 8 The Best




Mozartfan officially recants his above previously stated ~~~w/o hearing the Foxstex~~~~ opinion.


in every single technology major super high tech advances have been realized.

Virgin's Space craft

Jeff Bezos Space ventures



tvs/cp's, computers , all segments of high tech  have made astonishing advances.

Yet speakers??

Still having major issues.

My design is ground breaking. No one even in china, #1 capital for FR speakers, no one has yet made this Dual FR design a  possibility.

Some have tried, with no success.

Reason is they are testing with faulty drivers.'If either 1 of the 2 have any issues whatsoever in mids,, it will not make for success.

My design is a  success, will be the design against which all others are judged in midrange band width.

No other speaker in the world will complete with my FR Duo in terms of pure non agreesive wide/deep soundstage, making music bloom like a  tree full of flowers.

You will hear your artists sing like they never have before.

Just hang tight.

No other speaker design will surpass my  FR Duo design in complete total midrange fq band width.


Stay tuned, YT vids a  comming......

Shoutout to my wife for helping finance this  Duo Project this past 12 months.

I've convinced her and she believes in my ideas in designing the worlds 1st ever  true 1st class FR Duo speaker ever.



You do realize, one may hold the worlds best sounding amplifier in his studio,,,but if its not  paired with the worlds best sounding speaker,,,well then,,,what exactly do we have???

Surely not the worlds best sounding amplifier is the obvious answer. 


Here some might hold this is the best sounding amplifier



But which speaker,, here is the issue we are facing...



Will it have a real cabinet with veneer and screws for all of the holes on each driver?

well I frankly admit my cabinet building skills leave something to be desired...1 cab is 30 inchesH the other 28.5 inches,,and no can't get all 4 screws in DLVX8,,cut holes too big, can just manage 2 screws each..

Hopefully when I cut the VX6 hole i will cut correct size so as to get at least 4 screws in each speaker.

Look what would you rather a  cut perfect cabinet or good sounding drivers?

It really does not get on my nerves, one is 1.5 inches taller. 

I did find another Tennessee armoire  last Sunday as i was comming from techs shop,, just off Causeway ona  service road. 

I could easily make another 30 inches. 

But I refuse.

Its done, thats that. 

Anyway, I'd love to hook my FR Duo system up to the Kronzilla 4 tube each mono block,, just to see how my speakers sound with a  good SET amp, Each mono weighs in at 140 lbs

The tubes alone are $2500 a  pair. X 4 = ..............

See link above.





When you spoke about this new project I never imagined that you planned on using those same cabinets! Come on now, if these drivers are as good as you say they are, don't they deserve a proper cabinet?

Besides, you know that everything works as a system, and the cabinets can undermine the performance of even the best drivers. If you are going to use these long term, it is more than worth it to give them proper and identical cabinets.

Hey Roxy,, 

Yes they do deserve a  finely made cabinet,, The cabinet builder next door to my tech guy is wayyyy too expensive and has since refused to make speaker cabinets,, as he knows audiophiles are too picky.

So 1 cabinet remains 30 inches H the other 28.5 H and gaps, holes all over,,,about to get more ugly as i cut ports top and bottom for adding the DLVX6,,the current port will be sealed over with a  piece of Tennessee cedar,,ugly, but *It is what IT is*.

I am nota  DIYer who believes cabinets are extrenmely important,,  go to the DIY page and see how complex these guys get over cabinet building,, unreal, some are unreal.

Anyone, I just finished rebuilding my component rack and came out great. 

Now i can move my speakers back closer to wall, and further apart.

Earlier the speakers were 5 ft apart,, = can't breathe.

Now  with superior placement,, the sound has opened up.

Speakers placed too close make for a  convoluted sound stage.

Speakers need their own space to breathe.

Anyway. next video I upload will be the VX8+ VX6 dual FR.

There are no others in the world which have such a  design.

Mine will , IF successful, will be the 1st iof its kind

A real frankenstein, so be anxious for that upload comming to YT soon.

Diana  Krall's cd  has a  excessively warm studio recording. Which makes it a  perfect test cd.

Most speakers are already warm , a+ warm CD = muddy, distortion, FFatigue

Now so with the DLVX8 and the Seas W18/Philips 163T8 tweeter.

All my drivers are famous for accuracy, = anti-warm.

I hate warm.

I love ice cold, Colder the better.

Cold = neutral.

Warm is ok, as long as the record is not warm. Then you got troubles.

Jazz fans LOVE warm. 

Not me, i listen to only classical, I hate warm. 





had to delete video,, as a  certain name  was mentioned in video,,, Will upload another w/o mentioning a  certain name.


Measure twice,cut once. 

Nah, it's measure once, cut four times, dang it's still too short.


Say what you like, but if the cabinets are a mess, and don't even match, you will not get good results. There are pre-made cabinets available you know.


Yes, you are probably right about that. It's just funny that about a week ago h e was thanking his wife for providing the resources for the "project", but if there are no new cabinets, it would seem that the budget is about zero.

There are pre-made cabinets available you know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes I am aware But I love the grains in the Tennessee cedra taken from airmoire cabinets that sold by the k's back in the 50's, 60's. And since I am a minimialist of sorts,,I am not going to remake cabinets,, I could take apart the 30 inch H cabinet and make cuts to bring it to the 28.5 inch H cabinet,, but why? I am no perfectionist,, I do not have a cabinet studio not cutting table.. Circular saw just does not cut straight,,anyway its done, and the gaps are sort of like exhaust ports for energy to flow out., Filter through the gaps. The VX8 could be placed ina cardboard box and it would sound good. I will upload another video today w/o mentioning a certain amp designers name which was the issue in the above delete video. These DLVX8's have pretty uch taken my system to a sound that I've always been after. The DL's have no house signature sound. All amps and sources are pretty much a nuance away from each other. What defines a system is the speaker. Seas Excel are neutral, thats why i bought them 2004. Now 2020, DL's again neutral. VX6 on the way via DHL

Next time you go to audition a  speaker bring along this Diana Krall cd. 

Its loaded with warmth. Jazz fans love their warm sound. I hate warm. 

I love ice cold, = Neutrality.

If a  speaker has any degree of distortion, certain fq spike resonances, this 1st track will most certainly expose any flaws.

Don't bring along Sophie Milman cds.

No, bring this Diana  Krall cd.

The studio over did it on the warm.

Which I understand mellows and blends the sound.

Covers up unwanted *weaknesses*, But at the cost of fidelity.

The DLVX8 only voices exactly wahts on the cd, nothing added, nothing taken.

The DLVX8 has no **house signature sound*.

Its my guess I am only a  very few who own this speaker. Maybe 5 audiophiles in the states own this DLVX8. 

made in 2020, so it is new, still 5 is a very low number when considering the soud quality of this speaker.

Madisound retails Mark Audio, Fostex.

Madisound does not stock DavidLouis

Speakers are only 1 inch H differential off.

Not too bad really, not worth remaking the cabinets over 1 tiny inch.

If you dont tell anyone, no one will know






I’ve been away from the speaker forum for a while.


Didn’t "mozartfan" post under a different name at one time?

Yes Barton fan, i think

I started the longest thread here, Speaker Shootout at the OK corral,,looking over my comments I really  was in the dark about speakers, asking alot of stupid Q's. 

The answers /info on FR at that time 2003, was **FR are high efficient and requirea   SET amp**,,I knew I did not wanta  SET, so that was that.

Besides FR at that time  had some issues, which DaviDlouis has over come.


btw one cabinet has front panel on the inside of the side walls, the other on the OUTside of front panel,,not sure how that happened,,,oh, well..

Ignorance is bliss.

My tech just emailed me, says forget Kronzilla look at Wavac's 833 model amps, 3 models.


So If I will never have the cash for  either amplifier...whats the solution to at least trying to approacha  Kronzilla/Wavac sound field emotive experience...


DIYers said they have already tried dual FR in one cabinet,,did not and will not work.

My Ebay seller asks ~~Why?__ says no one in china has  concocted such a  design. He has no idea what I am up to.

My tech won't give one word opinion. He is staying clear,, as he was the one to suggest I buy a new pair of Millennium's due to one being 1/2 ohm off from a new ,,so i bought new and heard zero difference, out $700+..so He won't give any more ideas/opinions.

I am on my own  with this project.

I've already made some experiments with dual FR,,and 2 drivers did not  pair up well with the VX8, one did, the DLW4, 

So now I am seeing if I can push the limits to going with a  W6.

IF a  success, my speaker sysytem will approacha  Kronzilla/Wavac  type fidelity sound field experience.

When you havea   problem, don't get discouraged, There is always some solution. No cash for $100,000 amplifiers, 

Got it

So what  might be a  alternative?


And thats exactly what I am up to.

VX6 on the way via DHL.

If it does not work out, you will not see a  YT vid.

I will only post a  update if a  success.

Results will be either world class sound field, or a  muddy mess. 

My chips are on 1st outcome.

If so, speaker 2nd to none. 



and some near 20 yrs later if I inquired about advantages/disadvantages of each design



slow eff


I'd get a  whole bunch (well back then we had 10x's as many members posyting comments,,,,I'd get a  bunch of comments with no specific answers to help figure out what speaker design is best for me.

I'd get a  bunch of vague generalizations. 

Nothing of real  substance.

The answer was,

FR + low eff assist.

This is the set up I've been looking for.

WEll don't  need your help now, 

I figured it out all on my own.


I am no perfectionist,, I do not have a cabinet studio not cutting table.. Circular saw just does not cut straight,,anyway its done, and the gaps are sort of like exhaust ports for energy to flow out., Filter through the gaps. The VX8 could be placed ina cardboard box and it would sound good.




So the cabinets are a different sizes and they have air leaks. OK then.

I have an idea. Toss the box. Get heavier speaker wire and just "Hang Um High", do a "Clint" on um, AND let er rip..

Speakers 101. The single most important thing to do, is MIRROR the other speaker..

If you’re A/Bing speaker changes, then ONE at a time and listen.. I always start on the left.

I listen to cables the same way. That is the best way to tell a difference. Plug in the new cable, speaker or even tubes, just the left (or right). I turn the units on and let them warm up. I listen 30 seconds at the most. I let them play for 30-60 minutes. THEN I listen at low/med/higher volumes for no more than 10 minutes. I check at 24 hours and 100 or so..

It’s the same every time for me because I don’t change thing to much.

Whatever I’m testing has to sound good but a little hot (Highs), then at 8 hours or so cables and speakers loose a little volume but COOL off (highs and mids). At 24 hours they sound correct if bass is involved.. Everything after that is very subtle to 100 hours or so. If silver or silver clad is involved including caps, inductors, resistors, or anything else, it can keep changing to 500 hours.

Teflon Caps. FOREVER!! I like them the best, I HATE breaking them in..

Copper, plug in, route, support and listen.. 50 hours.. Including Voice Coils in NEW drivers..

Speaker boxes settling and of course checking for leaks.. That’s Speaker 102 or is that 201? A halfa$$ built box dosen’t leak. Every now and then a driver to baffle leaks. I use a stethoscope with and without an amplifier bulb and an open tube bell collector.

Best single cabinet tool made for testing, your ears and an amplifier/collector. Hearing memory is Speakers 103 or 301... I can't remember.. :-)



Yeah the cabinets are off, but consider its basically off by 1 inch H and 1 inch in width,,,actually the 30 inch H has side walls on the OUTSIDE of front face,, the 29 inch H has the walls,,,,on the inside,,,ohh wait,, thats makes for less Q  not more,,,ok so the 29 incher with side walls inside of face,, is maybe 1 liter-2 liter vol less than the 30 inch H cabinet..

Does anyone here really believe,,btw neither port are measured, its all about the same size posrts,,, does anyone here really believe 1 cab with 50 liters and the other 48 liters is going to notea  dif in sound to the avg listener???

Come on, evena spec-ograph can't pick up dif wave forms 1 vs the other.

I'm not perfectionist thats for sure,

But what I do want perfect is the construct of the driver itsself.

Look my tech's magneplanar 3 pannel or 4 pannel each channel speakers will have a  more huge soundstage , as i told him. 

But he has to deal with that sweet spot thing,, which I can't not accept.

If my dual FR  project works out,, I may indeed have reivented the highest fidelity speaker system. 

No one else in the world has sucha  design on record. I've googled several times and come up with zero.

I may be the 1st.

And there are reasons why it may just work out.

Wilson's won;'t touch my midrange, neither Sonus faber.

Zu's dual drivers can not compete witha  dual FR.

Not when Davidlouis is in the cabinet.

I bet no more than 5 USA audiophiles own the DLVX8.

This is the reason no one has heard about this speaker. 

So as you know, I never rest in my never ending search of possibilities in FR techology

I decided to take a  closer look at Cube Neuphar  made in Poland, due to a  member here who lives near , has the Cube.

So what turned me away from cking Cube more closerly, earlier was the multiple cones and the price, out my budget..

Then just tonight I decided to make further investigations.

Glad I did.

Seems the older W8 model is pretty much what I am looking for. 1 whizzer and just at my limit $2k

Read this review

**as near perfect as perfection is going to GET..** which is what i have been mantra-ing these past months here on Audiogon.

WEll now we have a  independent review of what Im also have found to be  accurate.


I'd say Cube would be my 1st choice in higher end FR.

The **magnetic motor** looks something different and cool vs AER's standard magnet motor.

+ Cube offersa  10 unch,,which may get into trouble,,,,ahhh now I see why the multiple whizzers on the W10.

That explains THAT.

A 10 will offer bigger bass, but at a  sacrifice,,,so soloution? Add 2 more whizzers = problem solved.

Bass from a  10 inch cone + 3 whizzers for mids/highs.

Got it.

Not sure If I wanta   10, as my rm is too small, and the Jadis Defy7 has 12 Mundorf .47 SESGO caps, which offers lots of nice added punch to the bass.

8 inch suits me fine,,at the moment

xover type speakers that you have in YOUR system are ~~flawed~~

You don't know it, due to all sorts of factors which I won't go into to

FR has no such flaws that YOUR speakers have

Here read this accurate review on the Cube

**perfect as close to perfection as can be..** thats all i am trying to get across.

YOUR speakers are far away from this standard.

But you are unaware of these flaws.

Last comment, witha  Cube 10,,its possible you will not need  your Wilson, Sonus faber, Dali, Theil, Tektonas as **assist* for the 10.

The 10 will offer nice rich bass and with extended highs.

With a Cube W8,  now you will have to re-tweak your xover in your Wilson, Dali, Sonus Faber at different points, as a  **assist* speaker which will pad up lows and highs on the Cube W8


Yeah I know you just spent $10,000 on the Sonus Faber,, make that $30K..and $30k on  Wilson, Dali at $30k , which now are only workable as assist mode to support the Crown Jewel, the Cube W8.

Thats all the xover types are good for now, assist, these low sens types now serve as padding. Nothing more .

Unlike Stereophiles flawed reviews, I did not say liars, here in this review you can read non-snakeoil honest comments  about the values of a  higher end FR speaker





"FR has no such flaws that YOUR speakers have."

No mozartfan, except that your FR drivers will reside in a F'ed-up cabinet. They won't stand a chance.

Post removed 

WEll Just doubled ck Cube auditions on YT


Look its true a  video can;'t replace the actual experience

I agree


I'm no so sure Cube outshoots the DavidLouis

Cube nice magnet motor  + Paper cone + various whizzers

DavidLouis Nice Magnet motor + wood cone + a  single whizzer.

Honestly I can not say if i will like what I hear in the Cube sound field

The way I judge a  speaker is not like anyone  else that makes  a  critique.

The way I critque a speaker is to block out bass and highs.

My only cncern is midrange,  300hz through the  4khz band width.

Somewhere around those numbers.

What I exclude is the deepest bass say 30hz-100hz and highs from 12khz up to whoknowswhere.

I have my reasons why I critque in this fashion.

I'm queing into where I know the magic has to be real. Bass and highs I can get from just about any assist speakers. No big deal

I want to hear how the critical mid band width is voiced, tones, colors, timbers, any resonances, spikes, colorations, etc etc.

This is how I establish what is high fidelity and what speakers are not making the grade as high fidelity.

Now I have to go back and delete all my comments today about Cube Neuphar.

As I am not so sure about Cube's mid band width voicing.

Just waiting on David to get back with me so we can set up a  time I can hear his Cube Neuphar.




Thing is I place the mic right up next to the DLVX8, what you hear in my videos is pretty much the sound in real time

So if you do not like what you hear in my DLVX8 videos , truth is you will not like the sound of the DLVX8. 

Now I know Davidlouis does not wish I say this comment, But its pretty close the same, video and real time.

I am hoping what I hear in the Cube video is not like what i hear in real time.

I am going to be honest about the whole affair.

But lets also consider we all have different set of ears, as now is the new popluar smoothing over catch phrase.

Its not politically correct to have a  definite opinion about speakers.. 

Well I don't abide by this all forgiving type assessments.

Eithera  speaker has fidelity or it does not, and to what degree it has or does not have midrange fidelity.

I am forgiving  as far as lower sensitivity, like the Seas Excel line. These drivers are high fidelity , but at a  significant loss in db sensitivity.

But when we come to FR, I am not at all forgiving.

No forgiving spirit when we come to FR vs FR.

We are here after which speaker has best overall midrange band width.

I've since deleted Voxativ from my considerations. 

This leaves

Cube Neuphar and AER for me to make a   compare to the Davidlouis.

I have some issues with things posted on AER's web site, So this leaves, Cube as my only interest as a  possible competition with DavidLouis.



So now I have my friends FX250 SET amp,, with pure colbalt out trans,,, I understand what the **Linear SET magic** is all about,,

 In most light jazz quartets, classical chamber,,SETs + FR offer a  sublime sound image which xover type speakers and PP amps can not match 

Sorry, just can;t


However,, when it comes down to it I'll take a  good PP amp overa  SET,,I need the dynamics. 

Besides my FR always hasa  nice linera sound stage. 

But witha  ultra linera SET + Linear FR,,= wow factor pure sublime, music just listly floats across the room, light and magical.


Again I need a  PP amp, as i need a  speaker assist with my music.

Midwoofers going to 1400hz++ and a  tweeter 5khz = 15k+hz

So  when you add up dual W18's + tweeter + FR,, ohm load is now right near 2 ohms.. which makes it hard for a SET amp to be happy.


Just some random thoughts I'd share as to whats going on in my system,,,, W6 FR on the way, Gonna throw that into the  mix.


SET + a  High End  FR = super high LINEAR FIDELITY

Only light jazz, chamber classical.

But like WOWWWW, 

The music just floats magically across the room, speakers do NOT exist,

Its like the music and you, nada mas.


My techs FX250 tube amp that he builds like pure 100% colbalt trans (sorry, dont make colbalt trans any longer OOS), he just made a  small repair on his amp, and like WOW..

One cap,  solder bad, and wow, magical.


Now I know what the SET fans are speaking of.

Its something you have to experience, words will not describe the experience.

My DLVX6 is now in Miami Airport, DHL has it.

Can't wait😀


Why don't you just keep a diary? You would get about as many responses.

Bi amp?

That is if you need dynamics for move involved/complex music, big jazz bands, big orch,, you might think about biamping..

I am staying with  the Defy7, which can drive the low ohm load.

I give up the smooth pure linearity of a  SET, but I have no worries pushing heavy ohm load with my Defy7 PP amplifier. ..



Just listening to Webern/Boulez/Sony

via UX250 SET amp, designed built by our local tech here in New Orleans

wow factor high with pure colblat out trans.

I decided to ck bass response on the DLVX8 along with a  1970's Philips AD163 tweeter. 

Some light jazz Sophie Milman,, 

Jazz fans take note. 

You owe it to yourself to hear a  higher end FR speaker + SET amplifier.

I am not missing any bass response.

Its all there.

IN order to lighten the ohm load on the Defy, I'm most likely going to retire the W18's, and just depend on the dual FR for bass respose.

xover style speakers are not going to deliver the smooth musical (= magical)  image that only a  higher end FR can deliver.

Not sure how or why we all got so carried away with the xover style speakers.

Anyone know?

Propaganda? Advertisments?

Just follow the crowds? 

Anyone have the answer, please share.

Perhaps because the higher  end FR have not been out very long, 

Only in the past 10 yrs have these drivers come into high fidelity. 

WEll i am here to tell you you really have no idea what you are missing.

Nuances galore