High Fidelity Sound Speaker

Here is what I call High Fidelity Sound.
Sorry if you have issues making a  determination

**Ohh YT compression,,,ohh comp speakers can reveal the actual in room listening experience,,,, cheap cam micing...**
WEll I can.
This is probably the very finest sound I've ever herad froma  spaker.
Thing is, fouund this video while continuing my research on my next speaker build
Fostex Sigma 8 + Fostex Sigma 4 
The Sigma 4 is in this video.
No doubt,  and now i understand what you guys were getting at about **The whizzer thing** making unwanted resonances.
Got it
No whizzer.
Project should be up by may 2022.
Going to sell the DLVX8
TB2145 Good
DLVX8 Better
Fostex Sigma 8 The Best

I'd like to see any xover type design beat out this Fostex Sigma 106. 



Showing 50 responses by mozartfan

OK I might skip testing out the 8 inch JBL magnesium woofer,,for now, short on cash.

The Sas clone tweeter , yes, i want to know how that tweeter performs, and its very low price.. My last tweeter experiement, as i'm quite happy with this 1970's Philips tweeter.



I don't expect much applause for my dual FR gimmick, but hey if it floats my boat, why not.

Just waiting for the 2A3 amp, and see what more these speakers can give up.

Also its been more than 2 yrs since i had new tubes in the Defy, so that also might bring some splash to the dual FR.

These things are being tested in the labatory,, I'm expecting more gains with the 2A3 SET and new EHKT88's.. 

From what I've read these are fantastic sounding tubes. 

Just be patient more YT uploads on the way....

Going to sell the DLVX8


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mozartfans OP,


some months back

wow talk about change of plans. Lets fiorget all this blab about dumping the DLVX8. anyway, was some nearly a quarter a century ago (2002ish) that i opened a Speaker Shootout at the OK Corral,, very longgg running topic here when audiogon has hunderds of members posting by the SECOND, not days like it is now. anyway, nearlya quarter a century ago, I asked what speaker might be ideal for me,,,hardly anyone mentioned CORAL BETA 8. well I did see it, but was out my budget and very rarely on the used market...and was nearly a Half Century since I began my speaker search back in early 1970’s...well I finally found what I was always looking for.


The DIY Association board told me **do not make a dual FR, we tried it, it will not work,,, and if you do so, you can not post on OUR forum any longer,,,**

I deifed their demand and command and did it as old Frankie sings,,,**and I did it myyyy own wayyyy**. and i did,


Here I try to explain all in this video below. The Seas Excel are near a sale, they were wonderful, but along came Davidlouis As the old saying goes, you can pay(spend) more , but you just might end up with,,,less.


Just sold off my Seas W18E001's,  4 Midwoofers $450 FREE SHIP, You snooze, you lose.

No turning back now, I'm done with xover type sp[rakers except for a  tweeter, In fact going to run DUAL tweeters.


Late 1970's Philips AD163 + a  Seas clone from Davidlouis.

Dual Full Range

Dual tweeters.



There is plentyyyyy of nice solid bass with dual Full range.

the VX8 might go to 50hz, the VX6 to 60hz.

The specs say 40hz on both, might be true, might not, Who really cares.

I listen to classical music, some kettle drums, mostly cello, some bouble bass.

Cello LOWEST notes roll off at 65hz.

So I'm covered in the bass depatment.

Highs, both speakers claim 15Khz, But I strongly urge addinga  dedicated tweeter for ambience, 

Go down to 5khz. on your xover.

Last  night's listening sesdsion confirmed I really believe I have the worlds best sounding speaker. 

Horns might be superior, but there is all sorts of requirements to home a  horn system. 

And its wayyyy too much sound pressure level for my  taste at 100 db sensitivirty.

Horns  would never work for my needs.

Adios to all and ever box style xovered/low sensitivity speaker 


Thor cabinets are now out for the trash collector,, hahaha, never go near a  xover box style, never again, Been there done THAT. 

You can have your Zu's, Tek

's Wilson.s , Dalis, Sonus Fabers,, Rockports at $100K...

I'll take my dual FR.








One Hundred Thousand + another Sixty Nine Thousand + Louisiana state tax @ 10%

Lets not forget state tax ya know.

another 17k add on.

My speaker

Under $1k


Wrong. (as usual)



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I do not qualify for a horn speaker. One must have cash reserves to set up a horn system. Impressive, but wayyyy out my budget. Which is the reason I developed my Dual Full Range + Dual tweeter system. High Fidelity on a budget,, and beats any and every xover style speaker. Wilson, Dali, Sonus Faber, Rockport, all lose in the shootout at the old speaker OK Corral. I have the worlds best sounding speaker, within certain specs. Midrange, no speaker can touch it other than a horn, But as I say horns = $$$$$GGGKKKK$$$ No thanks Besides a horn is not wife friendly. Toucheeee Would not go near a xover style speaker.



funny how my cam corder picked up the distortion of a  xover style speaker,,,and same cd with a  Full range, no distortion,, odd how our ears can decive us.

Now I uncerstand why everyone was saying the Seas Thor sounded terrible.

It does actually sound great, its just that has a  residual effect of distortion picked up by the Sony cam mic,,whereas with the Davidlouis dual FR, sounds clean, clear, super high fidelity. amazing how this cam test acuattly turned out to be the truth.

btw I hearda  300K Wilson speaker on Youtube,,sounded just horrible, aweful, just gross and highly distorted,. \

Like the Beatles samg, **Can't buy me love..** can 't buy high fidelity neither.

Nice day

Best sounding midrange in the world, Dual DavidLouis.

2nd to none  under $20K, 


so far not even 1 Audiogon member has contronted my Q here and even dared mount a  argument as to why xover /low sens speakers define fidelity??

If xover style speakers are so full of glorious fidelity,, why so many manufacturers, Zu, Tekton leading the newest flavors of the year.

Vandersteens, Thiels, hanging on  for deal life,, Wilson's just keeps getting bigger and better, prices are ratcheting up and up and $$$$$$$$$$$,  affordable only for Dubai Oil Sheiks.

. You guys pool together and come up with even 1 lame reason xover/low sens are superior to a  good FR sysytem, or  even my Dual FR system


well Im waiting.

Just 1 theory asto why xovers are superior.

Good luck, ya gonn a need it. 

For every 1 idea that you imagine might give the edge to xovers/low sens speaker over FR, I"ll give you  TWO reasons why xoverlowsens are flawed.

Let this final battle begin. 

Put up YOUR very best designs, Wilson,s Sonus Faber, Rockport, Dali,,, did I leave any  of the big guns out??


Crossovers are not superior they are an intrinsic problem in which success is measured by the least damage done. High sensitivity is also, when are other aspects are equal, superior. Issue at hand is what sacrifices must be made to achieve results. Problem with FR is that they are never full range and they misbehave at frequency extremes.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Xovers are a flaw add in low sens, another flaw Dont believe go read through Troels Gravesen’s pages on his web site. I never said, in fact ad naseum repeat, FR = full rich detailed Midrange. a FR is not be all end all. I;’m PERFECTLY!!!!!! very happy they are not Be All End all, all fq’s from 10 hz t0 40Khz+++++. AER claims 80Khz,, in their FR drivers,,????

I dont need nor want my Fr to go below,,say 40hz,

50hz is perfectly fine. above 12khz, is all I want/need/demand Ya know I got to chuckle at the xoverlowsens fanatics,,

how they have no idea what they are missing out in midrange..and the prices they pay,,wowowo And these fans of low sens/blood sucking xover style speakers, will never undersatnd what I am saying. They can’t,,understand, they refuse to grasp what I am saying. its just too funny everytime I listen to my FR. I know what they are missing, and I know what I have. Musical genres,. light jazz, blues, folk classical,. I would not trade in my FR for any xoverlowsens speaker in the world. Not even for Troels Gravesen best of his best designs And as we all know, Troels makes the worlds finest speakers, with his Jensen Z caps. No doubt interesting speakers,, but no cigar.

WE all should keep in mind,, where xover speakers are at the very weakest junction,,, FR at that very same fq junction,,are at their strongest.

Something that should  be brought to ~~awareness~~ = understanding.


OK so you xover fans will not admit the xover type has a flaw,, Got it.

But its there, it exists, call it/deny it , whatever you wish, its there,

Horns offer a  fantastic midrange/soundstage, Consensus vote.

But with issues.

Speakers all began 1920's, as Full Range.

Going **full** circle back to where it all began.

Its only a  matter of time before the word gets out, And DO NOT say **what the hoot are you talking about, **WE'VE ALL** known about FR  since the  late 50's early 60's with EV/Jensen....

I AINT buying that baloney.


while looking for the Chicago 1929 Colotura (sp??) big 16 inch FR,

on Youtube,, seems that vid has been pulled/canceled..

I found this one Upload 3 wks ago. all I can say is WOW ^^^wood^^^ cone like DL’s, But WOW, 16!!!!!! Ohms, 


I think this guy makes his own FR speakers..

Sens is higher = less bass. DL’s superior bass. Too high a sens for my use, but wow, very clean, super accurate. China really has all kinds of neat stuff we will not see offered on the Inet.



Still looking for the YT vid of the 1929 Chicago Colotura FR speaker,,,and came across this.

This High res upload sounds preety close (exact) to what my DLVX8 sounds like in my room Very accurate.

So here you can some idea of what to expect if you add this speaker.

posted Dec2021


Coral Beta 8 Legend in its day,,,but now its successor the DavidLouis VX8 has made some nice improvments.


The Baton has passed on to davidLouis VX8


So 1929 - 2029 100 years.

As we approach the centennial of the birth of Full Range speakers,, we should all by that time, 2029, have at least heard/auditioned/owned 1 pair of high end FR speakers.

WE can all have a  honorary tribute get-to-gether   party for  these masterful speakers at that time, 2029

No spikes, no resonances, neutral, no fatigue,,, yep thats what midrange is suppose to sound like.

xovers hijacked the speaker industry.

Car -jackings, how about speaker-jacking...






Thats all these big boxy high  prced xover speakers really are



dual woofers.

vs my Dual Full Range + dual tweets

There is no  midwoofer from Seas, Scanspeak, Accuton, SB Acoustics that is going to out perform a  high end FR in midrange.

Even Troel's will readily and honestly admit to this fact.

With dual FR at 93 and 95, I'm getting just as much if not more bass vs the big guns with their dual 10 inch woofers at say 70 SPL.

In order for the big guns to get those dual 10's rockin is to crank up the vol to 85 SPL = now you run the risk of more LOUDNESS which equates to some resonsnces , distortions, fatigue.

Theres no getting around it.

A low sens speaker can not compete with dual higher sens FR speakers.

At a  25% less gain on the linesage vol pot, I get same SPL as your xover speakers.

~~~25% ~~~ less, = higher fidelity , = no fatigue.

Then if I go to 85 SPL on the FR duo's, you will need to match this same SPL by really cranking up the vol pot and the whole xover thing crashes down in LOUDNESS, which ain't saying much for high fidelity. 

Sorry LOUDNESS does not, nor ever did equate to 

high fidelity.

FR duals , win every time, in every department/category.

Hey Troels you listening???

Your Jensen Z cap xover just a  single xover not the pair, just for 1 speaker,,costs more than i am paying for the VX8, and maybe throw in the VX 6 same what you are paying fora  single xover with $$$$$ Jensen Z caps.


FR win everytime.  




So I figured I'd pay Stereophile's pagea  visit,,, clicked on speakers,, there isa  list of new reviews, all 10 are monoliths, at 200-800 lbs EACH CABINET!!!!

Nothing under $100K. Then again nothing over $300K,(hahahaaa).

If you guys can't see, dont want to see, dont care to know what the hoot is going on with this new speaker revolution, 

Keep stickin your heads in the sand.

All speakers under review have mustiple sens/ohm issues.

Flawed , no make that seriously flawed speakers at millionaire  prices, Ner a  one of them can match my Duo FR speaker in midrange.

Go figure.

Stick a fork in it, its done.

Finally this xover thing is in her last death throes, The fireworks show is going out witha bang. 60 yrs of xover types reigning as kings of the speakers,, her rign is now comming to a  inglorious, ugly,,may i say distortedfatigued ending.

ohh go ahead and keep kicking the old speaker can down the road,,have at it....you have  the bucks they have your speaker






OK 2nd tweet added today, just uploadeda   vid. 

If you prefer a  very intimate, minimalist approach to a  sound stage with your jazz, blues, stay witha  single tweeter, a  single tweet allows more SPL , 


a  2nd tweeters superior nuances in deatils whicha  single tweet is too subtle and low keyed. But you can get crazy with the vol gain on the pot, dual tweeters will make it a  bit  congested over say 85 SPL.

I listen no more than 65 SPL, so I'm good.


I prefer soft domes, but you can add any tweeter you like, ribbon, AMT, , whatever, Choice is yours.'

Just make sure you do not bring it down below 4k hz, all T's start to breakup  below 4k hz.

I 'm runninga  8.2 uf cap and will experiement witha  10 uf, USE ONLY HIGH END CAPS, Mundorf SESGO or EVO SG's. 

Dont use cheap caps. 


e actually broke the flange on one of the tweeters with this "method" of mounting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No actually as i was leaving Richard's shop, it fell out my hands and onto the entry way,, chiped, No big deal, I only consider sound, looks has no importance. ...but guessy what?? I just found a tweet of all tweets. aint gonna say which, not enough interest here for me to share lucky finds. will replace the Philips AD163.

Hey Larry

Yes just a  simple 8.2 Mundorf cap,  works perfect.

Now folks I ran into one of Richard's friends at his shop yesterday,, Now he hasa  speaker system, Can't say how many drivers he has, its privy, Trust me, its alotttttt of drivers.

So here I am listening to my new worlds best sounding speaker thinking,,, well thats it,,,,and have the DL yellow 6 on ebay at a  huge 50%++ loss,, ,, doing like John Lee Hooker sings,,,**sittin here a  thinkin...** blues ,,, and figured,,,hummm if this guy can run crary numbers ,, why can't,,,,I...so off  sale are the DL Yellow 6,,and hooked em up, put ona  Diana Krall cd that never really **wowed** me,, The Look of Love,,, mezmerized,the cd just **Went Live** as in concert.

The worlds best speaker now has a  Mark IV version.

No I will not post a  vid here,, too many sniders and disbelievers here.

I'm about done w audiogon,, what was a  wonderfil place to talk high end audio has been invaded by folks who have no interest in real high fidelity.

I'll pop in every now N then... but basically like all the old seasoned audiophiles,, looks like this site has seen better days. 


How often have we all heard the trolls  make the fake accusation against FR
**ohh too much bass roll off, they do not offer bass*
What spam, pure snkeoil
You want bass, you got it.

N going back to original game plan
DavidLouis VX6.. sorry guys for all the confusion. 
I'm sure the FE Sigmas are very nice speakers,,,but after more research,, looks like DLVX6 is the way this project should go.

I think it is funny how @mozartfan will have 95% of the posts in a thread he started. He is not seeking input he is just bloviating.

WEll yes and no
I am trying to plant seeds, Maybe you guys later on will ck out some of these FR's. 
The Fostex have been around some time now. 
They keep upgrading,  trying to tweak their speakers.
I'm sure they are good.
But considering I am very happy with the sound of a  wood cone , best to stay with wood.
To me its all about which speaker has the  least amt of mid resonances.
I really can't find any fault with the DLVX8 so better stay with orginal plan and add in the DLVX6.
Trying to show you guys how a DIY project can have change of plans, So if you take on sucha  project, never order any speaker until you've thought it through for at least a  few weeks.
btw the DL's are designed/fabed in 2020. making it the very latest in FR speakers.
Cone material will determine how the midrange  voices. 
Since the magnesius are super damp in mid resonances only makes sense to stay witha  super damp cone in the FR.
Which both the Wood and TB's banana fiber offers. 
I want to try Fostex's FE126NV
for testing purposes. 
will let you guys know how it performs.


Please keep in mind all my vids the room has onlya  small rug for acoustic treatment and also it is a  relatively small rm so there is bouncing of fq's off the walls. 
Take this into consideration when listening. 

We really need that Mute User button.

Hold up Jerry for Cancel Culture button

Just 1 more thing before I leave you guys fora  few days/weeks

Nuf said
Good luck in yall's speaker search/projects/hopes and dreams

Seeing IS Believing


I know what I want from Santa this Xmas.

earthshattering or revolutionary about this approach. In my system, I utilize an almost identical Fostex horn tweeter; it is an okay device, but, there are plenty of other tweeters that also perform well.  

I was aware of this WAW design til this year, so its new to me.
The sound is fantastic.
Yes agree, there are countless tweeter types avaliable, 
No problem finding a  good tweeter.
I prefer the dome types. 
Simply sublime  and sureal
I think I've found the speaker for my system, Thanks for all your  suggestions and help with my project,
w.o you guys knwoedle and exp I would never have discovered the Fostex Sigma series  speakers.
Such a  comradarie around here. 
Best audio chat board  on the WWW

Spaeker disappears
@ 94 db sens, perfection. 
I thought I've read some mantra around here 
**There is no such thing as a  perfect speaker**
Nuff said.
I have my hornet suit on, keep on a stingin...


and have a very particular sonic signature.


Someone on another board suggested I drop the idea of adding in the Fe168Sigma, as it does NOT have the same mids as the FE108Sigma 
So not only does each Fostex model has dif characterists seems each size also has slightly different characterists.
The 108 will actually work better for my project as a  add on with the DaviDlouis VX8. 
108 @ 90 db sens 
vs 168 @ 94 db sens,,
which is way too high for what I want the driver to do in my system.
No one understands what i am doing,,although I tested the add on FR W4 and it worked out wonderfully.
If the FE108Sigma  has excellent voicing,  its **possible** I will swap out the DLVX8 and install a  FE208Sigma. 
YT vids only give a  bare bone hint at what a  speaker is doing.
So after watching several vids on the 208's performance, can't really tell how it stands next to the DLVX8.
Not looking for perfection. 
So if they are close in midrange , well then makes no sense swapping outa  beautiful sounding VX8.
However if the 108 does havea  certain charm in the mids, well then its worth a chance to hear the FE208Sigma as a possible upgrade over the DLVX8.

But as I say I'm not going to replace the VX8 just for a   nuance. 
As my classical music recordings  are not super high fidelity.
If I were a   jazz fan, well then thats  a  whole nother genre. 
Then the swap might be worth the  extra bang. 
Will keep everyone posted on this project. 
,,,had to scroll up to see the title of this topic,,,make sure my post here is not too far off OP.
Yes its spot on as meaningful to what is high fidelity and how we might be able to tweak and upgrade.
Our speakers are only limited by our creativity. 

The video you posted in the OP was the closest to good sound of any video you have ever posted...by far. That speaker has cabinets engineered to work with the driver. It also has subwoofers and ribbon tweeters (GASP!).

I'm sure  his recorder is far superior to my Sony Cam at $100. But yes its really  a clean sound as ALL  the comments on his YT page agree upon. Apparently not all agree here on Audiogon.  aka The Experts in sound.

Dont care for ribbons, 
Domes please.
The guy did his homework and found a  incredible synergy. 
I'm still working on my system.

The other vid with a  Single FE6 is only to demonstrate the power and ability of  a  W6 FR.
Not bad for a  single W6. 

Yes my system is not a    single FR its what they call WAW, FR +  woofer/tweeter assist.

curiousjim511 posts11-02-2021 2:20pmmozartfan, are you off your meds again? You really are not making much sense.

Its not important  about me,
The only thing that is of value  is the performance of a  FR.
Focus on that alone. 
Forget me.
and seasons greetings to you too
There's imitation flavored ice cream and then there;s the real deal flavors,,,
Happy Holidays to you you too.
FE168Sigma, Most you you have not even a  clue what that means.
wayyyy behind the curve
Thats speakers has been out for 10+ yrs now. And YOU still ain't heard about it. 
Seasons Greetings to All
and a  Merry Good Nite

roxy544,780 posts11-02-2021 8:29pmmozartfan,
Didn't you say that you were going somewhere for a few weeks?


Didnt you say you were going to buy a  FR just to ck  if what i am saying has merit?

Besides I;'m not looking for help over here on UN-all things audio Audiogon,,as FR discussions seems to be Cancel cultured. 
Music for me is real with a  FR. 
My music has come to life, finally. 
Strange comment larry8729. Why would you trust a sound engineer (whatever that is) to tell you what the best speakers in a certain price category are? Don't you think that in the end that's a personal decision based on listening?

Sound engineers know the marketing ads are full of snakeoil

From reading some posts here lately, seems this speaker thing is all about individual choice.
This is what I've summed up lately,, Which is a bit weird to me, But it is what IT is.

My personal preference is to exclude all and every low sens/xover type speakers for Front Center principle speaker.
These guys are only good as assist for my FR.
FR is the only, excluding every other design , as my 1st and only choice of listening to my classical music.
I've tried the low sens /xover type designs..
They just did not work out.
But of course this is a free choice world we live in, 
There are hundreds of speakers avaliable. Something for everyone.

I am sorry, but I have no idea what you are talking about, no matter how many times you post.  

You know Audiogon would be a nicer place w/o folks like you
There's a  art guy here in new orleans who makes signs that reads,,and sells well,
Be Nice or Leave.
I don't subscribe to that slogan,,but  here in  your case  its appropriate.

WEll I can get a  hint , Fostex FR has a bit of shouty-iness, some spikes in certain fq's. 
 I hear no such shouty in the DLVX8.

For me YT , if you hear enough videos , you can hint at how tonal a  speaker voices.
Fostex will not replace my DLVX8's. 

I guess you want me to list the things  I don't like about how the DLVX  voices,,as no speaker is perfect..
OK here's my list
and so on...
btw all my recent vids are with KT88's 4000++ hrs on them. 
So the DLVX8 is not being juiced with brand new EH KT88's, which could/might add even more on top end.

Just keep that in mind.
I pulled the paper tweet. 
Great for jazz, not for complex orchestra.
But then again,, the breakup in the paper tweet ,  just might be the KT88's breaking up in certain violin passages of the Schnittke/Kremer/Eschenbach/Teldec, also the Teldec recording might not  have some issues in the upper registers.

As we know classical recordings are not hifi quality.
So again, all factors need to be considered when reviewing any speaker.
Tube life?
Quality of recording?
small rm size/mid SPL/no room treatment?

All things considered the DLVX8 ain't too shabby a speaker.
Jazz fans delight.
FR for R&R,, highly not recommended. HT purposes, not recommended. 
FR is best for classical genre, almost a  must have
Jazz fans will be ~~utterly~ thrilled and delighted  with a  FR 's magic. 
Fostex has issues with some of its drivers in shouty-iness, peaky fq.s
HIgh Fidelity is nice highs ,mids,and Lows...

Tannoy ownes, Zu owners all same the same.
We need to be more specific..
Your statement sounds likea cliche from the 1970’s, 80.s..
Those old days are long gone,
We need more critical criterion,
WE live ina world of exact science.
Look at massive brideges, buildings that have been built, CP technology, space tech,,,I mean why is speaker tech so far behind.
Take cars, all sorts of complex gadgets inside.
TV’s that make the image look real life.
Amps/sounces all have kept up with the times. Speakers?
Tons of garbage out there. dated technology. 

So why have speakers not kept up with technology?
btw DaviDlouis VX8, invented, ~~2020~~,
Its the newest and latest FR technology.
Fostex’s last model is like 8++ yrs old.
Tang band , also has some aging.
The only FR Manufacturer that has a recent model is Davidlouis.
Tannoy, 50 yr old design,,, no thanks

I wonder what speakers priced between $5,000 to $10,000 sound better.

For that kind of cash,,I want  only the very best drivers from Seas and Scanspeak in the cabinet + all Mundorf high end caps.
Obviously my request would drive the price into mega G terrirtory.

The tax on your 5G speaker , is what i paid for the DLVX8
One up for FR tech.




wow This was some of my 1st upgrdes,

New Jadis Line Stage, mods in the Cayin.


wow I’ve come a longgg way since then


Here is my latest system

But still not finished yet.

I have since taken out the paper tweeter and installed the Philips 162T8 tweeter from late 1970;s, pulled from a pair of Scott speakers also used in the famous Bang and Oulfsen speakers,

The 163T8 gives up some of the lifelike vocal ’s for more sheen on the higher fq.s + has a tad more db sens.

Will make a vid once the DLVX6 arrives and is installed ,

anyway. just came across this old video showing off the jadis Defy7, as I was searching for YT videos on the Jadis JA30. My guess is the JA30 has more bass kick~~~which I certainly do not need more of, the Defy with Mundorf SESGO .47 caps on each KT88 gives up more than enough bass slam...) , but I;m guessing my 12 tubes gives in more deeper soundstage.


Both excellent amps,

The Seas Thors are certainly no match for the DavidLouis VX8.

The Vishay res I am talking about were a complete total disaster which put me out $650, thanks Randy Cohen where ever you are at for that bag of advice.vishayvishayvishay,, those gadgets are for aero space industry, NOT meant for music...

anyway, Here is the Defy completed, DLP completed, and the DLVX8.

As I say added the Philips with a Mundorf 1st order cap of 6uf, really took the highs to a better voicing over the Kasun paper tweeter.

I think the Kasun here has a 2uf cap, which is too low a value to have the tweeter open up.

Purpose of the 2 videos is to reveal how far superior is a FR vs the Seas low sens speakers


The W4 is now gone . Good, but I;’m looking for more. The VX6 was ordered today, should be installed in 3 weeks.

DIYers are suggesting I am wasting my time of such a gimmick as dual FR’s, they say its already been attempted and it does not work out.

The sound field gets all muddled and mangled, like some thick gumbo soup.








Fostex Sigma 8 The Best




Mozartfan officially recants his above previously stated ~~~w/o hearing the Foxstex~~~~ opinion.


in every single technology major super high tech advances have been realized.

Virgin's Space craft

Jeff Bezos Space ventures



tvs/cp's, computers , all segments of high tech  have made astonishing advances.

Yet speakers??

Still having major issues.

My design is ground breaking. No one even in china, #1 capital for FR speakers, no one has yet made this Dual FR design a  possibility.

Some have tried, with no success.

Reason is they are testing with faulty drivers.'If either 1 of the 2 have any issues whatsoever in mids,, it will not make for success.

My design is a  success, will be the design against which all others are judged in midrange band width.

No other speaker in the world will complete with my FR Duo in terms of pure non agreesive wide/deep soundstage, making music bloom like a  tree full of flowers.

You will hear your artists sing like they never have before.

Just hang tight.

No other speaker design will surpass my  FR Duo design in complete total midrange fq band width.


Stay tuned, YT vids a  comming......

Shoutout to my wife for helping finance this  Duo Project this past 12 months.

I've convinced her and she believes in my ideas in designing the worlds 1st ever  true 1st class FR Duo speaker ever.




. dht4me’s avatar dht4me46 posts 11-10-2021 2:41pm Well I had a hard time believing it but the AER BD5 is one of the absolute best sounding things I have ever heard. Whizzer and everything. It really shattered my perceptin of what that genre of driver was capable of. The Sigma, which I have heard is NOTHING like the AER except for it being a high eff driver.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Got it. AER and Voxativ wood cone, some of the very finest FR speakers, Got it.. Now the DLVX6 is on the way from HK as I type. If, now this is a big if,, we can pair up dual FR such as DLVX8 + DLVX6,,what do we have? 1st up, I ran this idea with my Ebay supplier,, he says **never even heard of such a gimmick over here in china, no one on our shores has even concocted such a weird idea as placing 2 FR in one speaker system,,just weird..** I told him over here we havea singer from NYC, Old Frankie, who sings a classic NYC ballad. **And I did it myyyy own wayyyy* If this pair matches up snd sings in harmony (DIYers like Dave said I am wasting my time and money,,he’s already tried that gimmick..** well there are only 2 outcomes,,either we will hear a big pile of poop, or we may just have a speaker system that no speaker can approach in terms of pure high fidelity midrange. I’ve done this experiement with various FR drivers,, only 1 pairing had successs. If the VX6 performs as i hope and expect it to sing,, well, look out. This will be a new FR design that may indeed take the speaker design to a whole nother level. Just saying,,, This ain’t no Line Array Point Source. PS LA does not equal a FR duo. Completely different system. 2 weeks should be Up N Running. Will keep everyone posted. I’m looking to annihilate any of AER/Voxativ’s designs.

You do realize, one may hold the worlds best sounding amplifier in his studio,,,but if its not  paired with the worlds best sounding speaker,,,well then,,,what exactly do we have???

Surely not the worlds best sounding amplifier is the obvious answer. 


Here some might hold this is the best sounding amplifier



But which speaker,, here is the issue we are facing...


well I frankly admit my cabinet building skills leave something to be desired...1 cab is 30 inchesH the other 28.5 inches,,and no can't get all 4 screws in DLVX8,,cut holes too big, can just manage 2 screws each..

Hopefully when I cut the VX6 hole i will cut correct size so as to get at least 4 screws in each speaker.

Look what would you rather a  cut perfect cabinet or good sounding drivers?

It really does not get on my nerves, one is 1.5 inches taller. 

I did find another Tennessee armoire  last Sunday as i was comming from techs shop,, just off Causeway ona  service road. 

I could easily make another 30 inches. 

But I refuse.

Its done, thats that. 

Anyway, I'd love to hook my FR Duo system up to the Kronzilla 4 tube each mono block,, just to see how my speakers sound with a  good SET amp, Each mono weighs in at 140 lbs

The tubes alone are $2500 a  pair. X 4 = ..............

See link above.




Hey Roxy,, 

Yes they do deserve a  finely made cabinet,, The cabinet builder next door to my tech guy is wayyyy too expensive and has since refused to make speaker cabinets,, as he knows audiophiles are too picky.

So 1 cabinet remains 30 inches H the other 28.5 H and gaps, holes all over,,,about to get more ugly as i cut ports top and bottom for adding the DLVX6,,the current port will be sealed over with a  piece of Tennessee cedar,,ugly, but *It is what IT is*.

I am nota  DIYer who believes cabinets are extrenmely important,,  go to the DIY page and see how complex these guys get over cabinet building,, unreal, some are unreal.

Anyone, I just finished rebuilding my component rack and came out great. 

Now i can move my speakers back closer to wall, and further apart.

Earlier the speakers were 5 ft apart,, = can't breathe.

Now  with superior placement,, the sound has opened up.

Speakers placed too close make for a  convoluted sound stage.

Speakers need their own space to breathe.

Anyway. next video I upload will be the VX8+ VX6 dual FR.

There are no others in the world which have such a  design.

Mine will , IF successful, will be the 1st iof its kind

A real frankenstein, so be anxious for that upload comming to YT soon.

Diana  Krall's cd  has a  excessively warm studio recording. Which makes it a  perfect test cd.

Most speakers are already warm , a+ warm CD = muddy, distortion, FFatigue

Now so with the DLVX8 and the Seas W18/Philips 163T8 tweeter.

All my drivers are famous for accuracy, = anti-warm.

I hate warm.

I love ice cold, Colder the better.

Cold = neutral.

Warm is ok, as long as the record is not warm. Then you got troubles.

Jazz fans LOVE warm. 

Not me, i listen to only classical, I hate warm. 





had to delete video,, as a  certain name  was mentioned in video,,, Will upload another w/o mentioning a  certain name.


There are pre-made cabinets available you know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes I am aware But I love the grains in the Tennessee cedra taken from airmoire cabinets that sold by the k's back in the 50's, 60's. And since I am a minimialist of sorts,,I am not going to remake cabinets,, I could take apart the 30 inch H cabinet and make cuts to bring it to the 28.5 inch H cabinet,, but why? I am no perfectionist,, I do not have a cabinet studio not cutting table.. Circular saw just does not cut straight,,anyway its done, and the gaps are sort of like exhaust ports for energy to flow out., Filter through the gaps. The VX8 could be placed ina cardboard box and it would sound good. I will upload another video today w/o mentioning a certain amp designers name which was the issue in the above delete video. These DLVX8's have pretty uch taken my system to a sound that I've always been after. The DL's have no house signature sound. All amps and sources are pretty much a nuance away from each other. What defines a system is the speaker. Seas Excel are neutral, thats why i bought them 2004. Now 2020, DL's again neutral. VX6 on the way via DHL