High Fidelity Sound Speaker

Here is what I call High Fidelity Sound.
Sorry if you have issues making a  determination

**Ohh YT compression,,,ohh comp speakers can reveal the actual in room listening experience,,,, cheap cam micing...**
WEll I can.
This is probably the very finest sound I've ever herad froma  spaker.
Thing is, fouund this video while continuing my research on my next speaker build
Fostex Sigma 8 + Fostex Sigma 4 
The Sigma 4 is in this video.
No doubt,  and now i understand what you guys were getting at about **The whizzer thing** making unwanted resonances.
Got it
No whizzer.
Project should be up by may 2022.
Going to sell the DLVX8
TB2145 Good
DLVX8 Better
Fostex Sigma 8 The Best

I'd like to see any xover type design beat out this Fostex Sigma 106. 



Showing 39 responses by roxy54


You wouldn't be happy either if you were listening to drivers half-screwed in to those mismatched chatterboxes he's using.


It has nothing to do with how pretty the cabinets look, it's the way they perform that matters, and yours are poor performers.

"Horns might be superior, but there is all sorts of requirements to home a  horn system."

Wrong. (as usual) 

Hey mozartfan,

Why don't you use some of all that money you saved on a decent pair of cabinets?

Sorry audition_audio, I couldn't resist.

Thank you audition_audio, well said. I would add though that I think that this has been an especially arid period on audiogon, and I love to check in on this thread for entertainment. Always some kind of absurd unsupportable hyperbole from mozartfan. 

"I would not trade in my FR for any xoverlowsens speaker in the world."

I told you that you'd say it again!

"Stick a fork in it, its done."

Sadly, you're never done. Still fantasizing that speakers with crossovers are going to just go away. I wish that you would.

Thank you csmgolf. If it was perfect, why is he always changing the formula?

"I'm about done w audiogon,, what was a  wonderfil place to talk high end audio has been invaded by folks who have no interest in real high fidelity."

Happy New Year indeed!

Congrats mozartfan! Another dopey, rambling misspelled thread. New or old, good sound is good sound. The better Tannoy speakers could kick the pudding out of your dinky FR speakers.
And you can judge that from a video on youtube? I wonder what you're listening through, just for laughs; not that it would really matter.
On top of that, this amazing driver that you're drooling over is being augmented by a subwoofer and what appears to be a ribbon supertweeter! So much for a "full range" driver.
I guess that you just enjoy dreaming. 
Yes, once again a supertweeter. (I don't see a third driver) This time it looks like it might be a transmission line enclosure. So that's your new favorite,,,for the next 8 hours until you find a new favorite for your imaginary project
"My music has come to life, finally."
That's nice...but you did mention going away for a few weeks, right?
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Strange comment larry8729. Why would you trust a sound engineer (whatever that is) to tell you what the best speakers in a certain price category are? Don't you think that in the end that's a personal decision based on listening? 


Were you able to translate those prices into dollars? I'm not understanding the price list at all.


Will it have a real cabinet with veneer and screws for all of the holes on each driver?


When you spoke about this new project I never imagined that you planned on using those same cabinets! Come on now, if these drivers are as good as you say they are, don't they deserve a proper cabinet?

Besides, you know that everything works as a system, and the cabinets can undermine the performance of even the best drivers. If you are going to use these long term, it is more than worth it to give them proper and identical cabinets.

Say what you like, but if the cabinets are a mess, and don't even match, you will not get good results. There are pre-made cabinets available you know.


Yes, you are probably right about that. It's just funny that about a week ago h e was thanking his wife for providing the resources for the "project", but if there are no new cabinets, it would seem that the budget is about zero.

"FR has no such flaws that YOUR speakers have."

No mozartfan, except that your FR drivers will reside in a F'ed-up cabinet. They won't stand a chance.


Why don't you just keep a diary? You would get about as many responses.

I think that they're leaving you alone because this is more of a private diary speaking to yourself than a discussion. I read it, because your claims of "Major Discoveries" with those broken down cabinets are really amusing. 


No sarcasm here, just an honest question. If the FR drivers are so good by themselves, why would you need to use the other speakers with them, especially when they have a big gaping hole in each one which will of course undermine the performance of that mid woofer? Isn't the idea of the FR drivers that they are Full Range?

Well, here we go back to where we started. You espouse the virtues of FR and denigrate multi driver speakers with crossovers, and then finally admit that they can't do the job by themselves anyway. (which we all knew)

You'll probably counter that by saying that you're not using a crossover with the Seas Excel driver, but then as we also know, that has its own problems.

In the end I guess it doesn't matter. All that matters is if the end user is pleased, and it's apparent that you're not too picky and are easily satisfied.

"The xover cult club ignores my beliefs, my researches, my discoveries."

Of course they do, because of your slipshod crackpot methods.

Well congratulations Mr. Bache! You have a new partner, and he has already told you to pare down your lineup as well as what you need to do with whatever speakers are left. I'm sure that he can also save you money on cabinets as he doesn't believe the looks or construction of them to be important.

Amazing...all of this great advice to a man with a successful company from a guy with a cobbled together system that changes every week! 

Why dual woofers? Well let's just say that I think that he knows a bit more than you do about speaker design. 


I agree with you, but you must admit that he's pretty amusing.