I would try the Burmester phono and see if you like the difference, if any. Instead of going turntable/arm route, the cartridge would be the next logical step.
Guidance on cartridge options or new table
How much is too much? I own a Luxman PD 151 Mark II turntable and a Luxman EQ500 phono preamp. I purchased from a dealer end of December and it has about 100 hours on it. I have the Luxman cartridge that matches the system and goes for $2500. I have them connected using XLR’s. My system consists of Burmester 218 reference amp, 088 pre amp by Burmester, Wilson Alexia V speakers. For streamer I have a Grimm MU1 and a Nagra Tube dac with separate power supply. After acquiring the new amp and pre amp in February my digital side sounds terrific and find my analog set up to be the weak link. Based on this set up where do I reach a point of no return purchasing a better cartridge? Should I be looking at a new table and cartridge? Would a new cartridge significantly improve the sound? I primarily listen to Jazz and some classical music along with rock.
Thanks for your assistance!
Agree with @yoyoyaya that the Safir is quite expensive for its performance. A Tri-Planar U2 SE or U12 will outperform it at half the price, and it will be a better fit aesthetically for the Luxman table. I am a Tri-Planar dealer with a very close friend nearby that owns the Safir arm. I should also mention that I am an authorized Grimm dealer, and to match the presence it can deliver, while the Tri-Planar would be an excellent upgrade, you can also experiment with rolling tubes in the EQ-500. By default, the EQ-500 is a bit overly laid back, and rolling to more transparent tubes will yield much better results. |
@OP - the Safir arm is extremely expensive. You should upgrade your turntable first before considering the arm - or at least consider both together in the context of your overall budget for turntable arm and cartridge. Along with the other brands/models that have been suggested, I recommend you audition the Clearaudio Reference Jubilee with either the Universal or Unity tonearms. You can start with your exisiting cartridge as a point of reference - a better turntable and tonearm will show you what the cartridge is capable of. |
@dover Ironically, when I purchased my Burmester pre amp they gave me the option of a dac module or a phono module and I selected the phono module because my dac set up is decent and that technology seems to be changing more in dac's than phono's are. Also, I currently have the Luxman phono stage connected with XLR and that is what the Burmester has also. I guess I just found my weekend project.....By the way as I mentioned in an earlier post I'm traveling next week to check out the Kuzma product. In addition to the arms you mention I am also going to demo the "safir arm," do you have any knowledge of that arm? And, while you are helping me what have you used for cartridges or do you recommend? I really appreciate your honest feedback. |
@rsf507 excellent point. I'm traveling to meet with a Kuzma dealer next week. |
Personally I don't think your turntable is up to the rest of your system. So rather than try other cartridges I would suggest considering a complete upgrade, depending on budget. However, given the quality of your Burmester 088, I would invest in the Burmester phono module ( MC ) for the 088 and ditch the Luxman phono. I suspect this would be a significant improvement even with your existing front end might be a good first step before you upgrade the TT. The Burmester MC phono module in the 088 provides much more flexibility in cartridge choice than the Luxman phono which is quite limited. Of the turntables mentioned above I like the Kuzma R or M with 4point9 or 4point11 tonearms. Outstanding performance and more importantly the Kuzma TT's and arms a very easy to set up. I prefer them to the SME's ( I've used both extensively ).
@faustuss I recognize that Burmester has turntable options and I have considered both of them. The reason I have posed the question on the Audiogon Forum is due to the expertise and vast knowledge base that exists with many members today that is well beyond my experience. |
@tablejockey Thanks for your comments. You make great points. |
Burmester has turntable and cartridge options, I wonder why you didn't look there first? SME would also be worth considering as well as many others. Upper tier cartridge brands like Ortofon, Audio Technica, Clearaudio, Hana etc. Maybe you should check with the people who brokered the sale of the rest of your system for guidance. |
You're listening to reissue LP's which essentially are equivalent to a file/CD. The digital setup is "better" than your table setup, so a different cart/table investment might be what's the bottleneck is? Phonoamp is competent. Until a certain level of table/cart is acquired, you may not hear the nuance of an 50's pressed "golden age" Jazz LP vs a file? Digital is pretty much caught up with LP playback in most areas. If you're listening to 80'-present Jazz, it's likely been originally recorded digitally. I'm not a digital convert, though it's great when listening to a proper setup. I'm sure there are other possibilities, which will be mentioned.