Responses from starwarrior
How long should high quality speakers last? After a decade goes by and as long as the cones or foams aren’t damaged you may want to think about re-capping them. | |
Guidance on cartridge options or new table i too enjoy jazz. A favorite, Kind of Blue: Miles Davis. Sumiko Celebration 40, nice crisp mids with complimented highs and a subtle yet well defined bass. | |
Will a high quality preamp really make a difference in sound?? Also speaker cable You can’t fix a crappy amp with a better pre-amp the same way you can’t fix a crappy pre-amp with a better amp. Every component plays a role formulating the end result. The key is to get a clean sound signal from start to finish. Quality cables tr... | |
Turntables currently considered top of the range. Do you know what they are ? Recently acquired a VPI classic reference and Fatboy 10” tonearm. Coupled with a VR power supply it Put my TD124 to shame | |
What are your go to LP's for evaluating new gear or new tubes? Yo Yo Ma Six Evolutions you can here his fingers tapping the fretboard. total solo performance Edmond De Lucas Conquerors of the Ages The highest and lowest frequencies I have ever heard on any orchestra performance. Closest to 20-20K Hz I have... | |
Somebody Please Make This Already... Passive equalizer | |
Is there usually a dramatic difference between $5k and $10k cartridges ? There are plateaus based on price points. You can easily get mesmerized thinking that the more you spend the better your system will sound. Yes usually cartridges in the 5k range will have a different level of quality as opposed to cartridges in t... | |
Pure Silver Wire Extra thick PTFE Coating around 8AWG/8 conductor pure Si stranded wire in a hexoganally braided configuration, encapsulated in a N infused silicon casing. The difference between Si and Cu cables is immediately noticeable and amazing. I can get e... | |
HAVE CABLES EVER TAKEN YOUR SYSTEM FROM SOUNDING JUST OK TO SOUNDING GREAT? Experiences ? I just added a second turntable. Since the new premium turntable cable was back ordered I used a cheapo just to get it running. I have to say when the new one came in and installed, the difference was incredible. I wasn’t expecting such a discerni... | |
"Cleaning" Vinyl Makes It Worse Not Better! Biggest a bunch of malarkey I’ve ever heard. If you’re using a cleaning solvent that’s leaving a residual simply stop using it. Crud buildup over time on an Lp has always been a nuisance and can seriously effect sound quality. Start with good old ... | |
18 inch subwoofer vs multiple 12 inch subwoofers with bookshelf speakers I have been using two B&W AWS600 Series 8” subs paired with Harbeth SHL5+ Bookshelf monitors and found them more than adequate. 200W x2 offers more than enough power without overfilling the room with a super boom boom bass punch that can move ... | |
At what price is one considered an Audiophile. I guess I figure my Audiofile enthusiasm started back in 1962 when I got my first 2 transistor radio. I’ve been a lost cause ever since. It’s not the investment but rather your state of mind. | |
What was your first record? 45….Cream, Crossroad/Sunshine of your love. Still love Clapton | |
Whats playing on your system today? Played the Beatles White Album tonight . Haven’t listened to it for quite some time. Sometimes it’s fun to dust off and listen to some of the old albums in my collection. |