Great equipt stand for under $500???

I'm looking to get a better stand/rack for my equipt without spending a fortune. 

-Phono pre
-Mac mini and tube dac
-Bluray player
Amps will sit on the floor. 

Under $500 would be great that's not made from plywood and concrete blocks. 

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Thanks everyone. Am going to order the VTI unless someone tells me it's crap. I can fill it with sand, looks great and the price is perfect. 
Salamander! They have wide range of racks and many can be configured to suite your needs. I had a Twin 40 and a few years later I added a couple new pieces of gear.  The parts were ordered and the twin 40 became a triple 40.
Thanks for checking in @tonykay  as I don't have any experience with this brand or any of the brands suggested. I used to own this rack years ago but it was damaged badly due to neglect in storage. What a shame!

There's no way in hell I'm paying that much ever again for a rack. Looking for something aesthetically pleasing and sound. 

The rack you chose from Amazon is probably as good as anything else suggested.
Thank you @riley804  now were talking!  I didn't appreciate your comments in the beginning and wasn't going to waste my time in responding BUT you've made the effort  o offer "sound advice" as of late. Regards Mr. Brad. 

"  I wish I was handy like that "

its not that hard to  build /assemble.    there is a video on you-tube showing how to build this or same idea :

"  This is probably the one I'll go with. "

that is nice....but not much different other than color wise of what I sent you links of....and the one I sent you was a lot cheaper.

@gnjtack  I wish I was handy like that. It's a great suggestion. I'm going to go with something I can pull from the box and assemble. 
I have a Room Tunes Deluxe Justarack sitting in storage sitting in storage that might be what you’re looking for.  It is a five shelf rack approximately 42 inches high with extra deep shelves approximately 19 inches.  The shelves are each 1.5 inches thick MDF painted in a black satin finish.  Each shelf is individually adjustable via threaded rod supports.  The rods are coupled to the floor with massive brass spikes.  It is very good sounding rack, very stable, and very heavy.  Appearance is more to the functional side and would not be considered a beautiful piece of furniture.
Shipping would be in multiple boxes and likely not cheap but still should be within your total budget of 500.00 for the rack and shipping.  I’m in AZ.
 I don’t currently have photos since everything is in boxes.
 I don’t know if Michael Green still makes these or not.
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Have you considered a DIY butcher block rack ?
Its easy to build and very effective, you will have a top notch rack at a minimum of cost.
There are a bunch of ideas for butcher block racks online. 
6 slabs cut to size can be found on ebay or online at a place like this
Depending on the thickness and style you choose with shipping it will run close to $500 but the only other expense will be threaded rods, nuts and washers from Home Depot and a few holes drilled. 
GT Audio Works
Another vote for the VTI stands. I have two. They're well made, attractive and easy to configure and assemble. Because I was swapping components so often I put locking casters on the bases rather than spikes. Because they take a standard thread it was easy to find a fit.

i sent you a message with a link for one.....and they have others on their site.
I can’t think of a better item to look for on the “pre-owned” market. I think it’s like a car, it loses a lot of value once you drive it off the lot. However, with all your stuff, you probably need two. Also, try consignment stores.
Thank you @melbguyone I'll look into those. I may have to up my budget on this. I can't seem to find anything in this price range. 
Taco ASR Series II racks are modular and very good for the money. You’ll see them used often at high end shows due to thier cost/performance, build quality, manageable weight  & modular design. You wouldn’t get a new 5-shelf unit <$500, but you could keep an eye out for a 2nd hand example in the usual places (ie: A’gon, Audiomart, Ebay etc).