

Discussions knollbrent has started

Kirmuss 'In the Groove' Ultrasonic Record Restorer - Upscale Audio Edition247755
Used speaker suggestion for Levinson 383 Integrated amp2074
Best low budget speakers for a Levinson 383 Integrated amp239942
Almost time to arm the Victor TT 10144313
Luxmann PD444 is up and spinning!4156
Anyone ever listened to a vintage Victor Laboratory X1 cartridge56515
Klipsch CF4's. Worth keeping or let me go!?123814
Top 10 vintage cassette decks3447166
Killer vintage 70's, 80's reel to reel to add to my setup. 184345
Direct drive, cart and phono for under $750. Possible?199811
McIntosh 402 amp channel stopped working32989
Filling audio rack tubes with sand, metal, grape nutz???606321
Best vintage DD turntables from the 70's and 80's?42951239
Best vinyl purchases based on pressing, studio production, sound quality and enjoyment. 27646148
Great equipt stand for under $500??? 295824