Good sources for tubes other than Upscale

It's just that Upscale is mentioned ALL the time so I'd like to know alternatives.Plus it's personal felt I got bad phone from Deal but again even Adam Smith to to Galbraith would say monopolies are bad.Others?
chazzbo - - - - many more available. Just the first few that I though of and have dealt with that are very reliable..
I have found that using RAM super low noise tubes in all my tube equipment made a marked improvement.
I also would recommened Andy at vintage tube.
Check out his website very informative.
Also a good source is the tube store although not the cheapest they are friendly and knowledgeable.

I've had very good success with Andy at Knowledgeable - extremely, opinionated - yes, accessible - you have to call him but he answers when he's there which I've found to be usually and he's happy to talk at length, quirky - a bit, we could stand a few more like him. I think he tests the bejeezus out of everything he ships, he has lost sales by steering me away from tubes he thought wouldn't be an improvement over what I had. His prices are very reasonable given the quality and they are less than a few other unnamed merchants with fancy websites.
Andy at VTS and Brendan at Tubeworld (although he is a bit pricey). Also, Audiogon member Whoppadeedoo has supplied me with some excellent tubes at very reasonable prices.
For new production tubes I've had very good luck and service from Tube Depot and recommend them.
Hi, I would recomend Andy at Vintage Tube Service.Great tubes,fair prices,very knowledgeable about tubes The gixerman
TubeDepot gave me very curtious and helpful service. One bad tube was exchanged immediately with no problem.
I feel for ya...

I bought my Calypso from Kevin and although I got a fair "deal" (pun intended) and some additional tubes to try along with the unit at no obligation to buy, he makes me feel very rushed on the phone. I received an unsolicited email from another Agoner who says Upscale's tubes ain't all that, and that I should give a try. Well, one of my Upscale tubes (12ax7 gain stage) went noisy after a few month's (which I'm sure could happen no matter who you buy from), so I called Brent Jesse. He took his time with me on the phone, made some recommendations based on the type of music I listen to, and I wound up ordering tubes for the output and gain stages from him. He said he would go as far as to install the gain stage (12ax7) tubes in a phono pre after I explained about the Calypso's tendency to expose even slightly noisy tubes. I also needed them by a certain date, and he came through. Once again, my system has been catapulted to another level. Not happy with the tubes you order from him? Return within 30 days, full refund or try something different (even if it's less money). I highly recommend Brent Jesse...
Agreed on Upscale. Bought some Mullards from him and they were noisy out of the box. Wouldn't take them back either.
Kevin Deal at Upscale is rude and a rip off.............. I wouldn't do business with the guy if he was the only place in town.

Try Vacuume tube Valley- a little pricy but great service and a huge selection. Andy at Vintage Tube serv. Bruce Wingar-BWS... all good guy's.

I recommend Andy at Vintage Tube Services hands down. I had a positive experience with Upscale, but VTS just seems more forthright. At this writing, Andy is preping a set of 4 Amperex/Mullard 12AX7LP for me to evaluate in my phono stage. Good luck
I'll put my reputation on the line for Kevin Deal ANY day. He is one of the most honest, straight-talking, and true people in this biz, speaking as one who is in this biz.
--EveAnna Manley
I certainly do not doubt that many have had excellent dealings with Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio. Considering the source willing to put their reputation on the line for the man says something about him as well. However, I can only go on my own experience with him, which was not positive. I'll accept the fact that I am probably an exception and not the rule. Andy at VTS and Brendan at Tubeworld both sold me a pair of tubes which were microphonic and they both offered me a prompt no questions asked refund. Kevin on the other hand offered me excuses. That is what I am basing my opinion on. Nothing more and nothing less.

Chazzbo, I've bought several tubes from Tubemonger, great guy and stands behind his products. Also, Jim McShane has a high rep also and very knowledgeable. Dave
I won't buy from Upscale again, either. Kevin's people skills could use a lot of work and I have found his tubes to be so-so as compared to Andy's.
Post removed 
Fiddler, you called, terrible people skills...he wouldn't last long working for me but my guess is thats why he owns his own bus.
I was in college some years back and was looking to get into the 2 channel hobby. Upscale (ie. Mr. Deal) had some very good used items (read: all that I could afford). When I called to inquire Mr. Deal was very rude on the phone and bottom-lined the entire conversation by saying, and I quote, "if you're going to ask me all kinds of questions then this hobby isn't really for you."

Needless to say, I am very happy to not have contributed 1 cent to Mr. Deal's business.
Pops, I agree with you if your post was meant to read, "you called IT, terrible people skills..."

Kevin couldn't work for me either with his attitude towards the customer, but he has every right to run his business the way he wants to. That's America.