Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.

Funny how manufacturers of streaming and digital gear continues to chase that elusive analog sound. I thought digital was better?

Before you all get your panties in a wad I enjoy both Digital and Analog but much rather listen to an analog source than digital.

So today I see  Innuos Introduces The PhoenixNET – A Network Switch For Audiophiles @ only $3500.00

Guess I do not see the point you can get superior sound for say $2500 or less with a decent turntable cartridge combo and phono stage. Hell Clear Audio has an all in one for $2500.

I just don’t get it and I do not care to either.
And @audio]ooo i am talking about audio lad. Just so there are no mistakes laddy.
@audio2design........ @audio2design........ bro you are so full of sea monkey poo its amazing . 

@glubson.... might want to see the mess before  offering to help clean it up my friend. The offer does stand if you are in the area. It would be nice to share my audio system with a fellow audiophile.

One F18 can shoot down 16 of them at once..

It's amazing that one can be so arrogant about supposed aircraft knowledge but not know that the standard F18 only has 9 usable missles and the Super Hornet only has 11 in absolute maximum configuration.

Hey Op, I know you are upset that with equally well mastered recordings that a $150 Chinese DAC blows away your $10,000 plus work of art vinyl setup, but did you really need to create a thread to vent about it?

I should blame skypunk for starting this thread a year too late. I was in Durham about this time last year, right before this epidemic in the U.S.A. started. I would have stopped for a listen for sure, but you would not want me to help you with the boardwalk and kitchen. I am as remote from woodworking as it gets. I could clean the mess.
My dear glupson I live in Durham N.C. My modest house is open to you always. We need a new board walk, a new kitchen, but what we have is open to you. We may be messy, but we are honest and true as are the Irish fron which I come. My equipment isn't the best but I can be proud of it until I can do better.

Thanks for the offer although I do not know where you are located.

I am aware of analog (mostly vinyl in my case) as I have bought more records than CDs over the last, let's say, year. In another thread, I bought one of those White Hot Stampers and am awaiting delivery. I have very pedestrian set-up and am aware that better things sound better. I have heard some.

I am not sure what made me appear as whatever I appear as, but I got involved in this particular thread at the point of "analog is standard". That I do disagree with as virtually everything these days is, and has been for quite a while, digital. I have not even remotely attempted to claim which one is "better" (analog vs. digital) except maybe the point that everyone seems to agree with anyway (digital is way more convenient). I do not think I mentioned even that advantage here yet.

Even the part about record collections being worthless was response to "they are investment" and was only regarding that statement. It had nothing to do with "analog vs. digital quality" tug of war. That war is not interesting to me. Thinking about why someone would market their digital product as "like analog" does spark my curiosity. The answer may be more than "because analog sounds better". To me, my favorite songs sound better on SW, or at least MW, radio. At least they did while they could still be heard there.

Again, thanks for the offer.
Glupson I read your post a few years in the thread. If you want to hear totally fine ana.og vinyl, then PLEASE come to my house. Seriously the offer is open to you. I don't h a very the best listening room or the most confy chair, but I am willing to let you listen to the best that I can reproduce. I am totally willing to put my money where my mouth is because I believe strongly enough that vinyl is enough to stand on it own

The offer is open bro. Take the honest offer.

I am just trying to help you stop your incomprehensible ramblings. You can continue insulting me all you want, but it does not look good.
Has-been... get'em dude... make him wear the skirt.... a frilly little tartan thing. Lots of rouge cut the sailors like that sort of thing...

Audio shouldn't be a competition. Listen to what you like. If digital totally totes your goats then so be it. If analog gets your motor running, and it should because its the best in the world, then fine. Just don't make assumptions based on what you read written by someone else. Buy the equipment, do your own UNBIASED tests, then sell that digital cap and upgrade your phono cartridge.


"I am not sure if you have noticed it, but you have been insulting me in virtually every post you have posted and multiple times in each of those posts....."

You get what you give goopson.  Its amazing your ability to twist and now you want to play victim .
Your first post directed at me was insulting and I hadn't even referenced or acknowledged get what you give..
And using grandkids to bolster you as victim and me as the bad guy....glad to see your wearing your skirt again...
Midriff if you have pops and clicks then you really need to clean your vinyl dude. Playing dirty vinyl is like loving a woman who isn't clean. Sure you can do it, but you won't like the outcome.

Getting very mellow (blitzed) off of a bottle of a spirit distilled by the countrymen of my forefathers....Irish whiskey. Please excuse any out of the ordinary pontificating on my part.

Dirty vinyl and unclean women do hold true though....some things you can't leave in Vegas bro. You just can't.
Amazing how everyone called this a tired old thread...

BTW I was talking analog not vinyl....could be wax or tape or live or...
" is nothing better than streaming obscure songs of my youth effortlessly (Dr. Hook and the medicine show anyone?)"

Are you saying that you do not already have Dr. Hook CD?
I have an 15 ips TASCAM, a clear audio innovation with an Air Tight pc1 supreme and a lumin streamer (I use TIDAL) all running through the same system (boulder pre amp, pass 250.8 amp and TAD CR-1s).   They all have their place in my life.  the epitome of high fidelity is clearly 1st generation  15 ips tapes.  Frankly anyone who has listen to my gear is blown away.  But streaming through the system sounds pretty darn good as well.   And no one can beat reminiscing down memory lane recalling music I listened to 50 years ago and streaming it while just sitting down....   

It all has a place, it all has its pro’s and con’s.  And while there is no doubt that listening to Vanessa Fernandez covering Kasmire on R2R hits a high fidelity zenith, there is nothing better than streaming obscure songs of my youth effortlessly (Dr. Hook and the medicine show anyone?)
Here is my 2 cents - the goal of my system is to reproduce a ‘live performance’ - not the vinyl recording! I love live jazz - I have access to one of the best Jazz Clubs in the USA - the Jazz Corner in Hilton Head Island, SC. That is my goal - I retired my Thornes Turntable and SME tonearm years ago. I am all in with my LUMIN streaming Tidal MQA. 

Just saying - enjoy the music!
Going back to the topic.

Some digital may attempt to emulate the sound of analog/vinyl. That is digital aimed at certain demographics. A little past their prime, who grew up listening to records, currently have enough disposable income to be extracted from them under the "sounds like analog" idea, and maybe a few more determinants. That seems like a wise and very common business approach. Give people what they want. Just check all the "extra bass" signs on earphones.

The rest of digital, I suspect, is perfectly content being digital and better and better as time goes by. It does not chase dreams of the times past.

It may be that, as the number of people enamored with the sound of records decreases due to natural forces, in relatively near future nobody would think of attempting to make anything sound like a record, much less to advertise it that way.

I am not sure if you have noticed it, but you have been insulting me in virtually every post you have posted and multiple times in each of those posts. It does not look good. Do not embarass your grandchildren.

"So what amazingly produced music are 17 year olds listening to these days....Since you seem to know...."

I did not mention amazingly produced music. I was mentioning the possibility that the sound the age group you implied is clueless listens to may be better than what you listened to when you were 17.

"...or just so in tune you beleive your above us all...."
I do not think I am above all of you, not at all. However, you are making me reconsider such thoughts when applied to some.

But a well designed streaming system does something that neither LP’s or CD’s can do alone. Namely it allows me to quickly and easily enjoy the music on many other levels. I can for example:
1) read notes on the album
2) read a biography of the musician(s)
3)find out what other albums they have out, who they were influenced mostly by and who followed them.
4) explore related artists.
5) skip over to or anywhere else on the internet to enrich my experience and understanding of the music
6) tag things I want to revisit or skip or reorder my listening
etc. etc.
This is why streaming will replace both the LP and the CD
First, You have a very good vinyl playback system. I suspect your digital is among the same quality. But when I see all your distractions to listening to music it is no doubt why you prefer digital. I have both which are quite good. But when I want to do such things as you have posted, I too prefer digital. But I don't consider that listening. IMO, that is hearing music. There is a difference.


When it’s our time the vast majority of us will have our record collections
old at estate sale for a fraction of their cost,

Like many I disposed of my vinyl in the 80's for cd's. When I got back into vinyl in the mid 90's, I paid  $0.10- $1.00 apiece. I have  amassed 4K. I have only bought a few since the vinyl resurgence. I've actually thought about selling mine because I'm sure I can make a large profit. But I doubt that will happen. My point is that there are quite a few that could do the same. But I agree  with you at normal purchase price. Oh, BTW. 98% of those 4K are VG+ & NM

If you chose to thi8nk your clicks and pops sound better and like spending time cleaning vinyl and refiling it be my guest.....

This is the absolute give away that you and all the others who say things like  "clicks and pops" are really clueless about what a good vinyl system sounds like. As to the other aspects of maintenance, you are right. Digital is convenient which is why many people like it.  But it used to be standard procedure for us vinylphiles to tell those who wanted to start into vinyl, that , if they didn't like the ritual (the dance) they would NOT like vinyl.

To his credit he doesn’t say I’m wrong. Some of us could learn a lot from our teenagers
I had the great privilege of teaching teens many yrs ago. I DID learn a lot from them. Their idealism often will shock the older generation who's had that beaten out of them by life's experience. But they lack experience  and can only call on theory. IMO Ideals and theory is the only way to really teach in a classroom setting. Unfortunately, when experience meets theory, its often not quite as straight forward as theory had taught them. My son struggled with this about  a year after HS. Don't know how I came up with this idea about wisdom, theory & idealism but maybe it will be helpful if your son experiences the same type dilemma. He sounds like a food guy. Too bad that so many people take themselves so serious and don't know how to agree to disagree, especially about such a highly subjective issue.

I'll  go back to analog when I can surf from my laptop or can afford a lacky to clean and flip records for me...

go ahead and kick me to the curb for being a lazy ass
Skypunk.....nice house. I had a thorens td150 until the motor died. My speakers are audio nirvana super 15 alnico full range drivers in ported bass reflex cabs almost as big as I am. I haven't heard anything yet that tops them and I  am including Wilson My forever speakers.

As with many things in life, it's not that black and white (vinyl vs. digital and which is best). If you had an unlimited system budget and >= $20K for your source component budget and assuming high quality material then vinyl (IME) can be superior under these conditions. But, for the vast majority of us where your source budget is 2 - 3 $ figures digital is superior. Reason being that digital has had less than half the time vinyl has had to develop and mature so the best of the best remains vinyl however digital is catching up. Also, notice how I said vinyl and not analog since the best R2R beats the best vinyl (IME). Ultimately, it's nice to have so many choices in formats with tons of new and remastered music available, a great time to be an audiophile!

And yet another assumption by Goopson.....your blinders at your age are remarkable...
More insults no meat....we’re not talking about how good headphones are ..... which by the way..
The old relics of the seventies for headphones were quite good...just somewhat less portable and less likely to be fed over compressed hs.......
So your so in tune with 17 year olds eh...Goopson....wonder why that is... funny you still use insults to respond back to the sarcasm, sent in reply to your own insults...predictable. ....
But no metric on the context can’t see the question till you move your self bias out of the answer.....
So what amazingly produced music are 17 year olds listening to these days....Since you seem to know....I’d ask my 4 kids or their six kids....but you seem to have assumed you and you alone are all knowing...... Which is actually impossible when your being so dismissive. .... in fact so much still can’t see the context or the appreciation I alluded to.....are you 17.... that would explain a lot...or just so in tune you beleive your above us all....that also would explain more and much more plausable. ......
No wonder all those true knowledgeable guys that once flourished here don’t post anymore.....I mean with guys like you....why would they...

@ bluemood

I can relate. I have a daughter into vinyl as well. I also learn from her and my others the newest forms and ways. I agree we can learn from them.... but I must also seems more a rarity in general now to observe it.....sadly....


If you can hear the needle tracking from your seated listening position....their is nothing wrong with your ears...
Now your ability to properly set up and play vinyl without the noise. ...thats on you...
Digital is good so is convenience....but dismissing something you didn't master isn't quite the same argument. Its just reassuring yourself on why you chose digital....and that's a reasonable choice...
Too many of us have very quiet playing analog front ends to make your experience the norm...
The important thing is, choice. That's what is so good about this Era. 
Re: “clueless 17 year olds”...

My 18 year old has his own music studio with some great kit - some beautiful monitors his grandfather made the cabinets for out of cherry; some 9x2 line arrays so his band can hear themselves well; two subs to fill things out; Mac mini server; nice DAC, room treatment, DSP profile to correct what the treatment can’t; and from what I hear through the walls a taste for all the genres and generations of music I’ve heard of and far far more. He writes, plays and records his own music of broadcast quality. He’s off to a music academy in September.

He’s interested in vinyl like he is interested in 35mm film cameras, clocks with pendulums, telephones with dials, paper maps, stick shift cars, encyclopaedias, lending libraries, department stores, V8 engines, coal fired power stations, police officers on horses, the postal service, and trains.
It doesn’t matter how often I say “but a V8 has soul”. He will say “a Tesla is faster, cheaper, greener, smoother, quieter, smarter, safer, more considerate, and exciting.” We are both right. To his credit he doesn’t say I’m wrong. 

Some of us could learn a lot from our teenagers.
I find it remarkable that records sound as good as they do given the obsolete technology.
Perhaps the analog LP technology is not nearly as obsolete as you think. Obsolescence probably applies more rightfully to CDs, although I think they are also going to be around for a long time.
I can't understand why audiophiles spend so much money on a turn table, cartridge and vinyl?  I hear often a lot of noise with the needle is tracking on a record.  Andy, you have to get up, wash the record you want to listen to and spend all that money on vinyl.  I prefer to stream music through my BlueSound Node 2i.  I can sit in comfort and never have to get up and select music from a huge Tidal library.  I must be deaf because I don't hear that much difference other the noise from the needle tracking on a record groove.  I also think there must be a reason why Tidal offered MQA Master recordings.  It is my understanding MQA offers the original recording that has not been remixed or tampered with.  However, what if the original recording was not a very high quality recording to begin with.  I also preferred the sound of my BlueSound without adding the DAC I purchased.  The bass sounded thin.  However, it was nice to view what the bit rates and degree of hi-res the recording was.

You all know more than I do, as I am just learning and I am not as wealthy as those in the group to buy such expensive systems.  Besides, my wife would kill me anyway.  We use the living room that was only used 3 times per year to watch movies and to listen to music.  My speakers, REL S2 subwoofers and cabinet look beautiful as well.  

I ended up buying a pair of Paradigm Prestige 85F towers and I still wonder if I should have purchase a pair of Focal 948 towers.  When I listened to the Focal's I didn't think they produced enough bass extension.  However, perhaps I should have considered adding the REL subwoofers at the time of purchase to fill in the lows.  However, it would have been difficult to get my wife to accept the price tag of adding the REL's.  Another concern I had was the size of the Focal 948's.
When I close my eyes and the performer is standing in my room in front of me how much does it matter if it's vinyl or a streamer?  Personally, I like to play several of the streaming acoustic stations and when I run across an artist I like I just enter the name in Tidal and play any of their albums I like without even having to get up from my chair.  If you chose to thi8nk your clicks and pops sound better and like spending time cleaning vinyl and refiling it be my guest.....  both vinyl and CDs are really yesterday now.  BTW, get your Tidal at Best Buy, Hi-Fi for $10 a month.
@mrbobm  Amen!
As far as collecting vinyl as an investment. Put your money in stocks.


"... obviously you don’t have the ability or patience to do or comprehend. .."


... insults don’t quite do that..right...

Well said.

By the way, I am aware that vinyl/analog has improved over the last century, or so. Not much, over the last 40 years, I am afraid. I may be wrong.

At the same time, earphones have gone through tremendous improvements. What clueless 17-year-olds are listening to via their earphones may be way better than what you listened to when you were 17.


" has2be,

It may be the age difference between us that makes your posts logically incomprehensible. It is my fault for trying to understand them.

Your choice of a CD player is impressive, but has2be a little inconvenient when going around town. Being younger, I mostly use earphones"


Well, Goopson. Perhaps you can’t comprehend because your reading retention is like digital. It purposely omits half the this...
"Digital in the car, on the bike, on the trails....
To me it’s "best feature" is its portability."
You still can’t manage a logical and sound argument back at the context I provided ... insults don’t quite do that..right , goopson.... oh and so you don’t hurt your wrists..I’m not advocating headphones in the car...just on the bike and the trails....
So ...still digital not been trying to sound more analog and that’s the bar set...
Please do tell ...logically of course....but I degress. ...your still arguing which is better based on ownership bias...not the context of what and who was and still is chasing who...

Here is something else your comprehension digitally glossed over....
" Digital has come a very long way, seriously."
I stand by that. It’s a fact. Digital these days is very good. In some ways exceptional. But an original pressing of a well recorded lp in the hands of someone who actually knows how to set up and get the music out of the grooves. ..sorry Gloopson. ... obviously you don’t have the ability or patience to do or comprehend. obviously haven’t heard good playback with vinyl or tape for that matter to not get what I’m saying.....anyone who has , gets it immediately.
Now the argument of hassle , cost , maintenance and effort...those arguments have merits worthy of challenge....the context of what and who is trying to sound as good as the other at is just that....a that remarkably isn’t over....

I agree with your post mostly.
The value should be the music itself.....once we usually does become about something else....never understood owning unplayed sealed records though...

I have no horse in the sound quality wars. I find it remarkable that records sound as good as they do given the obsolete technology. 
As far as record collections being “investments” they are certainly emotional investments but not financial. When it’s our time the vast majority of us will have our record collections 
1.  Handed down and likely listened to rarely if ever sitting in boxes
2. Sold at estate sale for a fraction of their cost, or
3. sold to record shop for a fraction of their cost. 
I find collecting of anything, except rare cases, to be mainly emotional and OCD than trying to amass some perceived value
Record collecting is a pursuit / hobby in itself that requires a different commitment and specialized knowledge.  I have two acquaintances who are record collectors who rarely play their collection, but enjoy their record collection just as much as those who purchase to play.
Like all hobbies, there will be peaks and valleys with respect to value.     

I am well aware that it is possible to sell a record for a lots of money in February 2021. That is why I mentioned it may be time to sell it now. While there is still someone who wants to buy it. Of course, if you start a little business by buying and selling, the story is different. It may be lucrative, I guess. If you are only owning records and looking at them at home thinking how it was an investment, you may be fooling yourself. They are worth nothing (in monetary terms). You would need to pay someone to lug them to the junkyard, they are heavy. I am not even sure if they can, at least, be recycled. Unless you sell all those precious records, they are of perceived, but never materialized, monetary value only to you. To the rest of the world they are trash do be dealt with some day.

Check oregonpapa’s posts along similar lines on another thread (I think it is "Better Records thread"). He has what seems to be an enviable collection along the lines you are implying. He does not know what will happen to it some day. His descendants have no interest in it.

What can we do? Not much, progress marches on and we are left behind with our little fantasies.

Or, you can read mrbobm’s post above more than once. He made it very clear.

Even he decided to go digital...

Willie Nelson, Sister Bobbie - Who'll Buy My Memories (Digital video) - YouTube

Sadly, it seems it has never been released on an LP, only CDs...

Who’ll Buy My Memories? Vol. 1 (The IRS Tapes) | Discogs
I have an extensive Vinyl collection of over 1500 jazz records mostly from the 50's and 60's and most all in VG+ or better condition. I probably spent well over 50K collecting them over the years and I still enjoy listening to them. The sound is different but no more or less enjoyable than good digital.
Analog system:
- Transrotor fat bob turntable
- Graham Phantom arm
- ZYX Airy 3 cartridge
- Plinius M14 phono stage
- LAMM LL2 pre amp
Digital system:
- Sound Science Music vault streamer
- PSAudio directstream DAC
- Plinius SA102 amp (both systems)
As far as collecting vinyl as an investment. Put your money in stocks!! I could not get a tiny fraction of what I have paid back in resale. My best original issue Blue Notes will fetch a few hundred each but things drop off very quickly from there - Let me know if you want to buy some I can send a list.


Rare records pressed in 300-500 copies on private labels about 40 years ago, some of them cost now $300 - $1500 each and you will not find them in the shops like those junk pressed in million copies that still cost 50 cents. There are auctions for rare stuff and high demand is the reason of high price!

However, no matter how many copies pressed as long as it’s original press.

There are bootlegs and counterfeits in vinyl world too, but you can’t compare digital copy even to bootlegs or counterfeits on vinyl. Again: digital have NO VALUE!

If you think it’s time to sell vinyl now you can sell (if you have something really interesting someone willing to buy).

Record collectors always buying and selling records, making new discoveries of very rare and unknown tunes from the past.

It’s not about billboard top 100 or so called classics which is ok too.

It’s not even about quality at all, this is the reason vinyl is still there, not your audiophile crap.

Otherwise remastered digital files could be collectible and all old vinyl could be in the junk yard, but they are not! And VG original records are highly collectible and very expensive.

Record collectors are not audiophiles (most of them are not) ! It’s about music on original source that makes it highly collectible! It’s about real passion and good musical taste (most audiophiles have no taste in my opinion, music on hi-end shows is horrible, same tunes). 

Record collectors are hunting for unknown rare stuff and they want to have it on vinyl (the original press), they are aware of the free digital files, but they don’t care!

Records is investment even if you don’t want to invest, literally. Buying good original records you can’t loose. They will cost more anyway, this is what I mean and it’s a good feeling about your record collection (only if your wife will not sell them for the prices you mentioned especially for her:)) 


It may be the age difference between us that makes your posts logically incomprehensible. It is my fault for trying to understand them.

Your choice of a CD player is impressive, but has2be a little inconvenient when going around town. Being younger, I mostly use earphones.
The standard has, for decades now, been digital. 17-year-olds do not even know what you are talking about."


That’s hilarious. Kind of proves the point that analog is the standard digital attempts to copy.... flattery as its known.....
Something is wrong with this explanation. It has2be.

"But here is reality....most 17 year olds don’t know wt_ they are talking about let alone understand any of us.... head down face in the phone with ear buds on.....yeah ok....."

Maybe they would understand older people better....if older people made sense.


More your own rant void of anything more than slight....YOU are the older people not making sense...ironic

Go ahead....try and prove what I said that digital isn’t trying hard to be analog sounding by nature isn’t true. My digital spinner is an Esoteric so I’m not a non believer in digital...
But I’m not a dolt who can’t see (or hear ) that both industries have pushed the music to not sound like the 80’s roll out of digital. The best machines have always emulated that analog sound vinyl has and it’s non fatiguing quality. You see....your argument and slight is moot when it comes to those realities. You can argue your opinion all you want....and I’ll defend you to have it as well.
Because your opinion is choice....but you can’t change the fact of how we got here and why and what the optimal goal in sound is. The bar was just haven’t actually heard it I guess....
read notes on the album
2) read a biography of the musician(s)
3)find out what other albums they have out, who they were influenced mostly by and who followed them.

4) explore related artists.
 Can do all this on google for free also. 
"It’s like a piece of art (original) versus digital print (a copy)."
You are aware that some of the "originals" were made in millions of samples? Could we call them "copies"?
"Records have value, and prices goes up in time for rare stuff, people with quality records are rich in a good way. It’s an investment."

That is true, but you have to sell it.

While investing in it, you may need to consider the market size for that rare stuff. There is a possibility that, as people age, there is less and less potential buyers of high-priced rarities.

If you do not sell it just at the right moment, at least while you are still alive, you may lose a large portion of your investment. As record collectors near the end their own life cycle, or cross over into eternity, more of the rare records may come to the market. Having less buyers and more rare records to be sold may not increase the price.

In short, if you want to get rich on records, sell them now.

If you are collecting them just to collect them because that is what makes you feel good, bring them on. Just do not convince yourself that you have something immensely valuable. No matter how rare your record collection is, you are not collecting dividends on them while you are staring at them at home.

Streaming can’t replace record collecting. It will never happen.

Records have value, and prices goes up in time for rare stuff, people with quality records are rich in a good way. It’s an investment.

One rare record even in VG condition can cost more than turntable+amp+speakers or your entire digital rig.

How your free digital library can replace collection of original records? Yes, you can listen to digital, so what? It has no value at all.

It’s like a piece of art (original) versus digital print (a copy).

Music on background and record collection are two different things.
And quality is not what collectors are looking for, audiophiles are sick about quality and this is what makes them extremely boring sometimes.

You can answer for yourself one question to understand who you are... If you can only choose one, do you want an original vinyl if it will cost you more or you are ok with free high resolution digital copy of that album?

If you don’t need an original vinyl then you’re a typical audiophile, in this case you’d better not talk about vinyl, you will never understand why there are people who collect vinyl, get your digital copy and shut a ..... ..p.

P.S. For me digital is a key to discover music I want to buy on vinyl (originals, not a re-issues), often from the 70’s. Digital file in whatever resolution is nothing for me. 
If sound quality is all that matters to you in your music enjoyment experience, then we can indeed continue to debate the issue of digital vs analog. My system gives exceedingly good quality sound with either format, to the point that this is no longer the most relevant issue in my music enjoyment.
But a well designed streaming system does something that neither LP’s or CD’s can do alone. Namely it allows me to quickly and easily enjoy the music on many other levels. I can for example:
1) read notes on the album
2) read a biography of the musician(s)
3)find out what other albums they have out, who they were influenced mostly by and who followed them.
4) explore related artists.
5) skip over to or anywhere else on the internet to enrich my experience and understanding of the music
6) tag things I want to revisit or skip or reorder my listening
etc. etc.
This is why streaming will replace both the LP and the CD.
The opposite is also true. Vinyl analogue is working really hard to achieve what a quality digital stream finds easy. By spending the thick end of £50,000 on hardware and another £50,000 on records, plus a load of fiddling, you might get close to a Qobuz stream’s absence of surface noise, lack of rumble, lack of wow/flutter, stereo in low frequencies, zero pops and crackles, dynamic range, consistency in source quality, diversity of source music, and fidelity to the sound as recorded. 

Keep saving, spending and trying, vinyl lovers - you may overcome those challenges in the end. 
Not sure where I read the story, but apparently Michael Jackson had a two day long strop when he was told he couldn’t have a bass-heavy track positioned last in the running order of Thriller. The design limitations of cutting vinyl simply wouldn’t allow it. It had to be track 1. My how times have changed. The desired running order now wouldn’t be an issue at all.  Maybe Thriller should be reissued without the loudness war changes and in the artist’s desired running order. 

...except that those who want a plastic copy of this will have to listen to a toned-down version designed by the cutting engineer.

"The standard has, for decades now, been digital. 17-year-olds do not even know what you are talking about."


That’s hilarious. Kind of proves the point that analog is the standard digital attempts to copy.... flattery as its known.....
Something is wrong with this explanation. It has2be.

"But here is reality....most 17 year olds don’t know wt_ they are talking about let alone understand any of us.... head down face in the phone with ear buds on.....yeah ok....."

Maybe they would understand older people better....if older people made sense.
"Vinyl advocates should just admit it - they are chasing the memory of sound they grew up with..."

You said it! (and I agree with it)