Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.

Funny how manufacturers of streaming and digital gear continues to chase that elusive analog sound. I thought digital was better?

Before you all get your panties in a wad I enjoy both Digital and Analog but much rather listen to an analog source than digital.

So today I see  Innuos Introduces The PhoenixNET – A Network Switch For Audiophiles @ only $3500.00

Guess I do not see the point you can get superior sound for say $2500 or less with a decent turntable cartridge combo and phono stage. Hell Clear Audio has an all in one for $2500.

I just don’t get it and I do not care to either.

Showing 9 responses by audio2design

One F18 can shoot down 16 of them at once..

It's amazing that one can be so arrogant about supposed aircraft knowledge but not know that the standard F18 only has 9 usable missles and the Super Hornet only has 11 in absolute maximum configuration.

Hey Op, I know you are upset that with equally well mastered recordings that a $150 Chinese DAC blows away your $10,000 plus work of art vinyl setup, but did you really need to create a thread to vent about it?
lexx, I have little doubt my analog system, well system in general, in a purpose built room, with properly designed, and tuned acoustics, with a carefully set up signal chain, is quite a bit better than what you have, I have no delusions about its limitations. I have it as an access method to otherwise unavailable media. No more. No less.

lexx2157 posts02-27-2021 1:34amExcept for audio2design for freaking on where someone lives. That ticks me off more than a 777 breaking up over a subdivision.

Could not care where he/she lives. I do care when someone lies and starts threads like this to create just the attitude you developed Lexx. Skypunk has just used you as a tool to troll lexx. That is who you should be angry with.

You don't need an R-R. Get a 24/192 recording of R-R and playback on an accurate DAC which does not have to cost an arm and a leg. Benchmark DAC2/3, Qutest will work. I was not kidding w.r.t. that low cost Chinese DAC (some, not all). That digital recording of R-R played on that low cost DAC will be far closer to R-R than any Vinyl will be no matter the cost.
@audio2design........ @audio2design........ bro you are so full of sea monkey poo its amazing .

99.9% of the pontificating here have no clue what is actually being recorded. You have never heard what is coming off a microphone and what is being recording. You blather on about R-R without a clue of all the artifacts that bring what is played back away from the actual music that was played.  You like the result, often, but personal preference is not an absolute and for others their preference is much different.

Properly mastered for the medium, yes that $150 Chinese DAC presents a more accurate, more honest to what was played, and if live, a more accurate rendition of the live performance than that expensive turntable or R-R you covet. Sure that room with the expensive speakers and crappy acoustics may benefit from a more centered image from the poor crosstalk of vinyl. It can help compensate for the acoustic mess. That hiss on R-R can help extract details lost in the distortion of that expensive tube gear and that compression from magnetic saturation can emulate loudness compensation at typical non realistic listening levels. But all that is just painting a pig.
And there you have it. Proof positive that skychild is just upset that there is yet another thing if life skychild can't hold over the masses. When you reach puberty maybe come back to the adult table.
artemus_5687 posts02-27-2021 12:09pmI’m going to say this once more. Whenever I see/hear someone talk about surface noise, pops & clicks, etc, I KNOW they have NEVER heard a good vinyl setup.

That’s mainly cleaning and a good pressing. Can’t ignore that 70db typical, near 80 in exceptional conditions though and that's modern pressings not old ones. It’s not as black as digital and if you like loud the noise will be there.
@bluemoondriver, the test was in 1984 and the conclusions were:

In summary, then, no evidence was provided by Tiefenbrun during this series of tests that indicates ability to identify reliably:

(a)  the presence of an undriven transducer in the room,
(b)  the presence of the Sony PCM-F1 digital processor in the audio chain, or
(c)  the presence of the relay contacts of the A/B/X switchbox in the circuit.

Skychild you post pictures of a small resort common areas and call it your house. It's obvious zooming in. Maybe you have a condo there but that's not your house. Please join reality with the rest of us.