Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.

Funny how manufacturers of streaming and digital gear continues to chase that elusive analog sound. I thought digital was better?

Before you all get your panties in a wad I enjoy both Digital and Analog but much rather listen to an analog source than digital.

So today I see  Innuos Introduces The PhoenixNET – A Network Switch For Audiophiles @ only $3500.00

Guess I do not see the point you can get superior sound for say $2500 or less with a decent turntable cartridge combo and phono stage. Hell Clear Audio has an all in one for $2500.

I just don’t get it and I do not care to either.

Showing 1 response by golfmd2

I have no horse in the sound quality wars. I find it remarkable that records sound as good as they do given the obsolete technology. 
As far as record collections being “investments” they are certainly emotional investments but not financial. When it’s our time the vast majority of us will have our record collections 
1.  Handed down and likely listened to rarely if ever sitting in boxes
2. Sold at estate sale for a fraction of their cost, or
3. sold to record shop for a fraction of their cost. 
I find collecting of anything, except rare cases, to be mainly emotional and OCD than trying to amass some perceived value