First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship

I have received the 006 almost a week ago and have been breaking it in. The price at Shenzhenaudio is $3,900.00 USD, $600 more than the 005. The ad copy states:

"DA006 is a new generation of flagship DAC developed by Musetec over three years and launched in 2024. During this period, it has undergone more than ten revisions and adjustments.

Compared to the previous DA005, the listening experience of DA006 has been improved in all aspects. DA006 has clearer and richer details, a stronger sense of texture, a more stable sound base, better detail control, a wider soundstage, fuller and more powerful, smoother and more natural. . ."

Some brief listening during break in has been very very positive. I will report back when it has run at least 300 hours.


Hello all,  new owner of the 006 Dac, it has been a big upgrade from the geshelli j2s,  question i have is,  I'm ordering the innuos pulsar streamer, and you can choose a digital output module,  I have also ordered the network switch to go with it.  Between i2s and usb wich would be a better long term upgrade?


The Innuos usb module uses OXCO clock, I2S two Femto clocks, who can say which is better. I can only tell you I prefer I2S input on 006, this with Denafrips Gaia and Tubulus cable. Without direct experience with your intended setup how can I or anyone tell you which is preferable. I'd suggest you try to audition both modules, based on your expenditure the dealer should be amenable.

Hi I emailed innuos the same question, with the Dac model#

and they acknowledge that the  usb implantation is good on the 006, but he was inclined to say that I2s may sound better as iit has a direct path to the DAC chip, but can’t say for certain which would sound better.


@shmeet As @sns  suggested, you should ask if they will send both and allow you to return one. 

@shmeet That is quiet an upgrade from a  Geshelli to a Musetec006 and an innuos Pulsar.   

@brbrock i made alot of mistakes along the way. I do not feel that way about the 006 . Now regarding the innuos, I have been streaming from my laptop listening with YouTube music. Not the best quality but the kids seem to like it. I have ordered the pulsar with I2s with the Phoenix net switch. I’m hopping this is it. ( some how I doubt it) I have two new pieces comming in that i have been waiting on for almost a year. Response audio, the harmonia DHT output source switch, and Bill who designs and builds them has modified to accommodate a 300B , 2A3/ 45 tube  by inserting  an adjustable heater for the tube. All source components Dac,CD, turntable, tape all go through the DHT and absorb the harmonics into the preamp He,  also said it can be used as preamp, the other product I’m waiting on is a completely costome unit and is the reason why I have been waiting . It is 300WPC Ganfet class D power amp with a DHT tube 300B/ 2a3 that stays in the circuit the entire time. I’m expecting delivery in the next month or so.


@shmeet  I understand you bought the Musetec preamp. Can you describe it's sound and how it effects the 006 presentation?

DHT's are my favorite tubes and topology, both my amps and pre use them. Pretty interesting integrating class D with DHT.


Your choice to go with I2S should be fine match with 006.

Musetec 006 arrived this afternoon from official (?) German/European importer. It definitely needs breaking in; not unpleasant, but 'edgy' at the moment. Thanks all for the advice. 

For years I have been on search for a DAC to upgrade my Qutests but have found none on my price range (below $5K) that I felt would result to significant gain. Not until past year or so when top quality CHIFI DACs started to come out. Had my eye on  the Gustard X30 very highly reviewed and had been favourably compared with Holo May and Dave-Mscaler stuff. Was about to pull trigger till I read about Musetec brand which unlike the Gustard does not have any pro reviews. Had anyone a chance to compare the top Gustards - X30, R26, X26 Pro, A26 with either the 005 or 006. Thanks.

Denali 6000V2 > Aurender N150 > Jeff Rowland C500 > Qutest 1 > Dynaudio C1

Triton V1 > Aurender N100H > Plinius Hautonga > Qutest 2 > Harbeth P3 40th Anniversay


@noelpastor I’m in south Florida in the winter where I have the 006. If you're nearby, I suggest buying the X-30 on Amazon, breaking it in, and bring it over to my house to compare. If the x30 lost the competition, you could return it within 30 days.

I can also offer you this (tortured)reasoning. I extensively compared the Holo May to the 005. I concluded they were similar and in the same class. The 006 more resolving and closer to live music, the May more vinyl like and sweeter. The 006 is better than the 005. Therefore, if the May is equal to the x30, the the 006 should be better.


@dbb Based on what I read on X30 and 006 I am pretty sure either would give me a sizable gain from my Qutest so I figure can't go wrong. My Qutests had been w/ me since its release 2018 at that time Chord FPGA based DACs had no competition at their price range. I am in Philippines little chance of me dropping by thanks for the offer though. I did read your take with the 005-May and it was one of the reasons I am seriously considering a 006. If there was a local dealer of the Musetec or Gustard I would had got one of these already but the only place I can get one is Shenzenaudio a bit of an unknown risk. I had bought something from them before an inexpensive Singxer DDC and it was smooth transaction.


@noelpastor FWIW, searching for ’Gustard’ and ’Musetec’ on the forum comes up with a few posts/threads where comparison of A26/X26 and 005 are made.

FWIW 2 - I just got a 006 10 days ago; still in burn-in period, but I'm very happy with the choice. However, I have zero experience of Gustard.

My 006 has come into its own.  I've got at least 500 hours on it (and the gaia) and it has become terrifically sweet and smooth with great resolution and nuanced expression.  Any hint of harshness and grain are completely gone.   

006 continues to evolve as my system evolves. Recently installed Western Electric 300B in my monoblocks replacing Psvane Acme. Suffered an initial loss of vacuum in one tube, finally have both up and working fine. So the WE's greater transparency, resolution, more harmonically development meaning even more natural timbre. 006 exposes all, like a chameleon it will change with the system it's partnered with, can be considered a reference piece. Don't blame the 006 for sound quality deficiencies, it's both highly resolving/ transparent and forgiving, can't think of a better combo.

@dlevi67 I read those comparison of 005 vs A26 and X26pro. The X30 is also generally described as a league above these Gustard models. What DAC are you coming from the 006? Given the X30 quite a bit cheaper than 006 I might just go ahead w/ it and see how it gels w/ my setup. One thing that worries me w/ Chifi stuff is what happens should I need support w/ a malfunction either during or post warranty - how responsive would Shenzenaudio be. 

@noelpastor My previous DAC is (was) a very old one, by a small British maker: LFD DAC3. This said, I compared it to a Chord Hugo TT2 in my system, and it very much held its ground.

On the maintenance/support - totally share the concern, and this was very much diminished by having a European importer that seems to be a serious business (Brexit or no Brexit, Germany is still a lot closer to the UK than China!). To the extent that I can see (warranty sealed unit), the DAC is extremely well built, but that's not equivalent to a trouble-free ownership.

[Apologies to all readers for my addled brain - the timing of '10 days' above is from shipping by the importer; I got the package 7 days later. The Musetec is coming up to a week "in house" tomorrow.]

@dbb sorry for the late response with regards to the musetec preamp. I think it is still to early to evaluate the sound, but with 250 hrs of burn in , short of the 500hrs recommend time, ( i think it will need more to be honest) i can say it is very balanced. Base is very good , mids and highs just right. It doesn’t have rhe wow factor , but it’s a preamp that you just forget about your equipment and listen to music. The one thing I noticed is that the vocals seem to be pushed a little further back than what I hear from my tube pre. I still think it’s early to gi e an honest assessment of this product. I’m waiting on the innuos pulsar, saying that between power cables, interconcets, and amp it’s difficult to to really explain what I’m hearing.


@shmeet It will be interesting to see if the Musetec preamp MH-SA001 has a special synergy with the 006 when both are fully broken in. Please keep us posted.

@dlevi67 Once your 006 settles I would be keen to hear your thoughts on how it compares with the HugoTT2 if you can still recall. Having owned and happy with the Qutest for many years the TT2 would have been a natural upgrade for me, but folks who have compared the two noted that the tonal balance of the TT2 was mildly warmer than the Qutest (my system already on warm side), and that the Qutest with a really good PSU (w/c I have) narrows the performance gap between the two. So I never bothered with it. On the other hand the Dave is more similar to the Qutest voicing, but out of my price range. I sent an email to Shenzenaudio asking them between Gustard and Musetec who they feel has better after sales support commitment and awaiting response.


I’m a happy owner of an 005 who has only been a casual contributer to this thread. What you write is not unlike what was written by some about the 005 in the very long 005 thread. So just a comment here.

You write that the 006 "unlike the Gustard (X30) does not have any pro reviews." Let’s get serious here. Anyone with a laptop or an iphone can call himself a "reviewer." These guys are all over the internet and one thing in common is that there is no supervision by another person, a serious editor, as in the legacy publications. The first printed review that comes up if you google "Gustard X30" is written by a guy for whom each new component is the best ever, thinks he is being paid by the word, repeats much of a manufacturer’s promo material, and like others of his ilk has gotten many of his review samples as gifts rather than loans from the manufacturers. A while ago there was a lot of discussion all over about that. A good review promotes a good resale value. That reviewer, like so many other internet reviewers, does so many reviews that they use each component for just a short time. Like the old reviews in Stereo Review and High Fidelity, they are only useful to learn what knobs and connectors each one has. Moreover, they know that the moment they do a critical review no manufacturer will again send them a component for review! Asking an 005 or 006 owner if they have compared to another recent component usually comes up empty as they are not reviwers. They only know what they have used, long term, before.

In another post you ask about the possibility of a malfunction. I don’t know what your options generally are where you live. However, you should be aware that with all that has been written about the 005 and 006 I don’t believe anyone has ever written of a problem with these units. Quality parts and quality control seems to be at a very high level. I write here about the 005 since I have not examined an 006. Like many other quality units from China, it is built in a very modular way. Therefore if there is a malfunction it can usually be traced to a circuit board tha can be lifted out and sent in for inspection and repair. So one does not have to send in the complete unit. But one should be comfortable doing that. 006 owners may want to comment here.

Of course it is comforting to have read praise from the "pro reviewers" before a purchase. However many of us have found comfort in reading of long term satisfaction such as is found in threads like this even though the contributers don’t have experience with many different units. Here in the US one can buy a Gustard from Amazon with an easy return. You should do what you are comfortable with. Your money, your anxiety, your choice.

As @melm  mentioned modular aspect of build important for ease of repair, same as my Laiv Harmony, DIY for some.


The lack of pro reviews is the one thing I absolutely don't get about Musetec. Laiv flooded youtube and other reviewers with demo Harmony dacs, result much hype and sales. I've seen the same thing with Holo, Gustard, SMSL, etc. seems many ascribe great authority to 'professional' reviewers.


Pro reviewers should be taken with a large grain of salt, negative reviews ensure manufacturers won't send you equipment and alienate fan boys. Danny at GR Research has many enemies what with his critiques of loudspeakers. Another outspoken one is Mike Powell, OCD HifFi Guy. These guys may or may not be correct in their criticisms and/or solutions but the point is they come under attack for negative reviews. Pro reviewers want to be liked, brings in more subscribers. Musetec doesn't play the game so its left to owners to spread the word, I can see why some skeptical with this, owners of equipment often morph into fan boys.


You write, "The lack of pro reviews is the one thing I absolutely don't get about Musetec."

It's been written many times: Small manufacturers don't want pro reviews.   

A bad review and they're done.  You don't have to look far to have seen that.   A sterling review and they have more orders than they can handle.  Then they have to deal with a crowd of unhappy folks.

I do believe a good percentage of so called pro reviews have some bias one way or the other and at varying levels, but as long as one is aware of this these can still be helpful especially when gears are compared. Like when the X30 is compared w/ the May it is often described as more open, incisive and detailed presentation while May bloomy, warm and spacious. This tells me in my system (mildly warm) the X30 will likely be a better match. It is from these reviews I eliminated the May as an option w/c I originally were keen. 

Musetec do seem to be a smaller outfit than Gustard w/ only 3 products. W/c could explain why they would rather sell units rather pass around for reviews. I sent them a couple of emails and got prompt decent response. My email to Gustard still no response. I buy lots of stuff all the time from Amazon but the X30 is not an option. In email Musetec advise they have been partners for years w/ Shenzenaudio and they are reliable. 

@noelpastor Midwest Audio out of I believe Indiana also dealer for Musetec.


I'd find it hard to believe reviewers praising $1-2K Chinese dacs would find fault with Musetec's, sound quality, perhaps some would claim they heard no difference vs those dac's, therefore, Musetec over priced. Issue of production capabilities may be valid, perhaps they're already maxed out, we don't have any idea of sales numbers in China.

Just received the innuos pulsar with the network switch.

@sns was correct the 006 will definitely  let you know where your system is falling behind.  Using rhe pulsar with normal USB ( not digital out) noticed a gigantic leap in SQ in just 4 hrs of turning on the machine.  Don't feed the 006 from a laptop., you don't know what your missing going through a decent streamer.. @brbrock  you mentioned your concern with fatigue over long periods of time.  I can say it average 4 to 6 hours with no fatigue.  


I continually see these threads where some claim streamers make no difference in sound quality, this may be the most preposterous claim I've ever heard in the audio realm. i easily heard changes with streamers in my earliest days of streaming. Those early streamers being laptops, then a variety of stock and modified Mac Minis, Auralic Vega dac in those days.

Point being even relatively low life streamers should be differentiated in an otherwise high end system. Also, mini's can be pretty good  with dedicated linear power supplies replacing stock switching PS, RAM upgrades, extensive OS modifications, eliminating all unneeded functions, good learning experience for whats important for streamer sound quality. Not a fine wine, but far better than wine in a box, may not be a final destination, but not offensive to the palette.

I looked all thru the thread for a comparison of the Musetec 006 with Gaia and the Terminator plus with Gaia.  Has anyone compared?