First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship

I have received the 006 almost a week ago and have been breaking it in. The price at Shenzhenaudio is $3,900.00 USD, $600 more than the 005. The ad copy states:

"DA006 is a new generation of flagship DAC developed by Musetec over three years and launched in 2024. During this period, it has undergone more than ten revisions and adjustments.

Compared to the previous DA005, the listening experience of DA006 has been improved in all aspects. DA006 has clearer and richer details, a stronger sense of texture, a more stable sound base, better detail control, a wider soundstage, fuller and more powerful, smoother and more natural. . ."

Some brief listening during break in has been very very positive. I will report back when it has run at least 300 hours.


I had a long listening session this evening with the 006. At this point it has been over 500 hours. My first conclusion is that it has finally stabilized. No more high frequency congestion. The wait tried my patience.  I was once skeptical that any piece of electronics really needed 500 or more hours to be fully broken in. I’m a believer now.

From a music lover’s perspective, which it what we audiophiles claim to be, this machine is a friend of the heart. It does not sound analog or digital per se but like live music which can lift your mood and elevate your spirit.

If asked my opinion on how it sounds from a critical listening audiophile perspective, it is all the good things that I have reported. Near astounding natural resolution, dynamics, soundstaging, and imaging. Not a trace of glare or harshness. The texture of the sound almost rejects common audiophile adjectives like smooth, thin, thick, etc. The words that I think are appropriate are real and palpable. I would still say it has neutral tonal balance with a slight tilt to the warm side much like the 005. Where it is beyond anything I have heard is that I am able to close my eyes during certain orchestral passages and hear so clearly various string sections entering and exiting, accent details like subtle bass and cello pizzicatos appearing and disappearing as if heard live. Some chamber music sounds so real it is spooky. Audiophiles call this resolution, but I don’t think the word does justice to the experience.

@sns good feedback so far on what seems atypical of the burning process. keep us updated. I am still not sure if I want to upgrade to 006 - so many DACs available at this price range. On one side I kept thinking of trying a non-Sabre DAC - AKM, R2R, Fpga, Hybrids, but then the Musetec 005 also sounds very musical in my setup. Not sure what to do - a problem with too many choices :-)


@melm nice summarizing all the types of DDCs.

There is one DDC that called my attention - its a Audiobyte Super Hub. Its expensive compared to others but I have heard good things about it.

With my experience with digital and a lot of DIY along the way, it extremely difficult to pick a winner. There are so many factors with digital that affects the sound, it is hard to say in advance what will work in one’s system. One really got to try it out. However, one thing that I can say confidently and which has worked in every situation is the better and more stable a power supply, the better the sound in digital.

Two corrections to my post on DDCs.

1. The Singxer UIP-1 PRO comes with a wall wart.  A good power supply is necessary to bring it anywhere near the Phoenix whose power supply is ample.  FWIW the device in its non-PRO version got a reasonably good review at ASR,  They found a reduction in noise at the most bothersome frequencies. The PRO version has an OCXO similar to that in the Phoenix.  The non-PRO version does not.

2.  The last paragraph should, of course, begin: Finally, though not usually called DDCs, are Ethernet-in/I2S-out devices, better known as streamers. 

Apologies.  i'm feeling the effects of a Covid shot yesterday and perhaps shouldn't be posting.  Hope I got the corrections right.

@sns  My take on the 006 after maybe as much as 450 hours of break in is still evolving. I keep feeling that I may have made a mistake in reporting provisional and what I thought were final conclusions as it still, surprisingly,  may be breaking in. At first, I was ecstatic over everything I was hearing (dynamics, imaging, sound stage, resolution). Next I became frustrated with software hiccups where my streamers suddenly lost volume on three occasions. After that I started to hear some sporadic congestion usually involving high frequencies. Some of those anomalies were on favorite recordings. In a brief intemperate fit lasting a day, I decided to sell the 006 even though it was performing brilliantly on 90% of my recordings. I wanted 100%. After I heard sns’ first impressions, I changed my mind about selling it. Soon after that I thought that the fault was not in the equipment but in my own very limited but real high frequency hearing loss. (I’m 75 years old) After that, the anomalies I heard faded. All recordings were 100% listenable again. Maybe it wasn’t my hearing. It did seem to get darker for a while. Over the last three or four days the sound seems to have stabilized. I have not had any problems. It is the best DAC I have heard. But please do not take this latest report as my offering final conclusions. I have to put more time in to be sure. Sorry for the suspense.

Just a brief word about DDCs.  The Phoenix was diacussed towards the end of the Musetec 005 thread where it was compared to the far less expensive Singxer UIP-1 PRO.  IIRC the Singxer has about the same clock, galvanic isolation and a simpler power supply.  Singxer has a very fine reputaion for its devices.  It is currently available at Amazon (US) and is returnable.  So one can try with zero cost.  These are USB-in/USB-out devices.

Other DDC devices that were mentiond are USB-in/I2S-out devices.  These units duplicate what each of the Musetec DACs does internally.  Some have reported that the device made by LKS actually outperforms the internal function in the DAC.  Others, me included, are sceptical.  Singxer makes a similar device.  

Finally, though not usually called DDCs, are Ethernet-in/USB-out devices, better known as streamers.  They avoid any use of USB at all.  There are those who swear by them.  Some such units also have coaxial SPDIF and/or AES/EBU outputs.  The jury is out on which of these outputs is preferred by owners of them.  However, the I2S can handle very much higher sampling rates than the others and even higher than USB.

Second listening session, now 125 hours.


In what I'd call transition period at this point. First session, impressive gains in resolution/transparency attracted vast majority of my attention. This area of performance is the calling card of 006, automatically increases involvement, and I'd expect this to remain long term.


So now we get to presentation, really the most important aspect of any audio component, this is the where I want to concentrate my attention going forward. As mentioned above, 006 in period of transition, I noticed a slight closed in sound quality early hours, just a bit veiled and uptight, this improved somewhat over listening session. Tonally, this gave it a sort of a dark quality, something I noticed last week, very slight tonal aberration here. More noticeable is lack of full expression with micro dynamics, something I also noticed at first listening session, 006 does not yet have what I call the 'breath of life', just a little flat here. Beyond that nothing really standing out in a negative way.


Nothing really unexpected here, typical of component burn in. I expect the 006 burn in to be a long one, this thing has lots of technology built into it, many boutique parts, large number of transformers, complex power supplies. I'm expecting perhaps up to 400 hours based on my modding experience with some of these parts.


So I'm doing survey type listening thus far, virtually all genres, all manner of recording quality, seeking out the warts to get fair estimation of 006. Thus far only a single recording which I thought inferior to previous listens, this was synth heavy recording which I formerly thought to be far more expansive dynamically than it turns out to be. I've likely played well over a thousand tracks, one track from each album, so many flavors already heard, for only one recording to sound inferior is pretty good in my book. So, in essence what I'm saying, still believe 006 is superior to 005 in ability to be both more resolute/transparent and musical or forgiving of all recordings.


Now, nice to have Laiv Harmony around in order to compare it's utterly natural, holistic presentation, although I still have more hours to listen. Laiv easier to simply relax into, not listen in analytical mode. Dacs like 006, because of their relatively high resolution really demand a different kind of attention, you can't help but hearing the SOUND,  I really get why some like the NOS R2R sound. And I'm not saying 006 not holistic or natural, at only 125 hours doubt it even close to final sound, guarantee this thing will 'bloom' in time. I'm going to burn in 006 in 25 hour increments going forward, want to hear the transitions. @dbb  perceptions of 006 very curious to me, perhaps I still haven't heard some persistent, long term anomaly in 006.

@darcman I'd say without a doubt usb way to go with Musetec. I've heard I2S more likely to be superior for R2R dacs as separate timing leg of I2S cable is critical in getting best performance from these dacs. The issue is your adding another component with DDC, added complexity and voicing of DDC, may take as much or more than it gives.


I can't say if Musetec's prefer tubes or SS, I purchased a Pass XP-22 last year, while very nice, still preferred my Coincident pre, this may be a system thing or just my personal preference.


Also, 006 is not really acting as a preamp, yes it has volume control, but its digital and stripping bits. There are dacs with analog volume control, with these much better chance at not needing pre. However, the good ones are expensive, and I've seen where some still prefer stand alone pre.

@sns  When I bought the Phoenix my DAC (Musical Paradise MKIII Deluxe) at the time didnt have I²S which seemed to be the latest rave. I tried a few inexpensive USB decrapifiers, they all made a difference. The Phoenix was expensive, but I thought if I stick with USB, why not get one of the best USB optimizer solutions.

I have kind of always had the belief that instead of converting the digital signal, why cant they make USB sound as good. Now I wouldnt want to dispute anyones findings that prefered I²S. Maybe if my DAC had the I²S input I might have went the DDC route especially if it was cheaper than the Phoenix. There is another newish USB optimizer that is made by LHY called the UIP. It looks like a nice piece for the money. That is good to know about the USB input of the 006.

The volume thing with the 006 confused me. The 006 is essentially acting as a preamp without having to switch to preamp mode. I can understand people wanting to do away with a component. I have always felt there is no substitute for a good preamp so I would just use the 006 as a DAC only.

You said the 006 would fit into many systems. So the 006 doesnt favour SS or Tube preamps?? I guess that would be a preference synergy thing. I have a SS Classe CP800 and the Primaluna Evo 400 preamps. I like both, but tubes just have that special touch. I thought about selling my Evo 400 as my Classe monoblocks are the match to my CP800. Its just prying the tubes from my hands lol

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@darcman Dbb correct, no fixed volume setting. I use Roon which allows fixed volume setting for dac. I should also add the manual dual volume controls on my Coincident pre make for a bit of hassle in controlling volume so generally I set a volume on pre that allows for close to no attenuation on my dac, therefore, minimal loss of bits with digital volume control on dacs. I've never heard a discernible difference between running 005 fully open vs up to aprox. -6 or -7db, I'll try same with 006, don't expect any losses.

I had a Singxer su6 some years ago, tried I2S into 005, no contest, even with lesser usb than I presently have. Both 005 and 006 usb only way to go, optimization of usb prior to dac, regardless of how usb implemented in dac always pays off IME.



@gavin1977 The ChiFi one is from and made in China. Its not a fake knockoff cable, its own brand and actually quite good silver USB cable. The Stealth Audio Select T is made in the US, something like $2K. I wish all my cables could be Stealth Audio, everything they make is fantastic. Now I just have to get a 006

@darcman I'm not familiar with those specific ones, but the skys the limit with USB cables into the Phoenix.  I used Dual Sablon USB, but moved onto Network Acoustics Muon.

When you say Chi Fi, I presume you mean fake AQ?

@gavin1977 I use a high end ChiFi USB cable into the Phoenix and a Stealth Audio Select T out. I have a Wireworld Silver Electra for a pc.

@darcman the Phoenix USB reclocker would be beneficial, but you’ll need good power and USB cables in and out of it.  I used to have a similar setup to you (au now have a DIY ‘Faiko’, Taiko extreme) - it still needs a good USB out of DDC. So sorry but everything matters - you should keep it in the chain, it’s a great piece.

Ya I was just wondering if anybody might have happened to try the 006 with a Phoenix. Of course if I bought a 006 why wouldnt I try it. If the Phoenix didnt make much of a difference with a 006 and if I ended up selling it, that would be a good chunk of the 006 cost.

My server is a home brew all solid state NUC12i7 in a fanless case with a linear ps. My DAC is Gustard A26. For the most part I am pretty happy, but you know how it goes. An upgrade DAC list of mine would be Musetec MH-DA006 or maybe a Gustard X30. The X30 with the quad ES9039 looks cool, but the 006 looks to be built to a higher standard???

I have an Innuos Phoenix USB decrapifier reclocker, I wonder if these type of devices have a positive effect on sound quality or do they have a minimal effect if any

The 006 has a galvanic high speed usb isolator chip and the whole purpose of it is to make the usb input agnostic of the source. However, in reality, the better the source, the better the sound. Many say that I2S sounds better when they introduce a DDC in between but the fact is they have a poor/weak USB source. In my case with 005, a DDC deteriorates the sound since my source’s usb implementation is a lot better. There is no black and white answer to your question since, unlike analog, there are too many variables (power supply, noise, jitter, network) in digital that can affect the sound. Since you already have the Phoenix USB, try with and without and let your ears decide which sounds better.

On a separate note, the Phoenix USB chip is pretty ordinary and nothing fancy, it’s the power supply that makes it better than many, if not all, music server’s USB output.

Oh I just thought of another question. Not sure what most will use as an input. I have an Innuos Phoenix USB decrapifier reclocker, I wonder if these type of devices have a positive effect on sound quality or do they have a minimal effect if any

Thanks, OK so that is volume to max. I just looked again in the manual, ya I dont see any fixed volume setting. All I see is the volume range of 0 db to -127.5 db

I dont own the 006, just looks like a very nice build and certainly a DAC to consider for anyones short list.

@darcman I just turned the volume up all the way to 0.0db. I don't think there is a fixed setting. 

If you use the 006 as a DAC only with a separate preamp how do set the volume to fixed? I read the manual I couldnt seem to find it.

@dbb Very good choice to keep! I guess I couldn't understand your choice vs keeping 005 since I hear the 006 as more forgiving and natural. Sorry to learn of your hearing loss, not unusual to lose the ability to hear highs, I can only hear up to 16khz in a very quiet environment. In a noisier environment this more severely impacted. I won't go much into this, but we often don't realize how much the background or ambient noise levels of our listening rooms impacts our ability to hear certain frequencies, these ambient noise levels may completely mask certain frequencies in general, and actually change the mix to some degree on our recordings. I choose to exclusively listen at night when ambient noise levels at naturally lower due to the outside world slowing down. I even tried Schumann resonators, won't go into that.


Again, it may well be the particular presentation of the 006 doesn't suit you, after hearing the Harmony in my system I can understand the appeal of that presentation. In thinking about this I recall my audio show attending days, I'd often go into rooms where there were relatively low resolving systems but musical and inviting. Many would congregate to these rooms, I was always seeking the highest resolving rooms, yes, some could be irritating, but once in a while I heard high resolution along with those inviting qualities in the lower resolving rooms. And this was some years ago, so digital not nearly the quality of today, You can take a dac like the Harmony, enough resolving ability to be involving, yet be entirely musical. I suspect a Harmony magically placed in any of those rooms may have been best of show for me, that's how far digital has come. Point is 006 simply not needed anymore for many, this for the resolution seekers, and you must already have a highly resolving system in place to hear it's full potential. Without that simply wasting your money, although I consider 006 to be amazing value at $3900! I'd also reiterate 006 should sound nice in virtually any system, relatively natural timbre and neutral tonal balance should ensure that.

@brbrock I haven't listened to 006 sans preamp like I have with 005. Loss of bits wouldn't be so much a concern since so much resolution here. Issue would be exactly what dbb stated, I've also tried and owned a number of passives (still have a Schitt sitting around, and my Coincident 845 SET has choice of passive pre or direct modes) over the years, you'll have exactly the same problem, it will solve issue of lost bits though.

Dear friends, I offer a mea culpa. I have gotten to the bottom of my complaint that some higher frequency sounds seemed “off” with the 006. The conclusion is not what I would have guessed. After doing near obsessive listening and swapping of streamers, and spending several thousand dollars for a used highly regarded tube preamp, I have concluded that the problem is not the equipment but my hearing. At the age of 75 I have developed some mild loss in my ability to accurately hear some higher frequencies. I will spare you the long version of the story. Please consider my critical comments on the highs sometimes being off as withdrawn. 

@brbrock  I listened to it direct for about an hour or so using the digital volume control in the dac.  It was clear and smooth, but, as I have always experienced, a loss of some dynamic punch and texture occurs after removing the preamp.  I imagine better results could be obtained with  a passive preamplifier that matched well with the amp.

@sns @dbb How does the MH-DA006 sound connected directly to an amp. I don't have a preamp.

@sns  My first reactions to the 006 were much like yours. I was practically having orgasms. The nit picks didn't crop up until later.

Because I highly respect your opinion, I've marked my ad off. I will give it more time.

@dbb I'm absolutely shocked!


On to my initial observations. I'll attempt to temper my words regards this dac, but then I can't help myself, This dac lives in an entirely different realm from both 005 and Laiv Harmony! The initial thing that sets this dac apart from those is the resolving ability, even upon first few minutes of warm up, system at background level volume, no critical listening mode I heard special things going on. So, system warmed up, critical listening begins. This thing provides detail, low level information like I've never heard before. Performers way down in mix now heard, individual performers in dense and complex passages far more resolved. And the manner in which this greater level of detail is presented is holistic in the sense it all coheres to the whole. None of this spotlit unless you choose to direct your attention to it, which I admit is somewhat difficult as early on its something of a novelty. Once you get past the novelty and direct your attention to the whole it all becomes very natural, which means I always got into that sheer musical enjoyment state of mind, away from the analytical state. I should also add sense of performers in unique recording venues far more easily heard, this added to sense of realism with 006!


Now, allied to resolution, sound staging and imaging. Always thought 005 pretty nice here, exception being depth in center image. Laiv easily surpassed 005, much better layering here. 006 at least matched this layering effect, and improved on both 005 and Laiv on horizontal and height axis. Images also more dimensional and stable on that sound stage, Finally, individualization of images much greater with 006, especially with complex passages with large numbers of performers, really special here! All in all, great performance and presented in a naturalistic manner.


Transparency rides along in lock step with this higher resolution, sense of performers in room heightened from what I've long considered to be a strength of my system.


Now we come to the two areas I had the most concern with coming into this initial listening session, tonality which I always interpret as tonal balance, the other is timbre. Tonal balance pretty much spot on, nearly exact to 005. My system has long been tuned to tonality of 005, the only change I made throughout listening session was a single notch down on output on my Rel subs. What this tonal balance means is no frequency or frequencies draw attention to themselves, bass, mids and highs all in perfect harmony in my system. Laiv overemphasizes bass in my setup, no doubt I can easily bring into proper perspective with small changes. Next we come to timbre, with this being the most surprising aspect of 006. I was expecting something along lines of 005, or perhaps even more problematic considering @dbb  issues. This turned out to be quite the opposite in my case. I long considered 005 a neutral device in regard to timbre, in other words just close enough to natural to make it an enjoyable listen. The Laiv in NOS mode surpasses 005 here, 006 surprisingly surpasses Laiv. At this point I consider 006 rather rich on the scale of timbre, I'd now rate 005 as analytical in context of Laiv and 006. Such natural timbre makes long listening sessions enjoyable, no fatigue. I can even judge this dac as forgiving at this point, can't imagine timbre being an issue in any system. To put my judgement of timbre into context, vinyl has long been and continues to be my gold standard for timbre, 006 very nice!


Dynamics, both micro and macro very nice, micro seemingly expanding throughout listening session, a bit up tight at first. Expect this to loosen up over time.


Believe that's everything for now, To reiterate, for me 006 is my new reference, don't understand dbb's issues, based on my impressions I'd expect 006 to work in a wide variety of systems, there is absolutely nothing that needs to be masked or hidden! For me, this level of performance invites a comparison to much more expensive dacs, Mola Mola Tambaqui  based on my impressions of dacs would be the next most natural competitor. Some claim its excessively analytical, at this point in my dac exploration I'm going to assume those people making that claim either have issues somewhere else in system or they simply don't like a high resolution dac. I can understand the allure of a R2R dac like the Laiv, very musical, holistic, resolving enough to bring high involvement. Sometimes in listening to 006 it occurred to me how relaxing the Laiv was in comparison to the 006, 006 a spectacular listen, DEMANDS your involvement, Laiv lets you choose.


@dbb Your should reconsider the selling of 006, can't imagine you can't resolve issues. On the other hand, I can understand 006 perhaps not for you, the issue of equipment that demands your attention is why other presentations exist. I'd only suggest if dbb insists on selling, someone should purchase immediately!

len067 Yes. It was a difficult decision, but I felt the effort in terms of system changes to get it exactly where I wanted it was not for me. I may regret it. I think I explained it above.

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dbb just listed his 006 for sale?

I thought this might work out for him.



@dbb I get that, massed violins are the single greatest issue I have with digital vs. vinyl, and my vinyl setup in particular. Natural timbre always seems just a bit off, natural resonance of a live violin very difficult to reproduce.


I think what we're talking about is differing presentations between dacs and components in general. So, as you know recently placed Laiv Harmony into system, presentation definitely different from Musetec 005 yet totally involving almost immediately in NOS mode. While I continued to listen in analytical mode, pure enjoyment mode replaced analytical mode vast majority of listening session. As I recall, 005 took much longer to reach pure enjoyment mode, most of the initial enjoyment came from the rather dramatic increase in resolution/transparency. One variable in play then is that I was breaking in other components in system at time of 005 insertion. No issues with that at this point.




@sns I didn’t mean to prejudice you on the quality of the 006. It is one of the best dacs if not the best dac I have ever heard. It is my audiophile neurosis that prevents me from being accepting of favorite recordings sounding slightly different than what I want. It is a finicky streak and often involves the sound of the violin.

Have 006 connected to main system tonight, letting it burn in silently (pre forward off), so will have something like 115 hours on 006.


@dbb I'd say 90% positive rate is fantastic, seems your somewhat letdown by 006.


Crap recordings will always sound crap, now if you're talking about mediocre recordings having poorer sound, that's another thing. Absolutely necessary mediocre recordings sound better than previous component in order for me to consider it a positive addition. Musicality has to be at least commensurate to improved resolution/transparency. In general, with positive additions I perceive greater musicality with increased resolution/transparency, this due to increased involvement. You've tempered my expectations for 006.

@sns I agree with you on the importance of the streamer generally, but not necessarily on the use of a switch or fiber optic cable with the Ultrarendu. I don't want to get too off topic on streamers. It is possible that the best streamer would not correct the issues I have. It's also possible I will decide that the 006 is worth keeping because of the amazing job it does with 90% of my music.

Anyway, I look forward to your take on the sound of the 006. 

In regard to my streaming philosophy. Streaming is a chain, chain starts at internet service, ends at dac. Start with provider, faster service better, I use 1gb. Modem next, even this matters, Broadcom chip important. Router next (this important for wired net provider, optical service doesn't apply), router directly next to audio system, running router long distance from system requires long ethernet cable which means either keeping costs down by using inferior cable, one could use high cost cable, solves that issue but you still have greater losses vs. running long coax cable to router located at system. The other issue with running router at distance from system, most running this router as full house router, means wifi enabled (noise), no lps, so then they choose audiophile switch to isolate noise from system. Issue is you've already lost on noise floor issue at router, switch can't bring back what's been lost further up the chain. I run router at system, wifi disabled, quality lps plugged in via high quality AC cable to my power conditioner, I use short run of quality ethernet cable to network isolation card (JCAT Netcard XE). Conditioning ethernet can pay dividends as well. This goes into streamer which is maximally silent via Enterprise level components in streamer, these provide low latency  and low latency is what you're looking for in streamers, don't want signal lingering in noisy environment, quality power supply for streamer extremely important as well. Then I go really extreme with optical conversion, even transceivers and optical cable quality matters here. And then final link in chain, quality usb or I2S cable.


This all learned from direct experience with myriad streaming setups over many years. Treat each link in streaming chain with utmost care, then streaming can challenge any source for highest sound quality.

I don't understand why you're using fiber optic with UltraRendu, you should be using OpticalRendu, and this with OpticalModule, both with quality lps. Assuming you have wired internet service, conversion to optical done at end of chain, just prior to dac, ie., opticalmodule>opticalrendu>usb to dac. Quality lps, even the DC cables make a difference, I was very surprised to hear the difference in DC cables, pretty much along lines AC cables make. Also, I've found switches to be of absolutely no use, this even with audiophile switch. Fast gaming level router with quality lps, wifi shut off, this will be system router, get second router, daisy chain this router to system router, enable wifi on this second or whole house router. This keeps things simple, quiet. Also quality ethernet cable, I use Audioquest Vodka.


And then the streamer itself is at least as important as dac! I tried a variety of streamers over perhaps ten years, all custom builds in my case. My present custom streamer uses $6k JCAT ATX Optimo lps, this just the power supply, rest of streamer uses all Enterprise level components. Now, you don't need to go to this admittedly extreme extent to get quality streaming. If I were to choose off the shelf, I'd go for Innuous, Aurender or Antipodes, best you can afford. This upgrade should be first for you, other things I mention above can wait, get a first class streamer and you'll be hearing full potential of 006, the rest I mention is icing on cake.


As for your Coincident pre, so you have the dual manual volume control version. This version has the two volume transformers, the other version with remote uses a single volume pot. Remote version doesn't have the resolution/transparency of TVC Statement. I can directly comment to this as I have the exact same volume setup with pot on my Coincident Turbo 845 so I can use as integrated, also has bypass of volume pot, far superior in bypass mode.

@debjit_g @sns  I agree with you on the importance of a well set up streamer. I have made some progress in this area, using a switch and fiber optic cables before my ultrarendu. 

Also, I have no complaints about the Coincident Statement preamp. It turns out it does not have a remote and does have the Psvane tubes. It is as good as you said.

It might be that when you get to a certain high level some old favorite recordings are exposed as not sounding as good as they did in a previous set up that was at a lower level. I guess I don't want to make any sacrifices. I don't want to chase rainbows either.

@dbb Perhaps you're expecting too much, no such thing as perfection in this hobby. My Conicident Statement, the one with dual TVC, no remote volume control is not what I'd call warm, simply neutral with a tube presentation. I don't believe the Hegel or Coincident is the issue. I'd go with debit_g and suggest streaming setup, I've had to work for years on getting mine just right. Metal drivers may also expose some anomalies.


In any case, my first listening session with 006 will come on Friday evening, just slightly over 100 hours burn in. This included many starts and stops, heat cycling important for many parts,  and capacitor charging and discharging help to form caps, both important to any burn in regimen. I wouldn't give 006 a final verdict just yet, a variety of  perspectives help in determining any component's voicing.

@dbb thanks for your feedback. It looks like the 006 is revealing weakness in rest of your system. This is not the fault of the DAC and more to do with the system matching. Sometimes even a slight extra resolution can throw an offball curve. You might want to take a look at the source you are using and experiment with it. Almost all resolving DACs needs a better source to get the best out of it and if you are steaming than optimizing the network is paramount.

Here is my conclusion on the 006. It most of all provides outstanding dynamics which goes a long way to putting energy and life into the music as if you were hearing a live performance. As I said earlier, this in itself creates the feel of more resolution, especially in orchestral transients and chamber music. I heard beautiful details in familiar recordings that I never noticed before. This sounds like an audiophile cliche but it is not meant in the usual way as if your hearing just got better.and you heard more. You hear more because this DAC punches hard when taut crisp transients are in the music like in real life. If the music has punch you will feel it. It is the most live sounding DAC I have heard. This makes it, in my opinion, better than the 005. It is not harsh per se, but it could be challenging when it comes to system matching. It was for me. Some recordings sounded better than ever, and a few became edgy.

Over the years I have balanced the sound of my system by choosing a smooth and slightly warm amp, a McIntosh Mc402, with a detailed, clear neutral and dynamic preamp, a Hegel P30, and neutral and highly resolving speakers with metal drivers, the Kef Referance 1s. I also use three subwoofers. The 006 made me chase perfection by causing me to try another preamp, a Coincident Statement Line Stage. Ninty percent of my recordings sound better than ever. Ten percent don’t. Neither preamp quite gets me where I want to be, yet a look at the potential of the 006 makes me wan to keep trying. How ya goin’ to keep’em down on the farm after they’ve seen Paree.

@debjit_g  He recommended a Chinese brand CMAudio reference silver cable. Price in USD would be $710. It doesn't seem to be readily available in the US market.

@dbb thanks for the update. keep them coming. Btw, did Jinbo suggest which silver power cord he prefers in Musetec ?

@sns @debjit_g I have been away for about 10 days visiting family so I have not had a chance to listen or come to a final conclusion yet. I’ll be home tomorrow. My listening will continue.

Before I left I came to two conclusions. The first was that the 006 is spectacularlly good in the ways I have described and clearly a step closer to the sound of live music.

The second was that my system had been disrupted in a negative way. I was disappointed that after 400 plus hours I was sometimes not satisfied with certain high frequency sounds. Later at night say, after 8:00 p.m., the problem was minimal or gone. In the daytime certain orchestral crescendoes involving strings and percussion, and sometimes solo violin sounded harsh and congested, but not exactly bright. This mostly went away in the evening. I presumed the 006 was more sensitive to noise on my power line which quieted down at night. No such noticable issue with the 005. I do use a Niagra 1200 filter and surge supressor. When I removed my Hegel P30 from the system the harshness smoothed out but dynamics were gone as I would expect. I then did some research and discovered a good deal on a Coincident Statement Line Stage Mk II, (highly recommended by sns) with remote volume control, which I ordered. I asked to have the shipping delayed until this week because I was not home.

I also asked Jinbo at Musetec, who I believe is the main designer and a principle owner, about my experience. He suggested using a silver power cord on the 006. I have a pair of old HGA Silver Lace interconnect 99.9 pure silver cables which I will convert to a power cord and try it out.

I would not say the sound of the 006 overall is harsh, bright, or unmusical. In fact when it is sounding good, I would give it an A+ on musicality.  It just seems that it has given my system some sporadic indigestion. I have not yet found the medicine to cure it. If the change in preamp and power cord do not fix the issue, I will re-evaluate. My goal was not to rebuild my entire system around the 006. On the other hand changing my components to maximize the potential of the 006 could be the best route to an end game system. I will then stop posting and just listen to music. To be continued. . .

I have looked and can’t find if the clocks in the DAC are oven controlled?

Don’t think so. They are excellent femto clocks though. oven control doesn’t necessarily relate to better sound. they are better for keeping the jitter low over longer duration of time which is not a necessity for audio performance. what matters more is the phase noise @10hz for audio.


@dbb Yes, any further changes with 006? Is the Statement you're getting the non-remote, dual TVC version? The TVC's in Mkii on are substantial upgrade over MkI versions, I know this from direct experience. Statement pre, regardless of tube used (exception of Linlai mesh plate, I had midrange glare) is not tonally colored. You mentioned using silver pc,  assume for use with Statement. If your system doesn't have some inherent brightness elsewhere, silver pc should be good to go. In a tonally balanced system, silver should increase refinement in highs, not add to highs. Also, should use balanced/XLR's out of 006, take advantage of Statement's true balanced topology.

@wig Expect as much.

@debjit_g Working towards 50 hours on 006, won't even bother to insert into main system until at least 100 hours. IME with many of the boutique parts in 006 it can take up to 400 hours to reach static/stable state.


I'll be trading burn in time with listening time between Harmony and 006. 006 will go in late next week with expected 100-200 hours. Someone mentioned heat in regard to reliability of Musetec, 004 ran pretty hot, 006 runs warm at left top, wouldn't call it hot, still I'd give it room to breathe.

@dbb what’s your final take on the 006 ? I have been using the 005 for sometime now and wanted to upgrade to 006. I read the 006 has more resolution than 005 which is fine but I worry of tipping the scale to the brighter side. Being a ds dac, the 005 still has a lot of musicality. How do you grade the musical aspect of 006 as compared to 005 ?

@sns keep the reports coming after you burn in the dac significantly, at least 300 hrs...the Mundrof Mlytic and Duelund (maybe ? or Jupiter ?) in 006 takes a long long time to burn-in.


You hear a noticeable difference in depth, clarity, low level detail and layering at the 225 hour mark as more time is accumulated on the Laiv...
