
Responses from car123

Best Used Tube Based Preamp $2k Or Under?
Glad you picked up a pre-amp that you are happy with! I’ve had 3 Joule pre-amps, all supremely reliable. I let my LA 100 go and really wish I had kept it. It was magical with my music reference RM-10, a great little EL 84 amp that I can't imagine ... 
Best Used Tube Based Preamp $2k Or Under?
Don't forget Joule Electra.  Jud is gone but Rich at Signature Sound can repair/upgrade as needed, but they are as reliable as tanks.  Used LA-150s rarely come up for sale but, given that the company is no longer in business, you can get used joul... 
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
My 006, Gaia, tubulus cable, optical modules, power supplies, and ethernet cables are run in and settled and I must say my system is sounding simply superb, smooth and involving, wide, deep and layered, while allowing, if I want to think about it,... 
Buddy Miller on songwriting (and other musical topics).
Saw Buddy and Julie open for Spyboy in Portland, it must have been 2000 or 2001.  Incredible concert.  I've seen Buddy many times but Julie only that once.  Buddy is a great player, collaborator, bandleader, producer, and singer; Julie has some so... 
Pure Silver Wire
I use primarily siltech, which are comprise of silver/gold alloy.  Fantastic cables, not at all harsh and bright but very smooth and revealing.  
Rogue Sphinx....good match with Merlin TSM?
You should consider a used joule electra amp.  I've had many and they were excellent when I had Merlins.  There were never many joule amps made but they are quite special if you can find a nice used one.  
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
My 006 has come into its own.  I've got at least 500 hours on it (and the gaia) and it has become terrifically sweet and smooth with great resolution and nuanced expression.  Any hint of harshness and grain are completely gone.     
Sonore Signature Rendu SE
Remind the collective, are the finisar 1475's needed for the sonore products 1G or 10G?  At this moment, I can't recall.   
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
Following up on what dbb said, I think all of us have had our 006s go through a "dumb phase " (to borrow a phrase from the wine world) where the DAC goes up and down.  I had some moments of harshness and vocal sibilance, which have completely disa... 
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
brbrock, I said that my current streaming setup is the best digital I have ever had and that it rivals and perhaps bests my vinyl, although source quality has everything to do with what sounds best, as I expect you know. Some records are not bette... 
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
Just spent an hour in the sweet spot, sounding absolutely amazing.  Definitely sweetening, softening, focusing even more. I tried async when I first fired up gaia and 006 but haven't tried it since.  Sync was better out of the gate and I'm still ... 
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
I've got perhaps a dozen hours on the tubulus, and less on the new optical module deluxe, but I can assuredly say that my system has reached new heights--new levels of detail and resolution with even more involvement than ever before.  Some of the... 
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
My tubulus has shipped.  
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
sns, nice vinyl rig.  I forgot to mention I already have finisar spf1475 installed in the sonores.   I'm heading to my dedicated room for a listen.  
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
I continue to be impressed with the 006/gaia combination as it keeps positively evolving at around 250-300 hrs.  Microdynamics, detail, resolution and soundstage are truly off the charts while also allowing profound involvement with the musical pe...