FED-EX ground and SMART POST..........It travels around the US with no place to go

I bought a 600.00 piece of audio to be shipped by Fed-Ex ground....Some how the seller decided to ship it Fed-EX Smart Post....Which is not "Smart".........The package leaves Alabama and travels for days and ends up in Troutsdale , Or which is a depot for Fed-Ex.......It lays in there for 4 days untel someone sends it over to USPS.....Now the tracking number doesn't work anymore so I don't know if it will ever show up...... I took the  tracking number to the post office and they can't track it ether.......Now you would say that the tracking number system is different, but this package has always had a USPS tracking number (22 digits) that you could only access through the Fed-Ex tracking system.......The people tell me when it is handed over to the Post office then I can access the tracking number through the USPS system......Do you think I'll ever get my package or my money or anything ?????   Beware "Smart" "Post".........POISON FOR SHIPPING
2 out of 500 is big percentage, 2 out of 50000 is okay but still not great.
I don't understand the " nothing to lose" statement.....The only reason I bought it was to use it, and if I don't get it , its a little hard to use......The sender should have told me he was going to use some cheap shipping and I might not ever get my purchase.....Then at least I could tell to keep his item and send my money back.......The seller didn't give me any discount for half ass shipping........If it ever gets here I'm  going to return it and he can give me a full refund.........
I don't sweat any package that's on its way to me. Until you receive it, it's the senders responsibility. Unless you sent the seller unsecured money, you have nothing to lose! Joe
autospec  like yourself we ship a lot too, 500-1000 packages a year.

We were enlightened with smart post 2 years ago, twice we have had the exact same stories! Both times they were delivered.
I would recommend calling Fed Ex, we did in both cases, it made the difference, both times they were delivered within 2 days after the long painful
phone call.  
The savings is actually 40%, with large packages that is huge. Whats funny is I told my wife after the second time no smart post. She said ok,
and keeps on using it. She said this morning after telling her about this thread, we have used smart post 500 times in the last 2 years, so as bad as it is 2 out of 500 is pretty small percentage. 
Even the USPS loses packages! Some months back I ordered and paid for a rare 1920's tube radio from a seller in NJ. I received the tracking number and waited two weeks for it to reach me in FL. Nothing! The t.n. showed it still in NJ! I contacted the seller and asked for a refund, which he obliged. That package weighed 50+ lbs - rather hard to lose, no?
Still it's all not too bad. The packages never left the country and they always arrived eventually. Shipping is getting more expensive, and there appears to be even less reason to save on it unless you just have to. 2-3 days regular air shipping via any carrier seems to work fine for now.
Sorry, Will...

I had a similar experience earlier in the month.  Bought a fairly small and inexpensive item on ebay.  The seller was located in the Detroit area, and I'm close to Philadelphia.  Normally, I would expect this to arrive in 2 - 3 days via USPS, UPS, or FedEX.  Except that it went into the same black hole you described.  The crazy combination of FedEX and the USPS somehow took 2.5 weeks (yes, weeks) to make the trip, with scant information available through the tracking portals along the way.

Question for Smart Post, was there actually a harder way to do this?
The thing that kills me about it all, is they the shipper saves pennies on the dollar compared to regular shipping methods.
My package left Cincinnati (i am in Knoxville,tn) went to Atlanta ,Ga ,then  sat around for a couple of days , then went to Charlotte,NC sat around some more days , then went to Nashville,TN then the next day went to Lousville,TN before finally coming to Knoxville a couple of days later.
Fucking Brilliant..... isn't it ????
I have had similar experiences with Fedex Smartpost. This includes packages shipped locally which inexplicably followed various different convoluted paths around the country, as though the procedure specifies the packages are loaded on the nearest truck, no matter which hub may be its destination. It is not unusual for the tracking system to lose these packages either, but they always arrive eventually. This is the least predictable shipping service that I’m aware of. I regularly make online purchases and I regularly travel on business, so planning shipping and tracking shipments has become a hobby.
I went through the same thing a few years back. I tracked my FedEx package from back east as it made it's way west to me. It arrived at a hub about 8 miles from where I live. It then went north, out of state, and then back to a USPS site back in my state, where it sat for a long time before it got to me. Stupidest thing I ever experienced.

All the best,
I’ve had many things shipped to me "Smart Post".  DHL, FEDEX, and UPS all use this method.

I can’t understand how it can be any cheaper if two companies handle the package instead of one?

I’ve never lost one or had one not show up, but it does take a few extra days in some cases.

I just wish the sellers would ship by one method only. That’s what I do.
I feel your pain and frustration.
I believe you will eventually receive your package.
Please keep us posted.
I have shipped thousands of packages and never saw anything like this ??   I just read on the Asylum forum about a Smart Post shipment in the US that took 78 days in 8 states before delivery.....So I'm not doing too bad, I've only been at it a short while
I only have experience with UPS Smart post. No problems, just one day longer than regular UPS.
Always ship and have shipped packages with equipment air, ground is rough and not as reliable.