
Responses from autospec

AUDIOGON and REVERB No Protection
Well after a third try with pay-pal I have collected 400.00 for repairs to my Classic 30 amplifier...............To point out nobody got this money without a lot of work................Audiogon didn't get it, the seller didn't get it, it took pres... 
AUDIOGON and REVERB No Protection
O52:   I will use a credit card more, I have always used P/P which is also hard to work with.........Reverb has made more improvements than anyone, if they will stick with it and not let it slide..........Audiogon has done nothing to improve the v... 
AUDIOGON and REVERB No Protection
And I will say that Reverb has made a much bigger effort to return my money for damaged goods.......One of the problems is to get through the paper work , which almost looks like it is designed to confuse..... I buy a lot of items that don't trave... 
AUDIOGON and REVERB No Protection
My last seller had the Audiogon insurance, it is worth-less............When they found that the amp was poorly pack they declined all claims..........When you buy a policy you just waste your money be cause if the damage is caused by you they won’... 
Sir:    I am the largest collector of Audio Research in the USA, and I will tell you for a fact that Steve Huntley has screwed up a lot of Audio Research Equipment, so much the they will not work on or repair anything that he has messed up........... 
Who still does mods for CD players
I wish I could find him so I could get my Audio Research SP-10 put back to original.............Everything I ever had he worked on was pretty much ruined.....Audio Reseach won't work on anything he screwed up and I can see why..........Excedinly p... 
I think I'll give it a couple days and if I can't get something going on it I will just sell it to someone who has the time and money to repair it.............It does work, just not real good and a couple people ask to buy it...........Will  
whart:   The problem is Audio Research does not have the time to work on something that Steve Huntley messed up, and I am qualified to work on it but I don't have the time either ..........I build tube amplifiers and I have about 10 orders now, so... 
BDP24:   Very well put, Most people don't understand the intermingling of components,les they be good or bad , expensive or cheap..........I need a old school Audio Research technician like Chris from the old days, but Chris is gone to............... 
I am looking for accurate plans for Altec 612 (Abby Road Monitors)
I actually did and put something on the forum about that, but a lot of time went by which wasn't real good and business fell off where I will probably quit next year and go fishing..............Will   
Yes I am talking about the great Bill LeGall's wife passing..............  
Deals Gone Bad
Ebay is getting like everyone else, they handle claims when they feel like it......I have been waiting for a item from South Africa for 1 month today, DHL shipping has completely dropped the ball, ebay won't give me my 3000.00 back and like I say ... 
I need some high quality Printed Circuit Boards Made (DYNACO ST-70)
Well I have had great success with the new Dynaco boards, I have been able to get them slightly modified to use for my amps, and the seller has been very nice to deal with...........I can only thank the people on this forum that spent a lot of tim... 
Pass Aleph 30 and 60
How would you compare a J-2 to the Pass Aleph 30 in sound and power............I will be using Altec Magnificence speakers (101 Db).......Thanks Will  
Deals Gone Bad
I'm right now filing a clam with Pay-Pal on one deal, that will take two months to settle, then a bad e-bay deal , which I can't file untel the 14th of Aug, and a damage claim with Fed-ex for 1600.00 which they will never pay..............Its abou...