EXTRA! EXTRA!! Millercarbon Proven Wrong!!! Read all about it! EXTRA! EXTRA!!

Been a long time now saying no one will ever DIY anywhere near as good as what you can buy already made. Never in a million years. Well, I have been proven wrong.

Not like I shouldn’t have known better. I Met both Caelin Gabriel and Ted Denney around 1992, back when they were not that far from being DIY’ers themselves. So it is not so much that it can’t be done, as it is just astronomically unlikely.

Okay, well so anyway that’s what I was saying, good luck you will never do it. Someone decided to call me on it, and took the unusual step of sending me a power cord to hear for myself.

This first one I got, we will call him Mr Black. I was actually quite surprised how good it was. Real solid imaging, spread across a sound stage nice and deep and wide, with plenty of dynamics and gobs of detail and extension. Only problem, no bass, the sound overall was thin and the top end extension a little too much. I let it burn in playing CD hoping it would warm up and round out but it never did get there. Captivating as the sound stage was the lack of bass and body eventually got too much and I moved it aside. Figured oh well not bad for DIY went back to my old Shunyata and sort of forgot about it.

Until he checks back, we get to talking, and he drops the bomb, “Yeah I was going for real good imaging with that one. I have much better now, way better.” Really??!?! “Would you be interested in evaluating?” Would I?!?!

So I get these two power cords, we will call them Mr White and Mr Silver. Mr White looks exactly like the first one, except white not black. Mr Silver is thinner and stiffer, almost too thin to be your typical audiophile type power cord. With nothing else to go by I decide to start with Mr White.

Right away, and I mean immediately, this thing is impressive as can be. All the great 3D imaging, incredible speed and resolution of Mr Black, only Mr White is superbly balanced top to bottom. This has me pretty gaga, not least because this is straight out of the box. It was late, I was pressed for time, just thought what the hell might as well get this over with. But now I am sitting here trying to understand how any power cord - let alone one some guy made at home - can be doing this to my system.

Couple days later I am calling and being told yeah, friend had a Nordost Odin 2 to compare and this is at least as good. ? I have never heard Nordost Odin, 1 or 2, but by now I am finding it hard to argue.

What am I hearing, with 10 maybe 20 hours on it? The Holy Grail of audio, at least as far as I’m concerned, is infinite speed with zero edge. Nothing really does this. Everything super fast always winds up being etched, or hard, or thin, or hyped, or anything other than what I want which is full and round and balanced AND light speed fast. My ears are sensitive to glare and so forced to choose I will take full and round and balanced over fast. It is just a more enjoyable listening experience. All the best components in my view capture both of these sort of conflicting goals. Tekton does, with electrostat speed combined with big box fullness. Townshend does, improving perceived speed by lowering the noise floor while eliminating ringing. Herron, Koetsu- pretty much everything in my system is oriented along these lines.

Mr White is pushing on the edge of this envelope. It is even smoother and fuller now, but without losing any of the initial speed.

I actually had these before the F1 came but held off writing about them partly out of respect for Max Townshend, who is actually running a business, and also partly because it is just kind of hard to believe the darn thing really is this good. Thought maybe with the F1, which are even cleaner and more revealing than Synergistic CTS, maybe it might reveal some problems with Mr White. He is after all home-brew. Cannot possibly have the thorough vetting of a “professional” product.

But no, both these truly exceptional lengths of wire are fine together. So fine I was reluctant to try Mr Silver. Unable to comprehend how he could be better, unwilling to listen to anything less. I get spoiled fast! 😍 But I put him in there and at first thought he might be even better. But it was just the impressively palpable presence and solid stage. After a while it was clear Mr Silver is not as superbly effortlessly detailed and fast as Mr White. Not quite as good bass either. Bear in mind the bass we are talking about being "not quite as good as" is really, really exceptionally good! The main difference between the two is a bit of glare.

But when I say glare, this has to be taken in context. I never, ever thought of my Moabs as having any glare. Until they were on Podiums, at which point they were- comparatively. The glare wasn’t the Moabs, it was the ringing, now eliminated by the Podiums. Synergistic CTS never seemed to have any glare or grain- until compared with Townshend F1. Same kind of thing, a ringing that presented as a hard edge or glare is gone now, and for the better. Mr Silver is indeed a fine power cord in its own right. Just not up to the exalted level of Mr White. I suspect few, if any, are.
One of the neater side effects of writing reviews like this, it creates a record of what and when. Without this I wouldn't really know it has been one month now since I got these. Also it has now been a good 3 weeks with everything staying put to thoroughly settle in. 

What I notice now, the sound I used to have to wait an hour and a side to get, is now there pretty much right from the first 20 min warmup. The sound after playing a few sides is way better. And the few times I have had time to listen late into the night, oh my God!  

Normal routine is start with a run of the mill record, then some better ones, then maybe get into some Hot Stampers or a fave like Jennifer Warnes The Well, the 45. After a couple hours though now I find pretty much anything is a blast, and have found myself playing Styx Equinox and even some Prism.  

Some still think wire is not that big a deal. Crack me up. Try Nova, Supernova, F1. LMAO! You will too!
Here is the relevant part of Ozzy's review. He has an unfortunate habit of removing discussions and then we lose everything everyone had to say. So I am taking the liberty of posting the relevant part of his review here below:

My latest effort was a set of DIY power cords that I made using pure .9999 10 ga solid soft silver in a very high-grade oversized PTFE, braided, twisted, treated with Nano liquid and then finished with Furutech best NCF connectors. They look very similar in construction to the Audioquest Dragon configuration. They have beat all other power cords that I had tried before them. They have made me happy and content.

So now on to the review of the Nova power cables.


First listen, and I must say, the Nova cable sounded better. Never would have believed it. No way. But it is. There is so much more air and life in its presentation. Instruments extend left/right front/ back. Very impressive. There is a feeling of intimacy in the soundstage that draws you into the music. Women’s voices have that “tongue in the ear” effect. You guys know what I mean…Very inviting. Listen to Linda Ronstadt sing “Blue Bayou” you’ll get it.

The soundstage is wider and deeper. Usually when the music sounds this pure there is a sacrifice at the frequency extremes. But not with this cable. The bass is tight and deep and the highs shimmer elegantly. Since receiving the Nova cables, I have been playing music that I have heard so many times in so many different formats through the years that I could probably write the sheet music. And yet, now for the first time they sound entirely different and so engaging. Fantastic!

I like listening to live recorded music. Mostly rock music. With the Nova cables there is a new found pleasure in the openness in the performance. Even some of the earlier recordings like Creedence Clearwater revival At Woodstock is highly enjoyable.

When you hear your system sounding this right, I knew I had to have this cable. Now, if only I had some more items to sell on Audiogon, hmm… Or how to convince my wife I need a couple more power cords…?

But, oh boy can I recommend this power cord.


You’ve too much ego. You’re posting 20 times to every question posted here. Learn to chill. 
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The string of posts removed were all from one particularly reprehensible individual who went by the charmingly apt name of Johhnyaudiogoon. The goon is gone now, suspended. 

Goon or troll, this one was more disturbed than usual. He was openly bragging about what a great troll and thread wrecker he is, how he does this all the time, and how he cannot be stopped. When I asked Tammy to keep a lookout for his return she said sure and asked for my help as well.

So here it is. If anyone suspects this troll has returned under a different name, please report him immediately. Click the report post button, let Tammy know. Call him out. Start a discussion naming the troll. Great idea for all the trolls. Would be great to rid ourselves of some of the more established ones as well. But, baby steps. As with our systems, let us do what we can, when we can. Please and thank you.
I received a black cable similar in appearance to what Tvad (linked) mentioned. They look like it took a lot of time to construct. And I was also sent 2 of the silver cables. I think they are called Supernova and Nova.

I was quite impressed with the workmanship of these cables the quality is apparent.

The silver cables were the first I tried with my tube mono block amps, and I have been quite impressed, there is more air and a more 3D image.
Thank you ozzy.
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anton_stepichev ... 

Thanks for the link. Great site, and those 78s sound great. They are like a step back in time. My Mom had a big collection of the big bands on 78s, and I used to play them when I as a kid. 

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Sinatra-Basie is one of those records where you hear it and all of a sudden it hits you and you know all at once why the guy was Chairman of the Board. He just has this incredible combination of free and easy swing with superb technique and control, and you really feel it. One of those records you don't even want to try and analyze, just kick back and enjoy!
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Amazing how much depth and palpable presence there is on such an old, and old tech, recording. The Ellington clarinet sounds better than a lot of em I hear today! Thanks!
You are welcome! Ella’s track is also quite revealing, the natural piano sound and natural voice.

or maybe even better Sinatra-Basie

Here is another example, when a formal scientific approach and the dull desire to remove all clicks and noise at any cost leads to the fact that most of the warmth and radiance of Sinatra’s voice is lost. The same can be said about the orchestra .
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgN79lEa1dQ
This 78 remastering among other "non-scientific" things used special wires https://www.backtomusic.ru/home/remastering/popular/sinatra-en. The record is worn out, but Sinatra is much more alive here than on YouTube.

If we compare it formally, then the recording on YouTube has a much better signal-to-noise ratio and a better frequency range, but why is all this necessary to a music lover if there is little left of the music itself?

The quality of the cables and wires is critical when the system is at a high enough level.
"Mark Knopflers voice is just spooky real!"

Have you ever talked to him so you know?
Amazing how much depth and palpable presence there is on such an old, and old tech, recording. The Ellington clarinet sounds better than a lot of em I hear today! Thanks!

The M One O One Nova power cord (fka Mr Silver) is now running on my Herron VTPH2A phono stage a week or so now, and sounds a LOT better! Combined with the Townshend F1 and the Supernova power cord my system last night had me shaking my head.

Every record now is its own world. With some like Dire Straits On Every Street the stage is deep and seems at times to be coming from beyond the front and side walls. Mark Knopflers voice is just spooky real! Others like Tom Petty Southern Accents puts you right in it. I mean it extends around and cuts like Don’t Come Around Here No More you are swimming in it.

The top end is so good now it sometimes feels like there is no top end. But then play something like my White Hot Nilsson Schmilsson or maybe even better Sinatra-Basie, and you will know for sure there is no top end extension problem! It is just that nothing is hyped or etched, there is so little glare, it never draws your attention to it. Which in my book is how it should be.
sorry to interrupt, but since here an example of an old 78 recording on YouTube has been given, I want to give another example of how lively old 78 records can sound when special wires are used during recording, including special power cables, oriented in a certain way https://www.backtomusic.ru/19660.

Pay attention to the losses in the "body " and expressiveness of music on YouTube, where digitization is done according to pure science.

with respect.
Very convincing thanks....
sorry to interrupt, but since here an example of an old 78 recording on YouTube has been given, I want to give another example of how lively old 78 records can sound when special wires are used during recording, including special power cables, oriented in a certain way https://www.backtomusic.ru/19660.

Pay attention to the losses in the "body " and expressiveness of music on YouTube, where digitization is done according to pure science.

with respect.

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"If it was that simple everyone would be doing it."
It seems than everyone is already doing it.
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"4 × radius1 × E(k,pi/2)
E(k,pi/2) is the Complete Elliptic Integral of the Second Kind
k = (1/radius1) × sqrt(radius12 - radius22) = $10,000?"

If it was that simple everyone would be doing it.
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So he made you a Mr White in Black. Men In Black. Har! Black is the new White. I'm killing it here! 😂

Seriously, yeah you have Supernova. You can see the bare copper conductors through the mesh. Also if you look you can see the 3D printed spacers holding them in his desired geometric relationship. This anyone can see just by looking real close. So I am not giving any big secrets away. What you cannot see is the geometry inside. That it seems to me is the secret sauce, so to speak. The whole thing altogether, that is the geometry he is talking about. 

From the originator of the cables he said the one in the black mesh is called the Supernova. The one in the silver is called the Nova. Both cables are using copper internal wiring and Furutech NCF connectors. He says its all about the geometry.

I used the reference of Mr White as that is what his ad is labeled as -  Mr. White
This is clearly explained in my review and in the thread, but just to reiterate the cables I got were Mr White and Mr Silver. Technically they weren't anything just cables, I only gave them these names myself just to avoid clumsy writing like, "this silver thing he sent me" or "the fat one with white mesh not the silver one." The names were my own little nicknames, and temporary.  

Another factor, there was still at that point the sense this was just a guy who is really proud of his DIY cables and just trying to prove to me that DIY can in fact be good. (Because never heard any that were- until now!) There was no indication they would ever come to market. Why would there be? The first one I got was not that good, I didn't even write a review about it, too lean and hi-fi for me. 

That all changed, and in a heartbeat, once I heard Mr White. Then with a serious listener seriously impressed, then and only then did it advance to the next stage, the stage we are at now. 

Mr White is now officially Supernova. Mr Silver is now officially Nova. The DIY guy is now officially M One O One, pronounced M101 as in Messier catalog of galaxies #101, aka the Pinwheel Galaxy. Because Lubos, the guy who makes them, is into astronomy. 

One more wrinkle, the Nova model is silver because it is encased in a clear tube. The Supernova model color is whatever mesh is it is in, and this can be changed. So Ozzy will have to let us know if the black one is a Supernova in black or something else. That is up to Oz. That is his area. I do not know what he got, or have anything to do with any of that. I just happen to know Supernova is custom made and can come in a lot of different colors. 

Only other thing of import to add is to Ozzy: as good as they sound right now, let them run a while they will be even better!
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ozzy, from the link that tvad posted It appears on the surface that the Inakustik cable he is referencing is "comparable" to the Mr White version - 16 copper wires , air helix design , connectors look similar as does the diameter of the cable from its picture.  I say "comparable" simply based upon the Mr White ad  information and the Inakustik webpage. The other 2 Inakustik reference power cables have 4 copper wires.
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I have been auditioning some of the cables that millercarbon mentioned in this thread from bewgow.
I received a black cable similar in appearance to what Tvad (linked) mentioned. They look like it took a lot of time to construct. And I was also sent 2 of the silver cables. I think they are called Supernova and Nova.

I was quite impressed with the workmanship of these cables the quality is apparent.

The silver cables were the first I tried with my tube mono block amps, and I have been quite impressed, there is more air and a more 3D image.

Earlier today, I started to audition the black one (Supernova). I am comparing it to a Audioquest Dragon power cord and it is being used on a Audioquest Niagara 7000 power conditioner.

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Poor @millercarbon just likes to hear himself talk and almost always posts nonsense and audio fables.

Too many words with very little to say…sigh…
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