Enjoy your quarantine listening while you can

It may not last for as long as we thought. HCQ has cured 100% of China virus in a top study, and Trump is expediting FDA approval. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtXWKAVNSvE

Skip to 2:13 for the report.
@tom8999  You're bring rather duplicitous. I mean, you can't urge us to get politics out of audiogon threads and then write: "Capitalism will give us the technology to beat this."
No we need to spread out not pull together have you seen the photos of spring breakers in FL? How is this a thing? Tom I agree the travel ban was a good call but every blunder since then has made that point mute. Glupson thanks for the tip I will take that in to consideration.
fuzztone, that could be a game changer, approaching it from a different angle. Testing for antibodies of the virus can only aid in testing and getting a better understanding of the spread.

All the best,
mapman....you mean 'clueless leader', right? ;)

"What if they gave a war and nobody came?"  (Old '60's poster....)

Why are we acting like Facebook, pray tell?

Disinformation, 'fake news', rumors....

STOP.  Take a deep breath.  Remember to let it go....

Ask a lemming why it's running towards the cliff.

When it Knows it's a really bad idea.
nonoise effectively you recall me that.... I had not think about that...A war is absolutely what Trump need his only possible saving door...

Without enough coordinated testing across all America it will be impossible to control that in the right time window....I will pray....
This thread may need to be renamed "Enjoy your audiogon thread while you can. Here today, gone tomorrow."
Sorry for the misspellings - I guess I am getting agitated.

we all need to pull together to get thru this health crisis. Let’s put the politics in the background - technology will beat this virus. Capitalism will give us the technology to beat this. 
Some may need a war to save their asses but this one needs only to be called a "wartime president" for PR purposes to aid in his reelection chances.  That's all. 

Oh, and the need to run is furthered by the fact that the statute of limitations will run out on his many crimes if he ends up serving another term. 

There are many warrants sealed and waiting for him should he lose this next election. Surely, ya'll haven't forgotten that, have ya?

All the best,
This ad,inistration shut down Chinese air travel I need January - the Italians did not. That is why Central Europe is the current Hot Spot for this infection. Check your dates chrshanl - Trump nought is time with this one decision.
And now for something completely different.  Jimmy Bakker minus Tammy is being sued by the sate of MO or Missery for fraud.  NY state sent him a cease and desist order for......Colloidal Silver.   He was claiming 100% coronavirus cure.  From religion to medical quack in what, about 30 years.  I've been under house arrest (quarantine) since Mar 6.  We all have a long road to go.  The power is up and music helps.  
Some need a war to save their asses.. I am afraid of the virus for my family, I am afraid of the economic misery to come, and now afraid of the war that some think of secretely to save their ass....

The Communist regime need an enemy now to save himself, and the Iranian regime need a war now to save himself.... And after the next week some orange non-leader will need a war because of all his lack of leadership in crisis.... Why not beginning with calling a virus by some enemy nation name ?Good idea to save his ass, polarizing more his own nation and the world and being what he will never be : a leader.... I am truly afraid....

I listen to some explanation by the creator of the treatment of hydroxychloroquine in France dr, Didier Raoult… He says that the key to survive the disease with success is testing and using medicine like chloroquine and others.... The confinement is important but secondary to testing and treating.... This is valid for example in korea and japan …. If he is right without testing in the beginning the road is very bad to travel …. then Trump will need a war to save his ass... He know it because why calling this " chinese virus", erasing the true scientific name of the virus? 

We will know next week with the wave of bad cases... 
@glupson Sadly all of those outlets have been cancelled so let the man speak here and he doesn't sound angry just posting facts.

Is there any other place you could vent your anger? Maybe a cooking class, Pilates, knitting? Anything constructive.
Four weeks ago was too late as most who were paying attention saw this coming in January, this administration dropped the ball plain and simple. Racist dog whistles will not re-write history.
Miller carbon - thank you for your heads up 4 weeks ago about the Coronavirus ( that did originate in Wuhan China) and that was ravaging Assisted Living facilities in the Seattle area in February. I am a chemist that works for an Italian Chemical company based in Milan Italy. My coworkers in Milan are living a nightmare because their government did not cut off China air travel early in January. The Chinese government LIE. They persecuted their own doctors and lied to WHO in January about this virus. Then then allowed unrestricted travel for Chinese New Year. The ‘cat was out of the bag’ then and the world is suffering.

we have a low cost palliative drug to reduce this suffering - OMG - let’s rejoice. Multiple vaccines are in clinical trial right now -  and hydrochloroquin combos will get us to the vaccine in12 months. Overcrowded hospitals will be avoided. We can get back to work and a normal life in a couple of months. The vaccine will be here hopefully in a year - just like the yearly flu vaccine.

Praise Capitalism folks and Happy Listening!

WWII came from Germany and Japan. So what? FDR took ownership and did what was needed. He didn’t look to assign blame and decline responsibility. That’s called leadership.

Alas! many need a war to save their head in this crisis.... Iranian regime need one, and others I will not name here.... I feel desesperate by human stupidity.... Stupidity is not a genetic lack for I.Q. it is the refusal of truth because truth obstruct your path in life...
Just to be clear.
We are discussing the coronavirus here yes?

Only two people I have heard call it China Virus so far.

And if you don’t get the distinction well.......

I am not being rude. I am simply admitting that I am not capable of making a medication. Without being rude, I am doubting you are capable of it, either, and understand what it encompasses. Nothing wrong with that, most of us are clueless about it. Before building the new pharmaceutical world, it may help to check how the final product is made.
 Glipson by " we" I speak about a future better pharma system, dont be rude and please don’t pretend you don’t understand to score a point in a discussion... It is childish...I apologize if I am rude also.... :)
Oh, and do not be alarmed.  I’m pretty sure he mentioned at some point that he is handling the situation perfect
"We can produce medical product without big pharma in his actual form... "
If "we" includes me, no we cannot. If you can, by all means do it. You may be surprised.
I saw a timeline with qoutes from the past 7 weeks from our President regarding Coronavirus... at least we know we are in good hands 😂😂😂

This just in!

Governor Newsom orders everyone stay at home. The state projects that 25.5 million people in California will be infected with the coronavirus over an eight-week period, Newsom said in a letter sent to President Trump on Wednesday requesting the deployment of the USNS Mercy Hospital Ship to the port of Los Angeles through Sept. 1.

Meanwhile stock futures plunge. 

The passage of time will show my posts to have been prescient and accurate. Some others, not so much.

Not at all directed at you mahgister, you are very welcome.

Got a call today, one patient I had Monday tested positive for the China virus. Now I get to keep a log of temp and symptoms for the next 2 weeks. Feeling fine now, except for the occasional urge to vomit. But then I scroll past jond and it goes away. 

Had to go out briefly, hardly any traffic even around rush hour. Whoever thinks this is still anything to joke about, or score political points, or anything but take absolutely seriously, well there's nothing anyone can say to anyone that low so why bother.
glupson big pharma is not absolutely necessary in itself in his actual corporate design to produce medicament....We can produce medical product without big pharma in his actual form... we can think out of the box....why not?
I think you entertain yourself a lot Geoffkait….

I dont know but to mock a good Trump decision because of the compassionate use of a medical solution in the urgency for making your point about chloroquine say a lot about you....

"Most people cannot imagine what evil is big pharma...."
Your imagination may change a bit when you need a medication of some sort.

It is better. It is easier to scroll past it. Thank you. Content is still boring, though. There must be some other forum for that.
Mahgister types too fast again. How entertaining. Get head in gear and your a$$ will follow.
Even if approved the drug will only be used in certain limited “compassionate” cases. That was all covered in today’s briefing. Snooze, you lose. 
No it won't be used quickly here if at all. The FDA needs to test it run clinical trials and approve it. That's a long ways off if this stuff works which is still in doubt.
Most people cannot imagine what evil is big pharma....Some evil are unimaginable...Except for those who study it....