Do you guys like Adele's music?

Do you guys like Adele's music? 
She has a great gritty voice, but her songs all have the same theme. Sad lost love songs. So cliche!  
Adele has a very powerful voice and mostly good songs. I however cannot listen to her for extended sessions. The sound quality of her recordings that are to my ears edgy and very compressed do subtract for her musics appeal. In Australia at least there was a huge frenzy over Adele as one of the best singers of today when her huge hits broke. I am far more a fan of Hannah Reid from London were talking. If You Wait is a modern classic of an album for mine. Hannah has power with perfect restraint. Interlude Live is one of my very favorite songs.  Our opinion is ours and I'm sure some will disagree but that's fine. As long as we can all get along disgusting this and other topics kindly..
I'm an Adele fan- and she has a lot of them.
Her album 21 is the ninth best selling album in history, and on a list of the top 25 top selling albums it is the only one recorded in the past 10 years and one of just two that make the list that where recorded in this century.

No.  Especially after she butchered Bonnie Raitt's I Can't Make You Love Me.
She has an unreal range thanks to her flawless ability to jump up and drop out of a falsetto. Her tone set a trend for countless imitators. Her songwriting and lyrics are  as good as anyone out there and yes ‘Someone Like You’ will still be played in at least 30 years and likely well beyond. Just the rhyme ‘Never mind I’ll find’ is so unexpectedly perfect.  So yeah she’s the real deal. Anyone who can’t hear it is sadly too happy to be miserable. 
Daughters and wife played 21 nonstop and I admit I would from time to time belt out the tunes with them, and it was great fun, so yes, I guess I have to consider myself an Adele fan.  But I am even more of a Dan Wilson fan, going way back to his Trip Shakespeare days, so for this reason 21 does have a special quality to it for me anyway.  That being said, it does not sound great on my hifi, I think bc of the recording and compression but maybe it's my equipment (see thread re great music, bad recording, I should have cited this one).  Alison, Sade, Nora sing loops around her though and I will reach for records from these artists before Adele, assuming the she-folk are not around, and Amy Winehouse when they are.

Fun thread - now I have to check out Imelda May and cd318 that HST quote is crazy funny, I hadn't heard that before, thanks!  btw what does atifify mean?
She's one of the more overrated singers around these days. But she scores points for not being a product of the studio, i.e., auto-tune pitch correction (as far as I know). It's sad that, that's how low the bar is set for calling someone a good singer.
I honestly don't know why she's been dubbed such a savior of music,  but I'm guessing that because of all the over processed, low quality "talent" that passes for good musicianship, and their garbage songs, people are hungry for someone at  least halfway decent.
Todd segal...falsetto is NOT singing, and being able to go in and out of it is a poor excuse for lacking real vocal range. Her real vocal range is only average to below.
As I said, people are desperately looking for a messiah in music, and apparently they’ll look under ANY rock.
Adele would be doing herself, and in turn, the universe a solid favor if she knew how to properly use her voice. Vocal cord nodules are avoidable to those that take the necessary precautions as a professional vocalist.

adele ain’t my cup of tea.  
If not for the poor sounding CDs (because of squashed dynamic range and other "modern" artifacts, I would like her music yes.  But if the music SOUNDS bad, then it takes away any enjoyment of my listening to it. 
Adele gives what the audience wants, and she is succesfull whit it.
No business like showbusiness......
Love her music when in the system hides just how horrific her recordings are.  
That's the most praise I have ever seen from our friend Schubert here, wow!  I love it!
I have been a fan, but was upset by a workplace recording on a 120 minute loop that had Adele tracks on it. Hell for one that enjoys music to hear the same track over and over, the owners of the business would not change it or turn it down - so I resigned!Plus I do think she has peaked as a songwriter and the new tracks are all on the same worn out theme with barely any variation. Absolutely great voice and deserves her success,
I like Adele as does my wife. I like her as an artist and (from what those who know her have said) as a person. 
There are so many female artists, past and present in so many genres, that I enjoy and have enjoyed over the years. Everyone from Amy Winehouse to Sade to Reba MacEntire and many many others - I enjoy, each in their own style and right.   
It was interesting to hear mention of Alison Moyet. I much enjoyed her deep bluesy voice, both with Yaz and on her own albums - Alf being one of my favorites.
Regarding Adele, I think rksweet makes a pretty valid point and it doesn't really mater what a few snide audiophiles think, there are millions who do like her and her music.......Jim

Don't know what it was but I quite liked one song of her's that I heard in some teen sci-fi film that was on TV last night. Can't say there's anything else I've heard that's caught my attention in a positive way.
Interesting debate so far with widely differing opinions on the Brit School phenomenon that is Adele (calling it music, for me, would be going too far).

I'm always surprised when someone says they're not a fan of the Beatles, but I think I would be even more surprised if met someone who said they were a fan of Adele.

Surely such a thing is something you accidentally stumble into, never to return?

Then there's all the cultural nuances which seem to have been lost in the transatlantic translation. A similar thing seems to have occurred with (d)Ed Sheeran where his international success has surprised many this side of the water.

Or is all of this just another example of Dylan's famous lyric?

"Ah, you've been with the professors and they've all liked your looks
With great lawyers you have discussed lepers and crooks
You've been through all of F. Scott Fitzgerald's books
You're very well-read, it's well-known
But something is happening here and you don't know what it is
Do you, Mr. Jones?"

Good grief, look at the traction this thread has gained!

I guess the desire to hear new, modern entertainers just isn't one of my things.
I keep going backwards to hear what all of this current music  is attempting to separate itself from. There is limitless stuff to discover in the dusty,grungy bins of my local record stores.

I'll just crawl back into my hole and listen to my records.
Wait a minute...

this is really an Adele promotion gimmick. All this Adele this, Adele that...

We're simply keeping the Adele buzz alive!!

I'm on to it...this thread created 2 bazillion more fans who will download her fabulous over singing. You  guys thought no one would catch on, didn't ya?
When a poster leaves a dead-end question and then disappears, its reasonable to conclude his intentions were less than sincere.  This is a particularly nasty type of internet trolling. 
The first time I heard her I turned to a friend and said "She won't have a voice when she's 35".  Everything she "sings" she shouts, nothing is from her chest, and the strain will eventually be too much for her vocal chords.  I then went on to say "I'll bet she has problems with nodes before she's 30".  I'm taking all comers.
@jbhiller, you're right about Imelda May's album, Life Love Flesh Blood (deluxe ed). Seems to be a real progression on her previous work. Gorgeous beautifully smooth sound - close miked vocals and suberb playing throughout.

Memorable closing track too but when an album sounds this good organically you don't need to single any tracks out.

Decent lyrics too. 

* Now I just have to tell the audiophile in me not to wonder too much what the vinyl version might sound like.

I like her music because I think her voice is beautiful and emotional. Her lyrics killed my heart and will kill yours too. 

Adele can't sing. Also, how much longer must we endure Taylor Swift? And then there's Autotune....
Leaglee, Adele only sounds good to you because you have a “hi end” crap portable thing that costs $20, remember?

I’ve tried to like Adele but I can’t.  Not sure what it is but it is not my cup of tea.

London Grammer on the other hand...
This thread really addresses what's changed in music tastes.

Its not a good or bad issue, it's that the "sing at the top of your lungs" has become the norm.

Adele is British, but I wonder  how she would do with something from the American songbook? Could she refrain from the dramatic screaming so typical of today's entertainers?

I highly doubt it. 

Still gotta check out imelda may, +1 on lourde and london grammer, other contemporary female singers (brought to me by my daughters) that i can enjoy are lana del ray and the haim sisters, but for me, rachel price and adrianne lenker really make me sit up and take notice.  

Cd318, maybe its lack of culture on my part, but my thick skull can’t puzzle out your dylan quote.  What is happening here? 
@thosb, I’m not too sure either.
I still remember feeling sorry for those teachers at school who seemed to have been left behind by the times. Back in the late 70s they couldn’t understand what was happening in society esp the UK. The age of empire was over and popular music made little sense to them. No way could they ever get Punk. There was no bridge available to them, nor did they look for one.

Now, several decades later I find myself barely aware of what’s happening with Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook and the rest. I followed the music charts avidly up til the late 80s but gradually lost all interest a decade later. The pleasure of finding a good chart song was gradually overwhelmed by the effort of listening to dozens of mediocre ones.

I know that artists such as (d)Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift and Adelle are popular today. 
But just like Mr Jones, I can’t see why.
He only had the 60s cultural revolution to deal with, I’ve got the online version.

Does it matter? I’d say it does. We’re all social creatures and becoming isolated is no fun at all.
Well, Imelda May is remarkable.  And Brittany Howard’s latest is entrancing as well. 
Most of her tunes in my opinion are extremely annoying..its the tone and phrasings..then once you know her personal story...its worse...
Thought this thread was dead. But if you like to listen to fine female singing and good music, why not search for the swedish Rebecka Tornqvist or the norwegian Karin Bremnes. You've heard Karin Krog "Joy"?
Adele,   Adele,   Adele,...............Amazing voice! Great comercial sucess! Can't put my finger on it,but it doesn't move me.