Do Audiophile Cables Matter? Here's PROOF!

I seriously doubt that this will make any difference to the naysayers. But here it is.
Audio is all depends on so many factors;  the equipment, room, speakers, local power quality, relative humidity, emotional state etc...  Best advice is to try before you buy and keep both the emotional and technical bias out of your decision making.  If you achieve your audio goal then enjoy!  No need to adhere to someone else’s biased ideas of great audio.  Trust yourself and use only a few favorite recordings to finalize your decisions.  If you find yourself putting on more and more music just to hear how great it will sound on your rig, then you’ve probably nailed it.
Yet another thread on the merits of components. 
In the final analysis, the EARS have it. 
So Danny doesn’t know what he’s talking about suddenly?  I don’t think it explains all the what’s and why’s, but does represent an example that cables can and do make a difference. There is a video I’ve posted a few times, even on one of genes videos that show a definite measured difference before and after a power conditioner by Puritan was added. Major difference in the measurements, something that gene has disputed and claimed to prove with measurements of his own. measurements don’t always show what the presenter claims they do, and ocd guy was using some of genes own type of measurements. Not one person ever responded to or had an answer to that video, which is rather unusual for that sight. They’re usually very vocal about how you didn’t do a blind test right, or the stars were out of alignment and therefore the results invalid.
It does not matter which side of the fence you are on.  This video is a total waste of time.
I have shown a curiosity for Cables used in a System across the past few years.
Only with a Mind Set to see if a Interface could be perceived as a improvement as a result of a exchange.

As part of my investigations, I have accepted invites to Speaker Cable and Phono Cable Bake Off's where there has been a substantial value of items up for audition at each session.
My recollections are that certain cables do not belong in a system, and this is even more of an eye opener when it is a very expensive cable that appears to be a unacceptable interface.  

I was originally a user of Copper, and this has remained at present apart from my 5 Pin DIN Phono Cable which is OCC Silver.

I started changing RCA and Speaker OFC Cables for PC OCC Cables, and for me their was no going back to the OFC as a single type of material used throughout a system .

The PC OCC has transformed the Low End of Bass Delivery, their was a Coloration in the lowest frequencies using OFC that could be called muddiness.
When PC OCC was put into use throughout the System, the perception that the Bass was now cutting off much more cleanly and honest was very strong, which was then allowing the Mid's and Highs to deliver a much more desirable presentation.
Another interesting experience was that Sibilant was less intrusive with OCC in use.  

The Silver PC OCC when used on the Vinyl Front End improved on the Bass Delivery even further.
When Silver was used as a Digital COAX it was rejected immediately, as their was a Shrillness, that was for me undesirable.
Copper has proved much more to my taste.

I could happily rest at this position, but when such a large investment is made in the Devices the wish to extract that little extra over rules my procrastination.
Equipment Support, Tube Rolling and Cable Exchanges are all part of my intentions for my system.
The Cable Exchanges are the main focus as I have spent time on the Supports and Tubes and have got to a place I am very content with at a cost that is not excessive.   

I am at present showing a further curiosity and looking into acquiring PC TripleC and D.U.C.C Cable to see if there is any more perceivable improvement that can be noticed to Justify any further cable purchases.

I have started with a Purchase of of Cartridge Tag Wires and a 1 Metre Power Cable, which can be used on Phonostage,  Pre Amp'  DAC or Transport to see if it has a noticeable effect. 


I was on that comment thread when Danny’s video had just come about. Long debates, apparently there are those that would rather decide for us that our heads are fooling our ears. It went back and forth. One referred to the Richard Clark double blind (kind of irrelevant as that would compare amps within certain distortion and output ratings) as evidence its “all in our heads”.
Sad for them, really.
Ok, I’ll bite, where is Geoff?
I have been off riding my bicycles the past two weeks and am out of the loop.
Hopefully just a small misunderstanding with the management and not something more serious?

I will sign....

His time to time annoyance is very much compensated by intelligence and wit.... And if someone try to listen to him he could be very helpful...Nobody is perfect.... :)

I was worry about his health because it was not a guy to be easily annoyed by anybody and push to quit the forum... We live hard times...

Stay safe....

No need to apologize for your English. It is understandable, at least the writing part.

Should we petition for bringing geoffkait back?
Glupson i apologize in advance for my very bad english syntax, it is not my first language and i know you know it....

I just want to say that i miss also geoffkait because, amid few shortcomings, he was helpful if he could and very funny....

I cannot be so helpful nor so funny, then.... :)

You got it right. I was thinking of posting that to recent posters even geoffkait seems like a well-mannered reasonable debater with admirable writing proficiency. I will not say I miss him, out of some secret pride, but I do wish he came back. At least, he can put  a decent sentence together most of the time. Regardless of the direction.
And an admission of your comprehension issues. We are indeed making progress today. Good on you, bravo.

If I ever manage to figure out what you want to say in your writings, I may give it a few extra minutes of discussion. Until then, why don’t you join some tween forum?
glupson, so now you’ve admired that you did not comprehend your own post, and that you did indeed say that you desired a lambo. I know it’s hard to face the truth sometimes, so thank you for owning up to it.
 Lol two left. It’s the small nuances like that which seem to escape the untrained eyes of a few. 


Nasty split infinitive there, but I applaud your correct use of the subjunctive in the "if clause".


"Glupson, or maybe the nordst Odin, lolN80, why do you guys always take what was really said and turn it into something else."

"N80 is the one I specified about changing what was said, but I guess you felt the need to show you had that ability also."

Maybe it would be easier to comprehend your sentences if you did not mention two people in same sentence and then addressed only one of them with a plural ("guys"). It would also help if you separated words while writing.

Aside of that, I did mention that people who do not desire Lamborghini exist with a caveat "unless it is a Marzal". Explaining that stylistic twist to someone with your writing skills would be way too complicated. Maybe next time.
I have also found people on the wrong end of a discussion( the ones who can actually see it at least) tend to suddenly become English teachers and talk about syntax, sentence structure, and spelling. If we were still in grade school ( I’m assuming not) and this were a test, I could fully understand. 
No, it’s your comprehension, the problem becomes more notable on longer posts because more effort is required to follow them. And you did mention one lambo you desired. Odins are not 65k, unless maybe you mean an entire loom, or maybe extra long custom lengths, but that name was only picked as an example. N80 is the one I specified about changing what was said, but I guess you felt the need to show you had that ability also. 

"...why do you guys always take what was really said and turn it into something else. I never said anything of the sort."

"Or you wouldn’t desire a Lamborghini if you had the money over your Toyota Camry?"
Why do you always pretend others did not understand what you wrote? No, I would not desire a Lamborghini even if I had Toyota Camry. No, I do not desire $65000 cables. I truly do not. Which does not mean that you should not desire, or acquire, them.

By the way, that longish post of yours was so poorly written that it became worrisome. No, it is not my comprehension.
Glupson, or maybe the nordst Odin, lolN80, why do you guys always take what was really said and turn it into something else. I never said anything of the sort. It’s possible for 
a 5 k speaker to beat a 20 k one, but funny how when we say that ( tekton) it’s a lot of you same guys who then Pooh Pooh that. I listen with my hears, not a piece of paper with measurements that others are trying their hardest to convince me are somehow relevant. So may keep asking for proof that there’s something different. Many listen, then part with their because BECAUSE they heard a difference, not to justify buying after the fact as a lot try to claim. I think the idea of someone who believes that someone proclaiming the greatness of a product they purchased would do that to justify their purchase is basically hogwash. I find most consumers are more quick to criticize if something doesn’t perform to their expectations, and are usually the more vocal group, than those who are happy with their purchase. Why would they be did what they expected it to do. So many people read reviews and do not understand this effect ( there are studies about reviews avaible) 
glubson, I'm familiar with all of the earlier Lambo's (my favorites) although not this one until you mentioned it. Pretty cool!! I looked it up and it seem's it conceped the Espada. I never saw that Marchbox car either, always having been a fan of the original Leslie cars. A store by me when young had the full showcase of them available, i was only fortunate to get a few back then.

Check the Marzal out. It is not just another lowly Lamborghini. Mine was yellowish, but now I see that the real one was silverish. Mine was Matchbox. The real one is The One. Check it on youtube.
@glupson, sorry about the link. It was to Transparent's $65,000 speaker cables.

@speedbump6, so you're saying that people who are into cables believe that $65,000 cables will make a significant difference over $10,000 cables and that the _ONLY_ reason they don't own $65,000 cables is simply because they can't afford them? Where is the logic in that?

Regardless, that axiom does not apply to me anyway. I've got $2000 worth of cables sitting in a pile and my speakers on generic 12ga homemades because I can't hear a difference and the big cables are ugly and hard to deal with. And $1500 worth of power 'filtering' equipment shipping out to an eBay buyer because it made no difference whatever to the SQ of my system.

I'm 57. My hearing isn't perfect. But I'm not deaf either. And I know what I like and for the most part how to get it.

And the car analogy isn't applicable really. If I need to haul my track car around on a trailer I drive my pick-up. When I get to the track I drive my track car. When I go on a trip we take my wife's nice manual transmission GT coupe. Apples and oranges. A Camry does a lot of things a Lambo can't and will probably do them a lot longer too.

So no need to pretend that you or anyone else has cornered the market on logic just because cables are important to you or that those of us who just don't get that experience are somehow bereft of logic. Because, well, that's not logical.

I have no idea if I could hear a difference between a $1K amp and $10K amp until I heard them in a blind test. I trust my ears but not my eyes.
Many people do not desire a Lamborghini, regardless of the cost.

Unless it is a Marzal, of course.
Lol, same video has been discussed before and the naysayers say it only shows the cable is a good antennae. N80, people don’t suspend their belief in cables maki g a difference because of price as you posted, they spend what their pocketbook allows. So you’re saying you cannot hear the difference between a 1k amp and 10k amp, or that you don’t believe a 100k amp would sound any better, because 5k is the limits of your budget? Or you wouldn’t desire a Lamborghini if you had the money over your Toyota Camry? The naysayers don’t use logic, because logic does not work in their favor. If you don’t hear a difference I’ve got no issue with that at all, wish I was you, as my pocket book would be far better off for it. I would prefer a 1k amp to sound like a 10k, etc etc, and same goes for cables. So why do the naysayers have to try so hard to convince people they’re hearing things, I haven’t tried to convince them that they don’t. I’ve never tried to demean anyone by saying they have hearing problems, it’s always them saying that we are the ones who say such things. I really haven’t seen that happen, and certainly not to the extent they are always so bent on convincing everyone that they are making up what they’re hearing. I do agree that many of them are so entrenched in their positions that they would never admit it if they do hear a difference, and most can’t even be bothered to listen, they avoid the subject and refer to measurements they claim disprove that there are any differences. It’s as if they don’t trust their own ears. 
You are absolutely made no difference.
I expected a bit more from somebody with a globe of the earth in the shape of a square cube.

However, I do like their tube connector concept and I like that they use solid core copper wire and copper connectors.
The only explanation I saw was twisted wire shields RF. You could take the cheap wire he used and braid it and it wouldn't be such a great antenna anymore. 
This was a really good explanation.  However, how much would a good speaker cable and interconnects cost?  
Most people dont know how to isolate and controls vibrations, they dont know how the high noise of their electrical grid pollute their sound, and finally their acoustical passive controls room are minimals if they exist at all, and their active acoustical controls nil; and guess what they buy costly cables for "upgrading" their audio system....

Not only that but "scientists" comes here to prove to us that cables dont makes any difference, and some consumers vouch for their "own" miraculous cable choice....

Amid all this nobody think about the essentials....

Only 2 camps argue, the snake oil hunters and the faithfull customers of some brand.....

What a world!


« The only cable that matters connect you and me»-Groucho Marx
I hooked up  a Nordost Frey II cable to my 65 Mac tuner and the music  now sounds as good as LP's.

I'm convinced.
n80,I guess your right it never stops.Its like a  drug addiction it never stops. Sometimes your Happy for a while then .The wicked cable addiction. Oh,well ....
The funny thing about cables is that even those who believe that they are critical to SQ have a threshold at which belief is suspended.

For some people, they are called naysayers apparently, the idea of $3000 speaker cables seems ridiculous.

Folks who are serious about cables will say that that's just the cost of entry into seriously tailored sound quality. 

But as often as not those same folks will balk when we start talking about $65,000 and $150,000 speaker cables. 

At what price point does it become snake oil. At what price point do the cable fans turn into naysayers?

Now I’s a market geared up to allow me to buy a really cheap system spend twice that amount over again on bogus...Bingo I’ve turned it into a really good system.
Just post a few signs to keep people from tripping over all the junk.