Demagnetize CDs

Before or after you shave them?




Yes, the aluminum can become weakly magnetic in the presence of an external magnetic field. But once it’s no longer influenced by that field, it no longer is. It cannot, on its own, hold a magnetic charge as it has an eneven amount of electrons. So the only way to demagnetize your CD is to do it while it is being subjected to whatever magnetic field or electromagnetic field within the guts of your player or transport. Hmm...Sounds like a tweak waiting for an inventor!

A cursory internet search on the subject yields opinions from people who claim that, even though aluminum is virtually non magnetic, when exposed to the inner workings of a CD player, CDs do develop a magnetic field.

I will (probably) say no more.



I was under the impression that you should demagnetize periodically or even before every critical listening session… so after and then after again and again. 

About 25 years ago I bought "The Bedini Clarifier" which can be held in the hand & spins the disc & theoretically "demagnetizes" it.  I hadn't used it for most of those 25 years, but a few nights ago, just for the helluvit, I broke it out & spun my discs before I listened to them.  I was spinning my Sheffield XLO Test & Burnin CD (I enjoy listening to Rodger & Doug's walk around) with one hand & multitasking with the other hand, and I cocked the Bedini a bit too much over to one side, and the spinning disc started banging agaist the top of the Bedini & then it flew off & propelled across the room.  Scarred & scratched.  Unusable.  My bad.

I bikini wax mine. If I don’t, it becomes the size of a slice of New York pizza.

I'm sorry, what are we talking about?


I am not aware how neodymium magnets would affect/eliminate static. Isn't the CDP using a red laser? Again, you might have lost me there.


Tried the demag regime but went back to a 3 blade design. For real. In more ways than one. But you gotta experiment. 

Gillette foamy works great, but you need to use the three bladed razors, the two bladed ones leave stubble.

I tried Gillette Foamy but settled on Barbersol shaving cream for my CD’s as it made the top end smoother😂🤣