DAC Shootout Starts This Weekend

Okay...in another thread I promised to do a side-by-side evaluation of the Audiobyte HydraVox/Zap vs the Rockna Wavelight. Due to the astonishing incompetence of DHL this has been delayed. At the moment, I have a plethora of DACs here and am going to do a broader comparison.

I am going to do a compare of the Rockna Wavelight, Rockna Wavedream Signature, Audiobyte HydraVox/Zap, Chord Hugo 2, Chord Hugo TT2, Bricasti M3, Bricasti M1 Special Edition, Weiss 501 and the internal DAC card for an AVM A 5.2 Integrated amp as a baseline.

For sake of consistency, I am going to use that same AVM integrated amp driving Vivid Kaya 45s. I may branch out and do some listening on other speakers (Verdant Nightshade of Blackthorn and/or Wilson Benesch Vertexes) but want to use the Vivids for every compare as they are the fullest range speakers I have here. For sake of consistency I will use a Chord 2Go/2Yu connected via an Audioquest Diamond USB as a renderer. The only exception is the Hugo 2 which has a 2Go directly attached to it. I will use a Roon Nucleus+ as a server in all cases.

My plan is to use the same five songs on every DAC; In a Sentimental Mood from Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, Be Still My Beating Heart from Sting, Liberty from Anette Askvik, Duende from Bozzio Levin Stevens and Part 1 of Mozart String Quartet No 14 in G Major from the Alban Berg Quartet. The intent is to touch on different music types without going crazy.

I will take extensive notes on each listening session and write up a POV on the strengths of each unit. I am going to start this this Friday/Saturday and will be writing things up over the next month or so. If you have thoughts, comments or requests, I will be happy to try and accommodate. The one thing I am not going to do is make the list of songs longer as that has an exponential impact on this and make everything much harder. If and when other DACs come in on trade I may add to the list through time.

@tonnesen I didn't have any new news for a long stretch.  I had a lot of gear in on trade I was underwhelmed by and this thread is not about criticizing gear I don't like.  I tried writing up a few and just wasn't happy with the posts and am focused on only sharing constructive points of view.  

I am very excited about Accustic Arts joining the On a Higher Note family.  I recently picked up Moonriver and Artesania from Philip and am serious about Accustic Arts.  The CD players look amazing aesthetically and from a spec perspective.  

Recently, I received a Mola Mola Tambaqui in on trade. This is a unit I have really wanted to spend some time with given the raves and I have a great stable of products in to do some comparisons. Right as this arrived, I became a Linn dealer and the Klimax DSM arrived and I also picked up an older Selekt DSM with Katalyst DAC and the new Utopik PSU.

I had tested all of the inputs on the Mola Mola via my Oladra to ensure everything was working. I will admit, I found the setup particularly annoying since there is no easy way to switch between inputs. You have to download the app, etc... That said, this is a problem for me testing a used item but would not be an issue for a typical end user.

I was doing my listening test the same day the Linn Selekt DSM arrived and couldn’t help but listen to it. Immediately I was struck but the similarity in sound between the two units. The Katalyst is dryer than Organik and quite detailed. I tweaked my setup and decided to do a very close AB comparison with the units occupying adjacent XLR inputs in my preamp.

Regarding connections, I did deviate. After testing the different Mola Mola inputs I was torn between AES and I2S out of the Oladra. I opted for I2S via a Pink Faun I2S cable. The best input on the Linn is the on-board streamer and I used an Audioquest Vodka ethernet between server and DSM.

The Mola Mola is great. I completely understand why people love it. On Duke Ellington/John Coltrane the device has great top end sparkle on the piano. Drum rolls have great separation and are distinct.

Be Still My Beating Heart from sting Sounds huge. No sibilance in Sting’s voice, bells are clear, noise floor is very low.

In Liberty, effects are placed correcctly. Her voice is not sibilant though maybe a hair brighter than I prefer but clarity is excellent and again, the noise floor is low.

In Duende, the bass solo is clear and precise. No digital artifacts show up and it is smooth and clear. Great air around the strings. Drums are crisp with great decay, cymbals are bright (in a good way) with great air.

The Berg piece had great instrumental separation. No sibilance and scale was a bit off and lacked the intimacy of the Chord Dave or Linn Klimax but this is a very common issue and a tiny issue that is common to DACs that are more expensive.

I obviously ran the same test with the Selekt DSM w/ Katalyst and I was right, they are very similar tonally and in the way they present. That said, everything was just a hair off compared to the Tambaqui. the image was slightly congested for lack of a better term. Image was slightly less appealing though separation was as good. I literally had no idea what this thing cost yet and discovered it is ~$3K less expensive. My feeling was it is a fair compromise to save a little bit of money and was less dissapointed.

Then I decided to put on Space Optimization to evaluate the difference. Suddenly the entire image shifted and the whole experience is much more immersive. I suspect the congestion that I was hearing was smearing and timing issues with bass response in my room.

I have absorption panels, bass traps, diffusers and my speakers 5’ into the room and it measures extremely well. My subwoofer is a Perlisten with an advanced DSP that integrates into my system easily and quite well. The introduction of Space Op took this to a completely different level.

If you have ever spent time setting up a subwoofer making micro adjustments to settings, you know the moment when timing becomes perfect. It is shocking in the sudden increase in clarity and sense of rightness to what you are hearing. That is what happened with Space Op being turned on. There was a rightness and clarity to what I was hearing that I have to spend hours to get just right in terms of micro adjustments to placement, toeing and rake angle of your speakers along with micro adjustments to timing with your subwoofer.

Suddenly the Selekt became smoother and more coherent. I stopped feeling like I was observing the image in front of me with the mola mola or Linn without room correction and it seemed like I was suddenly immersed into the music and it enveloped me and I feel like the Selekt leap frogged the Mola Mola.

This had me itchy to test more. I cleared a couple shelves and inserted the Playback Designs MPD 6 and the Rockna Wavedream Signature XLR. My system was setup around Playback DACs and the Playback delivered its trademark musicality and the holographic image I am used to and it was a clear step up from both, albeit small. The Rockna timing was a hair off but the fine microdetails stand out and for me, deliver a fascinating feeling that almost feels like it is touch the edges of your ears.

I have been using a sixth track recently for demos. Michael Jackson, Human Nature off of Thriller. This is a very immersive track with these extremely quiet but detailed bells that appear in that air around you. All four DACs did a fine job of presenting an immersive and holographic experience. The Tambaqui and Rockna were a hair off.

What this tells me, is that the way these DACs present requires micro tuning of your system to get it just right. I believe the Tambaqui could be as good as these others but I am not prepared to go through the effort to tweak my system to get the most out of it for a used item I don’t carry.

More than anything, what stands out is the benefits of Room Correction as it makes it easy to get a basically perfect setup in less than perfect conditions. Most DAC manufacturers lack the scale of Linn so few will have the resources to develop their own room correction. I wonder if more manufactures won’t begin licensing things like DIRAC Live or the BACCH system to incorporate into their devices to bring them the next level.

I have appreciated your impressions and evaluations on this thread.  It was not clear to me if you utilized the Tambaqui with a preamp or direct.   I have the Mola Mola Makua preamp with DAC (Tambaqui card).  I have read that several Tambaqui owners have preferred preamp in their systems over Tambaqui direct.  The Makua DAC does not have an I2S output as does the stand alone Tambaqui, and I have not listened to the stand alone Tambaqui.   I have AES/EBU from my Antipodes K50 G4 to the Makua as well as RJ45 ethernet.   I have another unit taking USB from the K50 G4, but have been using USB output from Lumin X1 to the Makua.   While I enjoy all the inputs to the Makua, I favor the USB slightly over the AES/EBU and both over ethernet, but far too many variables in my system, including player hardware, player software, and cabling manufactures and models to generalize for others.   Of note, I also use Daedalus DID isolation devices under my Makua rather than the default support rails.  

Thank you again for the significant time you have invested in these comparisons.

@azwill I used the Tambaqui with a preamp. About 2 years ago Vivid changed distributors and went to GTT Audio who happens to be the Mola Mola distributor. They offered to keep me on but after reviewing the dealer agreement I declined because I would violate it. They prefer people to sell in a specific territory and I live 1 town over from GTT who sells direct. Just not a fit.

This forced me to alter my reference system and I recalibrated my testing. The current system is as follows excluding DAC.

Canor Hyperion P1 Preamp

Canor Virtus M1 Mono Blocks

Wilson Benesch Discovery3 Zero Speakers

Antipodes Oladra Server

Inakkustik 4004 speaker cables.

Clarus Crimson XLRs

Puritan PSM1512 Conditioner

Puritan Ultimate XX PCs except for Preamp which is an Inakustik 2404

i specify any deviations from this setup when I write something up.

I have listened to Verdant Audio's Wilson Benesch Discovery3 Zero Speakers; they are amazing.

I still think about them from time to time.

@verdantaudio - Thank you this thread. I’d sent you a note regarding the Soul Note Dac 2 which you kindly responded to. Unfortunately, I was not able to respond via the thread so wanted to thank you here!