Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure

Cube Audio (Poland) designs single drivers and single driver speakers. 

Principals are Grzegorz Rulka and Marek Kostrzyński.

Link to the Cube Audio Nenuphar (with F10 Neo driver) speaker page:

Link to 6Moons review by Srajan Ebaen (August 2018):


Parameters (from Cube Audio):

Power: 40 W

Efficiency: 92 dB

Frequency response: 30Hz - 18kHz ( 6db)*

Dimensions: 30 x 50 x 105 cm

Weight: 40 Kg

* Frequency response may vary and depends on room size and accompanying electronic equipment.




I was thinking maybe as a bypass cap to see if anything yields interesting. may not be a good idea after all :-)

I gotcha , problem is there’s nothing to bypass (With a capacitor). Ultra minimalist speaker design and a main factor as to why its sound quality is so highly praised.


A bypass cap is just a smaller value cap that goes in parallel with a larger value to extend and purify the signal as large capacitors are inductive (therefore not as pure or as extended as a smaller cap).  There is no cap in the Nenuphar.  If you bypassed the driver (across the hot and negative) you would be adding a filter.  A no no. What you want is to enhance the driver.....not diminish it.  Ground Enhancer, Bybee thang....hard wiring to the voice coil wire, better wire, eliminating the rear binding posts......these enhance the speaker.

The Nenuphar is single driver and crossoverless. Where would one utilize a capacitor in this speaker?

I was thinking maybe as a bypass cap to see if anything yields interesting. may not be a good idea after all :-)

@jonwatches1 I auditioned the Voxativ Hagen speakers with a Voxativ sub driven by a Voxativ tube amp on three occasions--separate listening sessions at the same dealer, same set up. This was maybe 4 years ago, long before I had ever heard the Nenuphars, so it is obviously not a comparison. What bothered me at the time was an initially very attractive sound that I found fatiguing after about 20 minutes or so. I brought my own material in to play, same result. I found the highs to be forward and irritating on a lot of material. Could have been the digital front end (I don’t remember what that was), room, cables, etc.

I have been meaning to add a Vcap ODAM in the Nenuphars. I have some on my linear power supply filter caps but I have not done played with it with the speakers. Anyone has any experience on how they perform on speakers

The Nenuphar is single driver and crossoverless. Where would one utilize a capacitor in this speaker?




That is what I thought! An owner posted he wanted to try Vcap Odams in his set? I started thinking perhaps the driver was concentric. Most sorry for my confusion. 

@jonwatches1  Jon, I have not heard Voxativ in direct comparison. I strongly considered Voxativ when deciding on a single driver full range speaker; Holger Adler of Voxativ was a pleasure to engage with and was very helpful. 

In a recent post, @stephendunn makes reference to something that bothered him about Voxativ...perhaps he can comment or you can reach out to him via PM. He has extensive experience with the Nenuphars.

All the best in your choice.

Question: does anyone have experience comparing Voxativ with Cube? What were your impressions?  Thanks!

@grannyring  Bill, for clarification; I assume you are referring to the video, correct?


I love the sound of both versions! Really wonderful sounding speakers. I found a slight preference for the V2 which sounded a bit more complete to me. However, I would need to be in that room listening to be sure.

@grannyring thanks for the feedback on the Vcap odams. Yes, I agree with you that they have an open and a bit bold character which may not be suitable for this speaker in particular.


I am making an assumption these speakers don’t currently have a top tier copper foil cap in them. If they do,  then wonderful and leave them be

The Nenuphar is a full range single driver speaker with no crossover. Amp straight to the driver.


This is a full range driver.  It has no crossover, no caps, no parts 

I love the sound of both versions! Really wonderful sounding speakers. I found a slight preference for the V2 which sounded a bit more complete to me. However, I would need to be in that room listening to be sure.

The Vcap Odams are great in speaker crossovers. Vibrant and so very open. They are also easy to fit due to their relatively small size. However, I would say they are my 2nd choice in this particular speaker. The best choice, if you can afford them, would be the Duelund SnCu CAST caps. This is their tinned copper foil cap. The richness, realism and natural tone of this cap would be a better match in this speaker. I think this speaker would benefit from the body, richness and meat of this cap. The Odam may deliver more perceived air and liveliness, but I just don’t think this speaker is asking for “more” of these attributes. Just my opinion.

If these are too costly, then the Jupiter copper foil cap is also a great choice. Keep in mind the size of both the Jupiter and Duelund can be quite large depending on the value you need.

I am making an assumption these speakers don’t currently have a top tier copper foil cap in them. If they do,  then wonderful and leave them be 🙂.





He definitely had the Enleum...not the Bakoon. Guess it was the 23. His speakers are AG Duo’s and Fleetwood Deville. Obviously different results with different speakers so take it for what its worth. The Valvet is about Half the price of the Enleum but you cant use it as a space heater or fry an egg on it so it does have some disadvantages


I had auditioned the Valvet e2se a while back with the Nenuphars but much preferred the SIT3. I found the Valvet to have more highs than the FW but it and the midrange was also a bit grainy for my taste. I have not heard the E3, so do not know how it compares to the previous version but I am sure all these amps are stellar with the Cubes.

Did anyone pair a Luxman 590AXII with the Nenuphars ? Seems like a possible good candidate.



Thanks @david_ten it's indeed helpful. Did anyone of you here upgraded to v2 and can share your experience ?

He definitely had the Enleum...not the Bakoon. Guess it was the 23. His speakers are AG Duo’s and Fleetwood Deville. Obviously different results with different speakers so take it for what its worth. The Valvet is about Half the price of the Enleum but you cant use it as a space heater or fry an egg on it so it does have some disadvantages

I definitely prefer the V2 for the extended highs over the Original but not sure my room can handle the extra bass.  Maybe I will have to wait for the V3 which has the extended highs but not the bass bump  :)

Reposting Cube Audio’s Nenuphar V2 versus the V1 Driver it’s at the top of the page. From YouTube:


Cube Audio Nenuphar V2 vs V1 Full Range Loudspeakers

The higher powered Enleums have been discussed by the designer but not released--unless there are some betas out there.  So not sure where I got the impression they sounded different than the 23R.  My bad.

@debjit_g  Nuts it is.  And pls report if purple SR fuse is the ticket.

@riaa_award_collectors_on_facebook  I have heard the higher powered Enleums don't have the magic of the 23R but I'm sure it's speaker dependent.  Was your buddy driving Cube Audio speakers?

My buddy just ditched the Higher Enleum (53??) because he preferred both the Luxman 595 and Valvet E3 SE in his setup.

There is no Enleum 53. I think you might be talking about the Bakoon. Which speaker ?

I have been meaning to add a Vcap ODAM in the Nenuphars. I have some on my linear power supply filter caps but I have not done played with it with the speakers. Anyone has any experience on how they perform on speakers ?

My buddy just ditched the Higher Enleum (53??) because he preferred both the Luxman 595 and Valvet E3 SE in his setup.

@stephendunn since you mentioned the Enleum, I just looked back the posts and realized that I have never posted about it. Recently I snagged one from a local audiophile buddy who was using it as a headphone amp. He has never hooked it up the speakers. I was not very confident that this tiny little amp can do any wonders compared to my modded LM SET. Well, never in the past I have been so wrong about audio the first time I have hooked up my system to the 23R. Just before I snagged the Enleum, I bought a new pair of Psvane ACME 805 for the LM and I had only played about 10hrs before the 23R took its amplification duty. So far, I have not turned the LM, neither I have the urge to do it. I will probably compare at some point but I can say that the sound from the Enleum is very satisfying.

I had a SR orange fuse laying around and it took the Enleum a notch or two up. Now a SR purple is on the, this hobby is just nuts :-)

I will update on what I find out on the CTD...


@ricevs My apologies for the mistaken identity and appreciate your understanding.

Everything has to be taken with a grain of salt.....including what you say. For instance, I am not the Rick Schultz of High Fidelity Cables. I am the Ric Schultz of Even though you are wrong about are still worthy. You are beautiful....I love you.

All you have to do is to try something and listen to know whether it is "grain of salt" or high class organic honey. Sweetness rules.....I kiss you all so sweetly.

@debjit_g I too have been experimenting with the Carbon Tuning discs.  The purple ones placed on my Shunyata Alpha V2 speaker cables brought the highs more forward, irritatingly so for some recordings.  (I've certainly forgotten about irritating highs with the Nenuphars, something much more common with the Voxativs I've auditioned).  But on some recordings I kind of like the forward highs.  Be interested to know if you find another application that makes an overall positive impression.

And I'd like to add a follow up to my comparison of the Enleum 23R and the Decware Zen Triode 25th Anniversary amps.  It seems that the 23R was not burned in all the way when I wrote my original review.   It has opened up considerably more since my last report, better dynamics, even more detail, especially in the mid range and mid bass, and more air.  And richer tone.  To my ears it clearly bests the Decware Zen with every type of music I play.  And especially, as I mentioned before, with big orchestral works which expand the walls of my listening room as if I'm inside some virtual reality headset.  It is hard to believe it all comes out of that tiny box.

@ricevs  One has to take what you say with more than a grain of salt.  Your High Fidelity cables are living proof of your expertise.

It is not just one thing that makes a is everything you do. better wire, removing the sound of the jack connection on the speaker, removing the sound of the WBT binding posts, adding the enhancment of Ground Enhancers and the Bybee is five things.....

You just change the wire and you only get one out of five. I have not played with the Bybee thangs but I am getting a pair in shortly to try on a single driver speaker here.......but I doubt that review and this one are wrong:

He only heard bass changes....not mid and treble.....but he liked very much what he heard.

I have never liked silver wire. I find it too silver sounding.....forward and bright. I have straight wire bypassed WBT rca connectors......and the silver ones sounded "more detailed and forward" than the straight wire. Maybe some dull system could use this coloration. Right now I am using the 14 gauge VH Audio wire that is cryoed OFC stranded wire in foamed teflon.....I remove the outer clear teflon cover. Sounds really great.......I am sure there are better wires.....but which one?

You can see a crossover I made for someone that has this wire and also the quarter inch nylon bolts and nuts to secure his speaeker wires (Fidelium cables with biwire adapters.....will have more pics of his system up later today). Be sure to scroll all the way down the page to see the latest large pic of the updated crossover. Incredible speaker.....out of this world great

I will soon have pics and description on this page that shows an open baffle system using the top of the line Lii Audio drivers with added super tweeter.......and even more ideas and pics down the road.  Please bookmark page and follow along.  I think you will be amazed and what can be done......and for so little..




Btw, I have been using a pair of Fidelium speaker cable for some time now with great results.

Also have been playing with a pair of SR latest CTD (Carbon Tuning disc) - placing a purple disc on the speaker cable did not yield any change with the Nenuphar, which is contrary to what others have reported with speaker cables. Might move them into the speaker, near the banana post to see if the results are different. 

@ricevs what is this super wire ? Any link ? I have contemplated changing the internal wire of the Nenuphar to a better solid silver wire but just didn't get to it. The internal speaker wire looks a bit flimsy and think a better wire could definitely benefit.



Thanks David for the advice.

ricevs, I’ve been there and done it 30 or so years ago. I agree it does make a difference direct wiring. As a Cube dealer I’m not going to recommend as this would inevitably disqualify the warranty. It might be possible to specify when ordering but doubtful? Manufacturers make compromises for commercial reasons.

I’m not convinced about Bybee though, I have some but not tried with Cubes. 

If you want to make any cube speaker way better then do this:

Remove the driver and the binding posts.

Solder super wire directly to the voice coil longer usng banana plugs into the banana jack....solder the speaker wire to the end of the banana jack (the very same point the voice coil wire is attached)

Run this wire directly out the back of the speaker about one foot and strip about one inch of wire and bend it around a quarter inch drill bit to form a loop and tin the bare wire loop with solder. Strip the wire after you have soldered the other end to the driver and reinstalled the driver.

Also, solder a Ground Enhancer ($30 a pair) to the negative voice coil wire (speaker wire and ground ehnancer are soldered together at the same point).

Put a Bybee Quatnum Clarifier ($100 each) on the back of the magnet of the driver.

Reinsall the driver.

Pull the any slack in the wire though the back holes and then cut the wire so you have about one foot of wire hanging out....then strip and tin and bend the wire..Attach your speaker wire (either bare wire or spade) to the wire coming out of the speaker using one quarter inch nylon bolts, thick washers and wing nuts (very cheap).

Turn on music......pee in pants.....cry and laugh. Now you have Nenuphar mark VII

By removing the banana connection at the speaker and removing the binding posts (essentially hardwiring), adding the Ground Enhancer and Bybee thang and using better wire than what is in the speaker you will hear things you never dreamed of. Much more extended, real, warm, dynamic, larger sound, much lower noise, more ambience, space, well..everything. Total cost about $260 plus some super wire...say $350 total.... Time.....about 3 hour and a half per speaker....being very careful You use a wire that is much longer than you need to you can put the wire through the box and have it hanging out the back......because it is now so can work on the driver directly on a small bench in front of the speaker....another way to work on the speaker would be to lay it on its side on a padded table....then you can work on the driver right next to the cabinet.

Who will be the first to tweak a Nenuphar? Everyone hotrods their one would think twice about taking their brand new $70k Corvette into a modders place and having an even bigger supercharger put in, etc. for another $25K to get another 2 -300 horsepower. Yet, no one in the world will spend $350 to upgrade a $16,000 speaker? We are such wimps....he he. You can always put it back to stock and no one will ever know.....Of course, once you have heard it modded you will never sell it.....ever.....

What is so cool about any single driver speaker is its fricking crossover......but still...every single thing you do (or don’t do) affects the sound....big time.....these mods are simple...yet highly effective.

Please read this review on what the Bybee thangs can do:

Please, enjoy this moment and every moment that is your right to choose love and joy all the time. The more you choose something and live it....the more you become that quality. You want to feel better? Than let yourself feel incredible right now...and keep choosing it every now.

Blessings and love.

Question: does anyone have experience comparing Voxativ with Cube? What were your impressions?  Thanks!

On the other end of the spectrum, as an example:

Cast...or...YouTube via TV and my main system.

In this case, listen to the Nenuphars through my Nenuphars. : )

TV is connected via eARC to the T+A SDV 3100 HV.

@toetapaudio Robert, I find listening to YouTube "audiophile" videos better served via an external USB DAC / Amp and decent headphones.

In my case, though I have other options, my easiest/simplest go to is iFi Audio’s iDSD Signature DAC/Headphone Amp into Beyerdynamic Xelento IEMs.

Much, much better sound quality than via a laptop / tablet / phone.

Minimally, use easy to drive headphones/IEMs via the laptop’s 3.5mm output...this is a significant step up from via the laptop / tablet / phone direct (i.e. on it’s own). Adding a DAC/AMP into the chain makes things even better.

@toetapaudio and @charles1dad Thanks!

For those that have listened to this YouTube video, what are your takes in terms of differences and preferences? [I haven’t listened, yet.]

@milhomes My one addition to David's thorough response is that you consider adding a subwoofer to the Nenuphars--either the Cube Audio 10" or 12" especially if you want to keep the Nens away from the front wall to maximize sound staging. And it will add that extra foundation to the bass and mid-bass when playing rock.  When I added my KEF KC62 mini sub it brought the speakers to a new level of enjoyment.  Good luck.

@milhomes   Welcome to the thread.

Hope others also post responses to your questions.

1. I recommend you consider the V2 driver given your focus on Rock Music. They go a bit lower and are easier to pair with a wider array of amps. Solid state amps may be easier to pair and may work more favorably in meeting your preferences with the rock genre. Your prior reference will be a factor.

Placement is easy enough to experiment with...go with what works best for your room and your preferences.

2. I have not had any of the other speakers you are considering in my own room. They are all well implemented designs and have great owner and reviewer feedback AND will likely meet your needs. They will be different, given their design, than Cube Audio's Nenuphar.

I have heard the Rockport Cygnus in a friend's system. He's down the street from me. If you heard his system and mine, back to back, you might be very surprised by what's possible from a single driver speaker.

3. Both are 10 inch full range drivers. The Nenuphars use the top of the line F10 Neo; the Jazzon uses the F10 Select. There is a significant price difference between the two drivers.

4. The V2 is slightly less efficient than the V1 driver. Unless you are using very low output power single ended amplifiers, I do not see you running into any issues driving the V2s. Reach out to Grzegorz at Cube Audio for more specifics. The quality of the amp is a significant factor here, much more than the output rating.

5. I don't know where the F15 Neo effort is, currently. Another question worth asking Grzegorz. I have heard whispers of a flagship effort at a higher price point than the Nenuphars.

Let us know if you have other questions. All the best.

This must be my place. Like someone said before, I asked on other forums about this speakers and few answers and enthusiasm… 

I’m really interested in this speakers. Good comments from all around. Srajan and Peter talked about something really special (Mr. Breuninger said that the importance of this speaker it’s equal to the famous Quad’s… That’s a lot!!!).

I have not been able to listen yet to the Nenuphars. Some questions. Let’s hope you can help me:

1) I hear a lot of rock. Do the Nenuphar’s rock?? It is said that if you place the Nenuphar’s near the wall there is a bass improvement but it’s enough?? Are they capable with rock music??

2) Sorry to the OP if I stray from the main topic but I must ask it. Magico A5 (“giant killer”), Von Schweikert Endeavor SE, Rockport Atria II… I know that they are a different designs, but is the Nenuphar at the level??

3) I’m a little bit confused between the new Audio Cube Jazzon and the Nenuphar. Aren’t they both 10” drivers??

4) I’m also worried about the performance of the new Nenuphar V2. Is less efficient than the V1??

5) What about the launch of the new Cube Audio F15 Neo with 15”. Any information?? What we can expect??

Sorry for my horrible english. Thanks so much and sorry to the OP if I stray a little bit.




Thanks @david_ten

I bet that configuration sounds utterly fantastic! Tonal/musical finesse and emotionally engagement achievable at lower listening levels? Not easy to do. I’d choose this attribute by a factor of 10 compared to loud volume and bass "slam" abilities.


I spoke with Jon yesterday. He should have his ears on the new drivers soon and will be able to provide his feedback on differences, etc.

please keep us posted. I am also very interested in knowing how well it behaves with a low power amps.

For me, the two week downtime (which is mainly due to shipping the drivers back and forth) is about as reasonable as it gets.

@david_ten yes, I agree. It’s quiet a reasonable time give the situation we are all in. However, since Covid many of us are WFH and enjoys listening more than ever :-)

I spoke with Jon yesterday. He should have his ears on the new drivers soon and will be able to provide his feedback on differences, etc.


I wanted to get his opinions on the v2 before upgrading

@debjit_g You are welcome.

For me, the two week downtime (which is mainly due to shipping the drivers back and forth) is about as reasonable as it gets.

Jon will only proceed once he has the new driver materials on hand for each request.

[Note: this applies for U.S. / North American customers]

The 'downtime' is about two weeks. Jon Ver Halen / Refined Audio will send a box for the V1 drivers to be shipped to him; he replaces the front of the driver and ships the now V2 driver back to you with a sticker labelling it as V2 and additional stickers for the owner to place on the outside (e.g. by the binding posts) of each speaker to signify the speakers are V2s. 

@david_ten thanks for the details. I did not enquire about the downtime since I wanted to get his opinions on the v2 before upgrading and he was still expecting the shipment of the assembly. The 2 weeks downtime seems a lot, especially if you don’t have a back up speaker and you listen almost everyday. I can’t seem to think I will be out of music for 2 weeks. Cube should have figured a better plan :-)

+1 @debjit_g   

I spoke with the US distributor and it looks like the v2 driver upgrade is changing out the cone and assembly on the same frame/magnet of the v1 drivers.

The 'downtime' is about two weeks. Jon Ver Halen / Refined Audio will send a box for the V1 drivers to be shipped to him; he replaces the front of the driver and ships the now V2 driver back to you with a sticker labelling it as V2 and additional stickers for the owner to place on the outside (e.g. by the binding posts) of each speaker to signify the speakers are V2s.