Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Namely: Western Civilization. If that sounds too extreme, representative government. 

The virus is but one of their tools.   

Stop and think. Please.  

For me, this whole discussion is only existentialist in that I want Covid to be destroyed. It sounds like some want to destroy a whole lot of things that have little or nothing to do with this virus.
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@ghasley lol…… Oh, it’s still the Wild West

Lol on the typing of cell phone. Have to clarify around this Saloon or head might be bit off
To me it’s the same thing.
So stop supporting Forced vaccinations.
I find your support for such measures infinitely more disturbing.
They executed Nazi’s at the Hague for forced vaccinations of the jews.
Let that sink in...
yuviarora I find comparisons between vaccinations and the Holocaust deeply offensive please stop.
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We only walked by one person talking to himself. He was a little overweight and typing on his cell phone. Who knows, he may have been posting here.
@jond @dabel

Nah…kinda went missionary, chicken pad thai, money bag for an appetizer. So, how is everyone getting along after my long hike, a great lunch, a great walk with the wife and the retriever at the open air market and yes, we recognize how we look like one of those advertisements we all love to hate.
@sns the things you are asking the courts to decide have already been decided...
Forced vaccinations are a violation of the Nuremberg Code, Geneva Conventions and dozens of other International Human Rights treaties. 
The US Supreme Court can eat a big fat DIK, doesn't matter  what they have to say... These are Natural Human Rights, Inalienable, endowed upon us by our Creator. 
it’s not hyperbole.
we are left wondering how little people like you care that an entire segment of the population is being ostracized from daily life, their rights, jobs, everything is being taken away.

I used to think why other Germans did not say anything as the Jews were being loaded onto those trains, were being forced to wear those patches. How everyone stood around and labelled them as diseased....... I don’t have to guess anymore.
Can see it in action.
People clap and cheer for the Dystopia. 
And so now I'm evil and the courts enforce evil,  we're going down the religious  highway, how cool!
The insane hyperbole needs to stop, no one who's been vaccinated is "choosing evil" no one is being forced to take the vaccine "at the point of a gun". And @ghasley you've earned yourself a timeout I hope the Thai was worth it. ;)
I apologize in advance, I broke the rules today and had Thai food rather than tacos.
Lots of dominoes with predictions of future, each and every domino must be in perfect alignment for specific predictions to come to fruition. Past wrongheaded predictions prove this difficult at best.

Domino toppling always goes in circles or dead ends. Both are the same, always ending in death. I'd like to see something better than dead ends.
@sns might as well put a star on all the diseased people’s shoulders, and have them sit at home for the rest of eternity. Put them on a train to a safe place, where they can stay........ safe.
Courts went along with slavery, it was LEGAL, so was the internment of the Japanese.
And business’s are being forced to go along by the Federal Government.... IT IS A MANDATE.
Mask’s are a MANDATE. They are all enforced at the point of a gun.
Solzhenitsyn said, "The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man." The Gulag camps, the killing fields, all that in century past produced the hundreds of millions of dead, none of that would have happened without people like you so eager to choose evil.
If one grocery store, theater, whatever retail establishment  has masking policy, go to another where they don't. And so on and so on, blah, blah, blah. Or you can purchase online! The authorities are not stopping anyone from providing themselves with life sustaining necessities. You're inability to conduct commerce with any particular establishment on your terms is simply not unlawful. Or would you then have the rights of these parties infringed so can practice your self judged preeminent rights.

Many private establishments have also welcomed these gvt. issued mandates where issued. It brought relief from having to enforce and defend their own mandates. Do you not believe people and other private entities who disagree with you have the right of equal protection? People who refuse to wear masks and get vaccinated are not a class of people, discrimination will be difficult to prove on class basis.

Whose rights are protected and whose are infringed will be a battle to the end of time. Mask and vaccine mandates, until such time the courts decide they actually infringe upon your rights are not presently illegal. You will first have to prove standing, which means proving an actual harm  was inflicted on you. You will have to prove masks and present covid vaccines are harmful, as well as lacking benefit. Until such  a case is presented to the supreme court and opinion issued that states it is infringement of rights, it is simply not an infringement of rights, rather its only an infringement of privilege. And this argument would likely have to start anew with each new vaccine produced if supreme court issued a narrow opinion.

The bank account I was referring to IS what you currently have. Not digital.

When the money changes the money changes, including in your account. Please do try and keep up. Seriously.
40% of wild deer have coronavirus antibodies: study

Everyone has already been exposed to this virus 2 years into the pandemic. The vaccine passports are about control, and are the beginning of a Chinese Social Credit system.
It is not about someone’s grandma.
And yes, if you speak out against the governments or corporations, they can just shut your bank account off...They have already done this with quite a many people on the right in America.
Refuse vaccines.....No money in your account and no account. 
The bank account I was referring to IS what you currently have. Not digital.

Having to answer the LAW, “oh where oh where has this money come from Sir…..” and the word Sir I use in a polite tone…..Maybe a curse word for some law would be more appropriate.

Well, law! I’m good at saving money. Down to my last penny!
Soon they’ll be after ones bank account 
They already are. Please do try and keep up. The so-called digital money will enable government control over your every dollar down to the penny. With digital money they can control where you are able to spend it, which means IF you are able to spend it, and they can inflate it away if you don't spend it. With digital money it won't matter if you have a million dollars, if they don't like you they can simply turn your money off and it will be as if you have no money at all because no one will be able to take it.   

My bet is most people reading this think this is some science-fiction conspiracy theory. It is not.    

I fought the law, and the law won. 

Please, this is NO Tik Tok picnic 

The Tom is keeping a watchful EYE on the SMART audio fanatics 

Delete all DATA now…..delete 

Soon they’ll be after ones bank account

Another revolution perhaps???
The privilege in question is your privilege to not get vaxxed and potentially spread the disease to your friends and neighbors.
For a working brain this little puzzle:

who transmit the more:

the vaccinated which can bear the same amount of viruses than unvaccinated people but without symptoms, then without never knowing it, then never isolate himself, and pass it to others

or the unvaccinated who take early preventive treatment that slow the viruses growing and who can with apparent emerging symptoms isolate himself?

If your brain work you dont need the written answer....

This remind me of problem in primary school...

It is astonishing that grown adult are unable to solve that simple question...

No surprize that most people buy costly upgrade in audio without seeking any knowledge of acoustic...Similar simple riddle like the other one which is unknowingly censored also by the general marketing audio corporate interests and reviewers focus on gear here...

No special conspiracy ONLY ignorance and greed....

 Winter will come, and if you are old over 70 years old  especiially with co morbidities take the vaccine please for your health... I think the odds are in your side to take it...

But with natural immunity already, if you are young or very healthy without co morbidities take preventive treatment...
   This is the advice of many doctors in a free country and i concur with them...

The privilege in question is your privilege to not get vaxxed and potentially spread the disease to your friends and neighbors.
« But the key thing with the mandate that is troubling to people is that people have had the disease already they have stronger more durable immunity than those who are vaccinated but they’re still forced to be vaccinated and that doesn’t make any sense from a scientific point of view nor from a public health point of view.»

Dr. Martin Kulldorff

I probably had covid in november last year: a sudden fever and extreme fatigue i never experienced for 48 hours....

Why this covid recede in my case?

I was taking for years Nigella sativa pills proven to be efficient against covid,
Curcuma pills for years proven to be efficient for covid,
astaxanthin 8 milligram by day one of the most powerful natural antyoxident and natural antiinflammatory
Vitamihn C 2 milligrams and 5 milligram of vitamin D each day,

I takes all that before covid and its happen to be a very good choice....

I now have zinc intake and quercetin each day with copper and other minerals...

I have ivermectin, alas! only in small quantities , thanks to the criminal censorship, i keep it for the early treatment, i dont have enough for preventive use for my family...

My wife is vaccinated and one of my son... the other son is unvaccinated like me....
"The difference is i can present symptoms of covid and isolated myself because i am not vaccinated... But the vaccinated pass it unknowingly being without symptoms...'


Even if i wanted to i cannot go anywhere in quebec city....

Without vaccine passport, tomorrow a digital one....

Even if vaccinated can pass the disease to anyone  like the unvaccinated...

 The difference is i can present symptoms of covid and isolated myself because i am not vaccinated... But the vaccinated pass it unknowingly  being without symptoms...

Guess who is dangerous?

There is no tyranny when only privilege lost.
So now you are saying it is a "privilege" to buy groceries? Attend a movie? Travel? Seriously? You are that far gone?

Here in Washington State they are hiring prison guards to force quarantine people in Centralia. Is it now a "privilege" to live in my own home???!   

I asked that you stop the name calling and narrative and start analyzing. Instead you double down. Shame.

By the way i dont need to convince anybody about anything...

Any working brain speak for itself...

But at a times were the most irrational untruth are claimed , like unvaccinated kills, at a times where people loose their jobs if they dont submit their body to an irrational campaign, something must be said...

I dont want to be a passive spectatator of this criminal censorship which kill millions now...
There's a difference between being anti-vax and being anti-only 10 months in development for something that may take up to 10 years-vax. 
Not to mention some people still want to abide by that thing that used to be the law of the land called a Constitution. 
NIH/CDC stand for Dr.Fauci personal kingdom with the greatest amount of money funding for research in the world probably, kingdom with revolving doors between corporation and government jobs...

"UP" stand for UTTAR PRADESH in India

IVM stand for ivermectin
USA stand for united states of america if we dont recognize it at the sight of these results
It seems the benefit and the rationality of early treatment dont escape the mind of everyone...

Which one stand against criminal corporate  censorship of early treatment ?
In quebec city it is mandatory to drive with winter tire...

Too much snow....

Driving 4 seasons tire is recipe to take the field for eternity....

Thanks for the tacos.... With jalapenos i hope...

And my prefered beverage:

3/4 pound of ginger
Boiled in 3 liters of water
4 bags of dandelion root tea
4 bags of papaya leaf tea
a small glass of half  citrus juice + half lime juice
a small glass of orange juice
It is so good anybody want to steal it....


A few serious questions for you. All season tires and drive carefully/selctively or winter tires? Winter tires vs snow tires? Snow tires vs studded snow tires? Lets solve this! And then we can have a taco. My treat!
Choo Choo! This runaway TRAIN has a “infinite” amount of COAL.

Shepherd’s pie, please and thank you

I didn't see sns call anyone any names other than anti-vaxxer which seems to fit.  The only "mass genocide" going on is the continued deaths of the unvaccinated. Delta thankfully seems to be receding, fingers crossed, now is a great time to get vaccinated. On a semi-related note I'm getting my flu shot today.
I am not in the same political boat than millercarbon but like him i dont like to be called names like anti vaxxer...

Because i had refused to take this mRNA vaxx...

Reason and science go hand with hand here...

The forceful imposed MASS vaccinations is a medical error with a coronavirus airborne and mutating because it induce a selective pressure on some variation we dont want...

Geert vanden Bossche explained that really well...Luc Montagnier also...

With an airborne mutating virus like flu preventive and early treatment are keys...

Suppressing them is a crime against humanity.... Because this virus is not flu and can induce long term effects very bad for many more people than flu....

There is NO CONSPIRATION THEORY in my post....Only scientific facts....

There is no tyranny when only privilege lost. You have choice to not wear mask and not get vaccinated.
And on the other side, gun toting, threatening warlords taking over Michigan capital building, and how about Jan6
Yep, the revolution is here, two different realities, nay universes. Divide and conquer is the problem. I'm willing to settle on divide only part of equation.
Well no sns you are wrong. If you were right then you wouldn't have to resort to name-calling and deception.    

Certain vaccines are being imposed even on people with naturally acquired immunity. It would be one thing if this were being done as a matter of law. Laws are passed in Congress by our duly elected representatives. No legislature anywhere has enacted such laws. This then is tyranny, and we have every reason to oppose tyranny. Indeed, under the Constitution it is our duty to oppose it. To twist and distort this informed and principled view and insult us by calling us "anti vaxxers" is childish at best.  

It is interesting you admit that you "feel a sense of revolution in the air, democracy in the balance." Here in Seattle we had a good chunk of the city, 5500 people including a whole police precinct building, taken over and ruled by a machine-gun toting warlord who claimed sovereignty over this new nation of CHAZZ. Or CHOP. But as comical as it sounds and looks this actually happened. They really did take over a whole bunch of city blocks. For months.  

And not only Seattle. Portland. Whole bunch of places. This was a year ago. In the year since then all kinds of small privately owned businesses have been shut down, while big box retailers and Amazon are fine. Just like it was fine for all the BLM protesters to get together and riot, but if you go to a church, bar or gun store you are a super-spreader. Almost like there is a coordinated effort to replace individualism with the hive mind.  

So I will take the glass half full view and hope you are man enough and independent thinker enough to stop with the name-calling and think a few things through. Less narrative, more analysis. Please.
This is a mass genocide underway as this world has never seen! Some need to wake up!!
Fifteen pages and still going. Do you anti vaxxers understand you're only preaching to the choir, and the choir gets smaller by the day? The machine buys and sells you guys just like everyone else, traitors to your cause end up getting vaccine through enticements and coercion. Others come over to the 'dark side' as reality finally sinks in, loved ones dying from Covid get their attention.
Your fight isn't even really about rights, you're not losing your rights, simply your privilege. No one is being sent to jail, prison or denied their right to speak.
I presume you guys all consume just as we, the enemy do, which means your ingesting all manner of chemicals you likely haven't done a bit of research on. Your bodies were contaminated many many years ago.
As for government and corporate intentions to control the masses, nothing new here. Many of the vaccinated are well aware of the ever present need/drive in humans, to accumulate power. Humans have innate need to have others think like them, power allows this. We are not stooges of some unknown machine, inculcated to accept new norms that bring us further under control of that machine.
You stick your stake of freedom in the ground at this particular juncture, hoping to incite revolution in the masses. Based on the ease of existing power structures to shatter your resistance, your movement seems a mile wide, an inch deep. You do incite a counter revolution that increasingly celebrates your deaths. Herman Cain awards and much worse, desire for culling of heard, mass depopulation.

I admit I do feel a sense of revolution in the air, democracy in the balance. But then, democracy has been virtually non existent for the entire history of humankind. Not a natural state of humans, they'd rather win than compromise. The sad thing is so many humans always willing to bet their side will win. Zero sum games innate part of human condition.
@dabel very kind of you. Life is good….one was elderly and infirm, the other an avid, healthy outdoorsman….neither a match for Covid. 

Its cool if you like curry or kimchi, its uncool if you believe I have to as well. Its cool if someone chooses to fight perceived injustices and make personal decisions. 

Its uncool to deny the Holocaust, 9/11, Sandy Hook or to believe Armageddon is a specific future event rather than the historical battles of Megiddo near Haiffa.