Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Australia Releases Tracker App That Requires Response Within 15 Minutes Before Authorities Arrive

This is the Australia of Steve Irwin......Crocodile Dundeee' mate. 
Strange, those who exercise their right to not take vaccine then complain about exercising it. Exercising individual rights means having to accept both the benefits and costs. The cost is that other individuals also have the freedom to exercise their rights, which means any single individual may not always get to freely exercise their rights. Countless judicial decisions uphold one party's rights, the losing party hasn't proved a preponderance of harms done to itself.
Losing parties don't often care for judicial decisions.

Here I'm speaking of rights which have costs. The costs one has to pay for exercising their right to not take vaccine is merely loss of some privileges. Privilege rights don't count for much in judicial system. One has to be able to understand the distinction between privilege and rights in order to understand justice. I highly doubt an individual who refuses to take vaccine and sues because of loss of privilege is going to prevail in any court in this country. You'd have to prove the vaccine is more harmful than beneficial by a preponderance of evidence. At this point, the vaccines are not experimental, and  have proven to be of great benefit. It is likely one of most used pharmaceuticals existent, more than 6.2 billion according to one source. If this not the case, bring your case to the courts and prove it, proof that it saves lives makes for a pretty strong case. I understand there have been harms incurred by a small minority of vaccine recipients, I doubt any court in the entire world would judge those harms outweigh the benefits.
So we have a preponderance of scientific evidence supporting vaccines which courts will accept as evidence. Lack of harms done to individuals refusing to take the vaccine, another win for vaccine advocates. Equal protection clause of Constitution that protects the rights of private parties to institute vaccine and mask mandates. Doesn't look like the courts or science are your friends. And don't forget two centuries of settled law that allows gov. entities to mandate vaccines.

Which leaves you folks with individual choice to not take vaccine. No one is denying you this choice, you only have to pay the cost of losing some level of privilege.


You talk about risk...

Since the pandemic began, less than 600 children under the age of 18 have died from covid.
In the same time span, 900 children under the age of 18 have died from pneumonia.

Never before have children who are asymptomatic in the same classroom as sick children been sent home from pneumonia.
Just an example...
Crud…I thought the thread had just about achieved enough fatigue….here comes the double down LOL….corner traps are our friend.
Joining late. RNA is not dna and can’t become dna. As all fragment of rna in muscle for a few hours can’t change your genome. Only provoke an immune response. If you choose not to be immunized, so be it, but please don’t misinform. I’ll try to make an analogy. You have a 1000 wpc solid state amp. You add one rectifier tube that isn’t needed. Is it a tube amp?
Are you reciting a mantra or a propaganda piece?

It takes 5 second to look after a scientist pick by chance who knows well that the spike protein dont safely sleep in the arm and could be dangerous with unknown long term effect... they are other studies also with less confidence than you and Dr. Fauci... I dont know why? 😁

Are they all deluded conspirationist clowns?

OH! yes dont read that, all the fact checkers on google say that they are conspirationist...Anyway even one of the top living virologist in the world, the Nobel Luc Montagnier is a conspirationist for the corporate google and for Pharmas...

He wrote a preface to the book "Plagues of corruption", by arch ennemy of Dr. Fauci Judy Mikovits...

Trust google at your own risk and repeat the mantra...

But science is science, a new vaxx technology UNVERIFIED for long term effect is what it is, a new vaxx technology UNVERIFIED for long term effect.... Mantra or not.....

Between Luc Montagnier the real discoverer of the HIV virus and the proven thief Gallo and his friend in corruption Tony Fauci which are on opposite sides again after the HIV wars in this Covid wars, my choice is clear....

The rest of you guys just don't understand risk assessment very well. What are the risks of the vaccine? Very minor thus far. What are the risks of Covid? 4,842,788 deaths worldwide. Additionally not taking the vaccine can have additional social risks as some of you have found out. You're all, theoretically at least adults, sit down and do some blunt thinking on risk assessment or consult someone.
@arch2 I sadly have a tiny apartment and really no room for room treatments I wish I did. I am glad to hear they work so well for you and your system is sounding so good. And viva los tacos!
The only question I have is, if they will be able to blame the failure of the vaccines on the ones that didn't take it? They are trying to sell that story, it's gonna be a hard push.
But then again, their audience is extremely gullible if nothing else.
I am afraid you are right...

«Stupidity or the love of blinders  is an acquired  habit not an innate quality or taste» -Anonymus Smith 

«Freedom dont sell well, blinders did»-Groucho Marx 🤓
Joining late.  RNA is not dna and can’t become dna.  As all fragment of rna in muscle for a few hours can’t change your genome.  Only provoke an immune response. If you choose not to be immunized, so be it, but please don’t misinform. I’ll try to make an analogy.  You have a 1000 wpc solid state amp.  You add one rectifier tube that isn’t needed.  Is it a tube amp?
I have put so much effort in equipment, cables, a/c, software, on and on but I gotta tell you the room treatment devices have really made a substantial difference. Corner traps have made a huge difference in my room that has never really been able to handle deep bass. It’s astonishing how deep and tight bass will go now. It floored me. I’ve got a number of different speakers and of the ones I’ve tried the traps have made a substantial difference. Don’t underestimate the sound improvements these devices can bring to your system.

Im still craving tacos after all that talk last night.
And I agree, this  whole thing started under Trump. They are 2 sides of the same coin...
No politician is coming to save us, both sides are controlled opposition. 

However, ALL the public support for these mandates and restrictions is coming from the Corporate Liberal side of the spectrum. 


The problem facing humanity cannot be solved by childish opposition especially these kind of politic...

Mahgister, but humanity CAN be saved if we all just sit down and have a taco together and debate the merits of tubes vs solid state, copper vs silver, horns vs dynamic and tweaks vs no tweaks! Maybe just a taco, no one can resist the fellowship of a taco!
You  would have to be blind to not see  what is happening all around the world, some  will stay stubborn to the very end, the cognitive dissonance is sadly that deep. 
But yeah,  we all feel that something is very  wrong  with this "pandemic" even if most can't explain  why. 
The media is going to ratchet up the fear even more, they are still in the advertising part of the vaccine mandate......the scapegoat part of it is coming next. 
And the scared herd  will be used as a bludgeon against the ones that are still resisting. 
Divide and Conquer 101

The only question I have is, if they will be able to blame the failure of the vaccines on the ones that didn't take it? They are trying to sell that story, it's gonna be a hard push. 
But then again, their audience is extremely gullible if nothing else. 

I’m so sick of leftists crying out of one side of their mouths
Sorry but it is not a "leftist" conspiracy...You are deluded if you think so....Macron in France is not a leftist for example...America is only a little part of the world....Sorry....

You act like those who use the epithet "anti vaxxer" easily....

I dont want to be associated with gangs politic here left or right...

Biden or Trump are clowns from the same cloth moved or controlled by corporate greed in a way or in another...

Left or right are for historian and children in school... The problem facing humanity cannot be solved by childish opposition especially these kind of politic...

i will stick with reason....

I apologize to being rude here but i must speak my mind...

You are a good man and i sincerely dont want to hurt you.... Please try to understand me here....

I hate accusations, be it by leftist or rightwinger... It is pure stupidity coming from unconscious programmation of the mind....

I dont play that game...
Do you know what's funny? 6 months ago when I was making comments about this very topic, I was attacked left and right as I said earlier. It seems like all of those people who are attacking me before are silent now. Silent six months later because they are realizing that this is all just a means to have more power and government involvement in your life.

I'm not going to name names but I haven't seen those that had such vitriol against me come out lately. Maybe it's because even they are waking up? 
That’s the problem, these latte sipping corporatists that think this stuff is a joke..... They don’t realize how many sacrifices people have had to make to win these freedoms back from all the Tyrants of Human History.
They’ll trade in everything sacred for a new IPhone, glued to their TV’s.. picturing themselves as rebels, regurgitating Corporate media talking points ad nauseum.

 we are definitely in trouble, but more and more are waking up everyday.
I'm so sick of leftists crying out of one side of their mouths about how the unvaccinated are a danger to the vaccinated and on the other side of their mouths praising the efficacy of the vaccinations.


If you are so scared of the unvaccinated infecting the vaccinated then just get your vaccines and you'll be fine. Unless you have doubts about the vaccines...?

Those on the left and those with leftist ideologies are nothing but a malignant tumor to this country.

And those who say that this is a disease of the unvaccinated then I will say that unemployment is a disease of the blue states.

America dont respect Nuremberg code anyway....The code has been replaced by captain America...

They think that it was about "nazi" in the past...

 The world is on the brink of war... And we are not able to stay rational with a " light" crisis like covid...

Wait for the real crisis to come, nuclear war, meteor or climate change, the one for which no manual of epidemiology would be of any help...

 Why is it so hard to understand that with an airborne mutating virus  Mass  Vaxx without treatment is insane, and  treatment need the help of a vaxx for older or at risk people...

I am flabbergasted by stupidity on this scale....

It is not a privilege to refuse forced vaccinations, it is a RIGHT. 
Any coercion, threats (such as loss of liberties, loss of job, curbs on travel, movement, etc) are violations of Human Rights. 
These "Rights" are enshrined in the Constitution on the United States of America....They do not come from the Government, but are inalienable God given Rights, they are Natural Rights...and cannot be taken away by a corporation, a mob, a Government, a Neighbor....or anyone else professing for the greater Good at the expense of the Individual. 
These Rights are non negotiable. 

It is in fact perfectly legal and science is not being utterly disregarded and having conditions of employment are totally normal. There is nothing irrational about taking a life saving vaccine what’s irrational is not taking the vaccine and acting like it’s a conspiracy against you. And sorry not taking the vaccine does not make you disabled not sure how the ADA applies?
Legal is not synonymus with legitimate...

Bureaucratic corporate decisions are initiated most of the times by GREED not by science...

The vaccine is proven to be not always life saving for all and the long term effect are unknown with a technology NEVER tested AT ALL in the long range... Read before typing words...

There is no conspiracy against us, only a criminal cartel of corporations who lied about the existing treatment to promote only their costlier NEW vaxx for URGENCY reason and NO  POSSIBLE TREATMENT supposedly ....No need to use "conspiracy" to deligitimate your opponent...Or using the word "antivaxxer"....

If you had a light bulb illumination when reading about EARLY treatment efficacy and their suppression and about the complementary epidemiological function of early treatment and vaccination with an airborne mutating virus you would be less straight on your horse with unvaccinated people here ...

The artificial division between vaxx and non vaxx is created articicially by this totalitarian stupid Mandate ...

Are you able to think? Or you enjoy the division...

Or you prefer the world divided in 2 parts with yourself "proud" to be in the right part...Like all sleepwalker...

The Nuremberg Code Makes 10 Declarations

There are ten points to the code, which was published in the section of the verdict entitled “Permissible medical experiments”:

1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is a must. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.

3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.

4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.

6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.

7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.

8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.

9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.

10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

It is in fact perfectly legal and science is not being utterly disregarded and having conditions of employment are totally normal. There is nothing irrational about taking a life saving vaccine what's irrational is not taking the vaccine and acting like it's a conspiracy against you. And sorry not taking the vaccine does not make you disabled not sure how the ADA applies?
you are of course free to get another job, move to another state if you wish that’s freedom. Choosing to not take the vaccine is a privilege and one that obviously comes at a cost.

Ignorance. As if it is the employer’s free choice. As if it would be legal even if it were! As if there is even a shred of science or logic behind any of this!    

For the first time in history all of science is being utterly disregarded, as if there is no longer any such thing as naturally acquired immunity. We have laws in this country, the ADA for one, that specifically prohibits this sort of discrimination. Please, I know your head is stuffed full of MSDNCBS but please please please do try and put brain in gear before releasing clutch on keyboard!
Choosing to not take the vaccine is a privilege and one that obviously comes at a cost.
How "cute" from you is this way to present a complete irrational epidemiological decision which was push upon us by our dear corporations and which cost the well living of thousands and thousands of people....

Your "privilege" ressemble the totalitarian offered choices....

You lack if not of  brain at least  what is call heart or empathy....

I find all this anti-vax stuff baffling. I got my shots. Barely felt the pin prick. Took 20 minutes. Felt a bit tired for a day. Feel great now 5 months later.
What have you read about covid before your decision?

It takes me a full 3 months to read and make my decision....

These doctors below are those i read about among others...Luc Montagnier or Didier Raoult  are not there nor many others...But the list is interesting if you dare to listen to them....

I dont think they are antivaxx clowns...I dont doubt Fauci is a vaxx clown tough...
I don't hate anyone, Duke University, the Yankees and Red Sox notwithstanding, and I certainly wish no one dead or even unemployed. Obviously you are free to make your choice and if that choice is against your employers wishes well that's life.  But you are of course free to get another job, move to another state if you wish that's freedom.  Choosing to not take the vaccine is a privilege and one that obviously comes at a cost.
I find all this anti-vax stuff baffling. I got my shots. Barely felt the pin prick. Took 20 minutes. Felt a bit tired for a day. Feel great now 5 months later.
It was a bitter but sweet fight, fortunately no blood was shed. 

A firm handshake to ALL

AC/DC is GOD like

I’ll try and keep up or shut up


Maybe you can be patient and a Linear Tube Audio LTA amplifier might show up on the preowned market at a great price. Its my understanding LTA, which utilizes Berning designed circuits, provides a large helping of the Berning magic.
You are right....

The problem is less money i guess but the way i have recreated my audio system embeddings which is so great that i am in fear to buy anything new and thinking after that " so little for so much money"...I am already in heaven with no after tought about sound...Not perfect at all but so good!...

Acoustic controls is really more powerful than any upgrade of dac or amplifier and sometimes even of some speakers upgrade....

The reason is simple there is LESS difference between relatively good well chosen  dacs and amplifiers than the comparative difference between a non treated and acoustically uncontrolled room and a treated and controlled room, nevermind the gear in it, if this gear is already good and well chosen for sure...

This is my surprizing experience after my feverish 2 years experiments in listening...

Maybe you can be patient and a Linear Tube Audio LTA amplifier might show up on the preowned market at a great price. Its my understanding LTA, which utilizes Berning designed circuits, provides a large helping of the Berning magic.
Sorry! I truly meant to include you in the other two but I forgot because I was cooking. Honestly. Lol.
You, along with the other two, are on the same page as I am. 
I dont wish ill will toward anyone jnless they hate vacuum tubes, thats a bridge too far. ;-)
If you like tubes take a look at Berning Zotl amplifier...It is the only upgrade i dare to wish for my Sansui...

I cannot afford it for now and perhaps forever but they are not so much costly anyway.... This Berning look like a genius.... A completely new tube technology...It is not often that someone rethink tube ....

I never listen to it, i only dream after reading all reviews and articles...

I dont need upgrade but sometimes something tempt me more than tacos and jalapenos....

Longevity tubes, no heat, and power...With my past  tube amplifier i hated the short life of tubes, and the heat , no more with Berning...

The S.S. Sansui AU 7700 i own has already a tubelike marvellous organic sound....The Berning tube ZOTL will be more Solid State sound.... A paradox.... 😁😊😎
May we all come out the other side with the wisdom of hindsight, hoping that no one was absolutely right nor absolutely wrong.
There are a few members posting in this thread that obviously care, maybe some others not so much. I always have enjoyed the comraderary here. Wish the best to ALL! Good always triumphs. God will sort this mess out. 
Funny,  I well mannerdly simply suggested a member was a shill. And did the same regarding another. Both posts removed. Is that against the site rules here, or were my posts reported? Oh well. HA

We each make decisions that we believe are right….and when we do we know we will have to live with the consequences. Its never easy.

No one should wish ill will toward another and especially toward the family of another. I’m sorry that happened.

I dont wish ill will toward anyone jnless they hate vacuum tubes, thats a bridge too far. ;-)
@yuviarora  @millercarbon 

These are the only two that seem to have a grasp on what's going on.

Months ago I was speaking out on this topic and I was attacked post after post and thread after thread. In one thread in particular, someone wished my family and I got covid and died. 

I often wonder how many people have woken up in the last 8 months. I bet it's a lot. 
I also bet that most on this website have not.


Me too.

I’m sorry to hear that MC. Standing for one’s principles can be quite unpopular at times. I hope you land on your feet with minimal impact. While we sometimes disagree on these particular issues, I certainly wish no ill will toward anyone nor do I wish misfortune to anyone who researched and made a personal decision they felt was right.

Best wishes with this next chapter in your life.

I just lost my Job because of this, and I am being forced to move from the state that I have called home for most of my life, I am being forced to leave behind a career I have dedicated most of my adult life to. Forced to do this.... as in I have no choice.
Me too.
If you keep pushing, like you are. This will end very badly for all parties involved....Civil wars have started for a lot less than this.
If you cant empathize with people in my predicament, you are the fascists history books are chocked full of. Empathy has to go both ways........
Well said. Like any of them are listening. But they need to hear it anyway.

Their Marxist world view denies truth and reason and sees only power and oppression. That is why they use words the way they do, not to persuade but to beat you into submission. When they cannot be reasoned with because their whole world view is nothing but power what option ultimately do they leave us with?
@mahgister, Tesla’s work was more influential but no Edison?

AC/DC is a match made in HEAVEN, like Peanut Butter/Jelly

@yuviarora I’m sorry the stance you have taken, which is your right, has carried such a high price. Let’s talk about the half full part of our existence.

Where do you get to move? What kind of gear do you have and will it work well in your new place? Is there a great taco joint nearby? Simple pleasures will help you bounce back.

Very best wishes.
Thank you mahgister, I missed when you posted it and only caught it when someone emailed it to me just now. Everyone still capable of thinking should watch this.

Seriously. Study it. This guy is incredibly well credentialed. The talk he gives is dense with technical detail. I haven't had time to watch the whole thing yet. Just the first few minutes getting to the part where the mRNA "vaccines" tell the body to make the spike protein should be enough.   

The spike protein is the weaponized part of the COVID virus. It is the spike protein that allows the virus to enter cells. Listen closely to the part where he explains what this does, and what it can do. This one feature accounts for all the many strange side effects, complications and deaths.   

I feel sorry for all the many people duped into taking these. I hope you survive. I also hope more of you will stop preaching and propagandizing people to do this, and you can stop vilifying those of us with the sense to say, "No!"
I just lost my Job because of this, and I am being forced to move from the state that I have called home for most of my life, I am being forced to leave behind a career I have dedicated most of my adult life to. Forced to do this.... as in I have no choice.
If you cant empathize with people in my predicament, you are the fascists history books are chocked full of. Maybe you need to do some real soul searching.....
 I am truly sorry for you and for the country that make this possible...

This remark about your destiny shed light on your posts thanks...

My deepest respect....
I am not taking any vaccine, 40 plus % of this country is not taking the vaccine. Don’t care about the propaganda, the medical tyranny, the mandates, any of it.
I am not asking anyone to agree with the reasons as to why I or others are refusing to take it, but to agree that we have the right to refuse forced medical procedures.
If you keep pushing, like you are. This will end very badly for all parties involved....Civil wars have started for a lot less than this.
I just lost my Job because of this, and I am being forced to move from the state that I have called home for most of my life, I am being forced to leave behind a career I have dedicated most of my adult life to. Forced to do this.... as in I have no choice.
If you cant empathize with people in my predicament, you are the fascists history books are chocked full of. Empathy has to go both  ways........
It seems that natural immunity is very strong...

Is it surprizing?

 No, because human survives million of years with their immune system...

Only global corporations in the need to sell vaxx for ALL at all cost  could think otherwise and trust their own lies...

Call it God or nature, i dont give a dam, but science is at the feet of a giant which no one can see more than  some toes in his feet ....No man can play god.... It is not religious matter proclamation but only  the evidence of  day to day hubris driven by money and power that play god in a corner ...

Is it a  united conspiracy to control human being ?

Not at all, it is what has been known by the name of "mafia" for a long time now, only usual human criminal activities united for an instant in times...

Is Gates an evil genius with Fauci ?

Not at all, only intelligent men whom became idiots because driven by power and money...Sorry...

I will reserve the name genius to Archimedes or Ramanujan or Grothendieck or Tesla or Einstein...
I already post it here.. 😁😊

This doctor is medecine Hippocrates soul reincarnated....

Money could not buy him....Very courageous mind...

Corporations now sue him because he refuse not to treat the patients from the beginning.... Moving heartfull man....

I love humanity because of Ghasley taco's  and Dr. McCullough...
The tentation to label other "irrational" must be self restrained  here for the sake of discussion with an open mind...

The intrusion of the governing body and corporation between doctors and patient is an abomination...Censorship revulse me...

The question is then not to be vaxx or not, this is a free conscious INFORMED choices in a civil democratic society; the question is why so forceful irrational mandate to vaxx everyone ?
Those that get the most bent out of shape are usually the most vulnerable and least able to affect change. Its understandable. Its how lynchings happen.