Comparison of two High Quality Steely Dan Aja records....

Okay, I saw an add last week for a UHQR Aja album from Analog Productions.  

Cut at 45 playback speed, on clear 200 gram virgin vinyl, special flat disc processing, master tapes utilized, etc, etc....11 out of possible 10 rated!

So, I went ahead and bellied up to the bar for $150.00 for this two record set.

A careful washing was performed to both records prior to playback.

The packaging is really beautiful, and is a real collectors item....but does it sound better as advertised?

I have one 30th anniversary Aja record on 180 gram virgin vinyl pressed by Cisco Music.  It has been my go to reference.

Today, along with the wifey, we did a back to back comparison.

I'm an engineer by trade, and don't normally utilize all the flowery language typical in this hobby.

Yes, this particular Aja cut is better sounding!  Is it because of 45 RPM?  Clear vinyl?  200 gram vinyl, special flat face design (which had me worried it would not track properly, but it did)?  Or, a combination of all the above.

I can honestly say, yes, at least 20% improvement in listening enjoyment.  Everything else being equal, including volume settings, nothing was changed.

Is it worth $150.00?  I don't believe so, but I'm retired and on a fixed income.....This was a way out of the ordinary purchase for me...

I do believe that Analog Productions has discovered and markets a really good manufacturing process, and I wish them good fortune in their endeavors!


all of the UHQR’s (with the exception of the newest Doors self title), are the best pressings of those particular albums I’ve heard.  From above, I also LOVED that 30th of Aja, and it was my reference as well until the UHQR.

BTW, I just think the 45 RPM AP The Doors is better than the new UHQR, and it helps that it’s 1/2 the price

Well, here it is now Sept 20.  The more I listen to this UHQR the more I am liking it!  Excellent presence, soundstage, and dynamics.  I may just purchase a few other favorites that are currently available!  I'm also pleased that my current system was able to present the improvement in sound quality!!

I gave my original AB-1006 to my youngest daughter who is a budding audiophile...

Ya ill stick with my AB-1006 found at a antique store for $30 10 years ago :-)

Im so glad i bought it, at that time $30 for a album was pretty stiff. LOL


Matt M

I have UHQR. Gaucho, Kind a blue , Bill Evans Sunday Village vanguard. They sound good. I don’t know if the price is worth it.I like them.

Have you compared it to a period,mint $3.00 AB1006?

45 RPM does seem to add unexplainable magic. 

Doesn't exist, but a 45 RPM AB1006 VS UHQR would be an interesting shootout. 

If one has a premium setup, $150 is nothing. Makes sense to spend on the "best" pressing.

THIS is insane. Maybe not so much if you own a Tecchdas Zero



I agree, it's the best sounding 'Aja' I've ever heard, and I've got an original AB-1266 from when it was first released in the 70's. As for reasons, I'd say the main one is the 45 RPM. Vinyl is clear to begin with; even black vinyl is colored black, so they're just not coloring it. I've never found record weight to make any sound difference, but maybe sometimes it does. But 45 RPM will definitely make a difference. I've got other 45 RPM recordings from Analog Productions like Jethro Tull's 'Stand Up' and Genesis' 'The Lamb', and they're both the best sounding versions I've heard by far. 

I love my UHQR albums, Aja, Gaucho, Can't Buy a Thrill and White Stripes Elephant.

Post removed 

The UHQR of Aja is recognized as one of the best ever. Glad you heard it for yourself.