Choosing an Amplifier to go with Spendor D7

Looking for an Amplifier to go with my Spendor D7's. I am leaning toward the Pass Labs XA30.8 or X250.8. Open to any suggestions. Where I live there is not anywhere close to go and demo. The pre-amp is a Mcintosh c2600 and been happy with tube pre-amp going into a SS. I listen at moderate volume and looking for a large sound stage with a since of 3-D imaging. The room I have it in has hardwood floors with a rug and is 14x17. The speakers are on the 17' wall. Currently most of the music is digital playing from Qobuz. Mostly listen to Folk, Americana that focuses on acoustical guitar play. Like warm full sound and bass to be balanced and not the focus.  

My local dealer insists on using tube amplification with the Spendor D series.  
When I demoed my D7s at his house he was using a Jadis I50 50WPC class A tube integrated that had more balls than a 1000 watt subwoofer.  
Seriously, it drove them with dexterity and strength and the bass was out of this world- all the while retaining the sweet midrange and clear highs tube amps are known for- perfectly balancing the D7 tendencies.  
The also sounded spell binding with my 100 WPC rogue audio cronus magnum ii and ultimately the Stereo 100.   
agree also that naim and hegel should not be overlooked... they are truly excellent, and while not inexpensive, the value equation is rather superior to new luxman pass ayre, if that matters at all
I have heard the Luxman with some other speakers but not Spendor. It’ll be awhile yet until I make the upgrade. 
I'm running the 250.8 with my D9s in a (~13x17) room with great results :)

The 250.8 is way more power than I need and I'm tempted to try swapping it out for the X30.8.    I don't think you would need the 250.8 with D7s.

Another interesting option is the Benchmark AHB2.   I'm trying one out for fun and I really like it!   I don't find it offers the 3d presentation of the my Pass and offers a thinner sound, but boy is it clean and life-like in its own way.   It's like a window was cleaned to the sound.   I don't find it analytical or forward with my D9s at all and could certainly live with it long term.   It is punchy and fast too; for $3K I'm a big fan.    I'm using a SimAudio 740P pre and Mojo Audio Mystique v3 R2R DAC so no tubes but nothing too bright or forward in the signal path either.   I did try the Benchmark with an RME ADI 2 FS as well, but still didn't find the sound too bright for the Spendors...

Good Luck with your search; that is one of the many pluses with the D series as they mate well with many reasonably priced amps!

All new Brinkmann Voltair Hybrid Integrated amp !

 I'm going get this amp later on to go with the Spendor D9.2's or the new QLN Prestige 5's..
@ kren0006

I was looking at Audio Research but wanted a Class A amp.  I was worried the Pass Labs XA30.8 wouldn't have enough power.  I don't touch what the amp can do.  I was looking at the Luxman.  Have you got to listen to the Luxman with the Spendors?  

I was running a Bryston Preamp.  The XA30.8 really lets the sound from its source to be true.  It was to bright for me.  I was able to use a few tub amps that I borrowed from a friend.  It just didn't seem to push the bass from the Spendors.  I wanted the warmer sound and ended up getting a tub pre-amp with the Pass Labs and the combo works great.  I went this way after talking to a few people the have the Spendors and this is the way they went.  Couldn't be happier. Smooth, warm and silky and fills my room with great sound stage.  
I use Audio Research DSI200 with my D7’s. 
Within couple years hoping to upgrade to D9.2 and Luxman 590AXii

What amp were you using before? Glad to hear the XA30.8 is working well for you. I've seen a lot of people using Pass class A with Spendor D7s with good success. I'm likely going to go that way too...or a VTL IT-85 and save some change.
@ shahram I ended up going with the XA30.8. I couldn’t be happier. The sound stage and smoothness is what I was looking for. I was running the factory JJ tubes in the preamp and changed to Golden Lions and right away the Amp showed the change. The Pass really brings out the Spendors. I was looking at the XA25 and XA250.8 and glad I went the way I did. Once I get the volume less the half way the bass shines. I wasn’t getting the bass to come out in the Spendor with my old Amp.
I'm looking at Pass Labs as well for my D7s. Considered the XA25 and XA30.8. I'm also looking at going with the Int-25 or Int-60 and not worrying about getting a preamp. Let us know what you decide!
I replaced a solid Rega system with Spendor D9s. Then did some box swapping until settling with a Pass Labs XA30.8, Pass Labs XP20 preamp and a Linn DSM. Very happy...
Naim goes very nicely w/Spendor. I'd look at the Naim NAP 200 DR. The amp is stable down to 2 ohms.
The Pass amps are room heaters= electricity hog$. If neither of these bother you, and you are willing to shell out the money...

BUT, Underwood HiFi will be shipping their Voyager GaN amp soon (MSRP $3000), or check TweakAudios Purifi NCore class D amps. I promise you they will compare quite favorably and for a lot less $$$$


Currently I am driving my Spendor D9s with an Ayre VX5/20 amp and VAC Renaissance mkV preamp with excellent results in a 14’ x 16’ room.   Your choice of cables could also play an important roll In the sound you hope to enjoy from your Spendors.  In my system cable with any silver did not have a presentation that I enjoyed for long listening sessions. 

Choosing an Amplifier to go with Spendor D7
Pass Labs XA30.8 or X250.8.

I’d go the Pass XA30.8 or if you can go higher the XA60.8 if you have the bucks
At 90db and higher than 4ohm loading, with no low EPDR loading, anything 40w or more will drive them.

Reviewer love these setups both with passive preamps.
Quicksilver Silver 88 tubed monoblocks—a superb combination with the D7s, as was my solid-state Musical Fidelity M6PRX stereo power amp. Preamp? None, of course. I used my Music First Baby Reference transformer volume control.

Cheers George
pass should be just fine

as should many many decent ss amps

spendors are not hard to drive and sound good with many ss amps

your mac shd take the edge off even the sharper sounding ss amps

you want even better soundstage and holography with good resolution, go upper tier conrad johnson linestages