CDP or Transport and DAC? Recomendations?

Current setup:

Rega Apollo CDP

BlueSound Node 2i

Rega P6 TT (upgrading to P8 after 1st of 2022, when I can hopefully find a new one) 

Rogers High Fidelity KWM88 Integrated

Tekton Moab

Looking for advice on a CD upgrade. Budget around $5000. Want new equipment. Is it better to look at a separate transport/dac or a cdp in that price range? What are your recomendations?

Have around 3000 cd’s dating back to the mid 80’s when cd’s first came out. Have SACD’s as well as burned cdr’s.  Need to play everything.

The Audiogon members are always the most helpful and I appreciate your time/thoughts.




@mofojo ,

Now looking for a transport under 1k to see if it will beat the Nad. It should I would think. If bot I’ll return it. I live close to Audio Advisor so I may pickup. Cambridge transport in a couple days and try it out

In that price range many seem to think quite highly of the Nuprime CDT-8 Pro and the Audiolab 6000 CDT.


I would vote for transport and dac. Leaves you with better options to upgrade and change the flavor or your setup via dac. A few days ago I hooked up my old Nad 541i to my dac and started spinning cds. Wow. Better than streaming via the Node and better than playing from ss drive from the node. Seems to lift a small amount of “digital” and sounds more relaxed and analog. I was pondering upgrading my streaming system but now it’s just gonna be cd. I think you need to spend lotsa dough on a streamer and pay much attention to your internet to rival cd. 
Now looking for a transport under 1k to see if it will beat the Nad. It should I would think. If bot I’ll return it. I live close to Audio Advisor so I may pickup. Cambridge transport in a couple days and try it out. 



stick with a CD/SACD player. I own around 4000 CDs and 200+ SACD discs.


Happy Listening!


There is a reason why all the really high performing CD players and transports do not play SACDs. There a compromise made in doing so. If you do a side by side on an adequate system it stick out like a sore thumb. Anything that will play them all is going to be noisier and have more jitter by design

I believethat you are definitely on to something here. It seems that when audio manufacturers are after the best Redbook CD playback they can manage, they choose to go exclusively CD only. No DVD, SACD, Blue Ray etc. Dedicate all energy and resources to getting the most from CD only. 


It seems that this single focused approach (Rather than jack of all trades)  very likely yields the best sound quality result. The Pro-Ject CD Box  RS2 transport has  been mentioned in this thread.   I own one and   the sound quality is superb!  It's very difficult to bring a listening session to a close for the night. 

Small/compact form factor design? Yes. Big performance envelop? Yes. Front panel buttons are small, however the supplied remote control  can be used if desired for "all" operating functions. Paired with a good quality DAC and you'll have a first rate digital front end if you enjoy playing CDs.




I went through the DAC/transport vs dedicated CDP decision process about a year ago and decided on a Denon DCD-A110.  IMHO it’ll go toe-to-toe with any product within spitting distance of its price point ($3500).

Just picked up the Cyrus cdt transport. Will be feeding it to my Border Patrol r2r dac. Possibly the best transport out there at the price. Have the audio lab transport, however it is my feeling that it is too large for what it does, unnecessarily so...the Cyrus is only 8 inches wide by 14 inches deep.

I'll be very interested to hear of your experiences, Audiolab vs Cyrus. I have the Border Patrol DAC  too.

I currently own an Ayre C5-Xemp

(approximately $6000 new)

I purchased it used about 3 years ago.($2000)

Very happy with it overall.

That being said, it is 15ish yrs.old.

Curious as to what cdps out there that compare.

Budget ($3000-$4000)says probably used.

Or possibly a dac and use Ayre as transport?

I also have an Oppo BDP-105 universal player.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions. 




In my system, I tried the Audiolab 6000cdt and Denafrips area 2 and the Marantz hd-dac1. Neither produced a better sound for Redbook cds than my Jolida JD100 CDP that was modified by Modwright 3 years ago (changed the 12ax7 tube circuit to a 6922 plus some other upgrades). In total, I spent $800 for the player and the upgrade.

If you're looking to play just cds and not stream, I would find a CDP that plays all your cd types. Ayre would be my first choice if they do sacd and Redbook, but you'll have to get it used. Awesome equipment  with great service. Good luck. Feel free to pm me.

There is a reason why all the really high performing CD players and transports do not play SACDs. There a compromise made in doing so. If you do a side by side on an adequate system it stick out like a sore thumb. Anything that will play them all is going to be noisier and have more jitter by design. If your CDRs were recorded at over 4X then they are full of mistakes, not opinion a fact as a result any really good CD transport or player will have trouble reading the disks. I would suggest 2 machines with one only playing true REDBOOK. I have two separate machines. But then I sell CEC players and transports.

Don’t bother with a transport, just rip all your CDs on your computer and transfer the files to a couple of redundant network attached hard drives.

Put the extra money (if any) into a better DAC.

Just picked up the Cyrus cdt transport. Will be feeding it to my Border Patrol r2r dac. Possibly the best transport out there at the price. Have the audio lab transport, however it is my feeling that it is too large for what it does, unnecessarily so...the Cyrus is only 8 inches wide by 14 inches deep. For Sacd’s, I use my Marantz SA8005.

@curiousjim, ericsch:


Ah-- you didn't see my thread. . . 

I found its diminutive proportions and light weight  a pain in the arse in terms of practical utility it but so far, no-one else has reported the same response. All I can conclude is that my arse must be unusually sensitive for an audiophile ;o) 


I ended up making what was a better choice for me-- bought a Hegel H390, which not only provided a large improvement in resolution but also, dramatically enhanced bass focus/control. I very much doubt a transport upgrade would've provided the latter, which is more important to me than squeezing out the nth degree of detail.  

And now, someone else gets to pick up the RS2 for a better price! 


I am a Transport and DAC guy. Always have been.

I do not do any of this ripping stuff but I only have a couple hundred CD's and prefer WAX.

I am an Analog Bot in a digital world.

old_ears is correct about playing SACD’s, with few exceptions such as PS Audio has a setup that you can play a SACD on their transport and i2s it to their DAC. But the final output is still locked up by a chip.

All the best.


SACD is the decider,  I believe the only legal way to get it is with a built in DAC, analogue output, not a pure "transport".  Otherwise separate DAC all the way.  I have SACDs that are the best sound available on my system (e.g. Norah Jones "Come Away With Me") but inferior recording/mixing kills the difference from regular CDs.

Have a Audiolab 6000 cdt with a Benchmark DAC 3B. Very pleased. Opened up everything. CD's have never sounded better. DAC with USB sounds GREAT too. Robert TN  30 days free in home trial, made in USA!  Enjoy  Have their line amp also.


Why’d you return it?



“The Pro-jet RS2 that I returned may still be available as an "open box" unit on TMR”

Used Luxman D-06u, and can get a separate DAC in a few years if the tech changes sufficiently.

I have the same question. For me, SACD playback a must. There aren’t many SACD transports out there. I have decided to wait until Esoteric comes out with their K-05XD and K-07XD SACD players. The K-03XD has been out awhile and gotten rave reviews-- state of the art. The new internal DAC is incredible. I have not had a chance to audition the players because they aren’t available yet, and even the K-07XD might be above your budget, but just my 2 cents. The Esoteric’s have digital inputs--of course-- to utilize the DAC. Esoteric told me that they’d be out by now, maybe coming soon.

FWIW...I too have a few thousand CDs. I ripped all to an SSD drive and use one of my PCs as a media server. I connect an NAD C658 through wifi and play everything through my Rogue M-180s and Focal Kanta 2s.

How does the sound compare to a dedicated transport direct to DAC with preferably balanced technology?

FWIW...I too have a few thousand CDs. I ripped all to an SSD drive and use one of my PCs as a media server. I connect an NAD C658 through wifi and play everything through my Rogue M-180s and Focal Kanta 2s. I also use the NAD as a preamp until I can find a tube preamp I like. Most likely a Rogue RP-7. I sold off the 3 CD players I had.I never got on board the SACD train. I counter that with buying hi-res flac files from either of a few sites and so far am quite happy. 

@rudyb  In that price range I bet most players will have a good DAC built in.

This is quite right - however what is at issue is the transport.  For this you really need something dedicated, and that is the tricky bit.  This is the next logical step up the ladder.  Perhaps a few steps up.

With transports it is a 100% technical thing.  Which one reads the data on the disc the best, and whatever accompanies that rather functional task.  Traditional CD players have many other functions to perform, of course, and design compromises are made that are not an issue with a transport.

The OP was not asking about streamers.

In that price range I bet most players will have a good DAC built in. The obvious difference is with separate components you can choose both in stead of one. But this only helps if you have the opportunity to listen to different transports and DAC’s and can choose the ones that sounds best with the rest of your setup.

You could also consider to skip the CD’s entirely and utilize a higher end streamer and DAC than the Bluesound Node (which I think a wonderful component by the way). Combined with your (lossless) streaming subscription this may even improve the sound more.

Definitely a separate transport/DAC.  I’d ditch the Node and replace it with an Innuos Zen Mk3 streamer/server that will sound much better and also let you load all your CDs into it so basically becomes your transport as well.  Add a Musician Pegasus R2R DAC and you’ll have a very nice digital front end for about $3500.  Best of luck. 

I have an Audiolab 6000CDT with Denafrips Ares 2, could not be happier. Tried many combinations, most much more expensive, none were better.

With that budget in mind my solve would be to use the Apollo as a transport and spend the money on a DAC. I finally landed on the Merason DAC 1




The Pro-jet RS2 that I returned may still be available as an "open box" unit on TMR.


Post removed 

Pro-Ject RS2 T and your choice of DAC. Only you know what flavor you prefer.

What about Jay’s Audio CDT2 MKIII?

Havent experienced personally, but so many rave about it. Good company dedicated to their product, besides.

but even an Audiolab CDT 6000 would do impressively well…albeit below the level that your budget might provide. 

My solution to this quandary was to go with a Sim Audio 

Moon 260D transport and Berkeley Audio Design Alpha DAC 

series 2. Both acquired used and under your budget. Sounds 

pretty sublime to me….

@walstib There was a recent thread here on the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 transport.

Were I currently in the market for such a thing (and I may be in the foreseeable future - I have a Rega Saturn CDP. Its gud) it would be a far superior option than another premium CDP I reckon, and together with a a good DAC (I’ve noticed the recent Gustard X18 receiving enthusiastic compliments elsewhere, for example - just sayin’) comfortably within budget Just.


Yes I sometimes see where people rip everything to hard drive. What are the advantages of doing this (other than archive)? I seem to remember reading something that it eliminates jitter in playback, but then I also understand that this issue has been mostly "solved" over the years with any decent CD player, the Rega Apollo being one.

I suppose I could google - this topic has probably been discussed somewhere in some universe. But in the meantime I appreciate your pointers, thankyou.

Rip Cds to flac or dsf. Use something like piCorePlayer or your Node 2i and invest in an amazing dac. Tried Node 2i and preferred picorePlayer/LMS flexibility. I'm looking for a good DAC now too.

Happy to point you right direction if you need help ripping Cds and SACDs. Have over 3000 CDs as well along with 500 SACDs and bunch of blue ray audio. All ripped and available via my phone app. Super flexible and then add Tidal/Qubuz integration. Works pretty well.

Just to complete my setup, Morrow Audio P6 for all interconnects and speaker connect. A mix of Tara Labs and Morrow power supply.