Cat-proofing your speakers...

Looking for ideas for large floor-standing boxes. Must completely protect front drivers and all exposed sides from sharp claws, but not veil the sound. Good WAF a plus!
I have a dog that get anxiety issue when we're not home and will mark once in a while.  Since my speakers are black it's not as noticeable but I bought black plexiglass and hinged it an create a u shape around the front of the speaker.  The drivers on my mine are higher so it doesn't affect the sound. 
Get them a new car nip toy away from the speakers....I know cats and speakers dont
I had cats for years and at one point they fell in love with my Vandersteens which had to be sent back for re-covering...I realized later that cats (mine always were allowed outside) destroy the small animal ecosystem wherever they are, and for me it's just not worth it. De-clawing is illegal most places by the way, and seems cruel.
Well here you go.... get a cheap dog fence that goes in the collar and shocks the crap out of your cat when they come near..... Its a pain,  but after a month or so,  they'll never come near your speakers and you can remove the device.  
The only solution I've found is to have a door on my dedicated audio room... I only bring in the cats I trust (and no more than 2 at a time...).

Too much sensitive electronics for me to worry about. The cats does have full roam in the rest of the house so no harm to them (they're indoors only and most are special needs...)
I have a cat, boxer, 2 year old grandson (that is into everything) and an 8 year old grandson that lives with us since he was 2, with that said I had a company named DIGITALDECKCOVERS make me some quilted speaker covers for my Wilson Sophias when I bought them 8 years ago and I only uncover them when I listen to them, they are in our family room, so are always subject to the before mentioned destroyers and have to say that if I were to sell my speakers I would rate them an 8, only due to age. Hope this help. Enjoy the music
#1 reason I have to replace passives on speakers I buy for repair. I have a scratching post which the cat seems to prefer over everything else and never have a cat without one. A removable grille held on with velcro or magnets would allow you to listen in the house when you cant sit in front of them and guard them and for critical listening could be removed while you are sitting there. Personally I enjoy my cats enough that the minor degradation in sound quality a grille brings is no issue.
Cats like to mark there territory.....
With Orange Citrus spray Cats think another more Alpha cat must of marked their turf and stay away.

Cheers Johnnyr
"Are the protective grills on the Gallo Nucleus Reference 3.5 Loudspeaker wire? If so, those may be an option."

actually, they're perforated metal (a baseball bat would barely dent them) - and the speakers are usually wall mounted (you can buy stands if you want), so they really are out of harm's way. there are some other manufacturers who have screw-on metal grills, which would work great, but i can't recall their brand names, sorry. i think canton used to make some, not sure if they still do, though... av123 used to, but they're no more...

and regarding chewing of cables (by dogs or cats) i knew a guy who had that happening and he wrapped his cables in double-sided tape (after wrapping paper around the cables so they wouldn't get gummy) and after a few gos at them, the dogs stopped doing it. he left the tape on for a couple of months for good measure, and they've never done it since, even with the tape off. i know that some people use double sided tape to keep cats off furniture too, but i've never tried it - fortunately for my nerves, my main systems are in places away from my pets.
My two pals Boo-Boo and Beeper lay on the floor by me and listen with me all the time.

They're de-clawed on fronts only and stay INDOORS, no problems here.
Go to a Bed Bath and Beyond or similar store
Pick up a can of Orange Citrus Mist spray
take a couple plastic sandwich bags apply a small amount of orange spray on and in the bag.and tape low to the back of the speaker
once the cat smells this they stay away and is harmless
Repeat when any new cats enter the room.
Cheers Johnnyr
LOL-- Looks like some folks got this website confused with "petgon" -- my cat is comfortable, well fed and always in control-- certainly in a better condition than most humans. He enjoys the finest audio system I can provide, with plenty of classical vinyl at his disposal. He's got quite a good arrangement if you ask me-- just trying to keep "his" audio system in top shape so he doesn't complain.

Some cats are smarter than others, same with dogs, so some cats may be smarter than some dogs. Its like comparing analog to digital, MC to MM, class-d to tubes. Its not always about who's smarter, but rather who is a better companion for an individual or family. Both cats and dogs are earth friendly with low carbon footprints and live in the moment without concern for past or future-- something only a few enlightened individuals and zen monks have achieved.
Yeah, Chad, I've had this chat with other cat-people. They all 'mystify' these poor beasts and impart great powers to what is essentially a dumb animal. In one test, dogs will recognize themselves in a mirror, but cats? Forgetit!
Don't forget, I've owned several cats over the years, but never a dog. by choice.
Cats are mechanically clever. You can teach the essentially neat cat to use a flush toilet.
Innovative....they'll mess with something until they get a result. and remember.
Users. Once you are 'on staff' they'll expect good service

But, I've seen a cat back up to an outlet and let fly. Big 'explosion' with breaker popping and a terrified, running cat. It did it the next day, again, just to be sure?

Some anti-cat humor is simply unfunny. make the same joke about a dog and you'll get raked. You'd be better off with a Scottsman / Sheep joke.

I think that WILD and big cats may be smarter. They are under different pressures than what is pretty much a domestic animal...the 'house cat'. Just like wolves may be smarter than domestic canines, and some sub-dog forms like the Chihuahua.
Magfan. Dont you see how brilliant cats are lol? They have even made us note that we work for them, if thats not smart I dont know what is! They decide when to play, when its enough and what they will and wont do all along knowing EXACTLY whats being said. Thats true brilliance!
I think cats are smarter but they choose (and is arrogance) to not listen so thats why I happen to think they are smarter. I dont have a favorite as I adore both.
Has2be I am sorry, I am not use to checking that email account often and I was trying to have some fun with your comment. Its hard at times to see the intent in a post and thus at times a reply can be misguided. I am sorry.
The abusive comments directed towards cats got me started and stuck in hostile reply mode, its not funny, not harmless and not called for. Our cat came to us as a stray and still has burn scars and a bullet lodged in his ribs you can feel when you pet him. Some things are just not taken lightly. Cheers
Sorry, Chad, but even though I'm a cat lover, I must admit that dogs are technically smarter. It is very unusual for a cat to obey any verbal command. I had a pair of exceptions, too. My wife would go out and yell at 'em in SPANISH and they'd come running. Understand Spanish? not a chance. Food? more likely.

Cats are, however, more critical than dogs. If you are judged 'worthy' of respect, you'll be OK. Dogs are pack animals and just follow the boss around.

Don't forget the rules::
Dogs have owners.
Cats have staff.
My next logical claim would be to remind you after your last post Chad that I was just trying to lighten up with a little humor. It's common sense that a good pet is "trained" well and continuously.

My second logical claim is to remind you I made no inferance to harming any animals even in jest.

My third logical claim would be to remind you I wasn't personaly attacking you.

My fourth claim would be to of checked your email before you posted for my logical claim in response.

My fifth logical claim would be to ask you to chill out Chad. I'm not against you.

So under your twisted logic it isnt "possible" nor "reasonable" to train or "mold" your dog not to poop or piss in your home but rather outside. Your arguement didnt last very long. A dogs normal reaction is to poop or piss when it needs to yet I am confident your dog was trained to go outside to do it, so much so I bet it knows to hold it for a reasonable amount of time while your away eager to dump its load seconds after you take or put her out at times. So whats your next logical claim? I am looking forward to it!
" owners that have not put in the required time and steps to mold a great companion."

I don't think it's possible to mold or reasonable to try to mold a creature with it's own personality.

I have an understanding with my dog.

1. I put food out and water for her and when she's done with it she doesn't leave it in the house she found it in.

2. We play nice.

3. We listen to Pink Floyd Animals once a week(her insistence)

4. Uninvited intruders are fair game

5. We don't trust or like our neighbor

6. We both like chasing pussy

How could a dog not be mans best friend!

If thats so then I enjoy every minute of it, he is a great little companion.
Some surely are in poor and childish ways kidding about harming cats but sadly many are not and for those folks just remember bad things happen to those with bad thoughts so dont come crying when something happens to you or things you care about. There are no bad pets just bad owners with limited exceptions, you get out of them what you put in and time, love, patience, and effort cant be taken for granted. Cats are smater than dogs, you can teach most anything to come to you or sit even a person with severe retardation but cats choose what they will and wont do if you allow it. They for the most part are too smart to buy into the notion of pleasing their caregiver like dogs often do. The old saying is true, dogs have owners, cats have staff.
We got very lucky with our cat, he actually listens, comes, sits and follows better than our dog (who is great at it too). There are always the few that simply cant be trained but those are a small minority, those that dont listen are far more often the product of owners that have not put in the required time and steps to mold a great companion.
Tinfoil, squirt guns, clickers, positive rewards of affection and treats, sprays are all ideas to try. Catnip near stationary activity centers with scratch posts will likely train and draw the cat to an area thats is fun along with their own, everyone wins.
Some interesting comments here, and actually a few good ideas too. You would think with computer programs like PawSense that auto-detect cat-like typing and prevent data loss that someone would market a line of audiophile yet cat-deterring products. Cats also love to jump atop spinning turntables and swat the tonearm, but tables are easier to hide in a cabinet. Well, at least kitty grew out of chewing on AC power cords-- THAT was a BAD habit.
One of our cats likes to chew on cables, the more expensive the better. I'm having some moderate success with strategic, upside-down placement of deep pile carpet protector. It might not be decor-acceptable for everyone, but it seems to be working so far.

And I feel compelled to say that all of the hateful cat comments in this thread are, frankly, hurtful to us cat lovers. I imagine that if I said something comparable about dogs, people would be jumping down my throat about it. Why are cats fair game for your mean and unnecessary comments? How about being respectful of what's important to others? A big three-finger salute to you all.
I understand your concern...

I'm awaiting the delivery of some Tekton Lores any day now and am worried to death that our cats are going to find the whizzer cone and go to town like they did my Moth Audio Cicada's. In fact, I purposefully ordered the ones with rounded corners so they didn't get the idea of scratching/rubbing their little faces (which leads to mouths and teeth) on the corners. I plan to place spikes on top of the speakers, upside-down, while I'm not listening to them, so they'll at least stay off the tops (where they'll get at the drivers). I do this with my current monitors and they no longer pirch atop them, contemplating a feast.

I seem to remember another thread about this some years back, as well, and someone suggested placing aluminum foil around the base of the speakers, stating that cats hate the texture on their feet. I've never tried it - and it would obviously be darn unattractive - but as one of the posters alluded, they really can't be stopped. Cats are curious little biggers and will stop at nothing to fully investigate their surroundings, paying particular attention to things new to their environment.

Lastly, I must defend my wife, who's a defense attorney, and say that much like there are no atheists in fox holes, everyone hates lawyers until they need one.

Cheers all.
Are the protective grills on the Gallo Nucleus Reference 3.5 Loudspeaker wire? If so, those may be an option.
there is nothing they can destroy that I can't upgrade .
Tmsorosk (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

Oh boy. Kitty playground... [][]
The better half taught are feline to stop chewing on things like cables . I don't think there is much you can't teach them if you no how .
I look at animals in the same light as kids when it comes to audio , there is nothing they can destroy that I can't upgrade .
So much for buying used speakers now. At least I ate breakfast before reading the last post.
yeah, four cats here, no smell.

and as to what sprink mentioned - the feliway - i will say that we have a couple of the "diffusers" (feliway comes in several different forms) and they are incredible in their ability to chill the cats out. they do minimize - probably eliminate, but i won't make that claim to be safe - scratching. in fact, every time i notice the beginning of naughty cat behavior i check the feliway bottle and sure enough, it's out of liquid.

they're expensive, though, that's the problem. so i would definitely try the spray around a pair of speakers, the diffusers are magic.
Stop this nonsense already. A member has asked about catproofing his speakers, and you give him all these silly ideas.
In all seriousness, here is the ONLY thing, that works.
You will have to spray the grills of your speakers with the OTHER cat's urine- that will stop YOUR cat from approaching the speakers.
The first spray usually is good for about 6 months, and then you'll have to re-spray every 3-4 months, or so.
You will get used to the smell fairly soon, but your cat won't, and so won't your visitors.
Some urines work better, than the others. One of the Mongolian Hi Fi mags published a review, comparing different species, but I cannot recall now, which one came out on top.
If anyone comes over my house you would never smell a cat a dog or a bird, all coexist in my home.
Lets talk ""MINE FIELD"".......yes,surround the speakers with mice traps for the first wave,then a Catapiller battery set on some chicken wire for the second wave and finally(you will like this one) a infrared laser light trigger that when breached sets off a ultra high pitch that will send all animals a running!!!!!!!
OR Train it to stay away
so much responcses and nothing concrete.look for bigge ror even better for smaller yg acoustic named kit-kat or kit-pod(not remember exact name at the moment) in silver finish. their sound is not veiled, they have very unusual and unfortabile top up to level not to even consider jump on top(from cat perpective), a anodized aluminium is very resisitive to scrach if any and is worst material which can actract to sharpen his nails.

good luck
Try some stuff called Feliway. I had a cat pizzing on my leather couch. Sprayed this stuff....she hasn't been up there since. Spray it around your speaks..not on them.
Post removed 
holy moly, nothing like a cat question to lower the maturity level of this board even further. i'm with chadnliz. the comments on this board can be less mature than the comments on a youtube girlfight video sometimes, it's amazing.

as to your question, cocoabaroque, other than what a few of the previous people have said, i found it's easiest to go with on-wall speakers in our family room. i have a set of gallo reference avs that sound amazing with a sub and they are absolutely cat proof.

the other thing i suggest would be to just buy whatever speakers you like and get an extra set of grills to pop on when you want the speakers looking their best (company coming over, etc) if something ever does happen to your everyday grills. i would also cover the tops with something, though. some of the brands i can think of that sound great and have fully-coverable drivers (many of which are high up on the speaker so that the grill doesn't extend all the way to the floor) are: vienna, proac, totem, usher, and devore.

and one note about "declawing" a cat to anyone who might consider doing that, it's a very vicious thing to do to a cat - it's basically chopping off the last segement of their paws in a very unprecise way. sometimes you crush the last knuckle, sometimes they get a bit of the middle bone... it's not a nice thing to do.
Ok so lets hear your true point about John Wayne, I am waiting. In the meantime get over yourself there was plenty of off color jokes hinting harm to cats and I find that as offensive as you do Cancer. You do realize I didnt give JW cancer right? I will go on record and assure I had nothing to do with just in case you cant understand that. Cheers
Get a short tempered parrot. A friend has one that the cat agitates, while it's in the cage. When the bird is out, it's payback. The parrot chases the cat out of the room, under the bed, then the cat wants outside. So a watch bird might work.
Chadnliz how did you ever get the John Wayne comment as killing cats!!! Where is your mind? When was the last time you saw John Wayne or any other celeb past or present killing a cat?? You put way to much darkness into this thread. Killing cats is the point - REALLY!!!!!!!
In ceiling or in wall speakers. Do you want great sound or the joy of cleaning the litter box? Got it yet?
Echo response from James63. Get a good scratching post, sprinkle some catnip on it every now and then, and your kitty will ignore your speakers.