Cassettes still rock!

Played Dire Straits debut album last night - from a Maxell XL 2s cassette recorded from the vinyl over 30 years ago. Best sound I've heard on my system in months. I have the SACD, but doesn't have the organic sound from the tape/vinyl. Dig out your old cassettes! 
mofi, sounds like you've got a new Mercedes or Lexus sitting in your closet.
If you REALLY want to go crazy try looking at prices of genuine Nakamichi tapes on eBay.

I have several hundred sealed blank cassettes left over from one of the last stores I owned.  A lot of various brands.

I was on E-Bay just looking to see what some of them were selling for.  I have a couple of cases of the Teac CRC-90 tapes that look like tiny reel to reel tapes.  I auctioned off 2 tapes that were still sealed, but had small tears/rips in the wrappers.  They sold for $130!  People are crazy for some of these...
Anachronistic enthusiasms always hit the dead end of original context.

Cassette was invented to lift the hassles of LP.
CD was invented to lift the hassles of cassettes.
Computer-based formats were invented to lift the hassles of CDs.

Go back to your earliest surviving, coherent Maxell cassettes -- in my case, home-recorded in 1977. Quickly you'll remember that what on cassette requires precisely-timed rewind, fast-forward, or tedious record-over, can now be accomplished at the touch of a remote player button.

Sound quality? As noted by OP and many others, cassette is great. Heard some obscure gems from 30-40 years ago that sounded better tonight than ever before. This old analog cassette medium is divine.

The knock on cassette is not sonics. It's hassle, outright impracticality, and, come to that, obsolescence. If you have cassettes that you still want to hear unedited, that still turn at the intended speed (Maxell, most likely), and still own a working player with working remote, then by all means incorporate the old device in your current system and use as desired or needed. Otherwise? Put all available desired content on a digital playlist, click by remote to a good DAC and beyond, and spare yourself a world of hassle.

If you REALLY want to go crazy try looking at prices of genuine Nakamichi tapes on eBay.
Good for a laugh.....
The Aiwa ad f990 was a pretty close match sonically to the fabled nakamichi Dragon. Sold my 990 on ebay, and kept both my 770 and 660 though. Reason being Is the 990 still fetched top dollar. I have had some issues buying sealed pre recorded tapes, I’d say 1 out of every 10 were junk and would not play properly. Maxell and tdk I’ve found to be the two best tapes available. To buy these tapes still sealed, you pay a pretty penny for them. I would not say that the tapes played thru the aiwa or even a Nak are true hifi but there is something truly unique about the sound, warm and inviting, not sure how else to describe it. I love it.
Awesome! I still have a 3-head Denon deck from the early '90s and my old mix tapes sound great!! 
are of me and my band playing mediocre if enthusiastic rock and roll
Sums up the cassette single of our band I found today( and played )quite admirably.
What we lacked in talent we made up for in enthusiasm and volume!
You guys are jogging my memory. Most of my cassettes are of me and my band playing mediocre if enthusiastic rock and roll. Now, if I only had a cassette player to play them on...
I have a large collection of bootleg cassette tapes and a Nak Dragon to play them on.  

A tape of a live concert directly fed from the mics to the deck, even on a cassette, can be really something.  It's a form of "master" recording, not a copy, like all LP's and almost all RtoR, so they have a quality of "aliveness" that is not there even on "live concert" LP's.  Don't knock it if you haven't tried it. 
   The specs of cassettes are poor, of course, compared to LP's, RtoR or CD/SACD, and they deteriorate with time.  They can still hold some fantastic music. 

Ah yes, I have all my earlier 10,000 Maniacs on cassette: The Wishing Chair, In My Tribe, and Blind Mans Zoo. From that period I also have most of my Cure, REM, Sugar Cubes, Lush, and a couple of Laurie Anderson’s (including her United States Live box set) library on cassette.

Wishing Chair and In My Tribe sound excellent. And I never replaced those on CD, did with Blind Mans Zoo, but I don’t think that album was mastered well on either format, but not too awful bad.
I like the standard Sony Walkman cassette players, I have a bunch. They just plain sound good. Heifetz sounds like Heifetz. No power cords to worry about, or interconnects or fuses or room treatments. No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher’s dirty looks. I also am quite fond of the vintage Sony Ultralight earphones. How come the Japanese have such good ears?
Inspired by this discussion, I hooked up the old, disused Rotel 960 cassette player to the preamp and simply inserted a home-recorded Maxell XLII-S from mid-1987 at the precise where it was last stopped, decades ago. Figured many degradable parts of both cassette and player would be shot and in need of an earlier poster's personal tech rehab person. Not so far! Instantly I heard 10,000 Maniacs just as it would have sounded decades ago -- probably better, given some updated electronics since then. 

The idea had occurred to me, but never got around to it before reading this. Glad I did! True, I never bought Akai or Nakamichi, so that quality is unattainable. But given what it is, a bonanza. Thanks for the thread.
I agree! When I play same brand tape on my Nakamichi it is incredible. Came of vinyl or from my good Yamaha analogue tuner so it is that sound you mentioned. Must be why so many of us bought those higher end tape decks, love it! Thanks for posting !
so much time to yap on, I like tape best

tape being analog, any analog in my simple summation, ’get’s the overtones right’.

noise, tape hiss, lp’s static between songs, .... don’t matter, when listening, tape/lp both can win.

thus cassettes can sound great. It is amazing how much precision was achieved to get 4 tracks on 1/8" tape, a reversible head, smooth transport, noise suppression, advanced tape formulations at only 1-7/8 ips, hard to believe really

analog: various degrees of success:

lp physical setup of deck/arm/cartridge is absolutely critical for lp to win.

tape was a wealthy man’s game in the beginning, then servicemen (no women then) had access to both cameras and tape recorders in asia, shipped home, increased volume, awareness, cost’s lowered, content increased ... the standard cycle, and home recording from lots of radio variety, a great deal live and unique.

tape formats, pre-recorded, follow ’general’ rules:

1. machine with properly aligned heads (let’s say likely, my experience buying teac x1000’s and last pro-sumer x2000r certainly).

2. faster speed better

a. studio 30 ips masters awesome. pro playback 15 ips terrific (content very limited).
b. high consumer speed 7-1/2 ips great, still my best source, combined with lots of pre-recorded content, although the content is dated, ended production, so progressively younger = less of ’your’ era’s music is available.
c. low consumer deck speed 3-3/4 good, not great. CD can easily beat 3-3/4 tape.
d. 8 tracks, lousy really, 3-3/4 ips, more comments below.
e. cassettes, initially for dictation are 1-7/8"

3. wider tape better. combined with faster speed.

a. 2 track, 35mm wide (1-3/8" wide); pro 1" wide pro tape amazing. (think imax 70mm superiority)
b. 2 track 1/4" mono sound quality can be darn good, lacks imaging, not a lot of content, physics of machines, tape formulations initially ’primitive’. for speech, school and business use,
c. 2 track 1/4" stereo from late 50’s, early 60’s still my best sounding r2r tapes, simply more magnetic material for signal.
d. 4 track 1/4" reversible stereo very good, still beats my lp at 7-1/2 ips.
e. 8 track 1/4" 8 cartridges were a REVOLUTION, despite being a horrible design. Revolution because for the 1st time ever we could readily take our music in our car, anyone’s car, anyone’s home, free from packaged radio content. cars and most young people did not have good systems then, it was about portable content. 8 tracks were never intended for music, they were designed for radio commercials, pop it in, hit play, end of that ad campaign, throw them out.
the cartridges construction and slip sheet method of gradual compression and yanking tape up and over the edge from a tightly wound center was/is designed for destruction. self dissolving foam pressure pads. were standard. But, like early portable digital, standards dropped for convenience.
f. 4 track 1/8" cassettes, same magnetic material as 1/4" 8 track, per track, but at half the speed again. How? Progressive improvements in every part of the chain
g. Sony’s walkman, a huge revolution, personal content, anywhere, any time, incredible.
h. dual copy/record decks, holy smokes, FREEEEE music!
Just felt the need to share this as it is both amusing and a delightful to myself both at the same time.

I felt the need for some music in the garage where I clean all my records and other tasks.
I remembered that I had an old Sony "boom box" up in the loft so dragged it down , plugged it in and lo and behold music issued forth on FM radio, it even still had all the local stations stored!

As this is old it has both a CD and tape player as well.
Popped open both drawers and was in shock. There sitting in the tape well was a blast from the past indeed.
A copy of a cassette ep single of our band back from the 90,s.
I always wondered what had happened as I had the empty case in the house.
So I had to play it and it still sounds good to my ears. It's on a tdk c15. Must have been popular back then as can't remember seeing any for sale of late.

So just very happy at this find and yes maybe clouded by rose tinted spectacles in this instance!



I ran into one at the Goodwill store in the U.S.A. for, I think, $20. I bought it just so I can say I owned a Nakamichi at some point in my life, also not forseeing using it more than an hour or two. It is, in fact, sweet little player. I rarely use it, but it always makes me smile.

That was a heck of a deal. And yes, it is a pretty good basic deck.

I do believe cassette tapes *can* rival *some* vinyl. Can, but not always. In fact, in my short re-experiance, rarely in a couple cases where I have copies of both. As in everything, it depends on many many things. The quality of the the mastering by the label for its release being the most important things (for non at home recordings) for cassette format, IMO. But, depending on the pressing, that is true for versions of a vinyl album too, and yes, CD’s can have the same issue.

Of all my tapes, a couple that particularly stick out to me are The Modern Jazz Quartet’s - No Sun in Venice & Concorde, Wayne Shorter - Best of Wayne Shorter, Billie Holiday - All or Nothing at All, Dave Brubeck Quartet - Time Further Out...and there are many others. These are mentioned off the top of my head.

I purchased quite a few jazz albums on cassette prior to, or right around the time CD’s first came out. And those are the ones I am most pleased to have ’back’ in rotation.

Yes, I could replace all of these, and many more, on vinyl or CD, and have/did in some cases, but there really is no need to do so with many cassetes back in my collection, and recordings that still please me.

OP here. Lots of support and some naysayers on cassettes. FYI - the LP was recorded on my Nak 500 Dual tracer (still have but pretty worn out) and played back on a newer (!) NAK BX 2. 
I would disagree if I could. It also helps to have inserted a Perfect Path Card inside the cassette player case and to color the cassettes. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “coloring cassettes, are you out of mind?” 🤪
I guess by that definition my humble Sony Professional portable cassette player is a great machine. Hooray! 🤗
Will give you a bye on that one GK as you are " off the grid" which changes a lot of things.

Actually I am pretty sure that yes the zombie apocalypse IS upon us!

And Richopp…… could not afford the C2 but my C3 convertible only has a single speaker AM radio in it that I think works, as you say who listens to music with the top down in a classic Vette.....
If you have a Nak deck that is working you have the best of the day.  We did A-B tests...pretty hard to do and never really perfect, but we just played the record and the tape simultaneously and switched between preamp we could do.

Anyway, the only difference we could hear between the Nak 1000 and the best vinyl playing stuff of the day-probably Linn Sondek, but I forget, was a slight "hollow" sound from the tape deck.  Otherwise, identical using Audio Research/Magneplanars from the mid-1970's.

I still have tapes like many of you, but my 2007 car has a CD player and the '66 Vette, well, music is not the first sound you want to hear in a C2 anyway, so...

I guess by that definition my humble Sony Professional portable cassette player is a great machine. Hooray! 🤗
Some very varied responses and opinions so far.

Now not wishing to be a snob here at all just injecting a little bit of reality.

I did say very early on that one needs to hear a great tape on a GREAT player to get a handle on this.

So far not really heard of anybody mentioning the usage of a great player just good or adequate ones.

There is a reason that fully restored  Nakamichi ZX7/9 and Dragons are pushing nearly 2k.
Sorry to hurt anybodies feelings but NO Akai deck even comes close, I have tried a lot of them in my system and they are definitely vanilla!

It is like comparing an Ortofon 2m Red to an Ortofon Black Cadenza. You gets what you pay for.
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Cassettes may be fine if you are old enough to have loss your high frequency hearing.  The hiss is intolerable, even with dbx.  And they degrade.  Two thumbs down.
I agree ,tape sounds more dynamic than CD or vinyl.  I spoke to an electrical engineer awhile ago and he told me he recorded vinyl to a vhs tape and it improved the sound.  I could not get it to work for me.  Anyone out there who does this?
None of you are thinking about the quality of cassettes, you are thinking of the quality of your girlfriend in high school, and the music that was always perfect during that time in your life.
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Cassettes didn’t sound that great 30 years ago either. At the time, I had a teac reel 2 reel tape deck and the teac blew away my akai glass head cassette deck, which I liked better than the nakamichi deck at the time.
i also have to say that r2r tape decks don’t sound that good at 7.5 ips either. I’ve had a couple of r2r decks with 15ips capability and they sounded much better at the higher speeds.

"Got around purchasing a used simple Nakamichi CR-1A..."
I ran into one at the Goodwill store in the U.S.A. for, I think, $20. I bought it just so I can say I owned a Nakamichi at some point in my life, also not forseeing using it more than an hour or two. It is, in fact, sweet little player. I rarely use it, but it always makes me smile.
I have a restored Nakamichi BX-300 and a few tapes, some of them recorded from LP's in the late 80's and well preserved. When the recording was done well on quality tape, cassette playback sounds very good on the BX-300. However, I think cassette sound quality is not really audiophile compared to vinyl and digital. 
I would agree on pre recorded tapes quality.
A while back I bought up some " old stock" tapes from a dealer, about 400 I think.
Of that 400 I threw maybe 100 away as even though still sealed the rollers had frozen or tapes deteriorated.
Of the 300 left, probably 200 were just ok in quality.
Of the 100 left maybe 75 were very good with about 25 being spectacular.

So yes not very good odds really.. lol.
I was a big fan of TDK MA and SA tapes, have some Maxwell as well. Yes, some have froze, but very few. That just seemed to be an issue with the medium, even ‘back then’. My larger issue is those damn felt pads falling off a few vs freezing of the rollers ;-)

I really thought I may purchase some old record label releases on cassette again, as you can find them pretty cheap, but not sure I will, as if the vinyl album is available, that’s what my preference would be. Especially not knowing the quality of the mastering/tape. That could change if there were more ratings by users of tape releases on places like Discogs, but those are few and far between. From the tapes I already had/have, it is a crap shoot at best knowing which ones will sound good, and which ones won’t.
I don’t think I would go as far as to say Cassette sounds better than lps but on a top flight deck, Nakamichi or similar with a top quality tape they can be very good indeed.
Certainly better than some members give them credit for.
Never stopped listening to cassettes. It helps having a top notch machine to play them on such as my Aiwa ad f770! Frank Sinatra on reprise cassette sounds spectacular!? 
I've just recently wound my way back to my cassette collection, (I have hundreds and hundreds).

I've had a blast listening and doing quite a bit of recording.  Glad I kept a bunch of sealed blank tapes.

Maybe not the best in reproduction, but what a good time!
I still have my cassette tape deck from 1981, Technics RSM 240X, and the Maxell UDXL II tapes that I recorded from 1981-1984. I upgraded that deck to the AIWA AD-F780 in 1988, but kept the Technics dbx deck also. That AIWA 3 head/dual capstan drive still works great, too, but I replaced the belts 3 years ago. They still sound great. 

Maxell tapes are the only ones that have withstood the test of time. All my TDK, Sony, and other brands stretched or the cassette mechanisms froze up. 

But alas, none of the tapes sound as good as the vinyl records I recorded them from. I still have the vinyl records, the Denon DP45F turntable, and even the cartridge, to compare to. 

I love my cassette collection, but to say that cassettes sound better than LPs is a total pipe dream. Perhaps with a few very TOP END decks, you can get close to being as good as source material.
You are correct on the dearth of good new blank tape media available.
There are still some basic TDK and Maxell tapes new but ok is about as far as I would go with description.

Unfortunately eBay sellers are a savvy lot and know they can charge a goodly amount for TDK SA tapes or similar especially if sealed NOS.

My stash of blank TDK SA tapes is running down and I will have to bite the bullet and try and find a good deal on the bay somehow.
I dragged out my long stored cassettes with my vinyl when re-setting up my turntable. Got around purchasing a used simple Nakamichi CR-1A, as I really didn’t see using it as I did 35-40 years ago, (recording many albums and CD’s for auto/mobile use prior to the inclusion of CD players in cars, or mini players), and my old deck is nowhere to be found. Thus, only primarily need playback for the surprising number of tapes I had (record label releases). I was wondering where some of my music went, as I knew I once had these ‘albums’, just forgot I had so many on tape.

What I have found is some sound amazingly good, some not so much vs their CD, or vinyl counterpart. After time, (maybe some never did), I don’t think the record companies put enough effort into creating good mastering and playback quality on cassette tape vs their vinyl or CD counterpart, but some did, and those indeed shine.

I have figured out a way to record as well (without a tape-out), so have erased many of my good quality metal and chrome tapes to play around with that, many times with very good results. But I also found quite a few had mold from being boxed in my basements or outdoor storage units over the years, and that made them useless. And the cost off a good quality blank tape is ridiculous today, as you have to basically buy old new stock, or a bunch of pre-recorded ‘blank’ tapes off of someone unloading them, and they charge a pretty penny as they know there is really no supply for new good quality tapes.

All that said, I’m glad I have the Nakamichi and my old tapes to play, and and quite surprised just how good some of them sound. 
I love cassettes, I have an Akai GXC 760 D hooked up to a Rotel RX 1203 in my vintage system sounds great and looks the nuts....
Cassettes are, sort of objectively, inferior in sound, but they do sound better than anything. It has nothing to do with quality.

On a similar level, I read so many accolades about current high class reel-to-reel tape sound. I have been to two shows and one hi-fi dealer that played them. Easily contender for "the worst of the show" and really lacking at the dealer. Someone may like them, but someone may not be that impressed.

Most of youse guys really missed out on something fantastic when you swallowed that propaganda in regard to PC versus analog.

When I read how this "rich phile" who belonged to a club that met and discussed expensive cartridges over cognac, had gone to PC, but failed to mention that to the other members, I decided to look into PC.

That was some years ago when guys on the PC forum were taking the time to explain things to the PC illiterate. Stereophile even had articles about what cards to swap in your PC. The PC guys kept telling us that it was possible to get PC playback as good as R to R, but we said "No way".

I listened, but I couldn't understand PC, and If I couldn't understand it, I know yall couldn't understand it. Since I couldn't understand it, I found someone who could (the smartest thing I've ever done)

As I stated, this was some years back, and besides the PC cards, you needed a "Analog to digital converter", the reverse of a DAC, in order to put records on "hard-drive" in an Audiophile manner; "Benchmark" sold that. They no longer make them, consequently, you'll have to buy one used if you can find one at all.

Every since I've been in this game, in order to get something comparable to what the "Rich-phile" had, it cost thousands of dollars; I think those necessary computer cards cost in the vicinity of $200. dollars; I could swing that.

Not even "Benchmark" was available at that time, I had to modify a cheap analog to digital converter, but it worked, I was able to bring it up to "Audiophile quality"

After all of that, I enlisted the aid of a "Computer Guru" and told him I wanted to "down-load" Cd's and records, and just sit in my listening chair and listen to music without touching a record or CD player. He told me to go WAV and external hard-drive. I told him to go at it, and get me up and running.

Presently everything is on external hard-drive, and most of the time that's all I listen to; however, if you don't play your R to R, it will quit working. Which reminds me, I had better put on a reel.

Happy listening everyone.

I also marvel at the excellent sound quality a well recorded cassette can provide.  As I've noted in other posts, I still listen to - and enjoy - cassette recordings I made in the late 90's and early 2000's of a great weekly jazz program hosted by Miles Willis on KPFT.  Still listen to these cassettes from time to time.