Camp designations

A little fun with those who reside in certain camps.

Cable supporters
Cable supporter supporters.
Tube pushers

Care to play?

I saw "tube pushers"WTHIT?
 How about the worldwide fraternity of Tube Rollers...
Cable-handling Pentophiles
Single driver Mono (a sad system symptom...)
Bi-wire Bipeds
All Ur Bass B 'Ow'-ers
Bassline Babes!
A clutch of Capacitives walked into crossover...
Doin' the Near-Field Nasties...
Mac 'n Tush Moments
D riven 2 Dis tract! ('Hallelujah. Brother!')
Equa Liza and the Flat Roomies

...stop me b4 I sync a gain.....;)

Reviewer Nemesis
Reviewer Wannabe
Dazed and Confused
Space Cadet
"Music Lover"
WAF Oppressed
Deceiver (suspect integrity due to lying to wife/sig. other)
Garrage Sale Warrior 
Junk Collector
Big Spender 
Burdened (inherited and don't want it)
Saint (departed, dearly loved; not necessarily reflective of lifestyle)

Two of my terms (Fairly certain that the first is mine, and perhaps the second as well) that have special significance to me:

Chintziphile: I used to be one 25 years ago. I have come a LONG way, primarily due to reviewing. Had I not been blessed with being able to hear, through handling superior gear, the phenomenal breadth of spectrum of performance, I likely still would be a Chintziphile. 

System Builder: My big breakthrough was realizing my churning systems was not due solely to seek superior sound, but also in search of variety of experience. 

I must admit, this has been fun, and fun to see other's creativity! 
Steamstreamstress (5X fast...)
...and now, some capital comments...
GaudyInfantileKanvas  (sorry, Eric....had to go there...)
Manformers ('...heavy, dude...')

...enough...."...that boy ain't nuthin' but trouble.."
The whole camp in one post ...

Hello fuses, my old friend.
Geoff has come to talk to you again.
Because an electron softly creeping
Induced a field while he was sleeping.
And the direction, that was planted in his brain
Still remains
Outside the bounds of science

With his Walkman he walked alone
Through narrow hallways he calls home
Neath the halo of the directional camp
He dreams of cables but he has no amp
And his eyes were stabbed by scattered laser light
That CD wasn’t right
It was outside the bounds of science

And in the audio forums there he saw
Ten thousand “philes”, maybe more
“Philes” posting without considering
That $15 for a $3 spring is price gouging
“Philies” buying things, without even a care
Because no one dared
To question the bounds of science

Robert said, ah you do not know
Geoffkait’s posts, like a cancer grow
Read his words that fail to teach you
Collected thoughts designed to mislead you
Because his words, like a teleportation tweak fail
Or magic pebbles that are on sale
Are outside the bounds of science
OK, who forgot to put out the Roach Motels last night? We have an infestation. You know, once they get a foothold in your house they can be very difficult to get rid of.
The only way cable support could possibly work is to separate the plus and minus cables from each other.  The inductance that these people are trying to avoid (from the floor???) pales compared to between adjoined cables. 
Of course, cable towers can keep guests from walking on the wires, but I think their real beauty is to let everyone know you are a true nerd who will rarely play music anyone else enjoys, because of the importance of showing off your creation.  I should also like to study whether there is a correlation between being a cable tower user and a model train enthusiast, because the towers could be made to mimic the looks of electricity transmission lines. Or, are they already?
We don’t really know WHAT the audio signal in cables is or WHY it’s influenced by electric static charge and vibration but we suspend the cables anyway. Confucius say man better safe than sorry.
What about using cable towers so you could have a model train intertwined with your stereo?

Inductance? We don't need no stinking inductance. danvignau, people come up with lots of theories in audio .... mainly people who have something to sell, or don't have the background to quantify or even understand in detail the theories they are making.
Look at it this way. Even if you’re breaking some sacred laws of physics who’s gonna stop you? Certainly not some pseudo scientist with a no knock warrant. Bah, humbug! 😤
Plank's law
"I'm so far out on a limb, nothing left to do but jump or preach how wonderful It is to walk this amazing plank."
The Spo(u)toffs
The Dewey Selfer Tribe

Ohm’s Law Crew - OHMG! That breaks the Laws of Thermodynamics! 😩