Thanks again for all the great recommendations, it is very well appreciated!
For the moment, after hearing several recommendations, I ended buying used Acoustic Zen Matrix II XLR cables to connect the C2700 to the MC462. Now onto other cables that will have good synergy with them 😅
@orgillian197 I very much agree that in order to evaluate each cable I need to change each time one of them and keep the others but since I dont have the privilege of renting cables for testing nor have other cables in my possession, I would need to get all at once and hope for the best:( That is the main issue I have and the inner fight of spending money on basic cables and then start upgrading each which can lead to even further expense or just get good and solid cables that other people had great experience with to minimize that risk. I am leaning toward the secondary.
@jetter What would be your recommendation for higher tier?
@sns Well said. I had a chance to even hear some great speakers with bad configuration that sounded awful while much inferior models sounded much better. It all comes down to the small details.
@decooney I just got these set up so no plans in the near future to upgrade anything. The cost is already beyond my initial budget so spending even more on speakers is out of the question right now 😂
@larry5729 Thank you for your post. I did contact The Cable company but not with Jason Ressler. I was advised to get Audience Ohno or Synergistic Research Foundation but these recommendations just seems to be based on price range rather than on gear specific.
@fbgbill Thanks, I will definitely look at Morrow cables. Which power cables models of Furutech did you made for the Mc's?