Cables recommendation

Hello everyone,

I currently own 803D3, C2700 pre and MC462 amp. I also have an Oppo 105D and  Denon X4700 that power the surround speaker. I’m now in the look for cables to fire this system up the best I can but to keep the spending reasonable. I currently do not have any cables.

I’ll appreciate everyone’s opinion and suggestion on cable speakers, power cables, interconnects from 2700 to 462 and other cables I should buy to get the most out of this system. I know many have similar systems as this one and would love to hear your recommendations.

Another important thing to note is that I do not have a streamer and thought to use the Oppo for this reason (maybe connect it to DA2 DAC of the C2700?) or maybe get a Sonus streamer. 

Thanks 🙏🏼


Showing 2 responses by audphile1

You didn’t mention your budget but you did say keep it reasonable so here’s my take on this…you should go balanced between pre and amp…

Interconnects (go less crazy here)

  • Mogami Studio Gold XLR (this is a ridiculously good cable to get you started and even beyond that point)
  • Audience OHNO (you can find a special deal on this online)
  • Acoustic Zen Matrix Ref II

Speaker cables (go a bit more crazy on this)

  • Audience OHNO
  • Audience AU24 SE or SX

Power cables 

  • Triode Wire Labs 7+ (Amp)
  • Audioquest Thunder (amp)
  • Audience AU24SE MP (preamp)
  • Audioquest Thunder (preamp)

Zavfino probably decent, never heard their power cords, interconnects or speaker cables but there are a lot of user feedback. 
You want to be careful with cables. Keep it neutral pure copper OCC is the best. Don’t go for silver cables with McIntosh and B&Ws

@el_it Audience is a solid recommendation. SR Foundation were not great in my system and certainly not a match for AZ Matrix II which I had and used in many iterations of my system including with B&Ws.

Audience OHNO XLRs should be good. 
Audience AU24SX speaker cables are just ridiculously good. I would spend less on interconnects and focus more on speaker cables first then power cords.