Buyer Dispute

I would like to have some opinions of a remedy for this issue:

I purchased a pair of B&W 804D3 loudspeakers through Audiogon in August 2021. They were shipped in original containers by freight. The boxes arrived damaged with some holes in the boxes, but no damage to the speakers accept for one very small spot, which could be repaired with a drop of stain. However, neither tweeter was functioning. A multimeter revealed an open circuit across both voice coils. The seller said that they worked before shipping but offered to send me replacement tweeters under the previous owner' warranty which I agreed to. However, and here is the rub; Because of supply chain issues, Bowers and Wilkins did not, and still does not have the tweeters in stock. I have been waiting 6 months for the seller to provide the replacements from B&W, but they continue to be out of stock. In short, I paid nearly $7,000 in August 2021 for speakers that I still cannot listen to.

Any opinion on a path to resolution?



I paid by PayPal. Yes I am considering opening a dispute. Things might be a little different I if the D3 tweeters did not cost $960 each. 

That would be my choice for a solution. Unfortunately, the seller refused my request, preferring the warranty solution. 

@kirbymydog you have been so patient…you have displayed good faith. I would ask for a full refund and move on.

When I received the speakers, neither tweeter was working, and there was no continuity through either voice coil. It is hard for me to understand how shipping could result in this failure mode. Regardless, I contacted B&W to ask if their ZZ28738 drivers are so delicate that shipping would cause a VC failure. Their response was predictable. They had not experienced this.

What ridiculous answers, biased in favor of Sellers.  The buyer is the injured party here.  Seller did not deliver a working product; it was defective. 

btw, Buyer’s supposed acceptance of a changed deal was without consideration; it is not an enforceable modification to the agreement.  Seller would have needed to obtain new tweeters anyway, to sell those speakers as anything other than damaged/not working.  

the burden of Supply-chain issues - delivery of a presumably promised working product - falls on Seller.  Seller has had the benefits of Buyer’s funds for 5 months; Buyer got nothing but grief, so far. 

the value and price for broken speakers is a substantially different proposition. A full or partial refund is due immediately.

Neither tweeter was working? It is highly unlikely that they were both working prior to shipment and both were rendered inoperable during shipping. In short, there is no guarantee that is the problem. The seller is responsible for delivering operable speakers, you accepted the offer of replacement tweeters but for whatever reason, the seller hasnt been able to fulfill his/her obligation. If the tweeters come in, you install them and they dont work, what next? New crossovers?


I would ask the seller for a full refund.

I would make sure a pair wasn't available first. Used, new, repaired. I would make sure there wasn't an XO problem. Both were wiped out behind shipping? NO!

Maybe one (I'd doubt it) oscillation from a power amp is a lot more likely.. AND I would be looking real close at the tweeter XO circuit.. NOW not when you get a tweeter. Don't blow up another set behind blown caps, too.

Best to stay out of trouble, instead of get out of trouble..


Agree with carlsbad and russ69. You need to stick with the deal you made unfortunately, as long as you have verified that the tweeters have indeed been ordered. It's a bad situation for you, but it's not the fault of the seller. I'm sure that he feels badly about it too.

If you have been provided the tweeter order information, all you can do is wait. 

You should go back to the seller and renegotiate.  The long-term tweeter unavailability falls into the "act of God" concept.  You've upheld your part of the deal and the seller hasn't.  It may not be his fault, but, so what!

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