Bully pulpits

It’s pathetic that so many alleged audiophiles use a hobbyist site like Audiogon as a bully pulpit to express political or conspiracy opinions. Thank you for spoiling so much of what an enjoyable hobby forum used to be. 



I recently found out I do have fuses inside my gear. Looks like I am going to try these new fuses. I have seen many peoples posts about them and I have a friend who always replaces the stock fuses in his gear. I have heard the difference on YouTube and I like the sound, but hate the cost. I know MC has done this too with great results. Another system I have been looking into is the Nordost Qpoint and QBase system. I know this is not cheap either but at least it’s something I can see and hear. Any one tried or owned the Nordost QPoint system?

I’ve owned the Nordost QX4 and QB8 together with Frey 2 cabling and it added a vibrancy and 'your are there' perception to my system. A few times my wife and I had our kids turn the QX4 off and in a blind test and we both heard the difference 10/10 times. It is very expensive for a return that you might get with component upgraded depending on what you have now..

Haven’t tried fuses yet. I trade a fair bit of gear as part of the journey so to drop a few hundred on fuses after a few hundred on tubes for something that I have a 70 percent chance of selling....That said I have excellent synergy now so I might, if I decide the synergy is more fun than the adventure.

I question your post placement btw, perfect place to bring up fuses?

The allegorical significance of the Melon GIF is perfect for this thread.

Well played.....

Post removed 

I once drove by a church reader board that stated: “A good friend stabs you in the front.”  This message velcro’d itself to my brain and became a useful tool more than once in my professional and personal lives.  Sometimes “good friends” tell you things you don’t want to hear.  “Good friends” also make it apparent where they are coming from, as well as clearly stating their intentions.  “Good friends” are always just that.   No need to overthink the definition of a “good friend” – it IS what it IS.  Someone with genuine respect and affinity for you as a human being.  And vice versa.  In an ideal world, forums such as these allow for spirited discussions among “friends.”  We absorb, postulate, share, mentor and contribute to the well-being to all those who attach themselves to the group.  And, yes, sometimes things appear to be so conflicting to our current knowledge base that we feel a strong compulsion to offer emotionally charged opposing viewpoints.  I think we know when we’ve crossed over from discussions “among friends” to those comments and considerations that are intentionally abrasive.  Are others gaining from of having you attached to the discussion?  Or am I just trying to make this more about “me”, and less about “them?”  Yes, I enjoy releasing my inner 9-year-old while doing a smokey burnout in one of my hot rods.  However, I found that’s a pretty good idea to let my passengers know what they’re in for and ask permission before dumping the clutch.  (My grandson, when treated to such an experience never wants to ride in one of my prized hot rods again).  Some of us should consider if/how our comments benefit the forum before “dumping the clutch.”


A few months back, I had a little windshield time, turned on the AM radio and tuned to an old-time comedy radio program.  It went something like this:


Host: “We’re going to do a math quiz.”

Guest: “Okay”

Host: “What’s 6 plus 6?”

Guest: (pause, no answer)

Host: “Well, it’s 12.”

Guest: (excited voice) “6 plus 6 CAN’T be 12!  8 plus 4 is 12!!!”


The lesson here (for me) is that there can be more than one correct answer to a problem.  Yes, people CAN be quite confident in their ability to hear differences in things.  And, yes, people CAN be quite confident that they can attach their known science to a particular problem and have absolute certainty to the voracity of their conclusions.  As one person recently stated when asked about how to handle politics during the Holidays: “Let your friends be wrong!” Pretty good advice?


Related to the scope of this forum:  We’re not youngsters and have a finite number of clicks remaining on the clock.  Tangents are not harmful, just not the best use of time.  Politics and religion?  Then, how about superchargers vs turbochargers?  The value/performance aspect of wines from Argentina?  Quilting?  Ingrown toenails?  How ‘bout we keep things (as close to) high performance audio as we can, please.  Tick, tick, tick ….


I’d like to close by acknowledging the value of forums, like these.  They are essential in sustaining the viability of high-performance audio.   In my part-time “gig” at YOUniteUSA, I deal with unapologetic, fire-breathing partisans on a daily basis who really enjoy breaking things.  I have come to value the links and connections that keep us “human” and work pretty hard to sustain our existing links while putting some effort into establishing new ones.  There are calculated efforts above our “pay grades” to break those links and connections thus my/our motivation to acknowledge, validate and celebrate our common links and connections.  We’ve spent more than a little effort in to categorizing those links.  This group, for example, fails into our “shared indulgences” category, which is at the tier just below “purposeful bonds” and above “navigating complexity”.  So, what we are doing HERE matters.  More than you think.  I hope everyone who contributes in a way to helps preserve these efforts congratulates themselves and acknowledges their role in keeping this thing going.  And, I hope those who want to invalidate this forum and it’s contributors, finds another forum.  I heard the Ingrown Toenail forum is looking for outspoken, miserable participants.


Thanks to all of you for what you do to make this forum possible.  And, the OP for providing the stimulus of this discussion.





Well I think everyone should check out those on this forum that comment immediately when a political comment is made. Either to condemn or support. Often those that complain most about political tangents on an audio forum are the first to keep these posts going. 

So it's the timing that upsets you and leads you to come to this conclusion?  Notice how you cleverly tried to maintain neutrality by saying it doesn't matter which side one takes. Sounds like you were looking for an excuse to get your licks in.

As for me, it was applauding the tone and temper of the post, which seemed to put an end to this exercise until you posted so negatively.

All the best,

Keep the gifs coming, nonoise!  Love 'em!

Beats trying to engage staff-level cultists in meaningful conversation.  When there's clearly zero attachment to objective reality, what is one to do......?

Your earlier observation about zero shame/embrace of same was spot-on, btw.

Here is how I apply politics to all of my purchases. I try to avoid buying products from any country that has an active murder for organs program. I try to purchase as many products as possible from my country as it does not have a murder for organs program. 

Would you like to buy a kidney? I got a fresh pair on ice. The problem is they are still attached to the guy in the freezer. You get a discount on multiple organs. The only thing different is they had sex reassignment. They went with "Gender Neutral" certain parts are not available. We accept Pay Pal there is a 3% fee though..

We are also looking for YOU. If you're down on your luck, the wife has left you and the kids are all strung out on huffin' glue. We can help you out, with what we like to call "Options". We can have that money to you before they put in that last staple.

We are an equal opportunity employer. 


"Most these guy old bald guy that lonely and find comrade in forum."    

As an "old bald guy", I resemble that remark.


Here, Here! "Old bald guys" unite! Even the non-lonely ones!

And to all, please, for the love of sanity, read the first 5 words of the 1st Amendment before yapping about "free speech" and "1st amendment rights" on a privately owned forum. C'mon, it's only 5 words...

Stepping off the soapbox, stumbling from a gimp knee...

Cindymeat has made 311 post in 10 days...


Is she attempting to beat Millercarbon's record?



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