Billie or Ella? Maria or Renata? Technique or feeling?

I stand back to no one in my admiration for Ella Fitzgerald's technique but all the vocal fireworks make for precious little emotion. Billie Holiday on the other hand makes you feel she's singing just for you.

Technique vs emotion also goes in listening to Renata Tebaldi (superb technique) and Maria Callas who like Lady Day makes you feel she's singing just for you.

David Oistrakh was a violinist who combined flawless technique with raw emotion. Sviatoslav Richter was his counterpart on piano. Their modern day successors are Julia Fischer on violin and Daniil Trifonov on piano.


kijanki -- I actually saw Jimmy Scott perform live, probably at Dante's in Hollywood. A real treat!

That would be my dream.  Unfortunately, he passed away.

In 1967 my brother had 2 inexpensive tickets for Rolling Stones concert.  I declined and it bothered me since.  Finally, 30 years later (1997) I saw them in Chicago.
Now I can die in peace  :)

Today they are not the same Stones, without original bassist and the drummer, but remaining Beatles are only bassist and the drummer, so who knows  :)

kijanki -- I actually saw Jimmy Scott perform live, probably at Dante's in Hollywood. A real treat!

Sarah or Ella?  At first I like Sarah more for more interesting way of singing - vocalizing, suspending timing etc., but at the end Ella won me over with her immaculate timing and swing (discipline).  It is all matter of acquired taste, for instance, Jimmie Scott, that I adore, is not for everybody.  He had poor voice and at the same time was regarded by other Jazz singers as "Singers singer"  - not Sinatra or anybody else, but him.   





Thanks for the vid. I don't want to be disrespectful and listening to the  differences   only proves I don't know  anything about opera.  To me it was like which cat food do you prefer?

Feeling vs. techniques -- a false distinction.  Both woman were sublime in their own particular way.

@mike_in_nc I’m trying to get to know some of the newer singers who are interesting, not just blond and sultry. 

I for one will not stand by while you insult Taylor Swift who happens to have the hottest legs in show biz. 'nuff said.

Who are the great new male vocalists?


@tablejockey Black Coffee b gr8. Is there anything it can't do?

All seriousness aside, I'll have the pleasure of checking out early Ella which I confess to not having explored.

@tablejockey Maybe you're referring to the later 60's and forward schmaltzy, overproduced "pop" Ella that many think of when she's mentioned?

Well early 60's. Clap Hands, Here Comes Charlie!

We are lucky to have Audiogon where you get in depth knowledgeable posts.

I wuz jus reading about how motorcycle forums died under the withering influence of twitter.

@danager I don’t know about opera

This one's for you.


Thnx for the Riff Raff - great name for a group. 


I understand your point. When I was introduced to jazz music Ella was my go to female vocalist. With more exposure and experience my preferences have changed. I much prefer Sarah Vaughan and definitely Carmen McRae. More interesting, compelling and emotionally engaging. They pull me into the music in a way that Ella just does not for me. Another example, early on Oscar Peterson, later, Thelonious Monk. Same reason. Certainly, horses for courses.


Ella's best years are the Decca and early Verve. Particularly with minimal accompaniment.  

"vocal fireworks make for precious little emotion." Maybe you're referring to the later 60's and forward schmaltzy, overproduced "pop" Ella that many think of when she's mentioned?

Billie's work up  thru the 50's is where she peaked.

Billie vs. Ella? You can't go just can't!


How 'bout virtuosity in the pursuit of emotional expression? Ah, that's the ticket! Then again, if I just had to choose one it'd be heart over brain any day.

Feeling, every time for me, though I must confess that Billie Holiday gives me a headache every time.

An appalling voice, down there with Adele!

Maybe that’s the problem with feelings, they’re usually just so subjective.

Whereas with technique, there’s normally very little to disagree about. Hank Marvin, Jimmy Hendrix and Eric Clapton are all good technicians despite their obvious differences.


You’re often better off with performers that seem to have a good balance of both - the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Elvis Presley, Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong, the Smiths etc.


As @hilde45 said, one can’t really argue taste.

To me, there is a perfection to Ella’s singing that can seem a bit cool emotionally. Her intonation is beyond perfect -- I’ve never heard a singer do what she does, and so smoothly. I love listening to her singing, and then I move on for a while.

My own tastes run towards the grittier sounding singers such as Abbey Lincoln, Betty Carter, Carmen McRae (especially as she aged), Shirley Horn. The latter two were also fine pianists. Each of them knew how to bend pitch and timing to aim for the heart, and in Carter’s case, sometimes her inventiveness made me laugh.

I’m trying to get to know some of the newer singers who are interesting, not just blond and sultry. Some I’m enjoying are Champian Fuller, Cécile McLoren Salvant, Chantal Chamberlain, and Tierney Sutton.

So much talent! Who are the great new male vocalists?

i don’t buy your assumption at all regarding jazz singers. I don’t know about opera or violinist but I’m a huge fan of Early Jazz vocalists.

Billie Holiday - April In Paris

Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong - April in Paris (OK she does have a little help)

Fine and mellow Billie


And just to switch it up Hurrah for the Riff Raff

I wouldn’t say there is more emotion just different emotions. Ella has a lilt of happiness as a compared to the sadness Billie portrays.