Best Rocking Speakers 15K and Under

 Been looking around for speakers in the 15K range and under. Most of my music is listened to on Vinyl but recently purchased a Aurender N10 for streaming which I am really happy with. I listen to a very wide range of music, some classical, jazz, classic rock, punk and metal. About 10 years ago I got rid of my 70’s era JBL and Pioneer speakers and they both really played everything well. Now it seems difficult finding the right all around speaker.  FYI, I like playing loud and want to hear the bass, but not wanting to go with subs. 

 So far I have listened with my set-up the new Magico A-3 and was impressed. Also on different gear at a dealer Monitor Audio Platinum 300 (I liked) but wasn’t a fan on the same set-up Totem Wind Design, Aerial 7T or ProAc D48R. In fairness to the Proacs I liked the sound but there was a lot of boominess at the dealer and in a fairly large listening area. Might have to go to a different dealer and listen again. Listened to the Legacy Signatures at Audio Doctor and was really impressed. 

 So my short list is Magico A-3, Legacy Focus SE, ProAc D-48R. Anything I’m missing that I should hunt down for a demo? I haven’t yet but by the encouragement of my salesman wants me to listen on my exact set-up the Focal Kanta and Sopra  as well. 

 Recently switched my front end and although my current speakers sound 100% better still not low enough and the highs become fatiguing afer awhile.
 Currently Gear:
McIntosh C2600 Preamp
McIntosh MC611 Monos
Aurender N10
Dr. Feikert Woodpecker TT with Jelco Tonearm/Koetsu Black Goldline, Denon 301II, Sumiko Blue Point
Speakers Kef Reference 3.

 Not willing to change any of my front end, just speakers. (And please no Tektons)
If not already sole, your Kef Ref 3s properly matched with a sub (or two), might surprise you big time.  That said, if you remain dead set against a sub, read no further.  We use the three-way Kef Reference 201.2 monitors, which produce not much base, but when paired with a JL F112, we rock LOUD and long with an enormous, crystal clear sound stage with all the chest bump one could ask for.  The addition of a sub (and cross-over so as to relieve the Kefs of any bass duty) fundamentally transformed the Kef Ref 201.2.   Meanwhile, in a separate system similar to yours (Mac C2500/Mac MC452), we go concert level LOUD with vintage (albeit heavily modded) Polk SDA 1.2TLs.  With your budget, obviously there are lots of great choices out there that others have mentioned, but there's something to be said for blasting rock music on some high quality vintage speakers.  
Outstanding for rock, techno, prog-rock, etc...;

- Legacy Focus 20/20 if you are looking used and low budget
- Legacy Focus HD if you are looking used and slightly more budget
- Legacy Focus SE, used or new, under $15K if memory serves on new price
- Legacy AERIS with Wavelet used is under $15K and is outstanding...

All these will move your walls and let you feel and hear the greatest rock material out there and so much more....Focus SE and AERIS are the 2 best....
Jim Salk does build a heck of a speaker.  If you are looking for a little smoother there are a pair of the exotica towers over on audiocircle for sale.  

That would be cool and I'd love to hear your thoughts if you do.  

Here is one misconception in audio.  All the companies who claim that going dealer direct will give you more bang for you buck aren't always doing that.  Due to economy of scale as well as a fleet of engineers etc, you are possibly getting more for your money, but often times not.  It's still all about the sound.  

The biggest problem I have with the direct companies are selling that gear eventually.  Your market share will be less, because fewer folks will have heard of them.  I have owned a few products from dealer direct and found that it was a very limited audience.  They also weren't able to hold their value the way an established, well known company's product typically does.  

There are just a lot of things to keep in mind no matter what piece of gear you get.  I have found that digital gear seems to have many more 'direct' manufactures.  Often times it's a one or two person operation like Steve Nugent at Empirical Audio (GREAT DACS) or Sam Laufter and designer Mark who make my server/dac   

I post these things to prove that I DO purchase some pieces dealer direct, but I have to say that my Ayre QX5 isn't being sold just yet as it's still. a GREAT DAC and beats most I've heard up to the 20k mark.  YMMV

I hope you get to hear the Salk and compare it to the others in this thread to hear your thoughts.  
@ctsooner Yes you are correct we all have different tastes in both visual and sound. Fortunately I’m located in an area with so many dealers within an hour from my house. 
 The Salks do have my interest up, just have to get out and hear some. I like the fact that they are custom built and without a dealer network and markup, probably a lot of speaker for the money. 
 I do have some customers in the Chicago area, might be an excuse to head that way with a side trip to Salk. 
Volsfan, I know those speakers and they are very good, but speakers are the most subjective component you can get.  Looks as well as sound.  There is no speaker at any price that is the best looking or best sounding, lol.  Yes, I've heard nothing but great things about Jim and each time I've heard his speakers, I"ve enjoyed them, but like all the others in this thread, the OP needs to hear  them and decide.

I LOVE the VAndersateen line and have auditioned most of the contenders out there.  I'm very used to listening to ultra high end systems as I'm blessed to have some good friends in the audio world, but Vandersteen's are the best or best for the money. They are just the best for ME as well as other owners. The same goes for the other brands out there.  

It's awesome that you love yours that much though as that's what audio is all about and what makes the forums fun.  :). 
For $16k you can get a custom made pair of Salk Soundscape 12's. You won't find a better looking (will probably look better than the other furniture in your home) or better sounding speaker (assuming you want accuracy) for under $20k. They will play from 18hz to 40k hz +/- 3db. 

And your amps will drive them perfectly. Jim is a great guy and and builds fantastic speakers with some of the best drivers in the world. Check out the web page and ask anybody who has ever dealt with him. 
trknomo, have you checked out Johnny at Audio Connections?  That may have been where you heard the ProAcs, but I didn't see where you auditioned the Vandersteen's or B&W's.  You are blessed in that you can go audition a lot of speakers to make a truly informed decision.  
@steve59 Yes Mac gear is pretty smooth, but much more detailed than the MacIntosh of yesteryear which for some is better or worse. Not sure if the Revels, or Dyn’s would be boring, would just have to listen to them. The Sonus Fabers are a good match with Mac gear and they are a bit on the warm side as well. 
 I’m actually right in the vicinity of NJ, PA and NY. So a good location to listen to just about everything. There are a couple of Revel dealers within reasonable stricking distance from me, so may get a chance soon to have a listen.
OP, whats your general location? A pair of Dynaudio C60's  would probably put a pretty big grin on your face also, but they're harder to find used. Mac is pretty smooth gear right? if so the tweeters in Revels and Dynaudio may actually make for a boring cimbination tho' that probably depends more on the room.
I have the Revel Salon1's connected right now, I also have the salon2's that I just swapped out to get these ready for a demo and possible sale. These are awesome, they don't compress or get hard sounding at high spl and they manage to sound balanced at any volume. I m listening to free by Train and the big drum towards the end of the song has the Walls going in and out! A pair of Salon1's can be found for 1/2 price of the Salon2's used and for the money good luck doing better. Revel carries replacement drivers for the Ultima line last I checked. 

Not interested in the triple impacts. I don't blame you. I love the Wilson Benesch Vectors. They go loud but still remain accurate. So you can listen and not hurt your ears, ( or you wife's ears ) .Very tight bass and smooth ( soft dome tweeter ) highs. sumptuous midrange. 
@ptss Yes the JBL’s are on my hit list to listen to. Had the week off and thought I would have time to travel around and hit some audio stores but the at home list too precedence as usual. Just have to work it in over the next month or so. 
trknomo OP28 posts07-03-2018 7:07pm@ctsooner Yes I do agree, I have to use my own ears and my own music to audition thats the mistake I made the first go around and learned my lesson. Dealers I originally trusted I soon came to realize the line of bull they were laying on me about products they dont sell. One when I brought in some music even claimed that it was a bad recording and that why it sounded the way it did. Have had some good experiences though when back the second go around. The dealer I purchased my C2600 from was probably the best. He highly encouraged me to listed to other speakers and not just his as he wanted me to buy what worked best in my system and hopefully being honest I would come back and purchase more gear in the future even if I chose other speakers. So I’ll see what I wind up with once all is said and done.

Yes, we all have those horror stories.  Have you ever auditioned straight analog vs digital correction in teh signal chain (not using digital as a source)?  If so, I'm sure you have heard the difference.  Right now, digital is just so limited IRT audio playback.  Someday it may or may not equal analog (for EQ), but it's not even close yet for so many technical reasons.  

Companies that make it seem like it's the panacea of room correction etc... remind me of the early days of the CD and offering it's 'perfect sound'.  That's not to say there aren't decent products offering digital correction of an audio signal, but I've heard many of them, including what you have heard and regardless of cost, it's just not as good as leaving the signal alone and correcting teh room a bit.

I just placed a few 5' tall silk plants around my room and it's made a world of difference.  Two pretty quilts on teh side walls to absorb the first reflection also helped a great deal. These are things that most folks can do to a room to make it sound better and it's relatively inexpensive and brightens the room up and hides cords and components a bit too. lol...

Just my two cents.
You want rockin. Look into JBL horns. DD6600’s and others. Real music and speakers that will last forever. Their speed cannot be matched. Hope you get a chance to listen. I’m a classical fan but will go JBL from my B&W’s- which I have no complaints about. 
@ctsooner Yes I do agree, I have to use my own ears and my own music to audition thats the mistake I made the first go around and learned my lesson. Dealers I originally trusted I soon came to realize the line of bull they were laying on me about products they dont sell. One when I brought in some music even claimed that it was a bad recording and that why it sounded the way it did. Have had some good experiences though when back the second go around. The dealer I purchased my C2600 from was probably the best. He highly encouraged me to listed to other speakers and not just his as he wanted me to buy what worked best in my system and hopefully being honest I would come back and purchase more gear in the future even if I chose other speakers. So I’ll see what I wind up with once all is said and done. 
You mentioned that you play mostly vinyl. I personally have yet to hear any analog turned digital that I liked.  You can hear the digital no matter how much money you spend. I recently hear a 90k preamp that did this and we listened to master tapes.  I hated it.  I know many swear by digital now, but go listen for yourself and I bet that you'll also hear the difference.  you have a lot of choices in your area.  I'd go to all teh stores you can to listen with your ears and not let what the dealers tell you what to listen for.  I have a great dealer in NJ whom I know well and trust, but I he doesn't tell me how to listen or what to listen for.  

when that happens, you focus on one or two aspects of the sound.  JMHO...Good luck.  good for Rock, but a good speaker is a good speaker and will play it all well.  If a speaker is good for one or two genres, then it's not a good speaker. JMHO.  
For me it has to be Boenicke W11 (trade between £9000 - 20.000 3 versions available, base, SE and SE+)   or even the W8 for 6k will rock off the major speakers in that price bracket and even at higher price.

Boenicke speakers are the real thing, the thing audiophiles have dream, at least this one have.

I want small boxes, that integrate well in our day to day linking space, produce a significative amount of bass that can almost represent a full scale speaker and a nice WAF factor. If possible good looking.

Boenicke does ring many bells in the costumers list, not easy to find and demo, but please drive extra miles to ear them, you’ll not regret it .
Just looking for full range and again aesthetics play a huge roll. Not a fan of the Pure Audio but will be looking at Spatial as an open baffle option. The other may be great speakers as well but not for my listeneing
at 15k

Geithain RL901k
Harbeth 40.2
Pure audio project with voxativ field coil

Id personally probable take the ATC
@gandmjl...Nice set-up with the Altec’s. Great that you were able to customize the speaker boxes to make them work for you.

@steve59 Yes I do have the Dynaudio C60 on my list to audition along with Salons. I’m in no rush so going to do a lot of demos before I choose my next speakers

@wolf_garcia Yea, just not a Klipsch fan. Listened many times and have friends with them (gf loves hers) but just not for me. Also as I mentioned subs are not an option for me. Wanting full range speakers only
I keep yammering about my recently acquired Klipsch Heresy IIIs, and with the 2 REL subs I use with them they are very dynamic and clear, even with a 12 watt pc single ended amp...under 2 grand...simply fabulous sounding speakers.
I ended up buying a pair of Saoln2's because they matched really well with the system I built around the Salon1's, BUT if you can audition the Dynaudio C60 that retail for $10k and have been around long enough to get a deal on... with the sota electronics I heard them on they were musical and dynamic and with 2 9" woofers in each box I felt the notes as I heard them.
Old school speakers and matching with modern decor is and always will be an issue. In my previous post I stated my love for the old school Altec VOTs and the Model 19 home version of them. Yes, they do not have the "Look" most of us these days can or will appreciate. Big boxes that do produce some great sound however not very wife friendly as far as decor goes. My home is decorated with turn of the century Mission style furnishings most of which I made myself having been a cabinet/furniture maker. With this in mind I had to remake my Model 19s into what my wife would consider acceptable for her decor. Speaker boxes are rather basic in that the components require particular internal box volumes which are easy enough to achieve once you know the parameters. I am not sure of how to post photos here from my PC but my Model 19s have a new dress in the exact Mission style that fits our decor but are still very much Altec/VOTs with all the original components but in a box worthy of my wife's acceptance. There is of course more than one way to skin a cat so I set out to keep my Altecs but disguised them to appease her desire to match the decor. They are still rather large but a happy wife makes for a happy life and I get to listen to the sound the way I like it. I have to try to post a picture but have no idea if it will show here.

Acoustic Zen Crescendo. They pair especially well with tubes . Tons of reviews . The mk ll is even better tan the old reviews . A transmission line speaker that works ! 
@jackd Yes I forgot those on my list. Spoke with Clayton and Linear Tube Audio in VA at times has a pair set-up. They just sold the ones off the floor and will let me know when they get another pair. I can listen to them as well as the Daedalus which has a dealer in the general area. Will make for a nice roadtrip 
@zephyr24069 They are on my hit list. Not sure where I read but someone mentioned they liked their Focus SE’s but had horrible off axis sound. As much as just a few feet away the sound took a serious tumble. Good hearing you saying something different. My room is open on the left side and when having company would like to have more that just a sweet spot.. The Kef’s are wonderful at filling up the room. 
 Have to schedule a day to visit Dave at AudioDoctor again. 
Used pair B&W 802D2. Have a friend running a pair with mac gear. Also like the platinum 300 series 2 that you mentioned. Kef reference line, magico.
Post removed 
If these will pass the decor and WAF tests they will alleviate your concerns about off-axis sound and the ability to Rock.  I have had the model below the M3 TM for two years and they do all you are asking for.  Also Clayton has a  120 day free trial period.
The off axis portrayal of music and ability to hear great sound anywhere in the house with a Legacy Focus SE or Aeris and their ability to frankly kick ass and rock out will amaze you. I speak from many years of owning both,...
ATC is an excellent choice. I only had listened to the active versions, but I think your electronics will be able to drive both active and passive models. The SCM50 is fantastic!

Another speaker I really enjoyed is the Marten Django XL. Incredible sound in every situation - I heard them in audio shows, stores and at a friend's house. Not picky with amplification and very easy to position in your room, they always seem to deliver their best regardless of the circumstances. 
Very interesting responses here. Seems like I still have to go back and listen again to the Legacy’s (a bit concerned about off axis sound though) Magico A-3’s and the Focal Sopra 2’s. 
 This brought to my attention speakers I knew of but haven’t spent the time to go out and listen too. But many have been recommended here more than once so they deserve to be listened too. So now I have to go out and hear JBL 4367’s,  Revels, DeVore, Salk, Daedalus, Dynaudio, Bache and Ohm Walsh.
 I do have to say that with all I dont like about my Ref 3’s, they do have really great off Axis sound. So comparing that quality is something I will definitely be looking at. 
 I know the Altec Voice of the Theaters Very Well. We had a pair in our basement when I was younger. Remember having them hooked up and playing the Stones on them. Not my style today as I need something to blend into my decor, hence my reservations with the new JBl 4367’s but are one on the top of my list to hear.
 Also I have enough hobbies at home and old classic speakers will be another hobby of things to constantly tweak and play with. But thanks for bringing back the memories of them. When my brother finally gave up music and touring, he sold them for a down payment on a 340 Duster..Geez what a great time it was. That was when I had to use my lawn cutting money for my JBL’s
+ ATC.  Ya think there'd be less not more choice! After 50 years of constant churning of all manner of audio gear in search of home audio nirvana, my Blumenhofer can impress but my passive ATC with lots of clean power are the only speakers to put the endless longing to rest. Can easily go to live performances, high end audio shows, salons and audio clubs' members' homes then return home and be not just content but delighted regardless of genre - spun or streamed. I don't buy lotto tickets but from what you've said, I'd bet ATC would appeal a great deal to you. Best of luck in finding "your sound." 
Another vote for Daedalus Audio. Lou Hinckley the owner/designer has one foot in the pro audio world and one in the audiophile world. His current line of speakers give you aspects of both - dynamics, transparency, frequency extension, phase coherency, sensitivity, detail. Versatile speakers that can play quite loud and low while retaining composure. He has been doing this for 25 years so has a mature, developed product. Sensitivities range from 95 to 98 dB. You don’t need much power but they will take hundreds of watts. All wood construction and cost no object build approach. Voicing is more direct and up front which is appropriate for rock/live music. Many audiophile speakers fail in this regard.
Order direct only. No affiliation, but I did just order a pair. 
Back in 1969 I went to a concert up in Bethel, NY and there were between 300-500K people there. Towers of speakers all over the field and they all said Voice of the Theater. After Vietnam I was setting up my system and had to have hard rocking speakers. No room for the plain Altec A-7s and could not afford the Magnificents so I settled on a pair of Altec Model 19s.

I know the plan here is to spend major dollars on the prettiest and most expensive speakers one can buy but after 45 years with my original pair of Model 19s I have not found a better hard rocking speaker yet. Sure, they do have some disadvantages with various types of music listening but you did say Hard Rocking. The 416-8B woofers are solid and fabulous. The 802-8G horn drivers are a perfect match and the one thing that keeps me a fan of Altec is the fact that Altec is still very much alive and well out at Great Plains Audio where you can have all these components updated, restored, remagnetized and brought back to good as new for pennies on the dollar in today's high end audio market. Audio Geeks play around with various crossovers and bi amping to make them even better while others hook up all sorts of fancy cables and wires in search of audio nirvana but I just turn them on a crank them up and find more issues with the source music than I ever have with the speakers playing it. To each his own but a company that has been around since forever and is still right here supporting us IMO is worth it's weight in gold.
Definitely hear the Sopra 2’s.  Unlike many higher end speakers I heard, they are equally adept at rocking pretty hard with great body and presence but can also get out of the way and throw a nice deep soundstage.  They’re very faithful to the recordings in that way.  Many speakers I heard either want to be up in your face or are way laid back and color the sound in either direction.  Not Sopras.
I have a McIntosh tube front end with a Sota Sapphire turntable and found Harbeths to be incredible.

I have the SHL5 Plus’s and they’re terrific.
I bought a pair of Legacy Focus SE's about 2 years ago, and in the sweet spot, the "Focus" spot, they were the best sound I'd ever heard in my room, and as good as anything, anywhere..... really!    But as soon as I'd stand up and walk around the room, the sound fell apart.  They are simply too focused.  The horizontal dispersion is very narrow, and they did not fill the room with sound.  My system is in a room adjacent to dining room & kitchen, and my system needs to also fill the house with music.  The Focus SE's failed in that regard.  I returned them at a painful, but fair, 15% restock fee.   I am still using my 29 year old B&W 801 series2's, ands loving them!  (w/self-updated crossovers)
Tekton Ulfberht.  They have some available for 9K right now. If you're looking for rocking speakers, these will rock your world with minimal wattage plus give you unparalleled detail with just a one watt valve amp. I am an owner and have experience their capabilities.
Revel Studio 2.  I know they’ve been around awhile but they still outperform their price point significantly. Sound great with your Mcintosh system too. With the 600 per channel you could drive the larger Revel Salon 2. There are used near mint Salons in you price range. 
@devaultcarl1, I do not think it is cool to promote selling products on the forums, although, Audiogon has lowered their standards on much of this. You need to post them on the " classifieds " side. This is just my opinion. Enjoy ! MrD.
I heard the new JBL L-100 speakers spend the rest on your cables and units . Very dynamic and 3 d .