Best Cheap Speakers - New or Old

Sure if money is no object there are many speakers that we all "drool for". But having said that, there something to be said for a good "cheap" (less than $500 a pair MSRP) speakers. Granted they're not going to be in anybody's main system (probably they'll be found in somebody's bedroom, office, garage system, usually with some older vintage components driving them). But nevertheless, they deliver decent performance at a resonable price and they're honest in what they do. Not "state of the art" by a large margin, but still good "musical" friends. My choice is an old pair of Boston Acoustics A-60s, that I bought back in the late '80s for probably $200 a pair. Granted there are tons of better speakers out there, but for what they do, and age they are, and the money I paid, they still deliver some pretty damn good sound and performance. Anyway, curious on what others may think and what "cheap" speakers have held a "soft spot" in their "sonic" hearts?
Any ELAC; Any Q acoustics
- Own ELAC Uni-Fi UB5 - for about $500 these are super speakers (although need a bit of amp to run them well)

- Own Q3050 for use by my wife in her office - they also sound super

And yes, we have a rather good (Revel Ultima Salon 2) running and the above do well despite the comparision.  Also, yes I do understand the Revel's are not the ultimate in staging and macrodynamics, but they are good for purpose and room we have.
I third the Sound Dynamics 300ti. Regret selling them. I bought them for the close-out price of around $250 circa 1995-1996, if memory is correct. They sounded really good across the board and the bass went cleanly down to approximately 34hz. Probably cost about $2,500 today with a nice wood veneer and couple of tweaks, perhaps more.
If you have a good ear and a prepro with a lot of eq band options. Cant beat Klipsch klf 30 with crites titanium tweeter upgrade for 800. Magnepan 1.6's might sound a bit better with a sub, but for full range, and all they do, cant beat them until you go up to 2k used range IMO. Sadly most wont be able to eq them to reach their potential(add weight to upper bass, lower mids). As a sound engineer it suprising so many dont understand eq is key to maximising your speakers tonal sound.
I have two of them- 1981 ish Polk 10A I bought for 200$ in 2010, and 1998 Vandy 2CE for 600, with stands, in 2012. The Polks are used all-purpose, TV, Theatre, and 2/5.1 channel. Love the new 5.1 remixes of King Crimson played on a 99$ blu-ray.. But the Vandys are 2 channel only, in a 12x12 room, hooked up to a big parasound amp and a Rotel pre. Imaging and lushness for days, but some definite bass overloading. Saving for a bigger house, or a house with a yard big enough for me to build a listening room.
the pioneer BS22's and cambridge audio S30's (discontinued) are silly good for the money. both around $100 a pair or so
Floorstanders: JBL L-100T or L-80T, ADS L710,L810, L1090 or L-1290. Best "big sound" for the $. Spica TC-50 or 60, Tyr Rauna or AAD Silver for standmounts.
I 2nd the Sound Dynamics 300ti. A great speaker if one could find a pair. I regret selling mine.
Also..B&w 610 or older 6xx series from 90s..these are kind of old school 2-way 8 inch models...large by today's standards...but I always have like the full sound/scale of this design...they do require stands...and are unbeatable on the used market
Older OHm Walsh models can be had for teh price of many "cheap" speakers but are good all around performers capable of delivering very big sound to compete with most anything with the right amplification.
Although a budget mass consumer product in the early 90s...Jbl j830m seems like a dinosaur in today's mini monitor world..large, three way standmount with 8" driver=real clean bass(ruler flat)...surprising open but slightly forward midrange...these compare favourably to my Snell type J standmounts...seems like there is a common thread as several votes for 90s era jbl for budget seekers...
I'd have to say I will never part with my Snell Type J speakers I found on Craigslist for 150.00.
The JBL-L7 speakers from 1992, just take the stock Bi-amp plate off and insert some quality Bi-amp speaker cable jumpers, It is a Huge difference in sound quality jump, everything possible is much,much, better, or run extra speaker cables for bi-amping,The stock plate is terrible for sound!, cheers.
Acoustic Research AR 7 was the smallest, cheapest, and most amazing speaker that they ever made. I had them on top of a roomates out of commision much bigger Altec Lansing speakers. Everyone would always think the larger set was playing. Only when I would convince people to walk up to the speakers, would they realize that the AR's, and not the Altecs, were playing. Amazing sound from a 6" woofer and a 1" tweeter. I wish I still had them
great thread; lots of really good nominees. among the ones mentioned, the energy 22 are seriously great (the more modern energy c-3 are also really good). i'll suggest a couple of others:
kef coda 70 (extremely impressive for their size/price--they look and sound like a $1k monitor)
jbl hls 610 (a modest, mass-market piec which just happened to do everything right. you can find these used for $50 or so)
design acoustics ps6 (another unexpectedly great sounding, modestly priced speaker; really big dynamic range and soundstage)
ads 700/710
to bbro's point, i was also underwhelmed by the spica tc50. a former Spica owner I can attest to your you touched upon...they do image well...often in reach out and touch 3d realism...however they have two glaring faults...non-existent bass and limited treble audiophile friend described their sound as 'mushy'...
I have a pr of early 90s era JbL j830m speakers that constantly surprise early Harmon effort, these are surprisingly laid back and mellow...something not usually associated with JBL...not a ton of bass considering their size but balanced nevertheless...not the last word in transparency or razor sharp imaging...but a solid engineered product that is a steal on the used market...ssssh..
don't tell anyone
Actually, just the opposite. I put together a pair of systems for my girlfriend using Spica TC50s, and both systems sound great. One uses Linn electronics and the other Audio Refinement (YBA) electronics. Good imaging and off axis listening and rich full sound. Her rooms are small; I had to position the speakers on the long wall in both cases and close to the back wall.
I recently got a pair of Spica TC 50's after hearing about them and curious to hear them for many years and have been completely underwhelmed. They image well but so do a lot of other small speakers I have had. They are of course bass shy but also not very full bodies. I am driving them with 275 watts of class A triode tube power and other main system equipment. Just curious if anyone else has had my experience.
I picked up a pair of NHT classic 3's and they are really nice for 500 off a'gon
AV123 released some new speakers a few months ago, the ELT 525's @$299. Great monitors, some would use a subwoofer with them. I am perfectly happy with them as a pair used in my office system.

I certainly love mine!!!!
A pair of Lynn Tukans (bought two months ago for 200.00 on audio.gon) or a pair of KEF 101 Reference Series. The KEF's lack much in the low end, but they have the world's sweetest midrange and a beautiful high end. Far better than the Tukans, and better than the Spendor 3/5. If you can find a pair of KEF 101 Reference Series, buy them. I've seen them sell between 350.00 and 600.00.
Update - I have a pair of DCM TimeWindow 1's. Pictures here: (and 1 on my virtual system here on Agon)

Check the thread, there is a pair of TW 3's owned by a former co-worker that look to be in fantastic condition for sale in Milwaukee. Modded by him.
I purchased an old pair of KG-4's off ebay and powered them with a vintage Marantz receiver for my garage system. I mounted them up near the ceiling point down at about a 45 degree angle. For a garage system it kicks butt.
Some good suggestions here; I'll echo the Spicas.

One I'd like to add are the Fried A/6. They have routinely beat out new loudspeakers in the $2000 - $6000 range in my system, including the winner of a loudspeaker of the year award. Tuneful/tight, nicely extended and weighted bass response, very smooth, relaxed, and natural midrange, with phenomenal imaging. Not so common to come up on the used market here on Audiogon or ebay, but when they do, selling price is usually in the $300 - $400 range.
as for vintage, my ole' 2 way jbl's from college. 10" woofer and 1" soft tweeter. front ported. forgot the model but paid $400 in early 80's. the old polks were good too.

the little nht's from a few yrs back. sealed design. they rocked for leas than $350. both were very musical albeit not hi'end.
Great thread ... I am in the vintage category so here goes:

- Magnepan SMG any model, there are a few here on Agon.

- Dahlquist DQ-10 with mirror image and cap mods, there are
2 pair on CL in the Chicago area.

- DCM Time Windows (not Time Frame), 2 pair here on Agon.

The DQ-10s eat amps for lunch. SMG's are a bit better. Not sure on the DCM's look like they are pretty efficient from what I have read. I have had DQ-10s, sorry I sold them, now have SMG's and hope to own the DCM's soon.
04-02-07: Regalma1

Give PSB a try. Amazing sound for the money.

Eleven years ago, I paid $30 for my PSB Alphas that are now hooked up to a Denon integrated in my downstairs office. I have definetely gotten my money's worth!

About 15 years ago, I got a pair of PSB 500's from a store I worked at for $150. I gave those away to a friend about three or four years ago. Those were great little speakers.
I've got a pair of Bozak 401s in my office, circa 1975. I'm very fond of them, though some of this could be that they were my very first hi-fi purchase, back in the day when they cost a month of my take-home pay.
Rgs2 I don't know the model number. I just sort stumbled on the dealer and gave them a listen. The setup was far from ideal, yet they came through quite well. They listed for about $500/pair and were floor standers.
Anyone have opinions on Aperions? Just read a review in Stereophile. If it can be trusted they sound like quite the bargain.
From what I've read on the forums the last few years the two $500 speakers that seem to be the top contenders are the Nola Mini's and for $400 a pair this is highly recommended.
Usher Audio RWS-708 X series Speaker Stands - nice :)
I love my small speakers - Nola Minis. They used to retail for street [price of $595 but can be had in the $350 a pair range here at A-gon. The previous incarnation, Alon Lil rascals can be found occassionaly for $300.

These are just terrific sounding, unboxy, expansive speakers with a huge stage, a lovely midrange, refined highs and surprising bass heft for their size. The are also extremely dynamic - they remain transparent and uncongested whether pumping out The Rolling Stones or Ralph Vaughn-Williams.

I couldn't say the same of the vintage Spica TC60s. These are imaging champs fersher, as in...holographic, 3-D musicians in the room with you. But they spit the bits when it comes to large scale, complex music. Great for chamber and small jazz ensembles. Look elsewhere if you rock or orchestral music is what floats your boat.
Good to hear someone else thought highly of the Dynacos. Dynaco called them "natural sound" speakers. I wish some of the big speaker designers could hear what such a minimalist box could accomplish. Regalma1: What PSB's did you like?
Ok I feel that this thread has gotten off track. So I will put in my 2 cents.

Radio shack minimus 7's at a whopping $50.00 a pair back in 86. Rebuild the crossovers for $25 and you are good to go.

Ok anyother low bidders.
I have to agree about the Dynaco A25s. I had them throughout college and I never got tired of them. Wish I had kept them just see what I think of them today.

Give PSB a try. Amazing sound for the money.
I agree about the spica tc 50. They image as well as anything out there anyway near their price
These pint-sized speakers were produced late in the life of the company Bozak. Designed by Peter Lederman (sp?) currently principal at SoundSmith. Deliver huge sound for their size, and great bass performance too. Expect to pay less than $200, for speakers more than 20 yrs old.
vandersteen are worth considering
you can score some model 2
for around $500
pretty good neutral sound
i got my 2ci for$400
very happy
Dynaco A25s (virtually free by audiophile standards). I used them happily for 12 years way back when. They show up used fairly often here and on eBay and other audio trading sites.
geogap....i too have advents, and they compete with my gradient revolutions, and my other 'much more expense' speakers...henry kloss was a genius.
I have a pair of The Advent/1 that I just love. I got them off eBay about 3 years ago for $250. They have been restored. Their tone is just excellent (full and rich) and sounds better in some ways than my Apogees.

Here are pics of the Advents: