Best Cheap Speakers - New or Old

Sure if money is no object there are many speakers that we all "drool for". But having said that, there something to be said for a good "cheap" (less than $500 a pair MSRP) speakers. Granted they're not going to be in anybody's main system (probably they'll be found in somebody's bedroom, office, garage system, usually with some older vintage components driving them). But nevertheless, they deliver decent performance at a resonable price and they're honest in what they do. Not "state of the art" by a large margin, but still good "musical" friends. My choice is an old pair of Boston Acoustics A-60s, that I bought back in the late '80s for probably $200 a pair. Granted there are tons of better speakers out there, but for what they do, and age they are, and the money I paid, they still deliver some pretty damn good sound and performance. Anyway, curious on what others may think and what "cheap" speakers have held a "soft spot" in their "sonic" hearts?

Showing 2 responses by gsm18439

Actually, just the opposite. I put together a pair of systems for my girlfriend using Spica TC50s, and both systems sound great. One uses Linn electronics and the other Audio Refinement (YBA) electronics. Good imaging and off axis listening and rich full sound. Her rooms are small; I had to position the speakers on the long wall in both cases and close to the back wall.