I just attended Axpona with Infigo Audio.  I just wondered what was everyone’s overall thoughts. What systems , rooms, brand and experiences did you have?  What are your likes, dislikes etc.  


I have always been told that Americans do not understand sarcasm. The above post proves it.


And yet the U.S. is home to most of the world’s best comedians. Funny how that happens. 

"why do you think I put the lol 😂 at the end! Lol 😂 "

Indeed you did.

Without wanting to hijack this great thread: "And yet the U.S. is home to most of the world’s best comedians. Funny how that happens. " US humour is very different to that in  the rest of the world.

I was at Axpona. You don't have to convince me of Infigo Audio being good. They are always my sleeper company. I love how he has transformed the looks also. I love the industrial look with the big long power light bars. And to look into the artwork of the interior. Tell him he has done a great job. 

And also it is Borreson speakers guys. And they all sound wonderful to me along with their other gear. I like them a lot. Also Consonus audio is a new brand of speaker. Wow look out for these guys. Those speakers made me cry multiple times during the show. I really liked them. 


Perlisten  this time impressed me with I think it was Audioflite gear. 


The big PMC speakers impressed me. Yes they were overloading the room with bass but even so the rest of the sound was awesome. I can't imagine how it would sound in an appropriate sized room.

Surprised the to see that no one has commented on the T&A Criterion S230 speakers.

I really enjoyed speaking Elliott Schultz from the company. He was quite informative and excited with this newer S230 speaker system. The speakers were impressive in my estimation but then again the room was huge on the main floor which was helpful compared to the basic rooms on the floors. I thought the speakers were well balanced without being sharp or shrilled on the high end.

Really enjoyed the show for a first timer and will go again since it's relatively close to my home.

Stereophile just gave us a great review for Infigo.  He was really impressed.  Some people don’t always come to our room.  The guy said he wished he would have came sooner. Which is a compliment within itself.   Anyways AXPONA really should consider being a 4 day show.  It’s that much to check out with how large it is and the number of rooms there are. 

@calvinj I heard the prototype of your Infigo amp years ago at the Los Angeles show. It was the highlight of that show for me. Congrats on making a production version of that prototype.

@yyzsantabarbara man it’s been truly a blessing to work with Hans Looman.  He is one of the most brilliant guys I’ve worked with.  He is relentless when it comes to building the best performing amplifiers in the game. Stereophile guy came to our room and listened to 9 songs.  He only anticipated staying 15 minutes or less. 45 minutes later he was still jamming.  We are really pushing the limits at Infigo.  Some amplifier companies build a look and image.  We go by musicality and performance.  

I mentioned to those that asked how great it was to see so many people at the show this year, the hobby is alive! 

Went back twice to hear the Magico A5s - Just super impressed at the range, coherence, soundstage, effortlessness with which they played any kind of music. I really want to hear their new A7's now that I heard these.

I got to hear Dr. Edward Choueri's BACCH 3D presentation downstairs and sound demo upstairs; my wife, dad and I were blown away. It's been the last piece I've wanted to add for many years. I built my system on the Dr's philosophy. 

- Steve


Re: the Magico rooms does anyone happen to know what they used for the floorstanding diffusers?  They looked really well made and I did not see them used in any of the other exhibits. Thank you!

Without wanting to hijack this great thread: "And yet the U.S. is home to most of the world’s best comedians. Funny how that happens. " US humour is very different to that in the rest of the world.

Correct. U.S. humor is actually funny!

Probably because it’s an amalgamation of that of humor from around the world. Think about it. 

Thanks kennyc a great suggestion and one that should have been obvious to me. Heard back from exhibitor and told they were using RealTraps diffusors just to close that loop.