I just attended Axpona with Infigo Audio.  I just wondered what was everyone’s overall thoughts. What systems , rooms, brand and experiences did you have?  What are your likes, dislikes etc.  


Showing 1 response by ethloas

Hello everyone,

I attended Axpona 2024 and I did like A LOT the room 1110 - Grandinote - Sota - Kimber.

Even in the small, totally untreated hotel room the huge Mach8XL speakers did not suffer at all...The line-source design can be a serious advantage to solve the integration with room and bass frequency issues...

The system was very, VERY simple and minimal: Grandinote Solo integrated amp, Grandinote Mach 8XL speakers as well as the evergreen Sota Cosmos (with vacuum) turntable. All cables by KimberKable silver Select.

A really natural sound, unlimited dynamic range and details 🤩. Can't wait to hear some other gear from Grandinote.

One thing that stood out was the technical competence of the guy presenting the system, great experience!

Have a great Listening!