Audiophiles in the Wild - They're on to us...

The short video takes a minute to get going then covers some of the serious issues we face as audiophiles:

  • Record cleaning
  • Cable comparisons
  • Diana Krall vs Patricia Barber
  • Contracting an illness from sifting through the vinyl dollar bin
  • etc.

We're under threat and it's time to come together.


@rooze .....Ah, just in time to observe our weird quarterly political ritual between a sane woman v. a mental midget.....😏  Given the latest 'event', the odds-makers in Vegas have some additional potentials to run odds on....

Not familiar with Derek & Clive Live or otherwise, but such is not the case with the Bonzo Dog DooDah Band, a long-time fan.

Nothing wrong here about having an acquired preference that seems out of step or a rhythm of a different beat, frankly.  Happens all the time with the citizenry 'round about when we move about each other and/or the local tribes.

...maybe this might prove illustrative....👍

@asvjerry lol. I’m a Brit in America so I’m used to being on the wrong side of acquired taste. I still have Derek and Clive Live on vinyl somewhere…

....and I guess 'we' finally busted the 'Schiit moving out of CA' forum....either someone finked out or the mods got curious 'bout the traffic.....

We're such bad boyz in d's 'hoods....😏

@rooze ....*long PG pause*.....Uh, sorry but visuals Do music, such as it is.... *lol*  

And, like the announcer promised...."A whole lots more!"

Firesign Theatre is an acquired taste, much like non-vanilla sex without the mess. ;)

"Stoney low doze stuff"....Google 'TV or Not TV', circa '71, and tell me that DirecTV and all the others are all that diff of late....

And treat us less>more the sane.....


Those J&Cs' might kill the pain.....but....

An 'alt ego' that might be fly.....

I’m just so happy that there were no images to go with your video clip, that was disturbing enough without visuals LOL



@asvjerry ..  yes! I think I’m a bit old to be challenging any of the dudes in that video. Forty years ago maybe… after a few Jack ‘n cokes…

Post removed 

Thanks @rooze  Good one!


I'm in the middle of doing some work in my office when suddenly my Wife starts cracking up in another room- hysterically and for several minutes non-stop. I couldn't concentrate, so I got up and shut my door. An hour later, she came in and apologized for all the noise. "That video link you sent me a earlier today was hilarious!"

@rooze to brush up on 'mating rituals' before you follow up on that....that, and the potential conflict with the current alpha male could be a bit bruising.... ;)

Great stuff here!  Although I made the grave mistake of starting it, and when I saw it was pretty funny decided to restart it and bring my wife in to watch it with me.  Then it got to the part of the “secret credit card” and it got pretty awkward….but I assured her that didn’t apply to me.


Best looking group of philes I've ever seen.

…some of their womenfolk look interesting.. surprise

That is absolutely hilarious, and absolutely spot on for any hobby! The (not so secret) secret group within a group, where the fanatical pursuit of perfection overrides rational thinking.

pretty flawless script!

(when I click on user systems like yours is when I want to take my miserable equipment to Goodwill cool )