Audience SX2/Front Row Cables...has anyone tried or heard much of this new reference line?

I have been extremely satisfied with Audience Interconnect and Speaker cable for some time, natural/organic/neutral presentation that works with every component I’ve used, solid state or tube. I own Au24 SX XLR Interconnects and Speaker cables. I have also been impressed with Audience cables price to performance ratio. I just received an email of another breakthrough reference line, the Au24 SX2, which will actually be called the Front Row line.  Alas, pricing at $5100 per 2 meter Speaker cable is no longer readily affordable. I guess Audience is rapidly catching up in price to its competitors, now that they also enjoy name recognition and stellar reviews. However, they are wonderful cables!  Has anyone heard these cables or know much about them relative to SX line? If they’re as much a revelation over the SX as the email from Audience claims, I might have to start saving. I’ll wait for the reviews I guess.  Thank you to all!
It was found that the extrememly reasonably priced High Fidelity Revel cables compared to the Audience Au24 SX cables had slightly better dynamics, transparency and general lucidity to them. It makes me wonder how the new Audience Au24 SX2  would fare to Synergistic Research Level 3 & Level 4 Atmosphere cables and then the recent Level 3 Atmosphere X cables. Cable killers in the competitive price range but more or less competing against some of the expensive Nordost & Tara Labs top line cables.
Has anyone tried the Front Row cables?  The Audience website doesn't even have this cable listed.  I feel the same way as @audiobrian, and not sure if this high-priced Front Row is good or bad for them.

Thanks! for sharing the information on Front Row cables.  Happy Listening!
Thanks to the respondents. Whenever someone does purchase or has a trial with Audience  FrontRow cables, kindly share your thoughts and impressions.
Thank you!
I’ve had mine for a month now.  Fantastic speaker cables which have gone well beyond the performance of my AU 24 Sx cables.  

With th the trade in offer, it didn’t cost that much for a significant upgrade. 
Great to hear how impressed you are with your FrontRow speaker cables, greginnh!  Have you been similarly impressed with FrontRow interconnects?  Thank you for your input.
I am not using Audience interconnects.  I have a combination of Audioquest WEL and Wireworld Platinum.  At some point, I may try the Audience ICs. 

Your now selling these fantastic speaker cables after just a few months?

Can you give us an update on the changes that made you want to sell them.
@tecknik   In my case (and this is not typical), I found the cables to be too revealing.  Too much of a good thing.  I have been dealing with severe tinnitus and it has gotten worse. While I use to crave getting the last bit of detail and resolution from my gear, I am not having to compromise and consider a warmer presentation.  

For anyone else - the Front Row will be an awesome upgrade!
greginnhThank You for the report. Luckily, there are plenty of warm toned cables and power cords in the marketplace.  Happy Listening!

Thank you for your reply, I,m contemplating trying them in my my system and wanted your feedback as I see you on the other sites as well and respect your opinion.
I suffer with Tinnitus myself. The issue with a lot of High End Audio gear these days is that is too analytical or too precise. I prefer products that try to bring people closer to music, not resolution. Cable companies to name a few like Black Cat, Cerious Technology are trying to have our systems sound like music and not sound effects. So while I love my Audience AU24 SE which I feel are musical, it seems like the Front Row products have a different purpose.
May be it's like going to a symphony orchestra concert.  If you sit in the 'Front Row', you get to hear each instrument closely and in greater details, but if you sit further back, you get to hear the music more as a whole.  I've been in both situations, and each has its own pros and cons.
Cerious Technology is both high resolution and musical. If your cable is too revealing or analytical without being musical or organic, that's not a good cable
I just bought a Front Row USB. Didn’t receive it yet but I think it’ll be a nice sound. It maybe one of those cables that needs lots of hours to break in. I’ll post again once I know.
@axeis  Let us know here, or via it's own thread --- especially if you compare it with what you are currently using (and/or more). I'm curious and interested in your results with the Front Row USB.
Jay Luong’s // Audio Bacon review of the full loom of Audience frontRow Cables:

"vs. Au24 SX Loom

There are stark differences between Audience’s Au24 SX line and their new flagship frontRow line. One is necessarily better than the other – just different.

Generally speaking, the Au24 SX focuses more on clarity, resolution, soundstage, and excitement. The frontRow prides itself with more meat on the bones, more physical presence, and a more liquid sounding experience.

You get it. Nuff said."

I am not sure the "more liquid sounding experience" would apply in my case.   That description goes to the Au24SX IMO.

Front row speaker cable demo cables incoming.  Will compare to my Wywires Platinum.  Also I'll try to borrow some High Fidelity Ultimate Reference.

Should I try to demo Synergistic Research too?

Anymore feedbacks on Audience Front Row speakers cables and interconnects ?

I find my Gryphon VIP series of cables a little bright paired with my Thiel CS 3.7s speakers.

I would like to demo Audience Front Row and Tellurium Q Statement pretty soon.


I have a pair of Audience AU24SX RCA interconnects.

Combined with lots of grief from my family on the purchase.

Awesome improvement. Not in a hurry to change, as my sales speech was these were 'end-game' cables.

Contacted the distributor regarding Front Row when I read about them. The price was YIKES! Although interested, I couldn’t in conscience agree to their demo offer knowing I wouldn’t be buying them.

Sent my SX interconnects down to my cousin two months ago, bettering his dealer provided $800 balanced cables. Haven’t got them back yet (not sure I will).


Waiting to get a pair of SX speaker cables.

@ljgm How did that comparison of the FrontRow and WyWire Platinum go? I am debating getting a second set of FrontRow or trying the WyWire lineup.

FrontRow is too warm.  Wywire Platinum is long gone.  Now using JPS Aluminata.  Much better than both in my system.  

I have tried Audience AU24SX power cable (high current to power power conditioner) and they were so good, I upgraded to front row power cable and I am keeping them. Will not change. 

Then I tried audience front row XLR (b/w pre-amp and amp), it was good, but was little forward for my taste. I went to Stage III typhon XLR and love Stage III concept XLRs. 

I tried frontRow digital RCA cable from Aurender N20 to esoteric K-01XD and like it. I have kept it for now. I will be checking on Ansuz C2 digital at some time and will see if frontRow can keep up with it. 

All in all, frontRow cables are neutral and bring the entire spectrum of sound in front. It does make you feel like you are in front row. SX is also good (actually very good) for the price. 



I am looking forward in reading more about Audience/Ansuz/Stage III Concepts comparison. No doubt, that these are (3) Top tier cables.


Happy Listening!

I'm looking to try/buy an Audience AU24SX AES/EBU. 

Think I'll prefer this over the Front Row.

Another option is either Atlas Mavros or Triode Wire Labs Spirit 110. Has anyone tried these? 



An update? Did you demo Ansuz C2 digital cable?

Or, did you stay with Audience SX ?

Happy Listening!

Old thread, but still relevant for many I guess.

I am new to Audience, but have just tried out the Au24 SX and frontRow power cables and find them to be phenomenal.

I have so far compared them with Ansuz Mainz A2 and C2 and Nordost Tyr2 and Valhalla 2.

I prefer Au24 SX over all of them and the frontRow even more.

I have been very happy with Ansuz C2 and thought they were very good in bass department, but the Audience even more. Now I find Ansuz to sound hard and flat in comparison. The Audience maybe does not have that big «wow» effect in the beginning, but that is because they are just more musical and dont emphasize certain areas, but are just very resolving and musical. 

I am in the process of replacing all my Ansuz and Nordost cables with Audience:) I am prepared to takte the loss, just wish I discovered Audience earlier.



Thank You for the Ansuz, Audience, and Nordost comparison. What gear is in your System?


Happy Listening!

This just says how subjective and system/room/listener dependent it all is.
I evaluated (all XLR) AU24SX, Kimber KS 1126, Analysis Plus Silver Apex, Nordost Tyr 2 against the AZ Absolute Copper I had at the time. With the amp upgrade I had excess bass with the AZ cables and was looking for something that’s better balanced top to bottom. 
The AU24SX had a hump in the presence region and some glare that caused fatigue. Nordost ended up winning the shootout and I now have Tyr 2 XLR throughout. 
And this is with AU24SX speaker cables by the way. I actually thought the AU24SX will be awesome synergy but it didn’t pan out that way. 

I personally compared audience au24sx speaker cables with the front row.

The front row speaker cables is in another league. More resolution, much better highs and mids. More natural sounding also. Bass is the only area that can be bested by other brands like kubala sosna elation. System synergy is playing huge role. My system wired with all audience cables. Power  studio one and ICs and SCs. are front row. After many years of having different cables brands - I decided to go with one brand loom. Even outlet and power conditioner are from audience now. This allows me to have more synergy and control over  the sound and avoid mismatch between different cable brands.  

@denon1 - You mentioned the Kubala-Sosna Elation cables are better for bass.  Did you notice any other advantages with the K-S cables versus Audience?

Oczed, the elation a little more textured in  the mids and bass, but highs are not that extended as with audience front row. Also audience a little faster. May be if I had the whole loom of Elation, I would see better overall performance from KS but I could not find a dealer who will give  the same great discount on KS as I got with. Audience. 

It goes to show that one cannot just look at specs and determine whether a particular cable will sound best. Front Row uses "just" OCC copper and a PTFE dielectric: (cross linked). No silver, no graphene, no network box or other special sauce unlike one mentioned here. Probably why Kubala Sosna don't tell you any specs at all. I haven't heard the Front Row cables, but I don't doubt the reviews.

I compared the SX with the FrontRow on my Yamaha NS5000 speaker, CODA #16, and Benchmark LA4 preamp. I also used a Benchmark AHB2 amp in the evaluation of the cables. I also had WyWire Diamond and Platinum speaker cables.

With the CODA #16 amp, the Audience AU24 SX and FrontRow were excellent. The FrontRow being better for my tastes. More detail with the sense of no cable being used.

When I changed to the Benchmark AHB2 I had some very minor fatigue with all the cables except the FrontRow. The irritation I heard was at different frequencies for each cable, but whatever gremlin was there I heard it via the AHB2.

The FrontRow was perfect with the AHB2. I no longer have the amp since I wanted a more powerful amp.



Thank you for the follow up. Accuphase is excellent. Do you still have Oppo or Theta players?


Happy Listening!