Audience SX2/Front Row Cables...has anyone tried or heard much of this new reference line?

I have been extremely satisfied with Audience Interconnect and Speaker cable for some time, natural/organic/neutral presentation that works with every component I’ve used, solid state or tube. I own Au24 SX XLR Interconnects and Speaker cables. I have also been impressed with Audience cables price to performance ratio. I just received an email of another breakthrough reference line, the Au24 SX2, which will actually be called the Front Row line.  Alas, pricing at $5100 per 2 meter Speaker cable is no longer readily affordable. I guess Audience is rapidly catching up in price to its competitors, now that they also enjoy name recognition and stellar reviews. However, they are wonderful cables!  Has anyone heard these cables or know much about them relative to SX line? If they’re as much a revelation over the SX as the email from Audience claims, I might have to start saving. I’ll wait for the reviews I guess.  Thank you to all!

Showing 5 responses by jafant



Thank You for the Ansuz, Audience, and Nordost comparison. What gear is in your System?


Happy Listening!



An update? Did you demo Ansuz C2 digital cable?

Or, did you stay with Audience SX ?

Happy Listening!



I am looking forward in reading more about Audience/Ansuz/Stage III Concepts comparison. No doubt, that these are (3) Top tier cables.


Happy Listening!

greginnhThank You for the report. Luckily, there are plenty of warm toned cables and power cords in the marketplace.  Happy Listening!

Thanks! for sharing the information on Front Row cables.  Happy Listening!