Another streaming newbie

Guys, I have tried to search and figure this out, because I know this topic has been well-covered. But I am still wandering in the dark, so plz forgive my redundant questions....

First, here's my current rig,: I built a Lenco table 15 yrs ago with a JMW 10 arm/London Super Gold that I run into a phono pre that I built from a pretty high end kit  (can't see the name, have no idea what it is now!) thru a VTL tube IT-85 integrated amp and then thru some SF Electa Amator II, supported by a sub I built.  So pretty mid-fi setup, but it really works for me.  Sounds great, to my ears.  

The Covid thing has me home (no golf in Los Angeles!), listening to music more. Would love to stream something that approaches the vinyl sound quality with a music service, but being retired, budget is more a concern now... I just subscribed to TIDAL with its premium level (MQA) that I was running straight from my iphone 6 to the VTL. Meh.  Then my daughter ran same stuff through her iphone 11 and, hey, that sounded better.  So, clearly, I am in need of a streaming DAC.  

I know MQA gets mixed reviews. I have no way really to test this or to go listen to stuff. Everything is shut down here. So here's the criteria that matters most to me:
  • A great UI app because now streaming is like going to the Smithsonian.  There's a lot to organize. 
  • Great sound. (whatever that means!) 
  • One box.  Cables get expensive & messy.  
  • I'd like to keep it under $2K. I'd really like to keep it under $1K, but that may be wishful thinking.  I mean, is Bluesound Node 2 up to it? I am sure it would beat my daughters iphone 11, but ... what are reasonable streamers/DACS?  Where's the killer solution that isn't $10K?  I know it's out there....
I am not so far into TIDAL that I can't change. My system is in the same room as my router, so I can run an ethernet cable to the DAC.  As I have looked at all of this, it has occurred to me to get an older, much higher quality used DAC that I can somehow mesh with TIDAL (or another service with high quality streaming) and forget the MQA.  But this has to somehow hook into my internet directly and be able to be run by a remote UI.  So now my head is spinning.

Thanks for your input.  Chuck
Ok, wild question, breaking all my rules. Chewing on Schitt Yggdrasil GS DAC (older analog card, can be upgraded later) + Allo Digione Signature Player.  Thinking being the player is a placeholder to honor my budget and players/streamers are where things are really dynamic.  The GS doesn't do MQA and other stuff, but what it does do, it does very well.  

It this nuts?  

I use Amazon Music HD. Been using since it started late last year and happy with it. Seems like they've been increasing their library of hi-res music. Have a family plan so everyone can use on their phones. Wife is happy she can find Italian and Russian music she likes and have a kids playlist with disney songs.  

Went through similar experience you're having. Started by picking a music service. First priority was had to be hi-res, was aware of only Tidal, Qobuz, and Amazon Music HD.

Second criteria was music availability. Searched through their libraries for different genres/styles I liked. Tidal and Qobuz were lacking some music I liked but Amazon had almost everything so went with Amazon.  

I ended there but next step would have been to do free trials to evaluate software usability/functionality.

After picking music service started looking for compatible streamer. My big gripe with Amazon is not many streamers support it and the ones that do like Bluesound, to my understanding, don't have full functionality for things like editing playlists. So I never bought a streamer. Currently using a Topping D50s DAC which has a built-in hi-res bluetooth receiver (Apt-x HD), and I'm happy enough with this setup (my phone also supports hi-res bluetooth). Will use this till a streamer I like comes out and connect that to my DAC, but in no rush.

From what I have read on the referenced thread below the Teac NT-505 seems to have its share of quality problems at this time.  I would consider waiting until the bugs are worked out before purchasing one.

I had a Node2i and I thought it worked very well with an external DAC. The DAC in the Node2i measures lousy and to me didn't sound all that great. I have been assembling computers for years since old 386 processors and when I read Roon could run on a put it together yourself NUC that's  the route I took. I wasn't  going to spend a couple thousand on a Nucleus especially when the Roon OS is free. I also put together a raspberry pi4 running Ropiee as an endpoint and connect it by USB to my integrated amp. I would rather run the Roon OS called ROCK than a regular computer since the OS is optimized for Roon and music playback. There is no GUI you configure it through a web base interface and it runs headless. If you decide on Roon that's the route I would go if I wasn't intimidated putting a few components together. 
PS: this is so much fun to talk about and learn. Midnight last night I’m reading schematics and discussions by engineers re diy dac’s - totally over my head on a good day, but bleary-eyed at midnight... ha. 
I am getting such a great education from you guys. It feels like most of the options that are in the ball park of my needs are on the table. At least in theory I have a clue, see mainly what the major pieces are and how they fit. But sound is so subjective. Just no way to know till you plug it in and play it in my system. 
@chuckccs I started out with the Node 2 because I wanted to dip my toes into streaming and see if I liked it.  I also got a good deal on the Node 2 because the Node 2i had just come out and ended up getting most of my money back on the Bluesound when I replaced it.  That's not a bad way to start, but if sound quality matters, you'll probably end up doing an upgrade at some point. 

It sounds like you've already embraced the world of opportunity that streaming will open up to you, so my advice would be to make an investment that you'll be happy with right away.
Do you mind explaining this one a bit more?  I don't think the analog analogy is the best one to use here since we are talking digital and ones and zeros.  The reason a high end cdp cost so much mostly the dac, you can only do so much with the rest of the internals to improve sound-wise.  

Using a great UI with proper connections with an upgraded DAC doesn't seem anywhere near as bad as you are suggesting but if it is I would like to know why.

It's a pretty easy to understand analogy isn't it?  How about trying to build something on a less than great foundation?  Does that make more sense to you?

I'm not saying the Bluesound is bad, far from it.  For its price it's a wonderful product and delivers very good sound quality.  Nor did I say that adding a good DAC to it is "bad".  It's not.  There's just a better way to about getting better sound from streaming, which is what you're after if you're going to add a DAC to a device that already has one, right?

Go read the other "streaming newbie" thread that spun off this one.  You'll see that a lot of people have done that and see little to no improvement in sound quality.

Upgrading to a better streamer/DAC (the TEAC NT-505) resulted in a much greater improvement in sound quality, not to mention soundstage, than adding a $3500 DAC to the Bluesound. 

I don't know the exact "why" of it, since as you said, "it's just ones and zeros", but I know what I heard.  Spending less than $2K plus recovering a few hundred from the sale of my Node 2 was also a better deal from a cost/performance standpoint than buying a Bluesound and an external DAC.

The player has Ethernet cable in, but how do controller/player talk?
Your  iPad and surface are on the same network as the player(whichever one you choose). You download an app, for instance on the iPad if you use Node2i you go to app store and download bluOS it finds the Node2i on the network which you use to control it. 
At the risk of sounding like captain obvious, there's a less traveled option with increased mobility but it does have some sound quality limitations on your home hifi

Since you've already connected your iphone to your preamp, you're in essence using your iphone as the streamer

Look into the low cost USB attached DACs that will work with your iphone

I use the AudioQuest Dragonfly, $300 and it will achieve bit perfect playback

You can come out of the Dragonfly wired into headphones, your car stereo or your home  preamp

The headphone is handy for comparing and testing the different streaming file formats

It transformed the sound in my car.  I stream Tidal via cell service played through the Dragonfly that's attached AUX to the car stereo

Everyone thinks I got a new system in my car

Lots of little gymnastics to get to full MQA rendering and playback but pretty sweet once you connect all the dots

It took 6 months but the streaming convenience eventually pushed me over the edge to upgrade my primary home system

Primary drivers were the sound quality of the hi-res streaming formats and the convenience of changing out the music from a chair using a handheld device

I added a PS Audio DSD with the network bridge and cabled it to my internet router. Built a Roon server on a PC using an iphone as the content end point and user interface, subscribed to Tidal and QoBuz for content

I sit in my listening chair with 35 million songs at my fingertips using the  iphone to select content

Sound quality is exceptional, the convenience of changing content from the hand held device is fantastic and I haven't bought a CD or album since converting

The new releases come out on Tidal and QoBuz

Needless to say, I'm finally a streaming convert

Hope this helps
I also suggest trying a Bluesound Node 2i.  It only costs $550 and it is a great place to start.  I talked to the manufactures rep and it appears they came up with a design that is a good as a unit costing three times as much.  I don't care what people say, I can hear the difference MQA.  It sounds they it was intended to sound.  Just wish I knew more about how it was developed.  Perhaps someone can explain this to me.  This hobby continues to be fascinating.  Everyone has different ears and it is great there are so many choices.  The only thing I can't understand is I receive hundreds of home listings from a local real estate agent and I have yet to see a pair of speakers sitting in a room.  People are willing to listen to the speakers on the TV, yet they have a $5,000 entertainment center the TV is sitting on.  If they only knew how sound imparts 80% of the experience.
Ah, hell, no going back to sleep!

@headphonedreams @richtruss @djones51 I spent hours last night looking at raspberry pi based players. I have a little diy in me (Lenox, phono pre, subwoofer which all work great, great value and sound) so. Seems aloo is in Bangalore India (where I have been!) and may be pretty shut down for now. But my daughter’s very serious boyfriend is an engineer and we might even build player and dac. (TBD!) Which breaks all my rules I set out. Question: so the ipad/iPhone ((Surface? I have a surface, wife has iPad) connects to the player ... how? The player has Ethernet cable in, but how do controller/player talk?

@big_greg I take your point re Bluesound. The key to my current system working is all the pieces fit nicely. I actually bought/sold some more expensive gear because it didn’t mesh. I sort of have to balance convenience vs quality vs cost. As I learn I have of course gone back and forth on this and unclear where I will land. A part of me says start w/bluesound and see - easiest pathway, but I am betting it would be like training wells. 
@macrojack I have the M10 on my spreadsheet of options, looked up the blue book for my vtl (worth more now than I paid for it 15 yrs ago!) But two real questions. First I am not dumping my phone preamp that I built! I don’t care if it’s great or awful. I built it plus Lenco and am totally attached to them. I even debated selling all my vinyl rig/albums but no! No! Too sentimental. Second: putting this system together- it’s a ‘system’ that works together. I had other tube amps along the way and never liked them. (But regret selling the Granite monoblocks!) So how a new major piece would sound to me is a big question. There’s just no way to know. But the simplicity is a big plus. So it’s on the spreadsheet and still in play. The other point I keep thinking is if I got this streaming rig really good, I know the table would not get a lot of play. So there is that, too. 
Good thing we’re in the middle of a @$#% pandemic. Lot of time to chew on this! 

Only your ears can tell you if something sounds good enough.  The 2i has received many positive reviews and you can start there with the confidence most everyone here has expressed.  Both Tidal and Qobuz have trial offers and can be run on the BlueOS from your phone.  I grew up with vinyl and always loved the discography and gatefold covers.  Qobuz does a great job of providing artist and songwriter info and for me was the reason I chose Qobuz. Based on your genre selections and albums selections they recommend albums and play lists.  I have not felt like spending more for ROON (yet).   At first I thought I wanted Tidal because MQA sounded great and the file sizes were smaller (less broadband cost).  What I found out was I have never used more than 25% of my monthly broadband playing hi-rez files from Qobuz and it sounds great.  Give your current system a chance.  First things to consider are better RCA interconnects and power cord.  Upgrading is "a dish best served cold" if you get my drift.
Do you mind explaining this one a bit more?  I don't think the analog analogy is the best one to use here since we are talking digital and ones and zeros.  The reason a high end cdp cost so much mostly the dac, you can only do so much with the rest of the internals to improve sound-wise.  

Using a great UI with proper connections with an upgraded DAC doesn't seem anywhere near as bad as you are suggesting but if it is I would like to know why.

Some have suggested buying a Bluesound and an external DAC. If you like the Bluesound app and the Bluesound's features, an external DAC can provide better sound quality.  

But like the rest of your system, everything matters. If you're looking for the best sound quality, skip the Bluesound.  

Adding an expensive DAC to the Bluesound is kind of like putting a $1,000 cartridge on a $500 turntable. Sure, it'll sound better than the stock cart it came with, but you won't come close to what that $1,000 cartridge is capable of, because the turntable isn't up to the task.

Agee with Bluesound Node Ci the interface is very intuitive, the DAC sounds great thru my vintage Sherwood HP2000 (last of the American built Sherwoods) and my B&W 702 S2's.
So many choices, so many options, I went through this streaming delimia awhile back also.
I was after ease of use and a wide selection of streaming services. Also to intergrate whatever I decided on with my existing old school stereo rig. I already have a good external DAC so my hunt was a little easier.I also didn't want to break the back in the process. It's not mentioned, but I came across the Audiolab 6000N that uses:
Play-Fi  for the software interface
and it does have an internal DAC : ES9018 Sabre32 Reference chip. It does not have a display, but 6 preset buttons. and its also wi fi ready, and for $600 it dies exactly what I want in a streamer. It won What Hi Fi streamer of the year award for what's that's worth
Oh wow guys. Lot of great input since I last looked. But I was up at crack of dawn to go to grocery store and will read more carefully, reply
later. Back to bed! 
I stream with Qobuz using an iPhone 6s to an Audioengine B1 connected to a tube preamp. 
I’ve tried Pandora, Apple, Spotify and Tidal but presently am using Qobuz and prefer the sound quality even at lower steaming settings.

The Audioengine B1 is a cheap entry to streaming but sounds very good to me..
Some have suggested buying a Bluesound and an external DAC.  If you like the Bluesound app and the Bluesound's features, an external DAC can provide better sound quality. 

But like the rest of your system, everything matters.  If you're looking for the best sound quality, skip the Bluesound. 

Adding an expensive DAC to the Bluesound is kind of like putting a $1,000 cartridge on a $500 turntable.  Sure, it'll sound better than the stock cart it came with, but you won't come close to what that $1,000 cartridge is capable of, because the turntable isn't up to the task.
@michaela Yes, you can stream through your Oppo 105.  The newer models don't do offer that, but yours will do it.  You can stream Tidal and Pandora as well as any music you might have on your network.
Chuck - The reason I suggested the NAD M-10 for you is your desire for a one box solution for streamer and DAC. Why not take it a step further and replace your integrated as well?
The M-10 retails for $2750 but it replaces your entire system. It also has analog inputs so you can simply plug and play your vinyl chain. With the 60 day free trial, you can listen and determine if you feel it improves upon what you are accustomed to hearing.
Do yourself a favor and read the many reviews. The only recurring complaint I have noticed is the lack of a headphone jack. The Bluesound platform is immensely convenient and reliable. This is my first move into streaming. Back in Sept. of 2019, I was as confused and intimidated as you say you are. Now all I do is tap my phone a couple of times and I have 70,000 radio stations from around the world and most of the music ever recorded at my immediate disposal. What beats that? Try Qobuz.
Do not be swayed by the purists. You learned to ignore them when you designed the system you currently love. Continuing that practice is, as you know, in your best interest. BTW - I'm 72 years old and long retired.
The M-10 weighs all of 11 lbs. and requires no wires other than speaker cables and an AC cord. You can even skip the ethernet cable if you like.It also has dual sub outs. The Dirac live comes in the package also. It is one of the best room correction systems available and comes along with a dedicated microphone. Very easy to use. All you need to do is download the app. Same thing with Bluos operating system - just download it and go.
I didn't know squat a few months ago and didn't even know how to ask the questions.  So I ended up buying a Node 2I refurbished for 420 and a Topping D90 for 630. Both the topping and the bluesound app have volume control so I plug the DAC directly into my amp. I already owned the 2i first and adding the Topping made every aspect of the playback better.  I use a COAX to connect the node to the DAC.  I ran a CAT6 cable from my router to the Node 2i.  Currently, I have no desire to change. 

I have Amazon HD.  The interface with Bluesound app can be frustrating since lots of the functionality of the Amazon interface is lost but the fidelity is the same.  I see some songs playing at 24/192. 

There are quite a few DAC for around 1000 or less new.  There is some debate about whether a higher end streamer is worth the money.  The new one box solutions have come along way.  The price can take quite a jump as with anything audio.  That last few percent...

How does a computer with Roon from another room work with a DAC? It sends control info via wifi to router then this sends via ethernet cable (or maybe thru wifi, depending DAC) to DAC? What is the noise issue?

Here’s how I do it. I assembled a fanless Intel NUC i5 and I stalled Roons proprietary OS called ROCK they offer this for free but it only runs on certain NUC’s. It will save a lot of money over buying Nucleus mine cost about $700. If you have a DAC that takes USB you can attach the NUC to the DAC to your preamp. There is no problem with noise on USB from a NUC at least none I can hear. USB noise is another audiophile neurosis any modern DAC will filter it. Since you said your router is in the same room that’s the route I would take.
Router ethernet >NUC>DAC>Preamp. This is all controlled with an app on a tablet or phone I would use a tablet larger screen helps. The NUC runs the Roon core and also functions as a streamer. If you want the NUC in another room you can use something for an endpoint like a Node2i or even raspberry pi connected to DAC.
I have tried both ways and can’t tell a difference, at the moment I use a raspberry pi4 endpoint, NUC in my office they are both on the same network and I have a drive connected to the NUC with my ripped CDs on it. Roon shows them all in a library structure.
Hi.  I am in no way trying to steer this thread in another direction but am new to streaming also and on a tighter budget right now. I have an modwright oppo 105d which I will booking up into my newly downsized system. I understand there is an app from oppo that I can use to control it for my iPhone. My question is can I use the oppo as the streamer? It already has a built in Dac so that part would be covered and I believe I can hook it up wirelessly to my internet. I’m pretty sure I can at least get Pandora that way but does anyone know if I can get tidal and use it through the Oppo and is my Oppo a streamer also? Thanks for the help I really am computer illiterate. Mike
My best value streaming setup, and I’ve done streaming since the first Squeezebox came out, is the Allo USBridge Signature, running Moode OS, using BubbleUPNP on a cheap Lenovo tablet to control it, then into an Audio-gd R1 ladder DAC via a Shunyata Venom USB.
that will cost around £1350 and will perform beautifully, very transparent and analogue sounding.
Lumin U1 mini
Bluesound Node 2I

Full decoder:
Teac Nt-505 (USD 1700)
Topping D90 MQA version (USD 800)
If you like to tinker with things one of the cheapest ways is to build a Raspberry Pi based solution yourself. I have done this and it works great for me. I use an external dac but you can also build a dac into the computer. With everything built-in it could cost as little as $150 and with an external dac it is around the same plus the price of the dac.

Card to make it possible to use an external dac (you also need the RPi and probably a case and of course, a dac)
The Orchard looks like it would fit you perfectly.

Or buy Volumio Primo and add a dac of your choice to get even better sound.

Another way with maybe slightly less good audio quality is to just buy a tablet, a cable and a Dragonfly Red or Cobalt. That would give you a nice interface compatible with all major streaming solutions.
I am a PCM guy. I use Qobuz (lots of 24bit 96KHz) through Roon using Roon’s free operating system ROCK (linux based) and a NUC 7i5 computer with a $100 case so no fan noise. You build yourself using the guide on the Roon site. If you can follow instruction you can do this; I found it a fun challenging project. $600 for streamer all in, $1,100 for a used PS Audio Perfect Wave MKII DAC, Roon is $10/month or buy a lifetime subscription, Qobuz is $15/month. Entire CD collection to FLAC on hardrive in NUC. Ethernet to NUC, USB to DAC from NUC, wi-fi for controller which is computer, iphone or ipad all. It is a utility once you have put together and the Roon interface works really well. This is my setup and I am quite pleased.
@rbstehno How does a computer with Roon from another room work with a DAC? It sends control info via wifi to router then this sends via ethernet cable (or maybe thru wifi, depending DAC) to DAC?  What is the noise issue?  Thx...
My my vote would be Bluesound Node 2 with a RME ADI-2 DAC.  All in at $1600.   Node gives you easy access to streaming music and RME DAC is loaded with great technology. Do yourself a favor and read up on it.  It is truly a great product for the price.
I am a “newbie” streamer as well. I also have just down-sized from large high end separates to an integrated solution that I can seriously recommend for your consideration. The piece is a GoldNote IS-1000 which is an integrated amplifier with a high-end DAC and a Music Streamer which is Roon ready and MQA compatible with Tidal, Qobuz, and Spotify apps. Deluxe model has an upgraded DAC and retails for $5999 and the regular model is ~$5,000. I have been impressed with all aspects of the unit and the streaming aspects seamlessly integrated. This is a beautiful piece made in Italy and can be purchased below retail.
Bluesound Node2i + MHDT Orchid tube DAC = $1750 msrp. I got an open box node for 450 and the Orchid for 1100 and found a great Analysis Plus Crystal Digital used for 120. I’m streaming Amazon HD and I have a 128 gb thumb drive with ripped FLACs in the Node. Working for me.

I hesitated to spend too much on the streamer because that is a technology which is still changing very quickly. I had the same concern about the DAC but I have now come to believe that DACs have stabilized enough to spend $$ on. Streamers drop in price very quickly, so the Node’s price point is sensible. 
Bluesound is an entry level player. For the same $$, look for a used Auralic mini, will sound better and the lightning interface is better. Even this is an entry level player.
You don’t need a dedicated server like an Auralic, Aurender, etc.. These are just proprietary computers. IMO, 3 things you need to figure out:
1) do you like MQA? If you do, the most important thing to do is get a compatible dac that supports MQA. IMO, MQA sounds better than vinyl, but so does dad and sacd.
2) buy Roon. Sounds great and has the best interface and metadata. 3) you can run Roon on any computer or if you are not comfortable with computers, then get a nucleus. Then keep this computer in a separate room from your audio system and buy the best dac you can afford that has a network connection with MQA support, this gets around using the flawed usb interface and keeps the noisy computer away from your listening room
Yes on the Bluesound. I am running through ARC LS 27  with ARC DS 450 and B&W 805 N  Speakers strictly for Streaming ...
@tomcy6, you're right, I have been content quite a while.  Except now, alas, I can tell, I'm getting the bug. I know what it's like to chase better.  Maybe this time, I won't chase as hard! Hope not....but you get in front of a quality system, the drool starts flowing. Maybe it's good for me all the showrooms are closed.  

@sunnyd I have a spreadsheet going, trying to sort through the options. I somehow missed the D1... will def check it out.  
Chuck, I own a bunch of Bluesound equipment and like it a lot. But if your budget is really in the $2K area, a Lumin D1 or D2 is a serious step up and should check all your boxes. I see a D1 on A'gon WITH the SBooster powersupply upgrade for under $1,500. That might be a really good fit for you. I heard a Node 2 and a Lumin D1 (without the SBooster) side-by-side. I found the Bluesound surprisingly competitive on MQA files but the Lumin D1 was far better on everything else with its upsampling engaged.
I don't think anyone wanted to disrespect your system.  What I meant was that it just seemed to me that you were probably not constantly chasing the latest and greatest.
Concerning Tidal, Qobuz, MQA, Bluesound and using Bluesound gear with external DACs.

Some history:
Been both a Tidal subscriber and Bluesound user since 2014.
Have been a Qobuz subscriber since November.
Have 4 pieces of Bluesound kit in the house, including both the original Node N100 and the Node 2i.  With respect to external DACs, started with a Bryston BDA-1 hooked up to an N100 via Toslink, then the BDA-1 moved to a second system where I already had another N100 when I picked up a Chord Qutest.  Then a Node 2i replaced the N100 in my main rig, and the N100 moved to my office.  Node 2i in main rig has been connected to Qutest by both Toslink and RCA terminated coax digital cables.  The Qutest Coax inputs are BNC, so use an Audioquest adaptor BNC to RCA adaptor which goes for something like $10. I have nothing against Tidal, and nothing against MQA, but all things being equal if I had to choose, I'd take Qobuz over Tidal overall in terms of SQ.

With respect to Bluesound devices and MQA.  Via its analog outputs Bluesound devices will do full unfold of MQA.   Via its digital outputs Bluesound devices will do the first bit of unfolding, which gets you all the way to 96K when used with a non MQA external DAC.  And I'd argue that most of the goodness is contained in that first 96K, there just isn't much material to be had above the 96K figure anyway.  If I listen to the same MQA material via Bluesound device analog outputs to that of its digital outputs hooked up to quality non MQA DAC like Bryston BDA-1 or Chord Qutest, its no contest.  Outboard DACs like these easily outperform the Bluesound internal DAC, even though via its analog outputs the Bluesound kit do the MQA full monty.   
Having said that, I still prefer Qobuz, not just for Hi res, but for Redbook as well.  And that is important, because the overwhelming amount of material out there is at Redbook (i.e. CD quality) level. 

Oh, and not knocking the sound quality of Bluesound kit via there analog outputs.  It's still good value for the money.  But when hooked up to a good external DAC, it just takes things to a whole other level.

With respect to usability. I think the Bluesound kit is the best thing going for the money.  Blu OS app is available on IOS, Android, PC, and MAC.
About the only thing that will truly beat it in my opinion is Roon, and that is a much more expensive proposition.  But then again if you do go Roon (and btw I do), all of the Bluesound gear are Roon compatible and can function as Roon endpoints.  And just keep in mind that Roon interface support is currently limited to Tidal, Qobuz and internet Radio; Blu OS supports far more streaming services. 

If only spotify would offer a high rez service, their UI and AI for selecting music for you, are the best in the business.
Greg, yeah, hip hop isn't down the middle of the plate for me! But so far, everything except one obscure album (Ry Cooder soundtrack Paris, Texas) that i have looked for, I have found on Tidal.  But the MQA is the question and it drives hardward thinking....

My short and sweet description (or opinion if you wish) of Tidal vs Qobuz rests on a couple of things. 

Tidal seems to be focused on a younger audience.  Think hip-hop, pop, rap, etc.  It's owned by Jay-Z.  Qobuz seems to appeal to a more mature (OK older) audience, with an emphasis on classical, jazz, classic rock, etc. 

Their catalogs overlap a lot, although I think Tidal has an overall larger selection. 

Tidal uses MQA for "hi-res" files, which requires special software AND hardware to do the full "unfold" of the file (this they MQA capable DACs).  Qobuz on the other hand simply provides a lot of high resolution files (mostly 24/96 to 24/192) that play through any DAC capable of playing hi-res files, which most can. 

I keep Tidal because sometimes there are things that I want to listen to that aren't available on Qobuz, but that seems to happen less and less.  If I was forced to only keep one, it would be Qobuz for sure.
A lot of people have an iPad, so that's where a setup like I spoke about comes into play as you're not using your phone.
@bajaed  The trick is to hold on tight to your budget! So many attractive options that get pricey in a hurry. I am already thinking about options well past my $2k...
I'm the dummy who said Node 2 Ci. So, here's my correction: I should have called it a Node 2i, which is what I meant to say initially.
Now I would like to assure you that, while the Bluesound products are said to fail at tickling the upper reaches of audio purity, they have a very strong following among former purists such as myself, and seemingly, you. So, take my advice and buy one from Crutchfield or any other reputable outfit that will extend you a 60 day money back guarantee. This will give you familiarity with the whole streaming experience and prepare you to proceed from a position of some familiarity should you find that you want to take things up a notch. Return shipping on a 5 lb. item will be your only cost.
Another approach, the one I took, is to buy an NAD M-10 integrated amp to replace everything you now own. It keeps you in the Bluesound universe, gives you an ESS Sabre DAC, excellent streamer, N-Core amplification, Dirac Live room correction, and a compact, elegant looking one box solution. The only other thing you will need is speakers - and you already have great ones. It weighs 11 lbs. and delivers 100 watts per channel into 8 ohms. All the other benefits listed concerning Crutchfield will still apply. They have excellent customer service as well. They will hold your hand all the way through any difficulty or confusion you encounter. I was where you are now last September when I followed the advice I'm offering you now. Very happy with the M-10. Read the reviews. John Darko and Hans Beerkhuyzen have very good explanations on video.
Oh... qobuz. Never heard of it until this thread.  I will look into it.  And I never imagined maybe having more than one streaming service! I am old!
Greg, thanks a lot - seriously - for your input (and everyone else - that a person can go online and get thoughtful discussion re all of this still is incredible to me).  Yeah, the vinyl - well, on some albums, it's still  just dead quiet; I clean records pretty regularly, etc. But invariably, little pops creep in.  Album replacement starts at about $40 so vs HUGE streaming catalog at $10-20/month. That's the real power of streaming.  Your description of the Teac is compelling. 

@blkwrxwgn how do you get digitial out from an iphone and bypass its internal DAC?  Ah, I looked it up, run cable from the lightning port to DAC.  But it leaves my streamer/controller wired to the system and that defeats one of my main goals. Rats, at first I thought this might be a way to start...
Chuck, a few thoughts about your responses.

The TEAC NT-505 has a much "warmer/analog like" sound than the Bluesound.  The other thing I noticed immediately was a much bigger and more lifelike soundstage.  Not warmer at the expense of detail either, there is plenty of that.

Don't get me wrong, the Bluesound sounds surprisingly good, especially at its price point.  You get a lot of convenience and very decent sound in a reasonably priced device.  It may actually sound better than your vinyl in the sense that you won't have all the background noise, ticks, pops, etc. that are part of the vinyl experience.  What you won't get is the "magic" that happens when you have a good vinyl setup and if you do some back to back comparisons you'll notice more "grain" and "edge" to the sound of the Bluesound.

I personally am indifferent to MQA.  Qobuz is my main streaming source (I also have Tidal, Spotify, and Pandora), and to my ears, it sounds as good or better than Tidal, especially the hi-res files.  

As far as the controller app, I believe it connects wirelessly, not through bluetooth, but yes, it allows you to control the streamer from your phone or tablet.  Some devices have a touch screen that allows you to do it manually, but for the Node 2i and TEAC and many others, the only way to control them is from an app.  Some also have apps that can run on your computer (Bluesound does).  The app lets you connect to your streaming service(s) as well as any local library you might have.  Not all services are supported by the different apps.  Bluesound is nice because it supports a wide variety of streaming services.  Tidal and Qobuz seem to be pretty widely supported, but that's something to check before you buy - what services are you using and are they supported.
Thanks. Will an Android  Work with the better streaming services and a dac or does that change the equation?