Amazing ''Overachieving'' products...your pick?

I have owned both expensive gear (and I do mean expensive) and ''budget'' gear. Many components are mind-boggling on a price-paid versus performance ratio. Three of my favorites are:

1. The Bedini clarifier. This gizmo just plain works. You may like - or not - the difference it makes on your cd's. In my case, it clears up a lot of fog. The cheapest upgrade to ALL my cd's.

2. The Cayin TA-30 integrated amplifier . So much performance and flexibility for so little money. Put it up against anything up to 3 times the price, musically and from a build-quality perspective. Just plain amazing.

3. The Apple i-Pod Mini. Yes, even from in an audiophile application, playing cd's (not downloaded MP3's). You can snob it but you cannot ignore it.

What are YOUR picks ?
Nsgarch, Bruce Brisson might have designed the speaker wire design as well, but it was Noel Lee, as the head of Monster, with his "speaker wire", that started the whole thing. The speaker wire was his 1st product. Lee was a marketing genius, not just to the home consumer but to the recording industry as well.
MrdB, are you referring to the big fat transparent zip-cord, but with the coarse and fine wires inside? That too was a Brisson design (time aligned.)
Nsgarch. Point is well taken. However, it was Noel Lee and the 12 gauge speaker wire which started the whole wire thing and put Monster on the map. Interconnects came afterwards.
Mrdecibel: Both your picks certainly should be included. However, the single ended "shotgun"--type interconnect which put Monster on the map (if that's what you are referring to), was actually invented by Bruce Brisson, who parted ways with Noel early on and started MIT, which he still owns today.

In fact Bruce is the one who first put arrows on the Monster single ended cable. Not to indicate the direction of signal flow as many think, but to indicate which end of the (at the time) patented "floating shield" was connected to ground!

After that, it became fashionable to put (otherwise meaningless) arrows on every kind of audio/speaker/power cable made ;--))
I think Noel Lee's original Monster Cable and Steve McCormack's Mod Squad tip toes are two products that started the trend in tweaks, which we all know, as audiophiles, can really take a system to new heights.
Black diamond racing cones
Herbie's tube damper

accessories are as important as components they support, don't forget about them.
Pioneer Elite DV79-AVi multi player. I picked it up for $400 new on Agon and this gives way more expensive CD players a run for the money. I can't believe how good it sounds, and it plays CDs, SACD and DVD.
JoLida's factory mod to their 502B (roughly $200). I got my circa 2000 amp done about a year ago. Didn't listen to it much until recently. After (~50?) hrs of break in, things are sounding amazing. More clarity, detail, & bass slam. I need to update my system post. Wish I had two of them.
I only got a brief listen, but the Jolida FX-10 tube integrated ($450) I heard at a show recently may qualify. This looks like a very serious attempt to bring a very nice combo of ergonomic good looks and good sound to a mass market (at least mass market in relation to typical high end audio standards).
Vandersteen 2Ce Sig II. Do not know of any speaker <$5K that I would trade for.
Acoustic Revive R-77 which I refer to simply as the Magic Box.
I'm very skeptical of products that claim to improve musical presentation.Well this one works,and it works so well that I can't enjoy the music unless it is activated.
It works it really does.
Squeezebox Touch. The previous Squeezebox models were also "overachievers" but the Touch beats them all (except, of course, the Transporter).
Another vote for the AP Virgo IIs. Both of my brothers want to buy them from me but they are staying put. As a prior poster mentioned, when they are set up right not much can touch them.

Zu Varial IC. After reading the 6moon review and contact Srajan Ebaen, I gave it a shot. At the time, it best my AQ Sky and Cardas GR.

The Zu Ash is also an excellent digital cable for the $$.
Audio Physic Virgo II Speakers. I've 'upgraded' four times since then and yet the Virgo has a balance, imaging and unfettered beauty that in some way eludes my more expensive speakers. They are an outright bargain if you can set them up properly. My current speakers are $35k. Are they better than the Virgo II? Sort of, maybe.....but it's definitely not night and day.

YBA CD1 CD Player. I'm guessing this older player doesn't have the latest 192 resolution etc.... But, it plays music beautifully. I owned it, sold it and now miss it.

Supratek preamps. My Syrah replaced a $5k Sonic Frontiers Line III, easily. I bought a Musical Fidelity KW phono stage, and sold it because the Supratek's internal phono was better. I think I can only sell this to get another Supratek - it helps that it's so beautiful looking too.
koss porta-pro headphones. $40 or so. comfortable, great sounding, come with a lifetime replacement guarantee. these blow away any earbud-type phones i've heard and compete quite nicely with the lower end grado/sennheiser cans.
mhdt Constantine or Paradisea DAC
DNM Reson ICs
OHM Walsh speakers
Roku Soundbridge
Denon DL103R cart
Triangle Titus XS speakers
Vintage yamaha cr series receivers
Audio Research sp16 pre-amp
I also agree with Pubul57 and would add the cable that Ralph from Atmsaphere recommended;Mogami Neglex.
I would nominate the Music Reference RM10 MKII ($1,950) which may very well be the very best sounding 30-40 watt amplifier there is (The Atma-sphere S-30 maybe as good and possibly better with some speakers, but quite a bit more expensive). This RM10 with the right speakers and passive preamp like the Lightspeed Attenuator is world-class in almost any way that I can detect, matching equipment I have and had several multiple more expensive. It is also overachieving in the sense that it is less the 10lbs and about the size of a hardcover book, it looks too small to be great, but great it is.
I don't know about amazing, but it's very good - the Sony SCD-XA5400ES.

In standard form it is almost the equal of my much modified (by Ric Schultz) Sony XA777ES - which was $1900 plus $1500 mods.

The Sony is $1500 from Crutchfield, although there are cheaper outlets (that I can't recommend).

It is a fine player for both CD and SACD, and has a nice balanced output stage that's done pretty well. Not as solidly constructed as the XA777ES, but it does multichannel over HDMI.

Good platform for modifiers.

In the large ticket category: AMR CD-77
In the mid price category: Subbase écho platforms: extremely effective resonance damping platforms, up there with the very, very best; customized constructions, each one a piece of art; not sure whether Thomas exports, though. Website in German only, I'm afraid
In the amazingly affordable category: edenSound solid brass and TerraStone vibration isolators
wadia 170i if you enjoy your ipod. plug it into a good DAC and use a decent digital IC. if music was downloaded uncompressed, you'll be floored. $300 well spent in my book
Blue Jeans ICs and Speaker Cable. Belkin wire with excellent specs, good shielding, and connectors. Compare them with cables 20x the price and see if you can tell a difference, and if you can, see which you prefer.
Don't think I'll ever go from a tube preamp, but for SS I'd have to say an Adcom GFP-750 (at used price),, and the now retired Dynaco PAT 5 preamp (kit version).
1. LABELS : Naim, Mapleshade, 6 Moons Sampler CD (Nothing improves the sound more than a properly recorded Software)
2. Signal Cables - value at all price points - honest dealing and great service
3. Tube Research Labs - Digital Mods for $550 - compares with CD players above $2000 - great service - super mod
4. TAD-30, TAD-60, TAD-150 Tube Integrated, Pre, Power from Paul is a great guy - offers best bang for the buck products
5. Von Schweikert Speakers - VR1 - for small to medium rooms
Electrocompaniet AW-220 mono blocs and McIntosh MC-501 mono blocs.

I now have both. Both are ridiculously good. The Electro's are the more ridiculously great deal. I can't see selling either set, which is in itself ridiculous.
Harvey Rosenberg's SuperIt phono stage. Wow.

The Morrison ELAD - I'm still new to it, but to get this kind of performance and build quality in a sub-$800 line stage is just outrageous.
1) Jolida JD-100. No brainer. Here's an easy recipe: juice the tubes to NOS 5751s; switch the PC to something like a Chris VenHaus Flavor 1; hit the tube pins, RCAs, and PC/IEC prongs with Walker SST; and add a bit of isolation (granite, marble, maple, points, whatever).

2) Polk SDA 1-C speakers. Yeah, I know, Polk. They don't make these anymore. From the mid-late 80s, these have crazy wide/deep soundstage with excellent imaging and voice/instrument placement, wonderful top and low end (mids could be a bit more detailed); they do need plenty of current to make them shine. They respond very well to modest or even intense tweaking. I still prefer my 1-Cs to numerous, much more expensive speakers of today.
Gallo Ref 3
Bel Canto Evo 4 Gen 2 Bridged
Musical Surroundings Phonomena
Synergistic Alpha Sterling IC's
Shunyata Hydra 2 or 4
Apple Ipod, esp. 60gb (size for uncompressed audio)
Musical Fidelity, Marantz SACD's, Bryston, bel Canto, Paradigm, Monitor Audio, PSB, McIntosh, VTL, Yamaha (recvrs), REL subs, PS Audio (pwr stuff), JM Lab, Classe, some Krell (SACD Std).

Match up seperates from above and WOW. You can compete.
Mc1 Hafler 101 Music Concept moded.Outstanding value for the money.Also RAM Labs Moving Coil Head Amp which I use to own .I wish I still had it.Rodger Modjeski's RM-3 I beleive
was the name of it.
Great value products can still be system dependent, but here are a few:
1) Marigo Signature, cd/dvd stabiliser
2) Pass labs Aleph 3, (given sensitive speakers)
3) Aurios 1.2 isolation devices
4) Living Voice Auditorium Range of speakers (Not such a good deal in the US with the current Xchange rate)
5) Creek T40 or T43 tuner

An eclectic mix and some seem very expensive for what they are $199 for the Marigo. But sometimes you have to pay over the odds to get really good value, if that does'nt sound crazy, which it does.
Bryston products -- great quality, superb sound and peerless customer service.

Benchmark Media DAC-1 -- beautiful converter, which eliminates a preamp and includes a well regarded headphone amplifier. For those strictly using digital sources, this is an "amazing overachieving" product IMHO.
The Omega Super 3 at $550 would top my list, just needs to be paired with the right amp.