
Discussions levy03 has started

DAC's with volume control question498524
Inexpensive all in one options 191612
10agw +10agw=7agw? need some big Banana's184115
Speakers for Adcom GFA 575se $2k-$3k302812
random duplicate files in J River MC-15?38244
need some help with J River and a new pc42548
J River and choosing encoder.70416
6+ year old pc/os. should i upgrade?35469
PS Audio PWD. who's in line to cross the bridge??590120
12v trigger help needed with Pass X1 preamp27402
Hat's off to the room treatment camp.33436
Plinius SB-301. thoughts and opinions?142145
amp suggestions for Aerial 7b1227615
any new Beatle fans because of the remasters?532737
when are you done comparing IC's483318