Advice wanted for a new seller listing equipment

Going to sell a few pieces of equipment here on Audiogon that I’ve acquired over the past year. What is your best advice for dos and don’ts when creating an add?  Can there be too many pictures? Does copying and pasting  the manufacture’s specs help? Do links to reviews help? Is keeping it short and sweet best when describing equipment?  Is it best to price the equipment in a way that shipping and PayPal fees are inclusive, or is it best to price more competitively with shipping extra? Should I price at my best price and state that I’m firm on the price or allow for negotiation so the buyer feels like he or she got a “deal”? Any sage advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time. 
I want to thank you all again. I created seven listings today. Three have sold and been paid, and I have an agreement on another, but I want to work out shipping details before I accept the offer. I think selling four of seven is a success for less than 24 hours, so thank you all for taking the time to answer my query. 
Thank you all for your comments. I’ve been working on my copy for the ads and I greatly appreciate your advice. 
Make sure when you take photos always take a pic of the back showing inputs/outputs etc. If you are selling speakers take a pic with the grills off I am amazed how many speaker ads I see with grills on. Copy/paste key paragraphs from a review and specs is a good idea. Also to the best of your knowledge tell the age of the unit if known, how long you've owned, first second owner etc.
There has been some very good advice. I would also say that you should understand the grading scale and properly rate your equipment. The rating scale is pretty strict. If I see a rating that does not line up with what is in the pictures, it is an automatic no go for me. An item that should be rated as a 5 of 10 that is rated at 8 of 10 does not inspire confidence. 
glennewdick mentioned good clear photos of your gear from all sides. Me personally,I can not stress this enough. My biggest pet peave with classifieds is lack of pictures,or one pic of the front. You will have better luck with your sale if you make it easy for the buyer.
Best of luck!
I have been very successful selling here. The longest time it has taken me to sell something is 3 days. I always post the maximum amount of pictures allowed with the ad, price It fairly and always allow some wiggle room. Since I have a lot of feedback, I use that in my sales pitch. I never allow “Buy it Now” as the one time I posted it, I got burned by someone with no feedback. It was an inexpensive phono cartridge. I shipped it USPS but forgot to get a delivery receipt. The person claimed he never received it so I refunded the money. 6 months later, I saw the same person selling it here!

Be honest in your ad, price fairly, take good pictures and hope for the best.
I always copy and paste specs and reviews. I also list as buy now only. If someone is interested they will send me a message. Sometimes I will list with free shipping. The more pictures the better!
Oh one last thing if you have never posted here or ran an add you need to be prepared for questions and phone conversations you will need to make sure the potential buyer is comfortable dealing with someone that has no feedback. as there are some scammers. I personally will never sell-buy from someone I have not had a min phone conversation with. so be ready to prove who you are. 
 think most people here will google search anything they are interested so unless you have a very pertinent link i would not bother with link, potentially you could add a link to a YouTube video for example.

 Also most who look at your add will be familiar with the equipment or at least the manufacturer. I am always of the frame of mind to keep it simple and honest, if there is issues like a scratch take a photo and mention there is a photo of it.

 Photos are very important and you need to take the time to take good ones, clean your components before you take photos, place them so you can get a good view all around of each component. good lighting too. cant say how many time I see really poor photos of really expensive gear where the seller didn't even take the time to dust them off, tells a lot of how they were maintained IMO. 

Be straight forward on your pricing if your firm say so if your negotiable say so. price fairly. Do not add shipping as you don't know where the potential buyer lives so how do you price for that also insist on full cost insurance. 

 put all accessories, add-ons etc. (or at least it has all the factory ones) and shipping cartons if you have them in the add so a potential buyer knows what is included. 

your payment methods you accept.

 whether you ship internationally etc. 

that all i can think of lol
