Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?

I think we can all agree that threads about tweaks like fuses, stones, mats, power conditioners etc. stir up all kinds of controversy, conflict and ill will.


Short of banning discussion of these controversial topics, is there another solution to this problem?


I got this idea from teo_audio’s comments about a solution implemented at Canuck audio on another thread:


“Canuck audio tames it by having a cable and tweak area for threads. Where any counter to the idea that such things are functional (in attempt or in analysis), is not tolerated.


Meaning.. threads where people discuss tweaks, or mods or cables and so on, if a naysayer posts there, and interrupts the discussion, in any way, they get their posts deleted. And...if the given naysayer can’t hold their tongue, after said deletion-ish warnings..... they will, rapidly, via any repeats in behavior, find themselves banned from the forum. They have to grow up, or get lost.”


You may not like parts of his description, but I think the idea has real merit.


I propose a new “safe haven” sub-forum, with some special rules, for the discussion of tweaks. These rules would ONLY apply to this specific sub-forum, the current rules would continue as they are in all other areas.


The special rules would be along these lines:


Posts that categorically deny the possibility of tweaks having any effect or value are not allowed.


Posts proclaiming tweaks to be “scams” “cons” etc. are not allowed.


Posts that directly state, or imply, that another poster is lying, are not allowed.


Posts that make absolute negative statements like “Science proves it can’t work.” are not allowed.


Posts demanding measurements, controlled listening tests etc. are not allowed.


Posts that express skepticism (without making absolute negative statements), ask tough questions, or request more information are welcome.


Of course, some who hold the above opinions may object, but they would still be able to express those opinions in all other parts of the forum, just like they always have.


What do you think?


This proposition about "tweaks" "safe haven" reflect one of the reason why i called my homemade "tweaks", instead of the word "tweaks":

«audio system three embeddings set of controls»...

Because my homemade "tweaks" suggested to me a method of listenings experiments...

We may segregate tweaks or bashing them, one by one, we cannot segregate a method...We dont need a safe haven for a method but to argue rationally about it...

Tweaks are not a method,but debatable more or less "useful" devices...They are perceived erroneously like secondary additions because they are counted separately of each others...No method...

A method must adress all the thee working dimensions of an audio system...Mechanical,electrical and acoustical...It is not a secondary addition... A method is the primary factor for ANY gear at ANY price...


It is difficult to contradict this method...It is easy to verify but it takes time for the listening experiments...People throw more easily money than their own precious time...I am retired....😁😊

We could oppose to the relative efficiency of some specific "devices" i suggested in my thread but not to my method and his conclusion:

Dont upgrade it ever, BEFORE trying to rightfully embed your piece of gear...



I will also try poetry to convey my feeling:


My gear and my body are one,

And the music i have seen,

comes from my heart/room alone

Dont try to part the milk from the cream




«Your poetry is so much better than your prose that perhaps your prose is only bad poetry»-Groucho Marx 🤓

All the sounds a stage, and we are record players.

No, wait.

Check out Hi-Fi George, he knows all the scourge.

Sorry. Sorry.

mahgister my friend you are astute. Why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute?

Thanks for the offer...

But i dont like gang, even gang of two, ask my wife...😁😊

I always lived in my house without close neighbours, and i dont had a boss for almost all my life, in school, i befriend only the fools or the geniuses, and i am sick when i am in a crowd...I think i must be out of any institute to be healthy..... Sorry.... 


My best to you indeed....


P.S. i know very little about audio compared to many here, but the few things i know i experimented them myself...They are ONLY three basic essential embeddings... Nothing more...It is not engineering, not even refine acoustic science...Only basics...But basics are almost out of audio threads...

A newcomer with no clue about a method of listenings experiments will look instead for the next upgrade, insatisfied sometimes a life long.... I am not a member of any institute because i am not worthy of one ... I dont pretend to know much in audio, just enough to be happy now.... Then i spoke about my simplistic but efficient method to answer a need... To spare people money....

There once was a listener from Boston,

Who wanted his sytem to sound awesome,

Try as he may,

And it took all day,

And then he had sound he was lost in.



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It is called "free jazz" my friend; it could be noise or wonderful music, it depend also on listening skills...


 I apologize because i could not resist to this useless post of mine....😁😊



«There is no wrong place for a rightheous man..»- African elder Anonymus


«Few words out of place may sometimes be well received anyway» -Anonymus Smith

There once was a man from Nantucket

Who kept his amp in a bucket

Although he admits the sound is the pits

If his amp was an oyster he'd shuck it


Oh yeah, well you try making something audio related out of that one...!

There once was a man from Nantucket

Who kept his amp in a bucket

But the sound was the pits

He's at the end of his wits

So at the foot of the bay, he shucked it.


If I could curse it would have been much, much easier so I can relate.

All the best,




My amplifier work better 
in this bucket filled of water,
the silence it gives
improve over my winter hive

I would change the last verse to;

So into the bay he did chuck it.

Well, that is better than mine!

Kudos, sir.

There was a man from up North in the cold

With tweaks that were self taught and bold

No ifs ands or buts

They were made for peanuts

And his kind postings will never grow old


Edgar Allen, you have nothing to worry about.

Mahgister you sly devil. You like Ornette Coleman? One of my faves

Are you my wife ? is it you Joan under this nickname?

I will never grow old yes....I love you....Kisses...


There was a man from up North in the cold

With tweaks that were self taught and bold

No ifs ands or buts

They were made for peanuts

And his kind postings will never grow old

Mijostyn you are a great soul!

You own a very good heart to not hate me for my obsessive postings...


Mahgister you sly devil. You like Ornette Coleman? One of my faves

There was a man from up North in the cold

With tweaks that were self taught and bold

No ifs ands or buts

They were made for peanuts

And his kind postings will never grow old

That was quite the homage and a really nice thing to do.

All the best,



There once was a man from Nantucket

Who decided to tweak an old bucket

The handle was lean being of weak timbre

So he used lots of goo and tape duct it.

Wow! thanks jpwarren58 ...

The best poem is yours....😊

It remind me of the Great Jean de la Fontaine, one of the greatest observer of humanity in his century....I love him a lot....His book is one of those book you read at ten years and read at 70 years old  with the same freshness... Truth is always a breeze nourrishing all that exist...


My best to you and deepest respect....

Poems in only three lines are not in so great number in our languages...

In japan, yes, like your poem suggest, there is the Hai-KU , a very beautiful,simple,evident way to reach reality...


My best to you...

An "ego" a bit too big alas!

But i dont think a bad man.....

Now we go back to the thread or i will hate myself.....😊



People who advocate for censorship generally do not want to have to debate their own positions. They want to have the only microphone and self appointed valid position and do not care to be bothered by differing thoughts or having to defend or prove out their positions. They are also the first ones generally who cry foul when THEIR thoughts are censored. Glass houses. Also often around here it often seems to be tied into something being sold and debate over the validity of the product being mentioned by schills is not wanted.

  Not that it matters much but outside of Audiogon this site has a reputation for crazy expensive and or useless items and I mention to my Klipsch friends I go here at times and they laugh and ask why. My answer is there are good things among the dross but I have to admit they are getting harder to find. I would like to censor those who sell garbage science with no provable benefit except the placebo effect from those who dumped money. Goop on components and bees wax filled fuses come to mind for instance. Telepathic tweaks and piles of Tourmaline on your wires. My favorite though was the $60,000+ speaker cable with the mystery box replete with knobs in the middle. This is what Audiogon above any other site allows to happen.

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"People who advocate for censorship generally do not want to have to debate their own positions"

I generally agree but with the caveat that hardened pissitions generally never alter. (See below)

What sticks in my craw is when audio threads deviate into the political. I beg the overlords to nix such posts. The OP’s sujestion to follow the Canadian model is excellent. Red & Blue fuses. Sure. 

Oh, by the way I had an $80 fuse fail almost immediately and back in went the $1 one and alls well.

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My amp uses a 1 Amp 3 AG slow blow. I got a Quantum Science Blue fuse and the box has all that checked off on the back label. ( New photo feature here too difficult to use to show)

With QS fuse installed Amp turns on but no sound comes out. So......

@mahlman +1 @dabel I think that house may be Lexan?

@millercarbon looking through the MC Archives I think you are throwing stones and you reside in a glass house.

Check out Hi-Fi George, he knows all the scourge.



I was disappointed with your QSA Fuse thread, to say the very least. Make these types of discussion(s) more relevant instead of over-generalizations.


Happy Listening!

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poetry is crafted to escape the narrow confines of reality


There is a "truth " in this claim...

But it lack from this claim the other creative part which reveal poetry is not merely just an escape of reality but a creative way to reclaim it on higher grounds...


Poets co-create the "whole" reality, many scientist will only peer into in "parts"....


Save some great scientist like Goethe or DaVinci or Kepler...Or the unknown Newton, alchemist and biblical scholar with his complete works in latin most of it unstranslated in English...Swedenborg is bashed nowadays as a mystic, a poet, but he was on par in Science knowledge with any geniuses of his times and was the main scientific scholar of his country in almost all fields which matter for the state and the Swedish Queen...

Think about that...Anyway language mechanisms itself when gauged are so complex and deep, like an unconscious thinking preparing the ways for consciousness to speak of itself, so much so for me that one of the greatest experience in my life was a beginning of understandiing of grammars and metaphors... On par with number theory and geometry and music and acoustic for me in pure potential ectasy ...Goethe wrote about colors and plants and animals morphology with the same look which come from him to me...

Very few people are conscious of the deep "grammar" powerful expressive and discursive mechanisms revealed through thought process and expression ...Most people dont know that language simultaneously work on 2 levels polarly synchronized in long term history time and at the level on micro seconds time in the brain...Level one is the prosaic surface level where words are put into a sentence, second level is the "poetic" deep level where words itself are created...

Poetry is like number theory; no sane person pretend to "understand it " save Ramanujan,Grothendieck and Archimedes, all poets and mystics or supreme artist...For poetry we must ask Shakespeare or Goethe or Rumi who else?

Without vision renewed, there is no understanding, only an hallucinative habit call "everyday life"...Which we may sometimes escape with " bad" poetry or worst "virtual reality" A.I.

I will stop here....



Poetry is the music of print.

If every single one of us was a tweak. Where would the entertainment come from?

We all know that deep down we come here to get a good laugh--or whatever visceral reaction we’re looking for when we aren’t using music like the emotional-support junkies we are. Some come ready to fight (Stravinsky?); ready to pacify (Satie); ready to confuse (early Ornette). Without the electricians, we tweakers would become mainstream and only have to fend off the inevitable accusations of meth use.

I for one would really miss reading the opinions of the electricians. If we convince one of them to try a cable upgrade--it’s a win/win.

Poetry is the music of print.


Good point! and good metaphor!

But dont forget that poetry originate with the cristallized metaphor of each words in the gesturing expressing body and not only from the mouth...

Poetry is ORAL experience FIRST, written poetry is a derivation...

I will stop here...

We must study much the deep transformation of men from oral culture to written one and after that to alphabetic revolution...The print revolution come only after these 2 older and deep revolutions...

A.I. is only a small derivation of the first revolution: from oral to written world...

We think A.I. is a Big revolution in itself and not only a consequence...But it is only a consequence...


In the same way the representation we have of  the music experience go on the same road and reveal itself in the same way though the same revolutions than language ...

It is so because history of consciousness manifested  in any fields  partake to consciousness itself....The way we spoke about something, willing it or not, participate of the thing itself in a negative or positive way at the same time...It is always  relative to a chosen partial  perspective...


"But dont forget that poetry originate with the cristallized metaphor of each words in the gesturing expressing body and not only from the mouth...

Poetry is ORAL experience FIRST, written poetry is a derivation..."

YES YES and I am feeling all metaphysical and poetical.


There once was a snake oil purveyor

Self labled an audio savior

With electronic bits

And phony wire kits

This forum allows them to play here

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Where did i recommend to buy anything costing more than peanuts for audio experience? And i dont sell any product myself ....

And my main advice is to look at Helmholtz acoustic  method which is pure science... Then you are an .... or a liar... I restrict myself not to use the word idiot because you are probably not one ....Pick one that will suit you better...

There once was a snake oil purveyor


I can’t fathom why either, no how, no way. Stumped!

I had a PrimaLuma HP using a fancy fuse and it never blew. My suspicion is that those amps are not known to push tubes hard. The Rogers amp pushes tubes hard and I sent my one back to the mothership to get modified for using the KT 170 tubes. I once asked the birth father about a fuse upgrade and he advised not to. (I purchased the Rogers "used" from him. Deals can be had.) Maybe don’t do it means just that?

I'm squeamish about a 2x raise of fuse value for the amp as I’m sure that if a mishap occurred the lifetime warranty would be kaput.




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Now you tell me. Thank goodness I don’t get a more expensive one. Like how did you know Daddyoh? You use one too? To me it’s a monster. Happy camper (indoors these days)

Thanks for the tube/ss info. Always been a tube guy. Like to see 'em glow. Seriously. 

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